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1884011 No.1884011 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1884015

Show us a page to prove it's real.

>> No.1884016

/tv/ here. It's real. >>16896989

>> No.1884017
File: 664 KB, 1520x2032, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1884021

German time. And to think there are still people in Germany that argue that our school system isn't going to hell.

>> No.1884024


>> No.1884025

I'm still trying to decide whether I should bother with these books. Everyone seems to like them and they don't seem like crappy pop fantasy books, although I still don't like fantasy...

>> No.1884026

Faggots on /tv/ have already spoiled this shit

>> No.1884027


hurr durr every1 dum cuz of 1 slipup

>> No.1884029

Dat ugly foot.

>> No.1884031

Hook up the spoilers mein freund

>> No.1884032

Tell me the spoilarz so I can poast 'em

>> No.1884033


>> No.1884035

But they are crappy pop fantasy books. It's like a soap opera but in a medieval fantasy world

>> No.1884036

Jon dies
Varys kills Pycelle and Kevan
Aegon is Aurane Waters and has been raised by the Velaryons on Driftmark, with Varys overseeing
Theon kills jon
Howland Reed marches north to the wall with Edric Dayne and Gendry
Howland Reed is in the body of Arthur Dayne
Roose Bolton kills Lord Frey right after the red wedding (which is right at the end of ADWD)
The main players of the Game of Thrones at the very end of ADWD are basically Littlefinger, Varys, Roose Bolton

>> No.1884037

Jon is stabbed at least four times by men of the Night's Watch,including Bowen Marsh. It's not clear if he dies,but he certainly loses consciousness. They claim to be doing it for the Watch.

>> No.1884039

You might read them for entertainment like those other books you listed but don't go in expecting Tolstoy

>> No.1884047

You can never expect Tolstoy. He and Dostoevsky, opening their books for the first time is like setting your spear against a cavalry charge only for a herd of rampaging mammoth tanks to show up on the horizon. You get trampled to death, your bones ground and buried in the cold mud by their massive tracks, then someone comes over and berates you for not enjoying it.

>> No.1884053


>> No.1884054

those are some god awful pop books to read caps guy. i hope that they didn't turn you off to modern / speculative fiction

>> No.1884061

i lol'd but the other way of going about tolstoy and dostoevsky is to not be retarded when you read.

>> No.1884063

I usually don't read any post-WWII either. I didn't even realise I was doing that until I read your post and started backtracking on what I've read so far.

And the things I've read that WERE post WWII were mostly bad.
You still can't miss Umberto Eco, or Ray Bradbury and Italo Calvino for something lighter. Great writers.

>> No.1884093

Stop BullShiting just give us the book, upload plox!

>> No.1884104

Bump for the sake of the old gods and the new, hell give me spoilers ....

>> No.1884167

From reading westeros.org, a lot of it isn't bullshit

Jon gets stabbed 4 times, but its unknown if he dies, which, knowing this series, probably means he lives.

>> No.1884174

granted, the guy who posted it on westeros.org could be full of shit

>> No.1884192

But if he does live, then its an excellent reason for him to finally get off the wall and start reigning hell upon people who screwed over his family

>> No.1884195

Lit i love to talk about the book, but, i need the book to do that...

>> No.1884199

lrn 2 Germany

>> No.1884214

I'm hoping that dickwad that posted the "spoilers" on westeros.org was making it all up, he just registered at the forum earlier today. Also that thread was locked by the admin.

Some of that stuff would make me rage bigtime

>> No.1884239

fuck this shit GERMANY
You faggots better get me a copy/scan now or I'll make the cyberpolice chase after your sisters!

>> No.1884243

If a character doesn't die on page, the character isn't dead. That's how Martin works. Jon being stabbed was just a device to get him off the wall (if true).

The same person that posted that on westeros also said that Dany rides a dragon across the sea... alone, and leaves the other two behind. Granted I don't know that context, but it seems odd.

>> No.1884246

OP is the same person that posted the spoilers on westeros.org, you can tell by the hand writing

OP confirmed for master troll

>> No.1884247

A debate on the whole Two Neds theory.

Did Varys want Jaqen to take Ned's place because he heard about Jon's possible parentage and wanted to make sure Jon was a Targaryen?

PS: What are Bran and Tyrion's chapters like?

>> No.1884343

he hasn't posted anything about Tyrion or Bran yet

This is what I've got so far:

-Jon is stabbed 4 times in a mutany, falls unconscious, but isn't confirmed if he's alive or dead.
-Arya gets her sight back, trains with the FM
-Dany leaves two dragons with Selmy and Quentyn Martell and flies across the Dothraki Sea on Drogon, half starved(doesn't say if she's half starved or the dragon)
-Asha is "rescued" by Theon after being captured by Stannis
-Jaime isn't doing much
-Cersei is freed, but made to walk through the streets of KL naked
-Varys has Pycelle and Kevan Lannister killed, and claims he has Aegon (Rhaegar's son) alive and groomed
-it appears so far that Davos and Brienne live

>> No.1884349

Jon is stabbed four times by men of the Night's Watch, including Bowen Marsh, who has tears in his eyes when he does it. They think he either has led or will lead the Night's Watch astray and it's best for the Watch if he dies.

Stannis smashes his host against Winterfell and is killed by Ramsay Bolton. Bolton takes Lightbringer and he also takes Mance Rayder captive.

Arya regains her sight
Dany loses two of her dragons

Varys assassinates Grand Maester Pycelle and Kevan Lannister in order to keep up the chaos Cersei's reign has caused in the realm but not before revealing that Aegon Targaryen is still alive and he's hidden him all this time. He has overseen his education and soon he will be ready to claim his birthright

>> No.1884350

Someone get us poorfags a fucking PDF FUCK!

>> No.1884351

>Stannis smashes his host against Winterfell and is killed by Ramsay Bolton. Bolton takes Lightbringer and he also takes Mance Rayder captive.

This was changed by the poster after a mod pointed out it was false, that's what Jon heard happens, not what actually happened.

>> No.1884371

Pretty surprised the Targaryens will possibly be back on the throne by book 6. I always thought the Tyrells would come into power once the Lannisters got shafted. I wonder what Danny will have to say about this other surviving Targaryen?

>> No.1884372

Did nobody in Germany buy the eBook/Kindle version? :/

>> No.1884374

I'm still betting he's the "mummer's dragon" and is a fake.

