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[ERROR] No.18835707 [Reply] [Original]

Books on the queerification of Christianity?

>> No.18835713

The Bible

>> No.18835736

No wonder this cucked religion is getting annihilated by Netflx in US and by Islam in Europe.

>> No.18835743
File: 312 KB, 928x1296, John Singer Sargent (1856–1925) Statue of Perseus by Night - oil on canvas c1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

integration of propaganda within religion with an effort to destabilize and shape internal milieu otherwise protected from exterior propaganda efforts are now faced with a situation most dire

>> No.18835757

can someone edit the bubbles to spell
>do what the fuck you want, just give us the money
>we're desperate

>> No.18835763

Anything by Marcel Lefebvre.

>> No.18835774
File: 125 KB, 926x979, 101249349_625412144724117_3828096242026545152_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate protestants so much.

>> No.18835780
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SSPX pilled. Check this out big boy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrroZ-llvCE&list=PLonegYXBrLbStENq_HPyOb4Qy9_qE3_2w&index=40

>> No.18835786

All these churches are green screens, right?

>> No.18835789

Butt Sex and the preaceherman; a classic really

>> No.18835811
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I hate American protestants so much

>> No.18835816

>lbgtq+ affirming
>pro choice
>mental health supportive
i dont know what this has to do with anything
>doubts welcome
that happens everywhere
>questions too
isnt that the whole point
>anti racism
fine on its face apart whatever weirds subtexts retards apply to it
>love one another

>> No.18835832

americans are disgusting

>> No.18835858

>lbgtq+ affirming
>love one another
so which is it?

>> No.18835865

Sodomy is not part of love

>> No.18835878

So if they don't have anal sex it's ok?

>> No.18835883

that s not what your mum said last night aye pal

>> No.18835887

I have no idea the kind of cognitative dissonance needed to think christianity is ok with homosexuality as a normal church goer but to be a member of the clergy and still hold this belief is insanity.

>Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable
Leviticus 18:22

>if a man lies with a man as one lies with woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads
Leviticus 20:13

but you may say but anon that is the old testament and old covenant these things are invalidated by Christ

>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet
Romans 1:26-27

>Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind
1 Corinthian 6:9

>Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine
1 Timothy 1:9:10

>> No.18835893

I mean you have to love lgtbt people, not that they love each other. Who are you to judge?

>> No.18835898

>doubts welcome
>questions too
How much would you bet that he won't be that welcoming as soon as you express doubts about racial equality, Holocaust, immigration etc. If he's so keen on being a priest he should preach in the Church of Liberalism because it's clear he's way more enthusiastic about that than Christianity

>> No.18835900

The degenerates will never be happy with a "yes, don't do butt stuff" anyway

>> No.18835907

Sex is only licit within the sacrament of marriage, which of course is only between one man and one woman. Otherwise celibacy is the only moral option.

>> No.18835908
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>> No.18835919

>queerification of Christianity?
Protestant hands typed this filth.

>> No.18835920
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You mean anglo heresies like baptists, evangelists, protestant sects and so on

>> No.18835921
File: 141 KB, 713x1070, theological-origins-of-modernity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This covers a far broader topic than what you're looking for, but it will lead you to the root causes of the problem

>> No.18835932

i love drug addicts, i dont affirm their habit

>> No.18835936

but anon that is paul and paul isn't Christ

>> No.18835944

Your Pope says these denominations are a-okay therefore you have to respect us, Cathcuck. My pastor says the Catholic Church is the church of the Antichrist (and he's right) and even if I disagreed with him I'd still be as valid a Protestant as him. See the difference? There's no one between me and Christ, I don't need an old pedo to tell me what to do in order to ensure an afterlife in Heaven for myself

>> No.18835955

Literally chosen by Jesus and redeemed himself through Jesus.

>> No.18835956

Condemning sin is a part of love.

>> No.18835969

>the protestants are heretics!
>no, the catholics are heretics!
>no the orthodox are the devil!
>no mormons are demons!
the religion of truth everybody

>> No.18835974

"Sin" is a superstition. Its not real, but non-sense used to make men fear their passions. Most people in the world who do immoral things are Christians; people who claim they are an authority on Christ are "sinners" merit seeking for vanity and self approval. You people are nothing but untermench

>> No.18835975

faggots do not love each other. they use each other to masturbate. i have never met a faggot that wasnt narcissistic and broken. its why many (most?) of them come from broken homes. they dont know what love it. they're scared of it. thats why they sodomize instead.

source: i live in one of the gayest cities on earth and like 5 fags work in my office.

>> No.18835977

based + checked

>> No.18835987

Men should fear their passions. Why shouldn't you engage in murder at the slightest insult? Why shouldn't you rape every women you see?
You're not thinking. You're just talking.

