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[ERROR] No.18838974 [Reply] [Original]

The Guide Edition

Previous Thread:>>18835328

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.18838995
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For Merphy

>> No.18839003

Merphy crying over One Piece is cute

>> No.18839004

>tfw you're a blind priestess in the mountains and when you were a child you heard a pup crying out and it was alone and you decided to try to care for it and feed it and now it protects you from robbers while you're walking to the local village and the shrine
Anyone know that feeling?
I want to read the tombs of atuan again

>> No.18839017

I'll never understand why people rate Le Guin so highly, every book I've read of hers felt like I'm reading a outline yet to be filled in, they're so barebones.

>> No.18839021

do you unironically believe that these people behave authentically for a second

>> No.18839023

I've only read earthsea so idk about the rest but idk, I thought it was comfy
Tbh only the first book really felt like that to me

>> No.18839074

How would he know?
He's barely human himself.

>> No.18839085

Since I still haven't gotten a decent answer.

What are some books featuring no w*men at all? The only ones that have come close are the WH40k ones some anon mentioned but that's not my brand of autism.

>> No.18839089

Daily reminder to start with The Darkness that Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.

Otherwise you will miss on a lot of what’s going on here.

Ignore the tranny haters and scat spammers. Those people have not read the books and got filtered by the prose.

>> No.18839092


>> No.18839094

Something written by hardcore faggots... such as yourself.

>> No.18839096

Such as?

>> No.18839097

I am just gonna skip Bakker altogether.

>> No.18839105

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18839107
File: 601 KB, 900x2100, 1616199270346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tranny's diary

>> No.18839108

We know. You can’t read him, that’s why.

>> No.18839111

How about this?

Nary a pussy in sight... well except you.

>> No.18839123

>You can’t read him, that’s why.
Of course, he's shit.

I know, and just like other people you get in contact with, I really don't care.

>> No.18839125

I am actually tempted at this point, even if it turns out to be shit. I’ve never seen an author that’s so polarising here.

>> No.18839128

The only one of those that doesn't have women in its blurb is the one about the gay AFL fan. But AFL fans are all queens so that doesn't count.

>> No.18839130


>> No.18839131

This image was made by a tranny and the people who post it are trannies, either in denial or open about it and self-hating

>> No.18839136

>I’ve never seen an author that’s so polarising here.
We have some "polarizing" "author" once a week.
Like N.K. Jemisin, God bless her whitey hating soul. Those threads were hilarious.

>> No.18839137

I don't care who made it. It's fucking funny. Also fuck trannies.

>> No.18839138

Truth Shines!

>> No.18839139

You are a tranny

>> No.18839142

Never heard of her. Not that I’d care about female authors.

>> No.18839145

I'll bow down to your superior knowledge on the faggot sub-cultures.
Why even read at all? It is a feminine and passive pastime.
Why not take up something more manly, more active, something not involving women?

>> No.18839148

It is objectively good satire.

>> No.18839157

You wouldn't hear of Bakker either, if it weren't for trolling here. Or any other middling writers, writers with thinly veiled agendas, or just plain old shitty writers.
They all pop up here sooner or later.

>> No.18839158

>H-hey! D-did you know that wrestling is FAKE? Betcha didn't know that! Bet you feel real silly now, huh.
This is what you sound like

>> No.18839166

I bought the book yesterday because of the ruckus on the previous thread. I’m 200 pages in and I’m genuinely having a lot of fun. Don’t understand why people are so triggered by this author. The prose is indeed fantastic.

>> No.18839167

I enjoy reading. I just don't enjoy reading about men putting pussy on a pedestal (be that the characters or the author themselves). The entire reason I've been asking the question in the last few threads is because it seems like pretty much every modern fantasy book is entirely gynocentric, everything in the plot revolves around women.
As weird as it is, Cradle seems to be an exception to this and it's actually the series that got me wondering. Cradle has women *in* it, but the entire world doesn't revolve around them and as a result I didn't actually mind reading about them.

>> No.18839174

>Don’t understand why people are so triggered by this author.
It’s mostly ESLs who can’t keep up with the prose and end up dropping the book. They then come here and complain that it’s trash because they got filtered.

>> No.18839184
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Because you fags just randomly repost older posts? Not to mentioned repeat the same shit over and over again that it kills any discussion on this general?

>> No.18839194

I for once enjoy chaotic shit-posting. It’s the only way to see whose author memes are good and what not. I’ve tried visiting the /sffg/ version of Reddit once, and I’m just glad that this place exists.

>> No.18839199

>Imagine being this obsessed over shit-posting and false flags.
Seek help.

>> No.18839200

Whoever wrote that understood the point of the series but didn't understand that it was the point. Like he got what was going on but didn't realize that's the issue the book was about.

>> No.18839207

All you do is bitch and moan on every single thread.
You can always fuck off, you know?

>> No.18839216

I don’t quite understand that guy’s critique. But I think he should read the Aspect Emperor next.

>> No.18839245

>like a better Karsa Orlong
I don't get it
Is it because of the rape?

>> No.18839252

Me too. My one gripe is that the actual discussion gets swampped by the shitposting. Mind you, not that there is a lot of discussion here (people really don't read all that much here), but even that miniscule amount is lost in all the shitposting about shitty writers.