>> No.1884378

I'm kind of surprised Martin still hasn't commented on this whole Germany fiasco on his blog

>> No.1884388
File: 15 KB, 274x297, holdon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wondering about your favorite dwarf Tyrion.

Tyrion is eventually sold as a slave/gladiator/mummer/something ... and then he meets Jorah Mormont. And then...well, then the fun really begins...

>> No.1884389

Is there anything on Tyrion and Bran? SPOIL ME FAGGOTS IF YOU DARE.

>> No.1884392

why is it a fiasco?

>> No.1884397

...because it wasn't supposed to happen?

The first releases were meant to be on July 12 in the US and UK. Amazon.de decided they wanted to release it early to cash in, and then other book vendors did the same so they wouldn't fall behind.

I guess the publisher might have OK'd it, but I haven't seen anything indicating so.

>> No.1884403

ther are heavy fines for breaking a street date in the US if I'm not mistaken, that or you just risk future business. either amazon.de is being LIKE A BOSS or they're going to recoup the cost of the fines or they had the publisher's ok.

>> No.1884404

Barristan says that Ashara Dayne committed suicide because her daughter was stillborn. So she is ruled out of the Jon parentage stuff. Also somebody has a vision where Ned says "... let them grow up close as brothers, with only love between them,and let my lady wife find it in her heart to forgive..."

>> No.1884406

i just killed 534 people on the other side of the freeway from my ejaculation hitting light-speed. many civilizations are expected to die when my sperm reaches alpha centauri.

>> No.1884410

There is also something about Eddard getting a sailor's daughter pregnant, but they seem to think its a red herring.

>> No.1884413


Sounds like a reminiscence of Ned about Lyanna's last words. R+L=J nearly confirmed.

>> No.1884421

Maybe the place he "got a sailors daughter pregnant" is actually where he found the Tower of Joy


>> No.1884427

Isn't the Tower of Joy in some back-ass place in the mountains of the Reach?

>> No.1884431

wow... they closed off the ENTIRE ADWD forums on westeros.org

no more spoilers from there it would seem

>> No.1884434

I thought it was never stated where the ToJ is, and that the ToJ is just a nickname for some random place.

>> No.1884440

>"UPDATE: At the request of Voyager, the U.K. publisher, extreme spoiler protection -> total ban on spoilers on the forum until July 12th, when the embargo lifts world-wide. Until then, hang tight."

>> No.1884445

I saw it on a map, once, If I recall, it's somewhere the other side of the Dornish mountains. >>1884440
Well, fuck.

>> No.1884447

Yes it dissapeared when I was trying to load the second page of the thread, guess all spoilers are gonna come from here from now on.

>> No.1884452

If you saw it on a map, it was not an official map. The location has not been stated.

>> No.1884455


What a bunch of babies.

>> No.1884457





>> No.1884460

Your ace when Sansa pretty much ruins all of Littlefingers years of careful planning in a matter of chapters in Winds.

>> No.1884465

It's when Ned and Robert argue about slaughtering Rhaegar's kids, so Ned fucks off to finish the war in the south. Except he finds Lyanna dead, so they reconcile, blah blah...
Damnit, I'll look for that map.

>> No.1884468

I'm usually not one to cling to characters, but killing Jon off at this point seems pointless and stupid. What an anticlimactic end. Like other posters, I'm hoping its just a way to get him off the wall and that he survives.

>> No.1884490


Jon is the prince the was promised. Need to get him off the wall. This is the best way.

>> No.1884492

It would be kind of dumb if he kept repeating the same trick. Stark man rises to prominence and gets killed in less-than spectacular fashion. Eddard... Robb... possibly Jon

Bran, I have bad news for you

>> No.1884502

so how long before we get a pdf of the book, do you guys think?

>> No.1884507

Shitty scans? Probably even tomorrow. Someone was waging a week for decent quality earlier on /tv/.

>> No.1884511

bump topic

>> No.1884517


Which is why I have my doubts, GRRM showed us Ned and Robbs death, where Jon simply passed out. I think if he was going to flat out kill Jon, he would have wrote it as such.

>> No.1884518

true, i hope you're right. i'll probably start making threads requesting it sometime tomorrow then. besides that, i'm completely avoiding /tv/, /lit/, and /b/ until i've got the book in some form or another.

>> No.1884525

Deep in my heart I fear this is Martin's giant "FUCK YOU" for all those years of herping "HEE HEE, R+L=J, AIN'T IT UNCLE MART?"
But yeah, you're probably right.

>> No.1884528

I don't want him to die, but 4 stabs is kind of a lot of damage if they were all in the torso, though we don't know where exactly they were or how deep.

>> No.1884530

So Jon's the new Brienne.

Also I think Ramsay is stating the truth this time, why else would he know about both the Lightbringer and Mance and also why would he bother lying.

>> No.1884533

I hope the multiple layers of furs, leather, mail and shit he uses to keep out the cold shielded him somewhat. Fuck, I didn't care much about Jon, but lately he had grown on me. Fucking GoT, it's your fault!

>> No.1884542


Well in the world of A Game of Thrones dead is never dead(unless of course you lose your head). He could be magically healed some way(with the help of Sam or Melisandre), or end up being resurrected altogether. Or he could simply just survive because he's just that much of a badass. Will have to wait an entire decade to find out(screw you GRRM, it better be fucking sooner.)

>> No.1884545


>why else would he know about both the Lightbringer and Mance and also why would he bother lying.

Spies, every realm has them. Word does easily travel in Westeros.

>> No.1884548

I thought Stannis's PR were all about "OH; HE'S GOT THIS TOTALLY RAD FLAMING SWORD SO BEND YOUR KNEES WEAKLINGS". Don't know about Mance, though.

>> No.1884553


Wildlings who fled after Stannis arrived could have spoken word about Mance being captured.

>> No.1884558

For me, personally, I wasn't THAT surprised when Eddard died because... it just seemed like he was politically inept and surrounded by vile people. Jon seemed to have a grasp on what he was doing, even in the ADWD spoiler chapters released some time ago. Jon is built up as the only character of consequence that is aware of whats beyond the wall and is dedicated to preventing it from going south. Stannis is a pretender, that seems fairly obvious to me, and Sam is at the other end of the continent (plus he isn't the "heroic protagonist" type). So if Jon dies, what then? You can probably kiss the North goodbye at the very least.