>> No.18835989

You're closet homosexual trying way too hard to make it seem like you hate them.

>> No.18835992

When you come before the Lord for judgement, what will you say when he asks you to explain your bitter sectarianism against your wayward Christian brothers

>> No.18836000


>> No.18836007

Sounds like most straight couples I've met

>> No.18836011
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>Men should fear their passions. Why shouldn't you engage in murder at the slightest insult?
You can murder whoever you want for whatever reason you desire. The same goes for "rape." Just because you fear consequence doesn't mean others are as cowardly as you. Fear no man or god.

>> No.18836015

Nothing because He already knows my answer

>> No.18836017

Sargent was a homo, ironic you're posting on of his paintings ITT

>> No.18836019

Not following your passions is unnatural because your passions are a biological instinct. Its against human nature to embrace to belief that deny your nature and your genetics.

>> No.18836023

>today in the anglosphere

>> No.18836028

The truth is upsetting, isn't it?

>> No.18836032

At least you're honest about your moral relativism.

>> No.18836033

We have long disowned them, get with the times

>> No.18836044
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>> No.18836047

>marriage is between man and woman
>make man and woman allegorical, like Christ the groom and the Church as the bride
>marry man (man) and man (woman)

>> No.18836052

Yeah, this is how many people look. And?

>> No.18836055

Can someone who is serious about Christianity tell me what's the proper conduct of a Christian in an environment that is openly against Christianity with not the remotest chance of "conversion"? To hide like the persecuted Christians did? Does anyone actually have a book on how the Christians moved and organized in times of persecution? I'm not saying that Christians are persecuted in the West, I just want to understand how proper Christians would behave in a generally very hostile and un-Christian context.
I don't care if you are Catholic, Protestant (as long as it's not the shit in OP) or whatever. If you have a shred of historical perspective all the better.

>> No.18836057
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Kant hated masturbation and only admitted sex in marriage (and even then not for recreation IIRC). Of course he is liberal, but if you think his liberalism is the same or really even related to the Protestantism in OP's video, then you are retarded or disengenious.

>> No.18836058

I wish Christians were honest about their moral relativism; why shriek at murder when your bible endorses it constantly with enormous murders by god and his disciples. Your "morality" is a deceitful cover for your immoral actions. Not a pure person, and you sin daily, yet you want tell people why they shouldn't do with their lives when you are cut from the same human cloth as I? To hell with you, rat

>> No.18836072

Yeah that bugged me too. Kant had a Pietist upbringing and that's about as close as Lutheranism gets to puritan moral values, he'd hardly be a fan of today's debauchery

>> No.18836077

The Apocalypse of John

>> No.18836086
File: 36 KB, 312x475, 894813EA-C8C3-44DA-AF27-20209AFDD494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a novel

>> No.18836087

Doesn't it say that in the end days Church will undergo a decline? Why are Christians so adamant about stopping "degeneracy" and associated moral ills when their own books predicted that it would happen and there's nothing anyone can do to avert it?

>> No.18836091

You know Jesus was a gay transdude which is why his wound bleeds.

>> No.18836099

You're upset because you're being judged.

>> No.18836120

You, too

>> No.18836146

That's in my history now. God damn am I stupid

>> No.18836154

Thanks anon, this kind of post is the only reason why I still come here.

>> No.18836163

my problem with this is that when I track you down and started beatin you to death and begin torturing you for a decade straight and your left without a penis and a quadruple amputee you will only be saying shit like
>how could you do this!
>this isn't fair!
>what you have done is wrong!
>y-you can't just torture and then kill me!
also the fact that the guy im quoting talks about immorality but has in all likelihood never broken the law beyond a speeding ticket or jay walking. Will never murder. Will never rape. Will never even slap a random guy in the face. Though he will preach immorality he acts entirely from the ground up in a traditional objective moral good way for his entire life

>> No.18836169
File: 25 KB, 333x499, 411E0460-B915-4C1D-AC5C-D043E84A1C73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another then

>> No.18836178
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>> No.18836181

>>how could you do this!
>>this isn't fair!
>>what you have done is wrong!
>>y-you can't just torture and then kill me!
How does this disprove Egoism? The reaction of the person being tortured there is in accord with their self-interest. As I understand it Egoism = every act is self-interested.

>> No.18836182

Incels aren't human

>> No.18836200

Only those who persevere until the end and keep to God's commandments will be saved.

>> No.18836226

>Incels aren't human
but all the bible thumpers on 4chan are incels

>> No.18836232

It is dominant ideology of liberalism seeping in into institution of Church.

Basically this has nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with corruption and depravity of the supposed cannals of preaching and pastors.

They have failed as human, therefore they cling on liberal dogmatism as their life purpose, therefore they preach ideology and failure.