>> No.18839263

But his posting is making you bitch and moan.
And thats funny.

>> No.18839274

Should I read Throne of Glass?

>> No.18839322

>No U!
I accept your surrender.

>> No.18839347

You sure showed him.

>> No.18839362

Are you a woman?

>> No.18839372

Still funny.
Pls continue.

>> No.18839375
File: 736 KB, 1773x1773, 1767CA0B-8BF8-4CBF-9601-5339282D25D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing a lot of Bakker related discussion this spring and then just because of this meme I started reading Bakker to figure out what it all meant. So I read all seven books in succession and I have not been disappointed. I am ESL but I appreciate Bakker for improving my English language what Sanderson would never have done.

>> No.18839391

That compass is wrong on a lot of levels. We should review it.

>> No.18839412

Why is the Swahili Witch so hot bros
I can't lust after rule 63 wojak

>> No.18839416

Fuck you /sffg/ seriously

>> No.18839423

Chaos - Order is somewhat arbitrary and has nothing to do with anything. More likely you want to have in different corners:
-Oblivion (Anti-Outside)
-Resumption (Anti-Outside)
-Damnation (Pro-Outside)
-Salvation (Pro-Outside)

Someone smarter can determine what is the second axis ( First is pro and anti outside)

>> No.18839426

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18839428

something like this???


>> No.18839434


>> No.18839448

it's fantasy you dumbass

>> No.18839457

I never understood why Kelmomas is responsible for Saving Kellhus two times when Ajokli is consorting with Kellhus. Shouldn’t he be immune to the White Luck Warrior prophecies on his own?

>> No.18839475

Reminder that no one here cares about Bakker or has anything against him. The only reason people shit on him is because of the constant shilling that goes on in this thread.

>> No.18839478

I care about Bakker.

>> No.18839483

>Reminder that no one here cares about Bakker
Holy cope.

>> No.18839498

Yatwer is hostile to Ajokil (according to Dunyain in the Ark all gods are) and it were her stooges that tried to off him (possibly because of their pact and not because he made it big as he claims himself)
Something about Mog is timeless, human that was stuffed into Object would therefore be outside of gods perception at any point of time. He breaks perfect circumstances which gods planned by his very presence.

>> No.18839509

t. shills

>> No.18839516

We accept your defeat.

>> No.18839518

okay shill.

>> No.18839528

The story simply cannot be finished with so many questions still unanswered. I really wish we would have a saga dedicated to the conquering of the outside.

>> No.18839568

I'll never be one.

>> No.18839570

This is an interesting take. I don’t have a strong opinion on this subject myself, so I can see this as being the truth. I’m just interested in seeing what constitutes a Ciphrang and how one can ascend to Divinity.

>> No.18839618

nothing beats a propah blt

>> No.18839690

whats a nice calm book to read before bed?

i never read fiction but i've had trouble sleeping the last few nights so i decided it's probably a good idea to start reading something before bed to feed my brain with pleasant imagery and aid me to sleep

>> No.18839713

>Tell me many tales, O benign maleficent daemon, but tell me none that I have ever heard or have even dreamt of otherwise than obscurely or infrequently. Nay, tell me not of anything that lies between the bourns of time or the limits of space: for I am a little weary of all recorded years and charted lands; and the isles that are westward of Cathay, and the sunset realms of Ind, are not remote enough to be made the abiding-place of my conceptions; and Atlantis is over-new for my thoughts to sojourn there, and Mu itself has gazed upon the sun in aeons that are too recent.

>Tell me many tales, but let them be of things that are past the lore of legend and of which there are no myths in our world or any world adjoining. Tell me, if you will, of the years when the moon was young, with siren-rippled seas and mountains that were zoned with flowers from base to summit; tell me of the planets grey with eld, of the worlds whereon no mortal astronomer has ever looked, and whose mystic heavens and horizons have given pause to visionaries. Tell me of the vaster blossoms within whose cradling chalices a woman could sleep; of the seas of fire that beat on strands of ever-during ice; of perfumes that can give eternal slumber in a breath; of eyeless titans that dwell in Uranus, and beings that wander in the green light of the twin suns of azure and orange. Tell me tales of inconceivable fear and unimaginable love, in orbs whereto our sun is a nameless star, or unto which its rays have never reached.
One of C.A. Smith's earliest (and most unpolished) works, way before he really perfected his skills; it's still damn interesting though, it's amazing how he manages to outdo almost everybody currently working in the market today. I've been thinking about getting The Collected Fantasies series; does anybody here have them? Would you recommend them?

>> No.18839731
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>For me? It's R Scott Bakker. Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor.

>> No.18839748

>i never read fiction
You mean fantasy, surely.

In any case, I think that you should check Discworld by the English author Terry Pratchett.

>> No.18839754

is it true pratchett is pozzed? i know he wrote in the 90s but recently i saw people saying his books are pro trans or some shit.

>> No.18839757


>> No.18839765

No. Those faggots will do enough mental gymnastics to latch on everything.

>> No.18839766

Read and find out.