I hate to be a baby about it, but if I don't hear that Jon has chapters in the next book, then I'm done with the series. I'm not even that attached to the character, but its such a pointless death and would seem like Martin's only device for generating an emotional response is "kill the good guy".

>> No.1884563

I'm the guy thinking that Jon dying could be Martin being a giant asshole, but I honestly not really sure. I mean, sure, you could go and dick over your fanbase, but then who buys your next books?

>> No.1884566


I can see Jon being a no show and then suddenly reappearing fine at the end of the next book, setting him up for the final book. How or in what way this will play out I have no clue. lol.

>> No.1884578

more spoilers on Dany pleaseee

>> No.1884585

Dany is traveling the Dothraki Sea on Drogon, probably flying on him. She's also "half-starving", though it's unclear if she forgot her bag of sandwiched or if she's trying to drop a size on her leather bikini.
Now that I think about it, though, it's probably got something to do with Drogon starting to eat people, so maybe she's trying to teach him better manners.

>> No.1884586

We'll just have to wait for somebody to ask Martin if Jon dies, if he doesn't give a concise "yes" then he's probably alive. I think he'll go out of his way to prevent any release of information on there being Jon chapters in TWoW.

Unfortunately most people were getting spoilers from westeros.org, who closed their ADWD forum at the request of the UK publisher until July 12

>> No.1884590

Martin is the guest moderator at the GoT comicon panel

inb4 fans block all of the exits and demand he tells them Jon's fate

>> No.1884597

Guest moderator? That seems like a paltry honor for the author of the series.

also, when is comicon? I hope it's not just an hour of people asking if the germany thing was authorized or what have you.

>> No.1884599

It better be an hour of people asking what the fuck happened to Jon.
and when the next book is out trollface.jpg.exe.iso.

>> No.1884600

starts July 21

>> No.1884603

The best part is Kit Harrington (who plays Jon in the show) is also a big fan of the character and supporter of R+L=J and all that stuff. Watch him run off stage and be the first in line for Q&A to ask about Jon

>> No.1884605

Come one german dudes, scan some John and Dany chapters. Wir wollen Spoilers jetzt!

>> No.1884606

IF there is a Q&A session, they'll probably state out front "no questions about the latest book and no spoilers from the book series". I don't think there will be one though, it could easily get out of hand if people are upset about the book.

>> No.1884609

what happens to Cersei and Margaery? Does Mace and Randyll march on Kings Landing and fuck up the Faith?

>> No.1884613

All he got out before the forum was closed was that Cersei is freed for some reason and made to walk through Kings Landing naked to embarrass her. He hadn't seen any mention of Margaery yet.

>> No.1884624

I never found Jon to be the best written character, but still liked him. Holy hell will I be mad if he dies from those wounds.

>> No.1884637

Eddard dies
>oh boy GRRM good one, made me sad, but nice plotting

Robb dies
>got dammit I didn't see that coming, I feel like punching you in the balls, but he was never that big of a character so I'll keep reading

Jon (possibly) dies

>> No.1884659

Hasn't Martin referred to Jon's parentage being a central mystery of the series? Killing him off before the reveal would completely ruin the impact of it.

>> No.1884667

What the fuck



>> No.1884669

Eddard dies
>Well fuck, I guess honour as a priority doesn't get you far in the game of thrones, good kickoff for the series though
Robb dies
>Godfuckingdamnit Young Wolf, thrones and allies before honor and wenches, didn't you learn anything?
Jon possibly dies

>> No.1884692

Mance Rayder was executed in one of the Jon POV spoiler chapters- so Ramsay's lying. Hey, he's good at lying, so why not?

>> No.1884701

No its not out. There was an issue with some English copies being leaked in Germany, but the UK publisher responsible for them said only 180 copies got out. Don't know if that's true though.

>> No.1884749

Who the fuck reads the books for Jon and Dany? They're literally the least interesting thing about the books.

>> No.1884751

most people, now leave before you destroy another thread, hipster

>> No.1884754

I don't read it FOR Jon, but I'd still stop reading if he died from the encounter described in the spoilers.

>> No.1884768

>Implying most people don't read it for Jamie, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa and the shit that happens during Cat chapters

>> No.1884770

Then read random fantasy novel #3902814091. You'll get the same thing out of it.

>> No.1884777

If Jon wasn't so popular then the mystery of his parentage wouldn't be the most discussed topic in all of ASOIAF fandom

>> No.1884781

Can we get Davos in somewhere, I mean I don't think most people read it for him but I think he is a compelling character.

>> No.1884797

I'm not entirely opposed to Jon dying, but book 5 is too early. He hasn't fulfilled his role. He's barely accomplished anything (despite being LC). What is the point of his storyline if he is unceremoniously killed off? Eddard and Robb at least did things that had far-reaching consequences before their deaths. I just can't see it, He has to still be alive.

>> No.1884805

>Here lies Jon Snow
>Became a steward, fucked a wildling, betrayed by his bros

>> No.1884817

pretty much

>> No.1884860

anyone have other sites with spoilers

>> No.1884862

the suspense is killing me...neeed pdf...

>> No.1884871

Unknown PoV: Jon Connington

Epilogue PoV: Kevan Lannister. He and Pycelle are killed by Varys

Jon: Stabbed by the Night's Watch for fear that he is leading the Watch astray. I do not know if he dies or not.

Arya: Apparently regains sight. Continues training with Faceless Men

Stannis: Attacks Winterfell and is killed by Ramsay Bolton. Mance Rayder taken captive.

Dany: Engaged to Quentyn Martell

>> No.1884880

Any word about Sandor? SanSan is all I care about.

>> No.1884882

As with AFfC, some of the Chapter names vary from the "true" name of the PoV character:

Quentyn Martell: The Merchant's Man, The Winblown, The Spurned Suitor, The Dragontamer

Theon: Reek, The Prince of Winterfell, The Turncloak, A Ghost in Winterfell

Jon Connington: The Lost Lord, The Griffin Reborn

Asha Greyjoy: The Wayward Bride, The King's Prize, The Sacrifice

Areo Hotah: The Watcher

Arya: The Blind Girl, The Ugly Little Girl

Barristan Selmy: The Queensguard, The Discarded Knight, The Kingbreaker, The Queen's Hand

>> No.1884888

>Queen's Hand

He tamed her dragon, youknowwhatImean

Ow, fuck

>> No.1884896

i so mad this hasnt been scanned yet

>> No.1884900

Also, who the HELL is Jon Connington? Refresh my memory.