>> No.18836235

No horse in this race but how autistic/extremely online do you have to be to think what you're referring to is what the priest here meant by doubts? It is obviously meant to reach out to agnostics or soft atheists. The entire video is basically him ticking boxes like a presidential candidate. It's a proselytizing religion. He's not here to debate your anti-societal talking points.

>> No.18836250

>He's not here to debate your anti-societal talking points.
You are in far too deep of ideological abyss then the person you replied to.


>> No.18836255

Christians don't read the battle

>> No.18836269

yeah, according to paul

>> No.18836271

Paul didn't write Acts.

>> No.18836281

Perhaps it is a return to normality that will only end in ruin because of the fallen nature of things and the hysteria and neuroses engendered in us by our prior puritanicalism

>> No.18836284

No the other guy is on an ascended plane of church shopping if he thinks a priest is needs to or is going to adopt a bunch of views that would get him shut down, while anon gets away with holding them scot free on his pommeranian grooming forum.

>> No.18836304

Thanks a lot again. I'm going to read these straight away.

>> No.18836347

To return to normalcy is to return to essence without self imposed thought ideological restrictions.

These restrictions in form of ideologies require force in order to diverge human behavior from essence, as these forces are mortal by nature, while essence is not, it's is doomed to failure.

That's just how it is, what we are witnessing is the damage in the meantime.

>> No.18836353

thats just what paul wants you to think

>> No.18836388

Become Orthodox. God bless you /lit/

>> No.18836407
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>Become Orthodox
Don't fuck off.

It's not the religion that's your issue, but entire foundation of your civilization that has led to the logical corruption you have.

Leave us Orthodox alone you failed subhumans.

>> No.18836413

I am Orthodox. You're not. LARP harder, lmao

>> No.18836421

holy kek

>> No.18836433

>Most people in the world who do immoral things are Christians
Most people in the world, generally, are not christian.
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.18836441

massive cope

>> No.18836444

Holy based...

>> No.18836450

>Not a pure person, and you sin daily, yet you want tell people why they shouldn't do with their lives when you are cut from the same human cloth as I?
yes, that's the general idea. This isn't even hidden or anything
you need to cope

>> No.18836457


>Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman

All that says is that gays can't fuck in missionary

>> No.18836460

The Christcucks are desperately trying to appeal to a less socially conservative crowd because church numbers are dwindling and the vast majority of smart people don't find Christianity intellectually satisfying anymore.

>> No.18836474

Or that some threesomes are out of the question if 'as' is interpreted as 'while'.

>> No.18836573
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Pic related

>> No.18836650

It's just the natural course of Christianity.

>> No.18836662


>> No.18836680

>literal appeal to nature


>> No.18836755

Here’s some interesting trivia. Pagan means rural because by 300-400 C.e because by that time most people in the former Roman Empire had converted to Christianity. Only the rural “rednecks” hadn’t got the message and thus the pejorative term pagan was used to refer to them.

Guess Christianity is going to get its turn.

>> No.18836774

These people will suffer in hell and I'm fine with that.

>> No.18836784

I'll have a collection of webms to show him.

>> No.18836884

Not after the incoming climate collapse destroys the cities

>> No.18836905

Trusting sipo Greekified infiltraitors

>> No.18836938

>this is a real church
why does it look like it's made out of left over bathroom tile, a vinyl sticker of brick, and a canvas painting of a stain glass window?

>> No.18836961

it's real (tm)
god bless america

>> No.18836984
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american lutherans are bad as well
they brought over a bunch of somalis to my state
at least with the hmong we had the excuse of fucking their shit up but their was no reason for them to bring over those knuckledragging coons

>> No.18837040

Why even have a church at this point?
just to grift off borderline atheist's inability to fully kick old habits?

>> No.18837106

I don't understand how people can follow someone who is so transparently a weathervane

>> No.18837110

Doesn't Russia have the most abortions and domestic violence per capita?

>> No.18837118

From Jacques Ellul's Critique of the New Commonplaces, "Politics First!"
And Christians, too, although they seemed unlikely to fall into this way of thinking, have not, in fact, resisted it. One need only consider the great preoccupation of the churches today. Are they interested in better understanding and formulating the truth? In converting men to Jesus Christ? In discovering ways in which a Christian can live by his faith? These are merely minor preoccupations. The great thing is to know what political position to support, for the church to prove it is a political force, to formulate a message to the world on its political problems. Until the church has stated its position on decolonization or Berlin, it has said nothing. And the tendency is the same in the Roman church and the Protestant churches and at the Ecumenical Council. We know that the church must live in the world, but the Christian (not the average Christian, alas, but the aware, thinking, and responsible Christian) knows only one world, politics, and sees only one way of living in it, to engage passionately in politics. Everything else, everything that really constitutes the life of man and of which politics is the mere reflection, superstructure, epiphenomenon—everything else is regarded as worthless by the Christians themselves.