>> No.18839785

We will probably never see another Bakker book hit the shelves, but the Second Apocalypse series is certainly not finished. People who claim that are simply coping.

>> No.18839802

Discworld are written for children thus contain concepts and ideals that seem smart for children

>> No.18839805 [SPOILER] 
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He is a materialist, so you can read Deleuze. You could read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and then just ignore all the stuff about being saved.
Foucault because of the gay rape.

>> No.18839807

>We will probably never see another Bakker book hit the shelves
That's nice to hear.

>> No.18839812

> That's nice to hear.
I didn’t speak.

>> No.18839822

He did the "female dwarves have beards" joke so now everyone says he was pro trans

>> No.18839830

trannies cant comprehend a different race is biologically different. yikes.

>> No.18839834

There's also the book where the girl dressed as a man to join the army and learned there were tons of other women doing the same thing, so he's pretty much the champion of trans rights

>> No.18839841

Agree. Probably the only way we can keep speculating and discussing about R. Scott Bakker’s works here, forever.

>> No.18839845

>You mean fantasy, surely.
no, i mean fiction

i like to read a wide-variety of non-fiction and i prefer films for my narrative/escapism fix

but, i've decided now that reading fiction before bed seems like a good idea, since i don't like reading non-fiction books at night, and i know that browsing the internet or doing anything too stimulating before bed isn't good for your sleep.

will check out that book. thanks.

>> No.18839847


>> No.18839853

You, a plebeian
>uoooh the swayali witch uooh

Me, an intellectual
>Theliopia is most attractive anasurimbor

>> No.18839862

You are browsing “ Science fiction and Fantasy general ”. Surely you are aware of that.

What are your favourite books? Because I don’t think you know what fiction actually is.

>> No.18839873

Every non philosophical, scientific ,and historical book constitutes fiction. Are we to believe that you’ve never read any ? I find that hard to believe.

>> No.18839884

The majority of historical, philosophical, and scientific books also constitute fiction.

>> No.18839954

>You are browsing “ Science fiction and Fantasy general ”.
what?! i thought this was barnes & noble!

"never" is an exaggeration

>> No.18839974


yeah can i get something like this

>> No.18839993

So you don’t actually read.

>> No.18839994

Cope nigga

>> No.18839998

You should leave this place while you can, norrmie.

>> No.18840057

>Book Club
Seveneves, August 15

>> No.18840086

>I didn’t speak.
Good girls should be seen, not heard.

>> No.18840115

You will never be a woman, though.

>> No.18840134

Theli should have been the empress.

>> No.18840136

Remember - seen, not heard.

>> No.18840142

The only one hearing things here is you, tranny.

>> No.18840167

Was anyone else underwhelmed by Kayutas as a character? I felt like he didn’t really do anything noteworthy and all of his siblings out shined him—he felt a lot to me like just a less interesting Kellhus.

How did you all feel about him in comparison to his siblings? I also felt like Esmi didn’t really care about him.

>> No.18840171

i read non-fiction. i enjoy a variety of topics like a lot of what you see here:

i wouldn't call myself a normie. ive been coming to 4chan for 10 years

>> No.18840184

life is fiction. we're in a simulation.

>> No.18840189

Yes, he is kind of a Kellhus-light. It's understandable that we don't see much of him because his experience in the Ordeal would be a weird, boring rehash of the way his dad ran the Holy War twenty years ago. Instead, we have Sorweel as the straight man; seeing it from his eyes, the Ordeal is a thing of wonder and the Aspect-Emperor is a complete mystery.

All the Dunyain except the littlest one are plot devices more than they are characters, and that works for me. Inrilatas gets just a couple of scenes, and they're both great. Kayutas and Theliopa (and Samarmas) get next to nothing.

We don't see much from Moenghus or Serwa either, at least not until Ishterebinth. It's Sorweel's proximity to them that makes the author give them a PoV, and for a limited amount of time; Serwa goes from being a character to being a plot device as soon as Sorweel's cut out of the story.

>> No.18840213

He is basically one of 2 Kellhus children who are "normal" aka not outright batshit insane, and was just doing what father needed him to do most of time, so nothing notable. I suppose he is intended to have considerable role in part 3 assuming it comes out.

Largest question about children I have is that Dunyain bred themselves into extreme sexual dimorphism with women selected not for intellect but for pumping out as many kids as possible so they could select out of larger pool, the why the fuck are Kellhus daughters exhibiting male Dunyain traits but no female ones..

>> No.18840251

Maybe the female traits are double recessive.

>> No.18840262

>i wouldn't call myself a normie. ive been coming to 4chan for 10 years
This is how I know you’re a normie.

>> No.18840283

you're a normie

>> No.18840287

Actually Bakker commented this on AMA that females were bred for quality of children, not quantity.

>> No.18840308
File: 53 KB, 419x630, 9780425276235_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this. Haven't read enough to say much on it except I love his more grounded near-future style of scifi and his writing in general. I've read almost everything he's written but it's been awhile and it's nice to get back to it.

>> No.18840324

>not knowing the difference between a normie and a newfag

>> No.18840351

why do you think i'm a normie?

>> No.18840357


>> No.18840391

What's wrong, brother?