>> No.1884901

One of Aerys's Hands. He was the one who was stripped of land and titles and exiled, I think.

>> No.1884903

IIRC, one of the Hands of Aerys II. After Tywin, I think.

>> No.1884906



>> No.1884907

>>Also, who the HELL is Jon Connington? Refresh my memory.

He's a character who has never been featured in the books before, just mentioned briefly. He was one of the short-term Hands that Aerys had, in between dismissing Tywin and his death.

>> No.1884914

I thought The Spurned Suitor = Victorion?

>> No.1884915

Why is there still no ebook of this out? Unbelievable.

I've been checking demonoid every hour since I saw the picture the day before yesterday on /tv/.

>> No.1884916

If you find it, post it.

>> No.1884918

Until GRRM explicitly states Jon Snow is dead, I think its pretty likely that he survived.

>> No.1884921

because only around 180 copies got out so far, though more are apparently on the way

>> No.1884928
File: 30 KB, 224x203, 1305131410539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So shiny...

>> No.1884945

I wonder if Melisandre is still at the wall.

Probably the only person with magical abilities to save Jon..

>> No.1884950

>Dany: Engaged to Quentyn Martell
Victarion is mad I bet.

>> No.1884951

>Blergh, I should be dead!
You know nothing, Jon Snow.

>> No.1884956


She is alive and well. If Jon recovers, I have a feeling she'll have something to do with it.

>> No.1884957

Need some more spoilers up ins hurrr

>> No.1885062

It's nice to see the Lannister-Stark murders at an even ratio now. How many Lannisters are alive? I know there is Jaime, Tyrion, Cersei, Myrcella and Tommen, etc.

>> No.1885091

Spoilers assholes

>> No.1885102


There's a whole shitfuckton of Lannisters because, unlike the Starks, they have a colossal extended family. Assuming none of them got whacked in ADwD besides Kevan then Tywin's kids and their kids are the only important ones alive, but there's also a bunch of uncles and cousins like Daven, Joanna, and all the other assholes Jaime met in AFFC

>> No.1885328

'wonder if it ends up scanned before the actual release date.

>> No.1885518

Probably not. The odds of someone in that 180 having a scanner and the time/expertise/interest to scan through 1000+ pages, OCR them, clean up and check for errors is kinda low.

On the other hand, I wonder what the going price on eBay would be for one of those books...

>> No.1885784

I figured that a low quality scan job would at least surface in the next few days.
If I were one of the 180 - I would do my utmost to get it out there.
Even if it meant being lazy and posting 100 or so photos a day over on demonoid.

>> No.1885805

So by not wanting the series to end like lost he meant he wanted to kill all of the protagonists off in the first two thirds of the series rather than at the end.

>> No.1885842

Has anyone said what Jon Connington's chapters are about?

Because he was Rhaegar's best friend and I'm betting it has something to do with the mystery of Aegon.

Also his cousin, Red Ronnet Connington was sent by Jaime in the previous book to return Manderly home, and I'm wondering if those two are going to meet up.

>> No.1885851

as for Lannister heirs, though...

There's only Tyrion, Martyn Lannister and Tyrek Lannister

>> No.1886268

You know the spoilers did not do anything for me...well i lie but hell...I hope that their is a scanner in among the 180.

>> No.1886494

Where have all the Germans gone? Not a single Bran spoiler? C'mon now.

>> No.1886534

There's more sexual tension between him and Reed's daughter.

>> No.1886645

How is that possible? Is he warging into some other dude who can get a boner so as to hit that?

>> No.1886655

So is there any confirmation on Stannis, like is his death depicted earlier in the book? Or is the letter the only thing that mentions it?

>> No.1886684

The Germans have disappeared brah. Thur will b no more spoilin'

>> No.1886692

I am totally OK with that. I really like her character, although her brother is kinda boring.

>> No.1886698

It was a letter Ramsey sent to Jon, so the source is highly suspect.

Then again so was the person posting spoilers.

>> No.1886706

just because he cant use his legs, doesn't mean he can't use his dick.

>> No.1886723

ned was emoing out about it, but w/e

>> No.1886976

Bump to keep spoilers alive

>> No.1886990

i want the fucking scans!

>> No.1887032

How could you not have seen Robb's death from a mile away?
aSoS has pretty much every character pointing out how badly he fucked up.

>> No.1887207

I need scans like right now
please, please, please
/photogaphies will do too/

>> No.1887227

>responding to people a day after they post

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.1887235

>looks guys I spend money on books
lol sweet thread here

>> No.1887591

this is gay thread for idiots... cocks and balls gurm is a pedo rapist

>> No.1887875

somebody is updating on Tower of the Hand as he finishes each chapter...


>> No.1887927

he rapes pedos?

>> No.1887934

>Bran is his favorite character

Yep, not reading that

>> No.1888151

So I read what he's summarized so far and it changed the way I saw some of the previously posted spoilers.

Aegon isn't a big reveal at the end, Tyrion meets him in the beginning and apparently he doesn't seem too bright.
Tyrion is CAPTURED by Jorah.

Hoping the trend continues and some of the other spoilers were off.

>> No.1888191


No chapter summaries are loading.

>> No.1888204

It's just that little blurb from "Stefan"

>> No.1888234

fuuuuuck, davos is dead?

>> No.1888236

I'm not sure, he might just be assuming that. It was kind of oddly written

>> No.1888239


>> No.1888240

read the fucking thread

>> No.1888241

her chapters aren't until later in the book, but if the previously posted spoilers are to be believed she's in Braavos and got her sight back

>> No.1888244

to be fair, not everything in this thread seems to be completely accurate

>> No.1888257
File: 21 KB, 441x361, 1300298435807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stannis and Davos... dead.

>> No.1888259

I've been reading the comments there.

Bloodraven is alive.

Horey shit.

>> No.1889129

Meera and Jojen die..?!

>> No.1889132

Davos gets saved by Rickon

>> No.1889136


>> No.1889137


That guy is starting to get way too fucking vague with his summaries. At this point they are just snippets of his impressions. Cockteasing faggot.

>> No.1889145
File: 28 KB, 451x263, 1307316935530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite character is alive and well, good to hear

>> No.1889159
File: 468 KB, 400x496, tumblr_ln7bsgoSSg1qlv0r8o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W/e, let's turn this into a GoT img fest.

