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[ERROR] No.18837254 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most important thinkers of our time?

>> No.18837264


>> No.18837265

We have none, we're just running on the fumes of the greats of the past, Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger.

>> No.18837286

Me and >>18837264

>> No.18837294

None are featured in your pic

>> No.18837296

Probably me, but him >>18837264 or her (she‘s trans btw) >>18837286 might also come to join my literary circle in Basel and get their literary (you)‘s in history.

t. I have a very large penis. It’s enormous, honestly.

>> No.18837297
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Are you pic related?

>> No.18837330

The Black Existentialists and their predecessors are the most critical right now. Sadia Hartman, Fred Moten, Sylvia Wynter, Frank Wilderson, etc.

>> No.18837331
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Nope I don’t have talent.

>> No.18837351

Are you fucking kidding me right now

Frank fuckin' Wilderson? Afropessimism is the dumbest shit ever, not helped by the reliance on retarded Lacanian Pychoanalysis and brutish unnuanced structuralism.

>> No.18837354
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>Black existentialism or Africana critical theory is a school of thought that "critiques domination and affirms the empowerment of Black people in the world".[1] Although it shares a word with existentialism and that philosophy's concerns with existence and meaning in life, it "is predicated on the liberation of all black people in the world from oppression".[1] It may also be seen as method, which allows one to read works by African-American writers such as W. E. B. Du Bois, James Baldwin, and Ralph Ellison in an existentialist frame.[2] Lewis Gordon argues that black existentialism is not only existential philosophy produced by black philosophers but is also thought that addresses the intersection of problems of existence in black conte

>> No.18837362
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>> No.18837372
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the best conservative thinker of the 21st century.

>> No.18837376
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black existentialist piked my interest until i realized you meant race and not some edgier version of sartre

>> No.18837416

It's "piqued", anon.
Lol try not to pick the lowest hanging fruit when you want to criticize a school of thought. Read Wynter and Moten.

>> No.18837429
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> her essay "Towards the Sociogenic Principle: Fanon, Identity, the Puzzle of Conscious Experience, and What It Is Like to be 'Black,'" Wynter developed a theoretical framework, which she refers to as the "sociogenic principle," which would become central to her work. Wynter derives this theory from an analysis of Frantz Fanon's notion of "sociogeny." Wynter argues that Fanon's theorization of sociogeny envisions human being (or experience) as not merely biological, but also based in stories and symbolic meanings generated within culturally specific contexts. Sociogeny as a theory therefore overrides, and cannot be understood within, Cartesian dualism for Wynter. The social and the cultural influence the biological.

>In "Unsettling the Coloniality of Being/Power/Truth/Freedom: Towards the Human, After Man, Its Overrepresentation—An Argument", Wynter explains that the West uses race to attempt to answer the questions of who and what we are—particularly after the enlightenment period that unveils religion as incapable of answering those questions.

>> No.18837436

Oh come on now, you can try better than that con trans man

>> No.18837439

Kevin Solway.

>> No.18837440

Wilderson is extreme cringe but Wynter is actually pretty cool, I'll give you that. I still think the best analysis of Slavery comes from the Marxist tradition though, with "Roll, Jordan, Roll" but her Foucauldian stuff is interesting for sure. Moten is... eh. Not a style of writing I enjoy, too scattered and the connections between the things he jumps between in his texts seem vauge and unrigorous.

>> No.18837445
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>> No.18837452

/thread over

>> No.18837454
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No idea, but in my investigation I found this

>> No.18837459

Unironically Moldbug, even if he isn't saying anything new, there are some holes in his ideas, and he can be cringe, but his analysis of the west and its institutions is still brilliant.

>> No.18837464

Slavoj Zizek

>> No.18837480
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What are you saying? Is that some kind of transphobic forehead shaming insult you got there?

>> No.18837484

This bitch is the poor man's philosophytube.