>> No.18840398

>I suppose he is intended to have considerable role in part 3 assuming it comes out.
I think so as well. Since Akka is clearly Seswatha incarnate, I wonder who will wield the Heron Spear.

>> No.18840436

Any refs for fantasy set in early modern period?

>> No.18840437

So Jack Vance. I have read the first two books of Tales of the Dying Earth. Cugel the Clever is such a fucking cunt, and I have no intention of starting the third one. It is such a radical shift aswell, since the 6 short stories in the first book had fairly simple morality. Often the good characters won, or the evil ones got what they deserved, with the curator short story having a straight up sappy ending. Cugel betrays, murders, steals and rapes anyone and everything in his path regardless of morality.

Is the fourth book with the new MC Rhialto better? Is that guy less of an asshole than Cugel?

Also is Lyonesse better either? I am interested in the highly imaginative dreamlike style of Vance in a Fantasy setting, but I couldn't stand rooting for characters as depraved as Cugel. I'd rather read a book from the perspective of the evil wizard in one of the early short stories whose sole objective was to rape that one clone girl, at least he was honest about it and didn't fashion himself a hero.

>> No.18840476

did nonmen have pointy ears? in my headcanon they do.

>> No.18840489

they dont

>> No.18840491


>> No.18840498

Has there been any good fantasy since Tolkien? It's kinda lame to say, but I'm difficult to please. Please recommend me some good penmanship. I have no experience except Neil Gaiman. I like it when it is written out of passion and not peddling to a demographic.

>> No.18840515

>Please recommend me some good penmanship. I have no experience except Neil Gaiman. I like it when it is written out of passion and not peddling to a demographic.
Unironically Bakker (sorry, i know he gets spammed here, but his prose is very unique and literary compared to the typical genre shlock)

Also Earthsea series by Le Guin for a more taoist/zen poetic approach.

>> No.18840544


>> No.18840549

>Hasn’t read Bakker yet
I wish was you.

>> No.18840550

Imagine being so threatened by anyone with a shred of integrity that you run gay ops on a fictional character.

>> No.18840551


>Heidegger, Being and Time
>Nietzsche, works
>Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit
>Freud, Madness and Civilization
>Wittgenstein, works
>King James Bible, old and new testaments
>The Quran
>Nag Hammadi library

>> No.18840563

>*Freud - Civilization and its Discontents
>*Foucault - Madness and Civilization
>The Iliad
>Sophocles, tragedies
>Tolkien, complete works

That should be a good start.
Hell, if you read all of that and manage to develop some writing skills, you could be the next Bakker or better.

>> No.18840567

Cugel never raped anyone in the first book

>> No.18840579

Alright I'll read some Bakker. I'll let you know how that goes. Thanks

>> No.18840622

The girl in the boat, from the village with the watchtower. She didn't want to fuck him, but he told her that he will awaken the demon and annihilate her village if she does not do so. So she fucked him, he awakened the demon anyway by accident/prophecy and she was drowned. That is rape under every law in the world drafted by white people.
Also he wanted to rape the daughter of the guy he was caged with together in the rat village, but he did not do so because she smelled too much of rat. He got scammed into selling the evil princess into sex slavery because he wanted to feel smart, and he killed that random sea slug thing because it made him wet with a prank.
Chaotic Evil all the way, it is like reading the character of a juvenile playing DnD for the first time as a bard or rogue.

Since you are clearly morally depraved and subhuman, would you say the characters in Lyonesse are good?

>> No.18840633

Lyonesse is very different in style to Overworld or the Cugel stuff. I actually liked Cugel a lot and thought he was hilarious, and found Rhialto boring, so maybe you'll find it the opposite of me. In any case Lyonesse is extremely comfy and well worth reading.

>> No.18840650

>Kellhus, my son
>You are Aspect-Emperor now
>You need to have heirs who will help you to defeat rape aliens
>Will you seek wives among young women of noble breeding, high intelligence and Norsirai ancestry for best compatibility you can get among worldborn?
>Or will you try to have children with 30yo prostitute of commoner descent you randomly encountered on your way to Shimeh?
There are few instances of actual bullshit in TSA but former yielding zero success compared to latter is definitely one of them.

>> No.18840677

so you are probably from /metal/ too and you know I like Binnie and Bathory

>> No.18840689

You will never grasp the absolute.

>> No.18840690

Hi I got sent in from /v/. Nice to meet you all!

>> No.18840695

This is what speed reading looks like.

>> No.18840703
File: 152 KB, 707x1000, esmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but her intellect, Anon....

>> No.18840721
File: 643 KB, 1157x720, dagliash copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Bakker. Now git out.

>> No.18840740

Sounds like you better reread anon. You’re gonna get clowned on saying wrong information like that.

>> No.18840757

i dont go there much. /mukpg/ is my home

>> No.18840766


>> No.18840772

>She didn't want to fuck him, but he told her that he will awaken the demon and annihilate her village if she does not do so
She also married him and was off with some other guy whenever he wanted to fuck, so she had it coming

>> No.18840780

Fuck Delays
Fuck Excuses
Fuck Lies
Fuck Laziness
Fuck No Publish
Fuck Pay Walls
Fuck Pig Pigs
Fuck E William Brown

>> No.18840799
File: 312 KB, 1400x2255, BC64CFF2-B0D3-433C-8561-3713A618B316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on World of Warcraft books?