We know that faith without works is dead, that faith must be incarnated. But for Christians this incarnation has only one form and one face: political commitment. And it does no good to say that Christ never chose to enter this realm any more than his apostles did; this does not matter (any more than any reasonable argument matters in the presence of the commonplace). The rabies politica has infected the best among the Christians so gravely that for them the incarnation has become identical with political commitment, and all judgments passed are now political judgments. The cat-o'-nine-tails with which these Christians constantly flay the church is "The church did nothing, the church is doing nothing." For this read: The moment the church ceases to influence politics directly, the moment it ceases to be in permanent relation to the state, it does nothing. All judgments passed on the church in the nineteenth or twentieth century are political judgments—and in the preceding centuries too, for that matter! The church did not establish democracy. The church did not prevent war. The church did not oppose colonial conquest. The church did not denounce fascism, etc. Thus the value of the church is measured by its capacity for political judgment. For non-Christians to think this way is understandable — but Christians! The mind boggles. And the Protestants are forever glorifying themselves: once the church was the church, at the Synod of Barmen that condemned Nazism and anti-Semitism; there, the Truth was spoken. I wish that this had been the work of the Holy Ghost.

>> No.18837121
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what exactly is wrong with this?

>> No.18837137

it's athiesm pretending to be christianity. why even bother at this point.

>> No.18837155
File: 1.09 MB, 828x1280, 9780802864994__38506.1463163400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Machen, retards.

>> No.18837205

Russia is a shithole with problems but at least they're willing to admit those problems exist and try to fix them. America is a shithole with problems but we pretend our problems are okay and in recent years even elevate them as ideals.

>> No.18837215

What he said. There is no contradiction, except in your sin-addled mind.

>> No.18837537

>kym filename

>> No.18837553

>russians admitting problems
like how they legalised domestic abuse then it got so bad they had to 180 so hard they broke their ankles in the process?

turns out wife beating aint fucking good, and when you live in a depressive commie block alcohol infused hellscape people are more inclined to strike out against their families.

russias a total shithole and even comparing them in any semblance to the western world is a fucking joke

>> No.18837587

At least they have the political will to make changes to things like that, that's the only way you find a good balanced position. Do I even have to write up a post on how fucked America's justice system is when it comes to any sort of male-female litigation? And I'm not sure if you've seen any recent construction in America but it's not exactly neoclassical or art deco anymore. But like I said earlier, Russia's government is at least willing to admit that this is a problem, whereas in America we embrace the problem as a virtue.

>> No.18837588

these people not only will go to hell but they will be punished more than non-religious sodomites. they're participating in what's an obvious mockery and sacrilegious version of Christianity. they aren't only rejecting repentance but elevating their sins to the category of the sacred.

>> No.18837615

>>kym filename
what's that

>> No.18837617

> reversing a bad policy
this would never ever happen in america lmao, unless it coincided with partisan retardation

>> No.18837623

anyone think the pagan religions did the same thing with christianity?
>we cut down our own tree

>> No.18837627

gay website

>> No.18837662

Sounds like you're the fag

>> No.18837677

the majority of preachers claiming to be christians preach false gospels that lead people to hell (usually works based salvation, whether they front load works or backload works into the gospel)

this is a reminder that eternal life is the free gift of God. if you want to receive it and have the 100% assurance of your salvation, watch this gospel video

it's easy to be saved from hell and get to heaven so don't miss out on it /lit/


>> No.18837686

Nigga, you gay.

>> No.18837750

Texe Marrs pastors and churches gone wild

>> No.18837771
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Dont even start

>> No.18837790
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Troons aren't human

>> No.18837801

you are retarded if you think this is a refutation to egoism

>> No.18837869

does christianity involve being racist or homophobic

>> No.18837889

Cute boy

>> No.18838092

this nigga afraid to jaywalk lmao

>> No.18838124

involves being homophobic to men but you can be lesbian.

>> No.18838376

Because everything exists as a service now, there is no longer a human element in this society where you can get something constructive out of relationships with anyone, you are paying them to pander to you. Does someone expect the whore you hire to actually have feelings for you or to be honest if the sex isn't to her liking? No but she better tell you every sweet thing. Just look at people's relationship with media, the author or artist is no longer the source of art who needs to be given the right to take choices, nope, the best artist right now is a mindless drone, a hand without a brain who executes exactly what the public demands in real time through twitter posts, poll, donation tiers and whatnot. Everyone and everything has turned into prostitution because the new religion is "the customer is always right" and if one won't obey there's another whore round the corner who'll do it and smile doing it.

>> No.18838399

Guaranteed that he is a pedo, just like that other guy who was dancing on tiktok

>> No.18838422
File: 45 KB, 300x323, stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner brought me to the holy faith because I felt like being a catholic.