>> No.1889165
File: 29 KB, 292x432, Game of Thrones Catelyn Chapters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half through "A clash of kings" and I'm considering dropping the series. For every good chapter there's three that are a chore to read through...

>> No.1889215

She's not a PoV character after Storm of Swords.

>> No.1889225

Awesome news about Davos, my guess not only saved by Rickon, but Shaggydog having a big part in it as well. However, thus far not looking good for Stannis, and the spoilers about him might just turn out to be true.

>> No.1889227


Yeah but he still has to read Feast lol.

>> No.1889292


I kind of agree. For every chapter where Tyrion trolls people or Davos is a badass, theres an chapter with Catelyn or the furry Bran..

It's just so tiring.

>> No.1889299


>> No.1889321

sheeet, is this legit?

>> No.1889344

Nope. It's a picture of the cover, a map of westeros taken from the internet (meaning, not the one in the books), and a pdf that won't open.

I've just welcomed myself to the botnet. Will reformat tonight.

>> No.1889346


requires a password

Site for password requires a survey

fuck that

>> No.1889349


Why didn't you fire up a VM first?

>> No.1889351

What is the supposed PW? I've seen this kind of BS before, it's probably just a non-opening file.

>> No.1889362

Yeah... that doesn't really change in AFFC. If anything, it gets worse. GRRM includes too much useless shit, and he repeats too many things too. But instead of reading the shitty chapters, I just read the summaries at Tower of the Hand


>> No.1889363


>> No.1889372

Virtual Machine. An emulator that lets you open a risky file without it fucking with your computer.

>> No.1889375


Too bad that guy is a complete cocktease.

>> No.1889385

Honestly. The more I read of ASOIAF, the more it feels like he's just drawing it out for no good reason. Money, maybe.

>> No.1889394

I'm just gonna throw out there that while Catelyn's chapters are definitely probably my least favorite of the series, I still like them, as I like the series as a whole. I've read the whole thing three times, and every time I end up liking chapters that I felt were less good the last time. The whole book is full of good, interesting, important, and entertaining stuff throughout; it's just that the style changes pretty much constantly and that can be kind of jarring for some people who don't like the slow, more prosaic styling of say, Brienne's chapters (some of my favorites from the series), as opposed to the non-stop action and wit of Jon or Tyrion's stories.

It sounds like Tyrion's chapters are taking a more subtle approach this time, which I look forward to. I absolutely loved Brienne's chapters in AFFC, I felt they were about as atmospheric as the series gets (okay, maybe Bran's are better in a way), and I just feel that GRRM's style works perfectly for that kind of writing... if that makes any sense.

Her first chapter with those random dudes she meets on the road, the chapter with nimble dick, and the one with septon meribald when he starts going off about broken men, how could you not love the writing there. It creates such an awesome, almost nostalgic feeling of what it would be like to live in this world as a normal, common person as opposed to all these Lords and Knights and larger-than-life characters we're constantly dealing with. Sorry for the rant, heh.

>> No.1889399

also, dat cliffhanger.

in fact, that whole last chapter is awesome. I also love the epilogue of ASOS. the new incarnation of the BWB is delightfully dark, but still endearing and humorous as always.

>> No.1889416

This guy also keeps injecting his opinion into his summaries, making it kind of difficult to tell what is actually happening in the chapter.

>> No.1889505

yea, he is really bad. Any other source with spoilers? This dude takes ages to update. x_x

>> No.1889513
File: 33 KB, 594x413, grrm you mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's mocking us.

>> No.1889518


He's only really giving us the important shit. Also, he's typing up thoughts as quickly as possible so he can go back to reading, never claimed he was going to give full summaries.

>> No.1889521


You should be glad to be getting any sort of details at all tbqh. Nobody else is doing this right now.

>> No.1889529

Yeah, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, apologies, been waiting ages for the next chapter to update. It's the anticipation! x_x

>> No.1889531

All ASOIAF fans should be ashamed. Did you see Harry Potter fans pussying out like this? Aw hell naw. Pics were up within hours.

>> No.1889535


Deutschland confirmed for bitch-tier.

>> No.1889547

Stannis update from latest chapter thoughts

Interesting how quick a tide can turn. Yesterday, Stannis seemed beaten, Bolton the winner. Now, he is trapped in Winterfell. It's so cool to see how he looses it, how Winterfell itself seems to devour them. It's not theirs, we know it, and they will experience it soon enough. What's it with Abel and his washwomen will soon be disvovered. I'm eager to know more, more than ever. Die, Boltons, die!

Doesn't look the spoilers from yesterday are holding up. Things could change, but that remains to be seen. ffffffffffffff.

>> No.1889548

Injecting opinions has nothing to do with him writing too fast, if anything they're completely unnecessary. Like how he kept saying Davos would die and then... he didn't

>> No.1889551


Seriously, you don't see how the spoilers from yesterday could still be valid?
We're talking about George "WHAT A TWEEST" Martin, are we not?

>> No.1889552

The spoiler was that Jon received a letter in which Ramsey CLAIMED that stuff would happen, not that it actually happened. Whether it is true or false remains to be seen.

>> No.1889557


Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.1889559

Yeah, Ramsey sends Jon a couple letters trying to lure him to the Derpfort, Jon doesn't buy it.

>> No.1889560


Hence "but that remains to be seen"

>> No.1889563

Did you miss the part where he said "Davos is dead" and everybody believed him, and then a couple chapters he was like "lol nevermind Davos isn't dead"?

Are you already fanboying on this random poster?

>> No.1889565


You're bitching and crying because he's giving his opinions while writing some details with each chapter he reads. So fucking what, you're still getting the details. Quit you're fucking bawwing.

>> No.1889566

The problem is that he isn't being clear with what are details and what are opinions at times.

>> No.1889569

Judging by the language you're using, you sound much more upset than he does.

>> No.1889572


If it's really that complicated maybe you should just wait until the release date. There is a reason why he's reading his details and thoughts in the comments section and not summary.

>> No.1889573


writing* rather.

>> No.1889578


(Chapter 42)
>Stefan says...
>Let's make this comment one of the Starks:
>Winter is coming.

What the hell does that mean? Why post spoilers if you aren't going to post that spoils it?

>> No.1889582


Because there was probably nothing to spoil.