>> No.18840807

Why? Just for the coom?

>> No.18840808

I've never read a Neal Stephenson book before but i'm interested in Seveneves, is it any good?

>> No.18840818

i was thinking more dungeon synthy stuff like summoning


>> No.18840848

yes and i like the music

>> No.18840866

Fuck off back to /v/ subhuman

>> No.18840870

It's shit

>> No.18840875


Sevenes is shit. Anything published later than Anathem is shit. Anathem and works previous to Anathem range from mediocre to excellent.

>> No.18840878

Alright, I read some Bakker just now and it is pretty nifty indeed. Next level stuff, for as far as I know. Makes me feel like shit about what I'm writing... Usually I don't like exposition but here it is humanly paced. I'm not understanding 100%, but enough to enjoy the ride. It feels top-notch, and no cheap drivel BS. Some good fantasy to bolster the genre, and I say that as I hate Game of thrones. For the moment, I am pretty pleased with that recommendation.

>> No.18840880

did you know they don't even make that "music" by themselves?

>> No.18840951
File: 47 KB, 474x472, 01FFD3E1-BD8C-4E57-81FC-57A4AAA41E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude is actually a good writer, which is rarer than rare in fiction. I was blown away at how much I enjoyed Mr Baker’s wild ride, I’ve never gotten another good recommendation out of this hell hole.

>> No.18840972

I want to personally thank all the schizos, because Bakker is unironically amazing.

>> No.18840983

Thanks, i'll give it a miss. A lot of the reviews aren't great either.

>> No.18841028


The annoying thing is that the potential was there but Stephenson has just been phoning it in since his ticket got punched

>> No.18841046

Yeah, I really liked the premise but oh well.

>> No.18841087

yeah, it's good.

>> No.18841096

Revenge rape is still rape anon, regardless of what your Chinese cartoons tell you otherwise.

>> No.18841182

>She didn't want to fuck him, but he told her that he will awaken the demon and annihilate her village
>giving sluts an excuse to slut is now rape
If he had meant to rape, he would have commenced the raping without further comment. Giving women an out so they can feel like they're not the degenerate is a practice as old as women.
>That is rape under every law in the world drafted by white people.
2nd wave feminism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>it is like reading the character of a juvenile playing DnD for the first time as a bard or rogue.
Kugel is quite literally the inspiration for the rogue class and a large chunk of DnD.

>> No.18841261

The books are awful.

>> No.18841342

Why do American authors tend to write supposedly smart characters as massive cunts, anyway?

>> No.18841406

Dunno, but this doesn't apply here. Cugel is just narcisistic, he is dumb as a brick.

>> No.18841427

Ok nice bait bro
have a nice day

>> No.18841436

I get what you mean but you aren't "supposed" to rote for him, If you finished the book you will see that he fucks himself over and over again and suffer for his actions He is a vassal to look at the world and the but of the jokes, don't sympathize with him and relish on his suffering. I found that once you understand this and change your perspective of how you look at him the book becomes a lot more enjoyable.

>> No.18841444

new alastair reynolds in a few weeks.

elysium fire was a let down but i'm optimistic for inhibitor phase

>> No.18841445

Not bait mate, they are legit bad books, if you want to read books based on "games" read Warhammer ones which, while not great, definitely have something going for them.

>> No.18841454

>alastair reynolds
That is an author i could never get into, some of his ideas are fine but the execution and way he writes just doesn't mesh well with me for some reason..

>> No.18841462

No I mean Americans have a boner for ruthless characters getting ahead, while everyone nice has 80 IQ and gets shit on

>> No.18841476

>elysium fire
Works if you imagine the MC as Frank Drebin

>> No.18841494

>Dreyfus accidentally activates his whiphound during a Panopoly fundraising dinner and unsuccessfully tries to stop it from feeling up the guests

>> No.18841501

He's a midwit with a compulsive need to feel like he totally outsmarted and ripped off everyone he meets. Probably mid grade narcissism and sociopathy. You see instances where other people exist for him, but they've got to be shoved right up against him for long duration.

At the end of the Kugel saga he marries into a central banking family. Which I thought was pretty appropriate.

>> No.18841620

Why are you so upset?

>> No.18841627

We're just imitating what we learned from the Russians and Spaniards, but your seething is welcome.

>> No.18841828

Maybe you should stop making things up, anon.

>> No.18841834



>> No.18841895


>> No.18841938

I started the whole cultivation genre with Cradle and the first 7 books were awesome, then Bloodlines came out and I couldn't get past first few chapters. Cradle is filled with women, and while it has it's storng and weak points, it absolutely shit and fails as a cultivation novel once you truly understand what cultivation is about. it was good until the moment lindon met his future gf, after that it turned to shit.

>> No.18841945

get some paper and write bro

>> No.18842056


>> No.18842108

He did try with lots of other concubines of various races, hoping to breed something closer to a Dûnyain. But all of those pregnancies ended in abominations.