>> No.18838533

i love your mom but that doesnt mean shes not a whore

>> No.18838570

Prots not knowing the difference again

>> No.18838594

I'm pretty sure there is something in the Bible against insincere posturing for approval.

>> No.18838597

He's the head of the worlds largest charity, a majority of which is focused on black people. How is it insincere?

>> No.18838608

black people in africa though, not american blacks. american blacks are not oppressed, doing this show is literally just riding a political wave

>> No.18838628

There is nothing wrong about beating your wife/kids when they deserve it

>> No.18838659

>not a single mention of god/jesus etc

>> No.18838666

Who need that? We are redeemed through Liberalism. Verily I tell you no one comes to the kingdom of God except through Biden

>> No.18838683
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The Reformation and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18838688

I know that this will be the butt of many jokes, but what would traditional, radical Christianity say about gullibility and deceit?
The biggest difficulty in this world right now for an altruistic, charitable person is specifically that this world is entirely built on deceit, and in order to be safe from deceit (and do good where it's worthwhile) one must be always suspicious and treat people's pleas as if they were untrue. An obvious example of this is the various charities to help starving African kids and such, they're pretty much a money sink that inevitably benefits the hands of warlords and the pockets of grifters, they will never help any of the disadvantaged people they put in the ads, if this isn't actually contributing some form of long term damage (as long as these people will be underdeveloped there is an interest in keeping them this way). Is a Christian still a good Christian if he says "I won't help this cause because I think it's fake, I will try to help people in my own community who are in trouble" or is he supposed to suspend his disbelief and not "be choosy" with whom to help and be charitable towards? Paradoxically this is less of a problem than open hostility: Christian faith says to love thine enemy, so if someone does harm and evil to you you're supposed to stop feeding into this spiral of hatred. Hostility is recognizable, deceit by definition is not.
The world of even 200 years ago was relatively very simple especially for the masses. If someone was rich it was very difficult to pretend he was not, because you would inevitably see him walk back to his riches. Right now you can fake this and many other things. Through the screen of media and now the internet you can fake every single thing, so blind trust is the most destructive thing a person can have in his heart.

It's like the modern configuration of the world is making people inherently aligned with evil thoughts. Those who don't do so, are not "inspiring" anyone, they are just first on the chopping block. It feels like a waste of a life. Even during persecutions the Christians would hide. They wouldn't throw themselves needlessly to the swords for martyrdom.

>> No.18838694

We are saved by politics and politics alone, protestant bros.

>> No.18838706

fucking KEK those digits

>> No.18838708

so she's a gnostic?

>> No.18838719

What Church should I go to if I want to avoid this kind of political corruption by schizophrenic fetishists? I don't even care whether it's valid to think of God as genderless, I just know what this means long term.

>> No.18838737

Unironically catholic tlm. If they don't get destrpyed by Francis then the catholic church may actually have a future, but who knows.

>> No.18838750

Catholicism disgusts me, I can't possibly take it seriously.

>> No.18838767

Like how the fuck am I supposed to take this >>18838717 seriously

>> No.18838784

It's located in the Kingdoms of Earth anon; one can only expect ultimate beatitude from the City of God.

>> No.18838786

Whaddup fellow pius X enjoyer

>> No.18838789

"The Rite of Sodomy" by Randy Engel is a decent history of homosexuality in the RC church from the late middle ages to the 20th century. You can get a copy from archive dot org.

>> No.18838793

Why do you even post if you have nothing meaningful to say? Are you a bot?

>> No.18838799

This guy gets it

>> No.18838809

How far can Bergoglio take things before you stop coping and realize that the church is corrupt? Endorsement of infinite mass immigration? Abortion? Gay marriage?

>> No.18838819
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x822, vl12m39s369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an american black you fucking moron. It's a African dude in a refugee home in Rome. The Bishop of Rome is washing the feet of the lowest in society. HUMILITY
I repeat. I hate prots so fucking much.

>> No.18838823

U gunna die.

>> No.18838824

Catholicism and Orthodoxy are the only branches of Christianity that have a semblance of tradition in them, everything else is corrupted by modernity in it's core tenets.
And if you are western and become Orthodox you are jsut a larper. I'm guessing you have been raised in a protestant ambient with strong animosity towards the church. Break free from the lies and you may get a glimpse of the truth.

>> No.18838829

Is he washing his feet with his tongue? Seems kinda suss desu.

>> No.18838837

So, do you practice "humility" too?

>> No.18838845

>A "refugee" in Rome
Thought it was a BLM thing. Listen I don't care, it's not in Africa so my point is the same.
African "refugees" are literally invading Europe because this happens to be a better alternative to open warfare. WIthout a system to integrate them they are making life significantly worse for everyone because uncontrolled, unfiltered immigration is destructive, endorsing this is not an act of charity since the Africans that come in Europe do not have any good will toward the countries who welcome them, they're just in to make money to send back to Africa and colonize white countries. Advocating for this is just making native Europeans miserable and expanding the inherent dysfunctionality of African society to healthy populations. But yeah it makes for some great posturing.

