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[ERROR] No.18837612 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on the phenomenon of women becoming more and more sociopathic? I want to say it is from my own biased experience, but I have seen many others come to the same conclusion

>> No.18837624

my diary desu

>> No.18837694

the attention they receive on the internet has nullified the need for adequate social interactions. it's quite simple.

>> No.18838110
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Atlas shrugged

>> No.18838118

it's everyone, not just women

and you're looking for Christopher Lasch's culture of narcissism

>> No.18838151
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>> No.18838159

it's everyone, not just women
and you're looking for Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl

>> No.18838162

they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ;)

>> No.18838208

>hates women
>anime poster
in seriousness I do think it is everyone is more sociopathic but women are disproportionately more crazy. modern SOCIETY ticks their autism boxes in just the right ways to fuck em up bad, their inner whore is encouraged. the inner whore is so well fed even men's inner whore is becoming dominant and they think theyre women.

>> No.18839404
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The only correct answer. Easy access to MASSIVE social networks has completely fried women. It's like they're living in a constant state of being (socially) high on crack.