>> No.18842123

lyonesse is one of few fantasy series that hit the right comfy vibes for me, any other you might rec?

>> No.18842132
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Since Bakker won't finish his series, I suggest we finish the job for him. "The No-God" fan books released online via Patreon or Royal Road, the greatest fanfic ever created, from the minds of /sffg/.

I am a prosefag and a Bakker lorefag, I've read the series twice and think I understand Eärwa well. I volunteer to write chapters if you guys come up with the plot.

>> No.18842224

What happens in the end? Resumption or is resumption postponed again? Reign in Kell?

>> No.18842259

I like resumption + reign in Kell

>> No.18842274

Go to the library?

>> No.18842295

I finished it, the ending would have been satisfying, had I not turned the page and seen BOOK 3 : CUGEL'S SAGA.
The thing that strikes me wrong is that the style of the books follows the style of the short stories in book 1. A person is given a trial, a set of abilities/spell/gifts, and set on their path. In the short stories the good characters usually get rewarded for their trials, the bad ones killed. Cugel breaking that discipline while being a clearly evil character who gets rewarded and set back at equal measure would not be a dealbreaker for a normal book, as usually in more realistic books consequences are separates from morality, but reading book 1 a day before book 2 it reads like Vance actually thinks that Cugel is a charming and sympathetic Chaotic Neutral Anti-Hero. I guess it is easier to stomach when you factor in the massive delay between the two books.

>> No.18842328
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I think we can make it happen. Don’t know what to make of the plot yet but I’ll post this image.

>> No.18842347

I've never read Bakker but I am also a prosefag and would read the books and contribute my own knowledge if it would help; my personal recommendation would be to start with a write up/analysis of all the main characters and where they were at the end of the last book, so that we can decide, logically, what courses of action they would take, and bring the series to a satisfying conclusion.

>> No.18842368

Then You should start reading Bakker now. Like immediately. Forget everything else.

>> No.18842371

>It was only a dream.

>> No.18842488
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It's easy to feel sympathy for Kugel because he's legitimately crazy, and not the insidious kind of crazy that spends years plotting to fuck people over. Though I agree the later stories have a different candor and aren't on the same standard as Eyes of the Overworld.
>still expecting the author to reward and punish
Bitch please.

>> No.18842529

Have you seen midwits?

>> No.18842639

Reading Bakker while drunk is something else.

>> No.18842667

Wizard Knight by Wolfe is all I can think of atm

>> No.18842715

I'm reading Weird of the White Wolf, and honestly I'm getting really exhausted reading Elric- the prose is fine, the atmosphere is great, but at this point Elric just keeps taking L after L to the point where I don't care or get emotionally invested at all in the story any more. I get that he's a tragic doomed hero, but if I've already accepted failure as a given how am I supposed to really get involved with the story?

>> No.18842739

Honestly you aren't supposed to be read any singular pulp protag in serial like that.

>> No.18842861

Anything on Royal Road worth the time (apart from Beware of Chicken and maybe Loyal Sons)?

>> No.18842863

She's a woman.

>> No.18842865

Cradle and Virtuous Sons: A Greco Roman Xianxia

>> No.18842867

So you think that anon finds crocodile tears cute? Possible, but unlikely.

>> No.18842876

>Virtuous Sons
That's what I meant. Cradle is gay and anyway I haven't seen it on Royal Road (I mean there's a story called Cradle there, but it's something else entirely).

>> No.18842921

Who is the Alan Moore of fantasy and/or science fiction?

>> No.18842932

Alan Moore. Since he’s Writing An Epic Fantasy

>> No.18842957

Have you tried mother of learning?

>> No.18842973

It's too plodding to mention together with actually good stories, for God's sake even the fans mention it being completed as one of its main merits, how fucking boring must a story be that it's the best you can say about it. I still finished it, but I wasn't enjoying a big part of it.

>> No.18842993

read on your phone/laptop you fucking faggot, just like you are reading 4chins

>> No.18843063

I’m finding it impossible to find fantasy which appears interesting enough to read. All of this Sanderson, Rothfuss, etc. stuff just is not appealing. Please give me something worth reading.

>> No.18843157

Le Guin

>> No.18843204

I never finished mother of learning
Dropped most of the other stories before finishing too
Still following tree of aeons but one update a week is rough

>> No.18843212

I want to read I, Robot. Which book should I get? I think it's a collection of stories but they don't all seem to be arranged the same way and my local library only has a screenplay or something

Also what's the short story where a supercomputer controls every aspect of human life by giving people slips of paper and a little boy gets one with instructions to terminate it?

>> No.18843253

I love brandon sanderson, And im not obese.

>> No.18843590

whale mothers

dunyain women are literally orifices in which a dunyain ejaculates that then expels a baby. somehow they're still human or something like that, which is why there's the horror of discovery/echoes of its awfulness stuck in that physical place by akka and mimara when they find kellhus jr and crabicus in the ruins of ishual

>> No.18843595

>tree of aeons
Is that any good?

>> No.18843623

crabicus pulls kelmomas out of moggie

malowebi and kellhus shoot the shit hanging from kellie's salted belt loops

akka gets cucked. again.

something has to happen to wreck the gods in the outside to stop them from eating souls, but i think that's probably unsolvable.

also, make sure to include lots of gay rape and black alien seed spurting over everything and everyone's anus. 5 out of 5 erect phalluses agree this gonna be good!