>> No.18838886

Why does it always have to be some autistic debate over denominations? None of that shit matters anymore. We just think you're incredibly cucked for sitting around saying "well that's just how it is" while the Pope and co destroy the Church
The modern Church has none of the characteristics that drew Roman intellectuals to Christianity.

>> No.18838902

>Endorsement of infinite mass immigration? Abortion? Gay marriage?
The pope can't really do this out of the blue, it goes against catholic doctrine and the latest catechism.

>> No.18838919

It doesn't match his writing style and it was written in a different time and place. Are you some kind of Muhammedan pig fucker? I really don't understand why this board is infested with your kind.

>> No.18838941

Quick question: would you be okay with your daughter marrying a negro provided he was a Catholic?

>> No.18838957

I find it funny when people call westerners converting to Orthodoxy a "larp." The West is foundationally Orthodox. Until the year 1054 there was only one Church. Westerners returning to Orthodoxy is the parable of the prodigal son being played out at a societal level.

>Martin of Tours
>Germanus of Auxerre
>Hilary of Poitiers
>Gregory of Tours
>Faustus of Riez
>Caesarius of Arles

Just a handful of western, pre-schism saints. Christianity is Orthodox and all modernist plagues are a result of Rome leaving to do its own thing.

>muh Rome is the true Church

Look back at the past 1000 years of Christianity- who has changed? Who has stayed the same? There is only one true Christianity and you won't find its dogmas being upheld in the Vatican

>> No.18838966
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This is a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Obviously, if you think of the Christian dogma as literal truth then you're going to be pissed. But if you see it as a made up belief system that helps humans navigate the fucked up world we are born into, then this kind of selective reading of Christian theology is a net positive for society. You're keeping the good stuff, but filtering out the retarded shit from thousands of years ago that makes millions of people miserable.

>> No.18838970

I'm not an alcoholic

>> No.18838973

I would rather have my daughter marry a devout Catholic negro than a pathetic white protestant like those ITT.

>> No.18838978

the absolute state of catholicucks

>> No.18838981

I'm >>18838845 Catholicism is a joke but yes if he were an actual decent Christian man. Had I been American I would have had zero issues with a decent church going black man from whatever church American blacks used to go to when America was Christian.

>> No.18838994

We should nourish the living religion rather than cling to the ossified traditions of the past.

>> No.18839006

you would die without a skeleton anon

>> No.18839008
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Reminds me of pic related.

>> No.18839032

Does your idea of christianity involve based & redpilled dabbing on brown people and homos?

You're a much bigger part of the problem than anyone you disapprove of.

>> No.18839046


>> No.18839159

Racist no, but homophobic yes, and that's great actually.

>> No.18839310

The west believes the duty of the Christian is moral purification. The race to moralism proceeds regardless of the ideology and regardless of whether we’re talking about Catholics or Protestants. Liberalism merely digs up these fringe cases from the dredges of society and shines a lot on them, which in turn allows the Western Christians to begin their race to moral purity.

>> No.18839317

What's the big problem with guys fucking each other in the ass? I'll never understand christians

>> No.18839324

If you really think about it, it’s Orthodoxy and Protestantism which hold the traditions. I think I need not explain the position on Orthodoxy but The Roman Catholic Church has taken such a departure from tradition and in such an institutional way such that the freedom and individuality inherent to Protestant faith ironically allows the individual to support a more traditional sort of faith than what the Roman Catholic Church offers today.

>> No.18839330

People who say it aren’t Christians. They’re hardly religious. So I don’t know why you’d give it the time of day.

>> No.18839348

There's a difference between tolerating homos and promoting consumerist identities like "LGBTQ".

>> No.18839360

>I have no idea the kind of cognitative dissonance needed to think christianity is ok with homosexuality as a normal church goer
i'm beautiful in my way, because god makes no mistakes, as a wise person once said

>> No.18839364

>Yep. This is a real church
No, I don't think so

>> No.18839371

>These people will suffer in hell and I'm fine with that.
then you're not a christian, in any way, shape or form

>> No.18839374

you're the one posting on 4chan, you're probably going to a deeper level of hell than the gays are

>> No.18839387

Rose, Goodbye Good Men. Journalist's account of the purple mafia's take-over of the American Catholic seminaries.