>> No.18837490

I’m feeling generous so I’ll leave this thread with advice. Consult the most culturally relevant philosophical schools, whether or not they align with your frame of thinking, in order to produce thought that is both critical and innovative. If you’re interested in scholarship alone then I guess stick to Heidegger and Kant solely. But mind that the likes of Moten are in conversation with them, and moving the conversation forward in substantial ways. Don’t let /lit/ fool you into taking pride in having a narrow reading sphere. Contemporary theorists are reading from Hartman to Katz and it’s silly, if not embarrassing, to let yourself fall so behind. Feel free to ignore this if philosophy is more of an aesthetic interest than a vital commitment for you though. I expect as much, it’s been the direction of the board for some time. That’s life I guess.

>> No.18837504

Judith Butler and Donna Haraway. You may not like them because they are feminists (OH NO!!!) but they are by far the most influential thinkers alive with Zizek, who is alright, but the dirtbag left will never make it into positions of real power.

>> No.18837508

We are.

>> No.18837522

>Consult the most culturally relevant philosophical schools
A Philosopher ought to be untimely if he has anything to say, and Afro-Pessimism had rapidly degenerated from the stellar analysis of Fanon and Wynter into a cargo-cult way to narcissistically carve out an extra-special place in academia largely supported and kept popular up by the interest of the worst people in the fucking universe: Policy debaters, who I legitimately consider soulless and genuinely evil in their pedantic, competitive, egoistic, instrumental view of knowledge and philosophy. If you want to read Black Theory, then do so, and there are some good ones out there, but for the love of God don't read garbage written by careerist hacks proclaiming themselves to be literal slaves just because it is popular with twitter faggots and retarded grad students who fancy themselves revolutionaries.

>> No.18837528
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Why, yes.

>> No.18837536

Read Hartman and Spillers too if you’re interested in analyses of slavery, they’re no more dense than Wynter. But yeah Moten’s deliberate obtuseness felt so superficial when I first read it, felt like I was reading DeBord. But that was until I started to get the “point” of it, especially in “In The Break” where you see that the linguistic technique itself expresses the text’s meaning. Kind of like a poem where the rearrangement of syntax can produce two completely different moods. Reading Moten is a lot like reading Hegel, you’re skeptical of the obscurantism until patience rewards you with the rare fruits of opaque genius.

>> No.18837548

No thanks but enjoy your monkeys

>> No.18837549

I'd say he's just a poor man.

>> No.18837574

What do you mean by untimely? As in, tethered to the past, or innovative in the present? I agree if you mean the latter. The point of being conscious of the different contemporaries though is to aid in that task. My thinking became a lot more scrupulous when I stopped reading solely the classics and listened to what was being said today, even if I disagreed with it. My advice was sincere and based off experience, I hope that’s understood. I don’t enjoy all of the pessimists, there are redundancies but when they’re on, they’re ON. And the gap they fill in Western metaphysics is astounding. There are weak links in any philosophical tradition sure, but I will say in earnest that the Black existential perspective is necessary for a robust comprehension of metaphysics in the modern day. Regardless of race.

>> No.18837581

What gap do you think they fill in Western Metaphysics? We've burned the whole thing to the ground a billion times over, what's left to be done?

>> No.18837594

>yt made us slaves we has culture
Such metaphysical depth

>> No.18837606

If its muh unthinkable unwordly position that is nevertheless the trancendental condition for the world/thought then you have Laruelle, Michel Henry, Brassier, Galloway, etc. If its Moten's take on Kant then you can find the same position in Delueze. If its Wynter's stuff then you've got Fanon and Foucault. Not to mention Giorgio Ambagen and the rest.

>> No.18837635

>most important thinkers of our time
>a bunch of lefty pomos and hypermodernists
Philosophy died with the Ionians

>> No.18837639

damn, now I'm sad there isn't a 'black existentialism' movement like you described it

>> No.18837656

Hooray for discredited 19th century historical determinism cults. Grow up.