>> No.18843845
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What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.18844205
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>mfw the side stories I’m writing are different in tone and theme than the main story
How fucked am I?

>> No.18844380

He grew up around just guys so when got his first crush he thought he was in love and needed that pussy bad

>> No.18844390

Would sex calm him down.

>> No.18844396

No, he had sex many times but it didn't help because unlike incels think, pussy isn't worth putting on a pedestal.
It all boils down to having grown outside the nuclear family unit. If Severian had been raised by a mother and a father, he'd have been fine.

>> No.18844403

I wouldn't be so sure. Several incels are born in nuclear family unit and still turn out terrible.

>> No.18844440

The perfect Run.

>> No.18844470

born but not raised

>> No.18844485

You guys are arguing the same thing. Incels are made when due to a variety of factors, most of which stem from lack of social skills.

>> No.18844583
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>mfw writing an epistolary psychological novel
I admit, I'm at a loss on how to go about it. Especially with what's it going to be about.

>> No.18844640

You've got a point there, but too many authors can't write a legitimately intelligent character and resort to making everyone else into bumbling idiots instead.

>> No.18844647

The author themselves aren't smart in the first place and secondly, even, if some chance, the author is smart, then he would still need to dumb down everything for the readers.

>> No.18844654

Alan Moore. Read Voice of the Fire and Jerusalem.

>> No.18844680

Are you both discovery writers? Good luck not writing the book again right from the start. Maybe you should try outlining your book beforehand, give it some frames and direction? Breaking your tonal promise is gonna be a red flag for reader.

>> No.18844698

Wolfe, and when you're out of Wolfe, Le Guin, Vance, Bakker and Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.18844710

This, after the constant shilling I decided to try it last year and realised that I already had the books on my kindle from a couple of years before. Stopped in the middle of the second ones, I guess I was just bored at that point.

>> No.18844714

What's the appeal of Bakker anyway if one isn't a philosophy/religionfag

>> No.18844717

I have no idea. I do wish the shilling here would calm down so that I don't have to go through all of them to get recommendations.

>> No.18844726

Nah, I have my story outline, the problem I'm having is the content and how to go about writing it, since, its effectively, just journal of a somewhat normie character who undergoes a slow descent into madness, loosening his morals, and partaking in an incestuous relationship with his sister.

>> No.18844741

Okay start over

>> No.18844744


>> No.18844799

It’s something I’ll read. I always did enjoyed psychological novels.

>> No.18844836

>Breaking your tonal
How is it breaking tone if the side stories are written differently than the main story?

>> No.18844844

Just buy the whole collection.

>> No.18844852

Is it true that he’s actually writing a fantasy epic?

>> No.18844859
File: 420 KB, 2000x1500, bakkero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based alert

>> No.18844863


>> No.18844874

good prose, interesting ideas, strong worldbuilding and genuinely grimdark fantasy, Bakker is a legitimately very intelligent person and has read plenty of philosophy and incorporates it into his work.

His work is a breath of fresh air in the current fantasy landscape and it is very inventive.

>> No.18844875

>“groundbreaking” five-volume fantasy series as well as a “momentous” collection of short stories.
So, any guesses on what’s he going to write?

>> No.18844879

I don't know, other authors have him beat in other areas.

>> No.18844882

you could say that for almost any author

>> No.18844892

Where? I’d actually buy physical copies, I read them all on libgen but enjoyed them enough to want to support our PhDless rape autist.

>> No.18844898

Don't know, have to wait until early next year, but given that this is Alan Moore, his fantasy epic will be breath of fresh air in the current fantasy landscape and original and brimming with energy.

>> No.18844907

Well, Moore hasn’t disappointed me so far, still wouldn’t hurt to have a bit more info.

>> No.18844933

Try Kairos or the iron teeth.

>> No.18844943

I read that story and I get the sense that the author does not really love this story. The story is very well written, especially by the standards of RR. It contains an interesting world and characters, with an RPG system that is easy to handle and fairly interesting. But when I read it, I walk away with the feeling that the author could be doing much better.

>> No.18844947

Bakker's philosophy isn't particularly good though, It's unoriginal and crude, there's a reason why the prefaces to his essays are prefaced by Bassier instead of say McGinn or Zalta.

>> No.18844952

hi sanderson

>> No.18844965

I swear, at times it seems like half of /lit/ is writing a sibling incest story. Then again, this is an anime website.

>> No.18844977

I couldn’t imagine writing an incest story, my siblings are fucking annoying. Wonder if they’re mostly written by only-childs who don’t have the inter sibling trauma from childhood.

>> No.18844983

Jesus Christ, go to /adv/ if you want to see how incestuous relationships plays out.

>> No.18844987

>Tfw I still remember that anon who’s older sister fucked him up mentally.

>> No.18844996


>> No.18845010

No, I am not Brandon. How could you believe if I were him I would browse this forum. Besides, there are many other frontloading authors out there.