>> No.1889587

...but he didn't even say who the chapter was for, like he did for every other chapter

>> No.1889608
File: 13 KB, 255x185, 1265862292725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me when Arya lost her sight? I've read all the books, did I just forget about it at the end of AFFoC. Or, did the early released chapters have Arya losing her sight?

>> No.1889615

chapter 48-first of jaimie

Jaime is back. So, we are definitely behind AFFC now. He makes an easy defeat of the Blackwood-Bracken thing and takes hostages. It's impressive how good he is at governing; he would be a splendid advisor and second-in-command for anyone. Pity no one wants to have him.
It's difficult to write this down looking at the last half page. Brienne is back, and she tells him a stupid tale of having found Sansa. When Jaime follows her, he is dead meat.


>> No.1889618

It's part of Faceless Men training.



>> No.1889629


At the very end of her last chapter in AFFC.

>> No.1889630


>> No.1889632



Hopefully she's just getting him away from other people so she can rape him. Ugly, athletic chicks have needs, too.

....or she stabs him in the heart and creates lightbringer.

>> No.1889633

Its the very last line of her last chapter in AFFC. I can't imagine how you'd forget that. When I read it, and then leafed back to the table of contents and saw that Arya had no more chapters, I fucking raged so hard at GRRM.

Fat bearded faggot...

>> No.1889635

ifjoweepkfpw I'm gonna kill the man. He can't make us wait another 5 years to know if at least two of the most loved characters are dead or alive

>> No.1889636


Jaime and Brienne, awesome! Their storyline was my favorite in ASOS. I was gonna be pissed if we had to wait for another book to find out whether she lived or not.

>> No.1889637

hint: there was less betrayal and more awkward sex

>> No.1889641

Well, at least there are no Sansa chapters.

>> No.1889645


Well, it's only Jaime's first chapter. There might be time for awkward sex after all the betrayal.

>> No.1889647


Jaime should die. Have you guys forgotten that he pushed Bran off the tower. I don't really care that he has somewhat redeemed himself. It was almost forced upon him, and not self motivated.

Martin should show that not all sins should be forgiven.

>> No.1889651

Bran's entire storyline has been pointless and boring as hell. The only way Jaime could be more awesome is if he'd killed him instead of just crippling him.

>> No.1889657


But no Sansa chapters means no Littlefinger. And Sansa herself is finally starting to grow up and get more interesting.

>> No.1889659

Because he hates his fans. Watch everybody in the auditorium at the GoT panel at Comicon start chanting in demand of answers only for him to give them the finger and leave.

>> No.1889662


That would exceptionally awkward sex. NECROFUNTIME!

>> No.1889665


All his comments (so far), for easier viewing

>> No.1889668


If either of them was going to die in this book, I think we'd have heard something about it by now. People were quick enough to post about all the other deaths.

>> No.1889669

I like Sansa though it's not one of my faves
It is the only Jaime chapter in ADWD. I still hope that she won't bring herself to do it

>> No.1889674

>other deaths

What, you mean that obviously misleading cliffhanger at the end?

>> No.1889679

Really, only one Jaime chapter? I know GRRM said Jaime and Cersei wouldn't have many chapters, but I thought he would get more than one.

I don't think she'll be able to kill him.

>> No.1889682

I was thinking of Kevan and Pycelle. Unless that spoiler turned out to be fake.

>> No.1889683

Oh, that. Yeah.

>> No.1889689

Interesting that Melisandre offers Jon "help", I wonder if that will come into play with what happens to Jon at the end.

>> No.1889712

Chapter 49

"Heeeeello Jon. Melisandre is staging a wedding, and GRRM manages to keep us THREE FUCKING PAGES in the loop about who weds. Mel sings, prays, everyone blatters around, it's cold, but after three pages finally Alys Karstark and the new Magnar of Thenn marry. We learn that her uncle, the traitor, has turned up. Jon intercepted him, denying him bread and salt (a dry Walder-heh for him here) and confining him to the ice cells. Again, great ruling by Jon here, love what he is doing. The chapter ends with horn blows. You count as excited as the black brothers. One blow. Rangers. Two blows. No one even thinks wildlings, all wait for the third. But no others yet. Tormund and Val, it seems."

Sounds like Jon is acting like a boss in this book.

>> No.1889724

Sounds like he's really getting into the politics of the realm, which is maybe why Bowan Marsh turns on him. Seems like a possible setup, should he survive, for him to leave the wall and become more involved in whats going on south of it.

>> No.1889730


I wonder if he's found out that he is the lawful lord of Winterfell yet.

>> No.1889748

Yeah I doubt Jon dies. His story arch doesn't even feel completed. It would be kind of lame for Martin to proclaim the mystery of his parentage to be one of the central mysteries of the novels and then make it have NO impact on him (and thus anybody) whatsoever. Plus whenever he kills off an important character its well before the end of a book and other POV's witness it. Not the case with Jon.

>> No.1889753

Apparently Dany and Tyrion are about to meet

>> No.1889768

It sounds like Jon won't be part of the Night's Watch in the next book. Which... seems kind of strange, with the others trying to invade. If Jon leaves and Stannis dies, the only pov left near the wall is Melisandre. And I don't think the guys who take out Jon will be inclined to let her hang around.

>> No.1889771

Did Daenerys marry Daario?

>> No.1889778


The vague as hell chapter summaries on Tower of the Hand make it sound like she did.

>> No.1889786


That's what I thought as well but it was never made clear. Well, he's a dead man. The prophecies at the House of the Undying all seem to be coming true.

>> No.1889835

just finished it

what can I say? I'm a bit disappointed that the book was only building up. Sure you need that too but after A Feast for Crows I was hoping for a more exciting book

my favorites chapters were probably Bran's and Davo's. too bad they only had like 3.

I'm most disappointed with Tyrion's chapter because it's the first time that they really bored me. Same with Danys

>> No.1889847

Nice. So, some spoilers?

>> No.1889857

Every review that comes out makes this book sound worse. Damn it, Martin.

But yes, please, spoilers. Even just confirming/denying/elaborating on the stuff we've already heard would be awesome.

>> No.1889866

So, I'm really curious about the whole Aerys-fucking-Joanna Lannister thing.

Which of her children were fathered by Aerys?

Tyrion, or Jaime and Cersei?

>> No.1889876

I haven't read the book, but all I've heard is that Aerys had the hots for Joanna. I don't think there's any confirmation that they actually had sex, let alone that he fathered one of her children.