>> No.18837695


>> No.18837703

logo and kb are nice boys who have helped encourage many people, myself included, to read the western canon
dont hate on them their hearts are pure

>> No.18837712

Moldbug, Nick Land and Keith Woods. Ignore the other posts.

>> No.18837716

Lol dont start that snob shit with me anon, especially if I’m the one sharing information with you. Anyway, what needs to be understood is that the core of the Black metaphysic isn’t found in scientific statements like what you’d get from Kant. Go back to what I said about Moten’s language, the language itself conveying the meaning. The easiest way to put it is that the philosophical underpinnings of jazz can be found in the writings of theorists like Moten and Hartman, as well as artists like Baraka and Reed. Now, jazz necessarily resists denotation so it will be hard to explain exactly what that means. So I hope it suffices to say that the metaphysical condition of Blackness as Death, as well as the philosophy of jazz, once contextualized with the aforementioned writings paints an emerging picture of the Black metaphysical perspective. You have to understand that, just as we do not approach music as the European, we don’t approach the conveyance of philosophical truth as he does either. So while Kant explicitly describes for example, the “transcendental aesthetic” in scientific terms, where all that needs to be understood is stamped to the forefront, the same should not be necessarily expected from Black thinkers. Books like “In The Break” and “Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments” speak more to the Black metaphysic than scientific critiques or gleanable parallels with Western thought. Now you might say “well that’s bullshit, if they haven’t spelled it out clearly then it’s not really there” but consider that different approaches to reading / writing reap different results, and that those “in the know” of how certain truths are told will be more apt to grasp them (like folk stories from an indigenous tribe). Basically, a Black musician and a White scholar’s reading of Moten may be vastly different, but the musician’s reading is understood by his community, although his white counterpart may frustratingly call it indiscernable. Sorry this is so long, again, it’s hard to describe because the nature of jazz is to resist containment. However I myself do plan to attempt a more scientific rendering of the latent poetic truths present in those I’ve mentioned and more, so that this information can be more digestible. I think reading Bachelard helps too. Hope you’ve read this in good faith.

>> No.18837725
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>> No.18837728

William Guppy , Esq

>It's a little more expensive, and a little less convenient, but I always purchase my meat from the local butchers, because the butcher allows me to call him my "Meat Man" and to address his apprentice son as the "Meat Child." Both have a criminal record for animal abuse.

>> No.18837743

Sorry let me explain the folk story comparison a bit more. Stories from the Salish people, for example, may sound ludicrous to Americans because we don’t understand how their truths are told. While somebody FROM the tribe is able to reap mounds of wisdom from them. Now I don’t think Black poetics are as obscure as folk stories written in a foreign language, but the idea is that there are more ways to convey profundity than in scientific writing. Hence I recommend Bachelard because “poetic cognition” is a good way of learning to read beyond the science of words and into their spirit.

>> No.18837765

Used to be a libertarian, but the best of the bunch.
>Nick Land
Influenced by leftists.
>Keith Woods
Used to be a leftist.

>> No.18837798


Also I just read up on Laurelle since I hadn’t before and yeah I’d say that’s the closest I’ve heard to a Europeans description of it. But DO NOT simplify it to that extent. It would be like saying “jazz music is just Black classical music”. Do not deny the unique distinctions of an entity because it can be made comparable to others. Also, funny thing, a good friend of mine is mentioned in the wiki article as a Laurelle scholar, that was a nice surprise. I’ll tell him haha. But yeah non-philosophy is a way of approaching it but do not think that encapsulates it. The same way you don’t say “Phenomenology of Spirit is the same as the Tao Te Ching because they’ve said something similar”.

>> No.18837803
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>oy vey, don't critisize corporations, goyim! its these filthy communists that are spreading degeneracy, not us!

>> No.18837810

Aren't all of them corporationists though?

>> No.18837819

Do you have a twitter account

>> No.18837836

yes, how can a country exist without an ecomony?