>> No.18845020

bookshop in perth australia, its a dedicated sff/fantasy one though, stuff like dymocks and barnes and noble don;t carry him as far as i can see

>> No.18845024

>Anon walks in on his little sister schlicking off to incest porn.

>> No.18845026

This is fine

>> No.18845028

As, fuck, I remember that thread. That was depressing.

>> No.18845082

holy shit
>the great ordeal is now $79 on amazon
primo collection breh, wish i could afford more than the first two books in paperback and everything else just pirated epubs

>> No.18845087

Yeah, it isn't like fantasy series never had incest.

>> No.18845088

fuck off

>> No.18845111

>The Great Ordeal
$130 + $9 shipping on ebay

Do a second pressing Bakker, you cunt

>> No.18845159

>at times it seems like half of /lit/ is writing a sibling incest story
You're assuming people even write in the first place.

>> No.18845163

>authors can't write a legitimately intelligent character and resort to making everyone else into bumbling idiots instead
And that’s their best. Because the alternative is downright retarded that not even normies can accept it.

>> No.18845172

Fuck, I remember some sherlock Holmes bullshit that would fit the description right now.

>> No.18845201

You know there’s several different ways to write a story right?

>> No.18845205

>damage control

>> No.18845207

dont think its up to him

>> No.18845211

How is that damage control if its true?

>> No.18845254

Just some idiot who doesn’t know nothing about writing

>> No.18845286


>> No.18845293

It’s still better than anything in the genre.

>> No.18845298


>> No.18845315
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I've been reading The Prince of Nothing trilogy and am currently in book 2. I've skimmed some parts, mainly the ones with Cnaiur as I don't like him. Anyway, I've been getting the strong impression that there is more to Kellhus that there seems, like he is manipulating people in some kind of weird way. I'm not sure but I don't think he's actually a prophet and it feels like maybe this is all a ruse for some ulterior motive. Am I completely off base with this?

>> No.18845323

I’ll be waiting for this. Always been a fan of Moore.

>> No.18845341

I did like V for Vendetta

>> No.18845346

I thought it should be obvious by book 2 that he is lying every single time he opens mouth because he is tasked with getting to Shimeh and using holy war for that is shortest path. If you didn't skim Cnaiur parts you'd be aware that he was memed by Kellhus's father in exact way men of holy war being memed by Kellhus and this is why he is so assmad.

>> No.18845356

Not me, I don't know if it was due to my high expectation after reading Watchmen, but I was rather underwhelmed by V for Vendetta.

>> No.18845358

>Kellhus's father
Is this a character in the book? I don't remember this person being mentioned.

>> No.18845369

I’ll say give it another read and see if you’re still underwhelmed by it. Had the same feeling with other stories.

>> No.18845370

>fails to name a single author
Like pottery

>> No.18845372

>The very beginning of the main story is literally Kellhus being sent out from Ishual because of his father pestering Dunyain with Cants of calling to send him his son
>Cnaiur constantly loses it because he has flashbacks from encountering man very similar to kellhus 20 years ago
Just how much do you skip ffs

>> No.18845380

I was actually joking

>> No.18845382

You’re probably speaking with the scat schizo. He finally gave in and started reading. He’s beyond salvation at this point. I wouldn’t discuss anything with him desu.

>> No.18845390

>muh horse

>> No.18845407

>I've skimmed some parts, mainly the ones with Cnaiur as I don't like him.

>> No.18845418

>I've skimmed some parts, mainly the ones with Cnaiur as I don't like him

good, fuck that CHUD. Kellhus was way more progressive letting women read and do magic

>> No.18845419

Tolkien, Ursula K. Le Guin, many more that you can search.

>> No.18845440

>Ursula K. Le Guin
I did like her views on anarchism.

>> No.18845441

We were speaking about philosophy, chud.

I accept your defeat.

>> No.18845444

>Political Philosophy isn't Philosophy
Ah, so you're retarded.

>> No.18845445

neither tolkien or ursula le guin are particularly philosophical, Bakker starts books with quotes by Nietszche and is a huge fan of Derrida.

>> No.18845447

If we go by your standards. Neither is Bakker.

>> No.18845450

Not him, but you look like a retard now.

>> No.18845454

>Keep monopoly on Gnosis for like 2 millennia
>One of your members leaks it to some fag who was way too convincing
>He gives it to women just in few years
>Short countdown till thots gossip it out because not even Seswatha will be able to contain it starts
Poor Mandate.

>> No.18845456

This is what surrender looks like.

>> No.18845457

In your head?

>> No.18845459

This has to be the biggest cope ITT.

>> No.18845480

>Everything is philosophy
Your lukewarm IQ must constitute some new school of thought as well. You’ve managed to incorporate modern art, poetry, philosophy and shit. And all of that in one post.


>> No.18845485


>> No.18845487

>>Everything is philosophy
Yes. Learn theory of everything before typing.

>> No.18845490

New thread

>> No.18845491

Ay lmao

>> No.18845500

I accept your concession.

>> No.18845527
File: 40 KB, 750x636, 31514082_858923257649847_3485423977122234368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've skipped parts of a book and i don't understand it

>> No.18845533


>> No.18845555
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u r retarded

>> No.18845557

Checked and true