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[ERROR] No.18840135 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Ameripig English like this? What went wrong?

>> No.18840140


>> No.18840152


>> No.18840155

unironically niggers

>> No.18840156

Being the protagonists of humanity is so hard.

>> No.18840180

what is wrong with “though”?

>> No.18840186

too many cars, not enough public transport

>> No.18840191

Unironically this

>> No.18840196

you mean tho

>> No.18840203

american retards detected
captcha is grmpa

>> No.18840214

Zoomies overuse it.

>> No.18840220

you're clearly the antagonists, in case the past 100 years didn't make that obvious

>> No.18840226

English has always been the vacuum cleaner of languages. How did you not know

>> No.18840245
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Yo that's hella fucked up y'all this pics finna wear a hat?

>> No.18840261

Who cares if it sounds similar to what the island people say? It really doesn't mean anything. Our dialect is more important because we actually matter.

>> No.18840269

MAGA have been one of the good things in the US, tho

>> No.18840271

Seething Ameripig detected

>> No.18840360
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>> No.18840448

Oh a pig joke how impressive. You sure showed me....

>> No.18840453

A language is a reflection of its people, not the other way around. This is the Mutt-Whorf Hypothesis.

>> No.18840458

BBC influence

>> No.18840481

Why does your opinion mean anything? Why is this site half just people jacking themselves off about made up criteria and how they are high on their made up criteria? It's pathetic.

>> No.18840484

this nigga be spittin fax frfr tho

>> No.18840611
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>> No.18840626

All criteria are made up you bootlicker

>> No.18840659

Just stop talking like a fucking nigger, how hard is that?

>> No.18840675

>Goes on literature forum
>Seethes when people discuss grammar

>> No.18840767

Leftism would be why they're mainstream nowadays, by and large.

>> No.18840950
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>> No.18841575

Saying “although” or “though,” as in, “though the frogs had a different idea,” is fine, but putting at the end of every sentence is horrific.

>> No.18841612

Explain why any of these are bad. Getting mad at how people communicate is cringe as fuck. Do you get mad at arabs speaking arabic?

>> No.18841637

It's Niggerese, not a human language.

>> No.18841657

Everything is Niggerese to the generations that came before it. This has always been happening and will always continue to happen.

>> No.18841666

>Stop pouring feces into my food
>Dude there was already microscopic amounts of bug feces in all food, just eat this barrel of dog turds and accept food turdification as inevitable


>> No.18841671

baka desu senpai

>> No.18841708

Keep your retarded /int/ memes on their containment board

>> No.18841726

The American education system is completely controlled by neoliberals who care nothing for pedagogy

>> No.18841793

I have spent time in all of the major English speaking countries, The US has the fewest extreme dialects of all of them and most of the people speak what is ultimately a slightly watered down version of the Queens with a small amount of "local color" added in. Compare that too Australia, Ireland, Scotland or any of the British dialects who revel in slang and wordplay. The US is the most conservative English speaking country when it comes to language. I suspect this is because of the tradition in the US of rebelling against the previous generation, few slangs get handed down through the generations.

tl;dr rent free

>> No.18841840
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>> No.18841878
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>> No.18842037


it’s the “ackshully” of systoid zoomers

>> No.18842185

Americans are the important English speakers. We are the standard for the language. If anyone else speaks differently then they are misspeaking. Exceptions being Canada. You may not like it but we're the only reason the language is important or widely used thus how we speak and spell is the proper way.

>> No.18842194

That's good enough

>> No.18842218

Overusing any word is bad style.
There's no problem at all with using "though" in the end of sentences, tho.

>> No.18842267

>Americans are the important HIV spreaders. We are the standard for the disease. If anyone else is sick differently then they are misailing. Exceptions being Canada. You may not like it but we're the only reason the disease is important or widely spread thus how we are sick and die is the proper way.
English being the lingua franca is a disease, and a disease is a disease regardless of variant.
American is the supervariant that's killing the world.

>> No.18842343

>The US is the most conservative English speaking country when it comes to language.
No, their newest generation talks like niggers. Get with the times, grandpa.