>> No.18837844

>it's like jazz it's supposed to be incoherent
Are you serious lmao

>> No.18837850

This relativist position on logic and conceptual rigor is nonsense. You undercut any possible reason for believing what you believe if you reduce truth to style like a dickhead Nietzschean.

>> No.18837860

scott siskind is smarter than those three combined

>> No.18837863

>Judith Butler
Is a Jewish supremacist joke. She’s an angry Jewess that biologically is incapable of coming to terms with her inferiorities. She can never be a white man nor create at the level of the white man so as cope she passive-aggressively, and jewishly, hates. She will not be mentioned in 50 years, you know it’s true.

>> No.18837890

I think it’s nonsensical to reduce truth to science when wisdom has been found in poetry for centuries. But you’re doing us a disservice if you think it all boils down to “style.” There’s plenty of scientific meaning in everything I’ve mentioned, rich enough on its own, but the metaphysical layer is in the poetry, for some more than others. What im telling you is that language can communicate in both scientific and poetic registers at once, and to deny this facet is only to deny yourself wisdom. I expect that though, like I said, these are very European approaches to philosophy. I’ve been here long enough to anticipate these responses so I only entertain these talks every few months haha.
You don’t understand what jazz is but that’s not surprising lol.

>> No.18837892

>You undercut any possible reason for believing what you believ
Only from your perspective.

>> No.18837902


>> No.18837907

Lastly for tonight I will say, if you haven’t read the thinkers I’ve mentioned and you’re going on about any form of incoherency then my point is not being understood. Moten is the only real “stylist” I’ve brought up but the others aren’t. Hartman is dense but generally clear, as is Wynter. But my point isn’t that “their writings are incoherent and that is the message” but “there are scientific dimensions to their writing as well as poetic, the metaphysics lie in the poetic”. Less so Wynter more so Hartman, Moten, Reed, and the like.

>> No.18837914

This is so god damn pathetic. You don’t even believe blacks are on the same level as whites which is why you hold them to a lesser standard lol. The state of leftoid whitebois lol

>> No.18837926

I see, you're one of the hack careerists the other anon was talking about. Good to know

>> No.18837969
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>> No.18837973

Fuck lmao I was ready to leave but this is probably the dumbest take on what I said ITT. Please stop projecting. I said the two races express themselves differently, such as in music, and likewise this shows up in our philosophy. The European is generally all science, Black often people give a mix of science and poetry. Mind you that’s not exclusive, we’ve got scientific types like Wynter and Rodney, but we have others with different approaches unique to the Black mode of being. Don’t be so thick headed when you read. It’s obvious I’ve researched and long contemplated what I’m talking about, more than anyone else ITT will. So if you disagree, at least try to hit the mark on what I’m talking about instead of spewing literal dog shit. Ok this should be enough to clear up any further issues. The rest can be re-read. I’ll check tomorrow if anything is worth answering.

>> No.18837991

>It’s obvious I’ve researched and long contemplated what I’m talking about, more than anyone else ITT will. So if you disagree, at least try to hit the mark
Holy fucking shit lololoololo. Hit a nerve did I? I fucking blasted you and your pathetic dishonest fake and gay leftcuck religion. I cut through all your pompous religiosity and atomic upper cut you right in your programmed, religious taint. That hurt didn’t it lolololo. That amount of c-c-cope loloooloi haha haha lololool!!!!11

>> No.18837998

That is a MASSIVE amount of cope

>> No.18838005

Lol at this reply, what a chucklefuck you are

>> No.18838016

The more you post the more you self-p0wn yourself. You should prolly go to bed

>> No.18838023

nigga said black thinkers

>> No.18838024

You look like the bigger ass here anon. You sound like a self righteous douche desu

>> No.18838049

funny to see guppy mentioned on here after coming back to /lit/ for the first time in years. seems there is more cross-pollination with twitter than there used to be. he's still a fag.