>> No.18839446

I thought like this until they started having rights and now trannies are dictating common sense for everyone else, children are given HRT and groomed by open pedophile rings, being straight is borderline illegal, not having gays buggering in every piece of media makes you a Nazi

>> No.18839453

>trannies are dictating common sense
Everybody hates trannies, even homos

>> No.18839455

oh god stop being such a drama queen

>> No.18839466

>can someone reframe neo Marxism into capitalism I don't want to be associated with the consequences of neo Marxism

>> No.18839492

>post bait anti-christian thread asking for a book
>seething christcucks will flock at it and reply until it hits bump limit
Works every time

>> No.18839637

>t. trust me bro
wow what a refreshing perspective this changes everything thank you anon

>> No.18839671

>"doubts welcome"

>> No.18839673

>responding to an obvious shitpost

>> No.18840527

>ITT retarded faggot christians proving why their religion is retarded
Another day on /lit/

>> No.18840538

>What's the big problem with guys fucking each other in the ass? I'll never understand christians
You shouldn't even need to be christian to think it's filthy behavior that should be condemned by healthy functioning societies. I think christians are cucks for the whole "love the sinner hate the sin" schtick.

>> No.18840558

Not OP, but my issue is I dislike frauds and liars. When so-called christians ignore what their holy book says and instead make shit up their religion becomes completely false. They are worshiping a god that is not in accordance to their own book and it renders the entirety of it null and void. I'm not even religious but this type of behavior is ironically far more superstitious and retarded than any type of traditional christian theological position.

>> No.18840570

>Father do I *really* have to believe in this uhh God whatever thingy... I mean, seriously? Sky wizard? In 2021? And he loves me without my consent?

>> No.18840603

>Books on the queerification of Christianity?
Religion is a useful tool for corralling NPCs. I just saved you from reading 300 pages of useless information.

>> No.18840628
File: 10 KB, 299x168, indexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Religious countries
> Poor
> Starving
> Fascist Junta
> Pedo scandals
> No education
> No hope
> Teen pregnancies
> 15 kids per woman
> Everyone is fat
> No art of culture
> Always at war
> low IQ

> Secular countries
> Rich
> Wealthy
> Healthy
> Epitome of art and culture
> Purveyors of peace and justice
> High IQ

Oops! Looks like you're """god""" really DID abandon you!

>> No.18840647

read "man, the sain by J urteaga, NEVER HIDE CHRISTIANITY NEEDS CHRISTIANS WHO ARE STRONG IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY. he goes into detail on how one should behave in these sinful times, and with great urgency and enthusiasm too.

>> No.18840653

"man, the saint by J urteaga*"

>> No.18840863

Read the Catechism of the Church. Read Libido Dominandi. Essentially, Protestants, Anglos, and Jews are evil and corrupt everything they touch. (Including, unfortunately, their penetration in the Catholic church.)

>> No.18841057

>If you are a Catholic would you let this man fuck your daughter
Holy Hell nigger, that's a loaded question with no right answer.

>> No.18841082

it's true

>> No.18841092

Only Ex Cathedra forces you to follow the Pope orders. You are acting as if people disagreeing with the Pope did not happened before our times.

>> No.18841111

please list a few countries where "being straight is borderline illegal"

>> No.18841125

none. as it should be.

>> No.18841168

As if protestants before 2000s would be okay with this

>> No.18841176

Priests have always been homosexuals and pedophiles.

>> No.18841231

We're not expected to be successful in spreading the message. Even Jesus was not successful in that.
>He died almost abandoned; he was condemned on account of his preaching. The response to his message was not the great Yes of his people, but the Cross. From such an end as that, we should conclude that Success is definitely not one of the names of God and that it is not Christian to have an eye to outward success or numbers. God’s paths are other than that: his success comes about through the Cross and is always found under that sign. (Benedict XVI)
See also:
>For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will thwart.” Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. (1 Cor 1:18-21)
Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2013&version=NIV

>> No.18841336

This just comes off as "How can we get the youth interested? They like gay stuff right?"

>> No.18842167

Based, how will redditor trad larpers ever recover?

>> No.18842396

If only the church dropped all the boomer (for lack of a better term) aesthetics, you know, that disgusting Kinkade style, lawn gnome style corruption of the hardcore Baroque vision of Christianity of yore; if they dropped the kitsch old lady songs and the plastic looking angels and cotton candy clouds and actually put at least a decent looking cross and Christ you could look up to... If only they dropped all these cheap and shitty aesthetic aspects of boomer, plebeian Christianity and went back to natural lights in the building, ominous Latin masses, mentioning that you are actually fighting against Satan, self-flagellation, real blood and skulls, Christianity would become cool again in the eyes of the youngins.
Yes, if Christianity wants to win the youth back it needs to stop fucking around and start looking as much as possible like Bloodborne.

>> No.18842421
File: 190 KB, 737x1065, 904C1CC7-A65F-4B1F-BFF8-9C37743F2859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fitting .gif

>> No.18842441

I can't even fathom getting 6 million followers on social media in two years. how the fuck does this even happen, it can't be organic.