>> No.18842349

>Americans are the important English speakers
Only when you speak correctly. When you sound like niggers, you are irrelevant.

>> No.18842378

When they sound like niggers, they are most relevant. Black people invent almost all the new vocabulary in the Anglosphere. Denying this is cope.

>> No.18842391

>American is the supervariant that's killing the world.

This is true. However, English diminishing the disgusting language known as Spanish is nice.

>> No.18842394

>OP doesn't rise and grind
>OP doesn't get this bread
im gonna use my american warlock spells to BURN YOUR COUNTRY DOWN, lazy immigrant! better not come here we wont make you any pancakes

>> No.18842402

Faggots itt:
>noooo a language can't be alive and ever changing, I'm unable to keep up with the times
You are going to die, grandpa, and like it or not English will outlive you.

>> No.18842641

No, their newest generation largely talks like Americans. Ebonics is probably the only dialect in the US which is not near death and is quite small compared to the main dialect, it is largely a country of a single dialect but a great many accents. Every other English speaking country seems to have a more equal number of dialects and accents. Almost never have difficulty in understanding Americans as I move from region to region, just a different accent and a few local words/sayings. Ebonics is the only exception and most who speak it seem to drop it on the job unless speaking among themselves, this is fairly unique in my experience, in other countries they at most will speak slower. Brits are the worst in this regard, many of the speakers of the more extreme dialects seem to use not being understood as a weird ego trip, look at the fancy foreigner who can't understand English! Irish and Scots tend to turn it into banter, just laugh at their jokes about your failure to understand and they will invite you out for a pint after work. Aussies don't seem to care one way or the other and mostly seem irritated by their routine being disrupted. Canada I can not really speak of since work primarily takes me to Quebec and I doubt that Quebec is typical of the country.

I am a maintenance technician for a major manufacturer of industrial machinery so I am sent all over the world to deal with these machines and I regularly interact with everyone from highschool dropouts working the factory floor right up to CEOs, I get a decent cross section of the population in my travels.

>> No.18842657

ayo dis nigga be wilin lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.18842661


>> No.18842695

Hi stavros
You’re a dyke

>> No.18842775

niggers who sit on the benches in the parks and smack their lips
discussing the latest nba gossip when suddenly a white man shows up
screams the nigger and draws his gun
the white man is immune due to systemic racism and opresses the nigger who ends up in prison.
"ayooo i cant belive dat sheeit ayyyyy skkrtt skrrt get me outta here wait men this finna be racism"
The case is borught to the court where a white lady says: This is really bad. I kneel, nigger-sama.
And all the world knelt because the black man had been innocent as he had never a chance to defeat the white man who defeatedd him via systemic racism
In the interview after the courth judgement the nigger was asked by a white female journalist who smokes poot in her freetime: why nigggers be killin other niggas kinda cringe ngl
The black man went black from anger and shouted I AINT GONNA FINNA BELIEVE THIS SHIT SMACKS LIPS YOU RACIST WHITE ASS he started ranting and screaming until somebody passed himn a blunt to calm down and then when he was calm now he said: sheeeeit who else i gonna kill to get my dope from if not from anotha nigga since all of dem white folks are protected by systemic racism aint no choice for a black brotha but to kill tens of thousands of his own each year like damn for real shits fucked up because of you white folks smacks lips.
"we kneel" said the journalist after being convinced and realizing that the nigger was right. and everyone kneeled. "ngl though this shit kinda dope" he said while looking at dem kneeling whiteys.
ayo he screams you niggers even worse dan you think ok you killed all dem slaves from africa. you killed all my brothas from africa. dat shits worse dan da holocaust dayum for real you some evil bitch ass niggers killing all dem slaves from afuricah. dayum. He said while contemplating how opressed he is. "get a job scum" shouted some trump supporter. black fragility stuck hard and the black man ran into his ghetto to kill anotha nigga to get dope to cope and relax and then he said: damn for real once the white man stops repressing my ass with da police violence imma be like some damn butterfly flying out of dat bitch ass coocoon and like spread dem wings an sheit. smacks lips.

>> No.18842786
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>> No.18842795

shut up tripfag

>> No.18842907
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