>> No.1889881


well it's not that bad but I really had the feeling Martin could made some chapters more interesting by making them shorter.

and not sure what I should spoiler but if you have questions I will answer.

though I have too say that I came to like Melisandre after her chapter.

>> No.1889885

Apparently it's Tyrion.
That would explain while his hair are more blonde-white than honey-blonde... o_O
I am seriously mind. blown. Didn't see that coming.
But I guess that only proves he's one of the three "dragon's heads",

>> No.1889900

So, it sounds like neither Dany nor the Others have invaded Westeros by the end of this book. Is that true? Is Dany at least getting ready to go to Westeros?

Does Stannis really die attacking Winterfell?

What do we learn about Melisandre? I don't think anyone's posted anything about her chapters yet.

What happens to Cersei?

>> No.1889905

When are the scans coming out?!

The only /lit/urger who has a book says he won't share.

>> No.1889912

What happens to Jorah Mormont ?
What interaction takes place between Jorah and Tyrion ?
What is Tyrion's path in the book ?

>> No.1889936

ch 52: Daenerys is in the fighting pits. The old gladiator combats of Rome must have been like that, bloody, ugly, cruel. Dany is sick about it fast, and only by chance and without knowing it she rescues Tyrion from certain death. The chapter is typical to this point - barbarism everywhere, Dany repulsed, she tries to do something, like we have seen her do several times now. But then, suddenly, Drogon comes back and makes a slaughter in the middle of the arena. Dany jumps to him, fights him, tames him, flies him - a cliffhanger if there ever was one. Go, Dany, go forth and burn your enemies!

>> No.1889938

The "Tyrion is a secret Targaryen" theory is retarded, and I bet GRRM just threw in that bit about Aerys and Joanna to screw with the idiots that came up with it.

>> No.1889950

Who ever said it was Tyrion?

Everything in the books supports the idea that it was Cersei and Jaime. That is why Tywin tried to marry Cersei back into the Targ line, and when that failed, had Aerys killed. It also explains why Cersei is a paranoid pyro like Aerys.

>> No.1889957

Dany's chapters seem to be pretty disappointing, dealing with the daily problems of Mereen or something. I thought the pit chapter was like..the fourth one...and it is Dany IX. WTF.

>> No.1889966

ch. 53

Jon and Tormund made an alliance, and now three thousand wildlings settle in the old castles. Bowen Marsh is really unhappy; it seems like he will openly defy Jon soon. In a matter of a few weeks, when everything works as Jon wants it to, nearly all surviving wildlings will be south of the Wall, thousands. The North changes, that's for certain, and the Watch with it. It is so darn exciting to watch this, and brillantly written.

>> No.1889973

>So, it sounds like neither Dany nor the Others have invaded Westeros by the end of this book. Is that true? Is Dany at least getting ready to go to Westeros?

Yes they have not. And Dany isn't getting ready either though her Dragons seems now big enough to fight but she's has still massive problems in Meereen plus she's now lost in the Dothraki Sea alone but in her last scene she mets a Kahl. I don't expect her to invade Westeros before the last book

Does Stannis really die attacking Winterfell?

Bolton says that but we have no proof.

What do we learn about Melisandre? I don't think anyone's posted anything about her chapters yet.

because she only has one chapter. She basically trying to win Jon over by giving him predictions and we get a little insight of her. I liked that she thinks of the Seaworth family and took Davos son away from Stannis so that he's away from danger because Davos family already suffered enough loses.

What happens to Cersei?

Nothing much. She gets stripped and humiliated though but she's ok now that her new Knight has come to her

>> No.1889978

And Jaime and Cersei's inclination towards incest

>> No.1889980

Which new knight good sir?

>> No.1889985

Can you elaborate a bit about Theon and what happens to him in the end?

>> No.1890004

No Syrio?


>> No.1890010


Ser Robert Strong

probably the thing that Qyburn was working on. And he's in the Kingsguard now to fight for Cersei and is entirely devoted to her

He is full covered in armor and doesn't speak....

>> No.1890014

What about Margaery? What became of her? And Loras for that matter.

>> No.1890016

Is he huge? Is unGregor

>> No.1890018
File: 137 KB, 600x450, syrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890024


This is a shoop. I can tell because some of the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shoops in my day.

>> No.1890030

Ah Cersei chapter. That's a surprise, I hadn't expected one. Obviously, she hasn't changed. She puts a mummer's farce before the High Septon about confessing, and he believes her, the fool. Kevan comes to her and brings tidings of mercenaries landing in the Storm Lands. They think it's Stannis, but it reeks about the Golden Company and Aegon. But why there and not Dorne? Damn those fickle reports. Since Arys died, Zombie-Gregor can now be made a kingsguard, which is exactly what Cersei wants. Let's see how that works out.
Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.

Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.

Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.

Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.

Oh, and there are reports that Jaime has left with Brienne, taking no one with him. Great.


>> No.1890035

Tywin really loved his wife, and he was really arrogant. The “Tyrion is a secret Targ” theory claims he resigned as hand of the king not because Jaime joined the Kingsguard, but because Aerys raped Joanna and got her pregnant with Tyrion. Cersei and Jaime are like, 15 years older than Tyrion. If Aerys raped her back then, and Tywin knew about it, why would Tywin keep working for him for another 15 years?

Tywin tried to marry Cersei to Rhaegar because he’s ambitious, and if his daughter was queen it would help their house. And he didn’t try that hard to kill Aerys. He kept the Lannisters out of the war until it was obvious that Robert was going to win, and then he had Aerys killed to try and prove their loyalty to the new king.

Also, incest isn’t genetic, and the Targaryens aren’t the only people capable of going insane. Catelyn lost it after her kid was killed in front of her, too.

>> No.1890037 [DELETED] 


as many probably already now Theon went insane

He became Boltons toy but he slowly gets sane again, very slowly.

also Jeyne Poole is back as Arya and marries Bolton on Wintefell. Theon needed to lick her cunt(probably even more) to make her wet enough for Bolton. And it gets hinted that Jeyne needed to fuck a dog

in the end Theon and Jeyne are fleeing together to Stannis where they meet Asha


nothing much. Margaery seems to be with Tommen. There isn't a scene with neither them or Loras.


>> No.1890040
File: 42 KB, 600x400, Kinda_shoppped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syrio chapter eh?

>> No.1890042


well, that's bloody disturbing

>> No.1890043


Thanks a lot for answering questions.

What of Asha? Where does her story go? Is she a hostage? Did she make an agreement with Stannis?

>> No.1890045

as many probably already know Theon went insane

He became Boltons toy but he slowly gets sane again, very slowly.

also Jeyne Poole is back as Arya and marries Bolton on Wintefell. Theon needed to lick her cunt(probably even more) to make her wet enough for Bolton. And it gets hinted that Jeyne needed to fuck a dog

in the end Theon and Jeyne are fleeing together to Stannis where they meet Asha


nothing much. Margaery seems to be with Tommen. There isn't a scene with neither them or Loras.


Cersei describes him as a giant

>> No.1890056

They just let Cersei go? Did they have a trial first? She made a big deal in AFFC about how she was going to get killed if Jaime didn't come to King's Landing and fight for her...

Thanks for answering all our questions.

>> No.1890061

>What of Asha? Where does her story go? Is she a hostage? Did she make an agreement with Stannis?

Yes she becomes a hostage to Stannis.

>> No.1890068

Any other Targs revealed and does Rickon become a Pirate Lord?

>> No.1890071

Oh, what the fuck GRRM? I want to recommend this series to other people, but it's the creepy, unnecessary shit like this that stops me. Poor Jeyne.

>> No.1890073

Oh god I am so jelly.

Not going to read threat for obvious reasons, but so jelly.

>> No.1890076

What happens to Jorah Mormont ?

What interaction takes place between Jorah and Tyrion ?

What is Tyrion's path in the book ?

>> No.1890077

Does Howland Reed show up at any point?

>> No.1890088


No Trial yet but she already elected Ser Robert as her champion. BUT her Uncle said that even if she wins she's done for and can't be Queen anymore

also everyone is suspicions of Ser Robert. He doesn't eat, never takes his armor off, nobody heard of him ever, doesn't go the toilet, etc. Yeah it's probably what you think


You will meet Aegon

and rickon...
Davos will be searching for him and it seems he is somewhere where Davos doesn't want to go...

>> No.1890093

What would Davos want with Rickon?

>> No.1890095

And under what circumstances do we meet Aegon?

>> No.1890096

since when do paperbacks get released before hardcovers?

>> No.1890102

Ah, okay, someone over on Tower of the Hand said they got word from Dorne that Arys Oakheart was dead. So they were able to name unGregor to the kingsguard, and that's why he's able to be Cersei's champion.

>> No.1890108

YES just kidding nope

Jorah became hobo and kidnaps Tyrion to regain Danys favor. Nothing much happens between them. Jorah hates Tyrion though

later they both became slaves for a short time until they flee

also it seems Martin gave Tyrion a love interest. And she is a dwarf too.

>> No.1890123

Aw man. That means the spoiler about Howland Reed warging into Arthur Dayne's body wasn't true. That was my favorite one.

>> No.1890129

All of that stuff about the brutality Ramsay inflicts on his servants, is that really necessary?

Also, does Roose condone it, or he equally disgusted with Ramsay?

>> No.1890131

Hi, guys I'm from reddit.com and I hear that the eBook is out on torrent sites.

This place being the shithole of the Internet, I would think you all would know where to find it. Reddit does not allow us to post links,unfortunately.

Thanks guys! Bacon and upboats for everyone!

>> No.1890135
File: 64 KB, 446x354, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see image

>> No.1890136

Where is Melisandre when Jon is attacked? Do you think she will be the one to save him? Or Ghost? Or Melisandre controlling Ghost?

>> No.1890141


Tyrion meets him while sailing together on a ship. Clever as he is he saw through the disguise Aegon and his guardians had

come on

because he's a Stark and with him Stannis could get the northern men as his allies.

>> No.1890151

I've been looking, but I haven't found a copy of the book yet. If anyone else has had more luck, they haven't posted about it here.

>> No.1890154

>Also, does Roose condone it, or he equally disgusted with Ramsay?

he seems to tolerated it. But he doesn't like Ramsay and only put up with him because he's the only heir he has although he knows that Ramsay killed his other son

>> No.1890162

I too would like to know this

>> No.1890166

How does Tyrion spot that disguise and know Aegon is a Targaryen? And is Tyrion really revealed as a Targaryen bastard? 0_o

>> No.1890170

>And is Tyrion really revealed as a Targaryen bastard?


>> No.1890180


neither Ghost or Melisandre are near Jon when it happens. Considering that she can see the future there is a chance that she will save him

>> No.1890181

By "not near" do you mean not at castle black?

>> No.1890221


Ghost was in Jon's chamber and Melisandre..I think she was still in castle black somewhere

interesting note
In that chapter Melisandre askes where Jon put his direwolf and she wanted to speak with him about something but he hadn't time for her

>> No.1890237


It seems she'll save him then. Especially if she asked about Ghost.

>> No.1890252

Can you post anything on Arya's chapters? What type of training does she do for the faceless man?

>> No.1890280

part of her training will be that she will lose other sense too and her arms and legs will become useless. Nothing of that happened in her chapter though

also she took the first step to learn how to change her face. She needed it to assassinate a man

>> No.1890301

can you confirm something that was never made clear:

Who did Daenerys marry?

>> No.1890321


Hizdahr Zo Loraq

>> No.1890349

So "some guy that will probably die the next time we see him"

>> No.1890355

ch 61:
The invasion of Westeros has begun! Jon Connington captured several castles in the Stormlands, and all his actions indicate that he is a strong military mind. He also sees clearly the need for polical alliances. Everything rests with Dorne at the moment, one way or another.
Connington mentioned that he wants to take Storm's End with a ruse; I'm interested to see how he'll do it, especially since Aegon has it in his head that he should lead the venture.

>> No.1890362


He is so-so important. Drogon will probably eat him next book. Their marriage failed already anyway

>> No.1890376

What happens to Bran? Is it true that Meera and Jojen are dead?

>> No.1890404


Bran gets warg training from the 3-eyed crow who is actually a one-eyed tree and stalked bran since his birth.

oh yeah Bran also becomes a time traveler no seriously

Is it true that Meera and Jojen are dead?


>> No.1890418

Quentyn Martell proposed to her and she agree according to spoilers

>> No.1890470

Guy went to bed. Last chapter was Asha, only 11 left.

>> No.1890502

Do Marwyn and Victarion end up in Mereen?

>> No.1890868

any news on scans?

>> No.1891616

bump for the spoilers here

>> No.1892502