>> No.18842457
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-christian-theology-is-the-grandmother-of-bolshevism-oswald-spengler-43-73-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don´t kid yourselves, catholi-cucks

>> No.18842464

The only real response itt

>> No.18842465

where´s pentecostalism?

>> No.18842471

if you're worried about tradcath larpers please just touch grass on the way to church

>> No.18842505

Why is Christianity so complicated? Which one of these is the most trad and Chad without getting into can-only-work-as-a-larp territory?
I entirely trust the word of 4chan on this, you guys have brought me through so much darkness in my life, and then more darkness, and then even more darkness, so maybe you'll have the decency to take me out of here

>> No.18842516


>> No.18842522

noooo please not the catholicism

>> No.18842540
File: 19 KB, 293x381, 1604775144561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can someone who is serious about Christianity tell me what's the proper conduct of a Christian in an environment that is openly against Christianity with not the remotest chance of "conversion"? To hide like the persecuted Christians did? Does anyone actually have a book on how the Christians moved and organized in times of persecution?

technically curent sjw/woke/liberal ideology is just secular christianism so you have nothing fear, the reason they´re too much antipathy towards your religion it´s because they see you as competitition

the same way old christianity viewed greek-roman polytheism as their competitors so they demolishd statues and temples dedicated to Zeus-Jupiter, Athena, etc....

>> No.18842583
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>> No.18842595

>4% of global population and dropping
>their countries are a mess, dropping church attendance and more churches being built nonetheless

>> No.18842642

christianity (with the exception of pentecostalism and mormonism) are fucked really hard in the long term, i can see that religion disappearing in the next 500 years, i don´t know what will replaced them though

>> No.18842658

>Why is Christianity so complicated?
It has a long history but it only seems complicated because it’s what you see. If you could examine the entire scope of Buddhism, Islam, or anything else you’d think that was complicated as well.
> Which one of these is the most trad and Chad without getting into can-only-work-as-a-larp territory?
Wrong way to look at it but the short answer to your question is Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.18842755

I'm going to try this pill in the pill cocktail thanks anon

>> No.18842779

>Not following your passions is unnatural because your passions are a biological instinct. Its against human nature to embrace to belief that deny your nature and your genetics.

so why are you against anti equality, anty sodomy when those two instace are more natural that you so called "natural" state?

>> No.18842804

Pseuds are making it overly complex. There's literally one book you have to read to be a Christian. As a layperson you have no role in the religion anyway beyond praying and contributing to the upkeep of the church, theology was "traditionally" not yours to study.

>> No.18842813

nice one lad

>> No.18842833

The Jews took our forefathers religions away and played the long game.

>> No.18842837

Child rapists should keep their mouths shut.
You people have protected and empowered the mass rape of children for decades and now a few Protestants say they allow fags in their churches and all the sudden you care about the purity of Christendom.

You don't give a shit about Christ. You only care about your ego and your sectarian squabbles.

>> No.18842851

Kyle walked into the church where pater maldun was sitting peacefully contemplating the harmony in gods creation. kyle was struggling heavily in recent times. he walked up to pater maldun and made his presence known
"Oh, kyle its you. How goes it for you today?"
"hello pater maldun. um i have to confess something to you okay its kinda embarrassing can we do it in the chamber of secrets?"
"yes toby of course, follow me into the chamber of secrets."
they went into the chamber and undressed. pater maldun rested his hands on tobys thigh and petted him.
"whats bothering you kyle? You know how accepting our lord is? you can do nothing wrong, you understand?"
"yes, pater, i understand but still i feel guilty"
Pater Maldun was shocked, his dick was rock hard from anger.
kyle started crying and his dick shrivelled away. Pater Maldun was moved by kyles emotions and started grabbing him downstairs to cheer him up.
"Kyle, i'm sorry i had to scream at you but there's one thing that god can not forgive you: To not love yourself. do you understand? You MUST love yourself and never feel guilty about anything."
"But Pater... what if i killed somebody?"
"Listen Toby... it is difficult to understand, it is one of the most difficult lessons a devout christian has to learn in life. You have read your sigmund freud right?"
"yes pater, of course, as you ordered me."
"Do you remember about the case of the murderer who was expressing his anal fixation through the way he killed his victims?"
"yes, pater maldun, you read it out loud to me several times while we had fun time..."
"thats right, kyle. It's an important lesson to learn about christ. Because the murderer only did it to escape the guilt and express his repressed sexuality and because of this even while the murders were wrong he was doing it to love himself. Do you understand? Even if you mruder you are loving yourself when you dont feel guilt and as such are not guilty."
"I guess pater maldun. But still i feel... "
"Don't say it Toby. Don't say it. YOu still have much to learn."
"yes pater maldun"
After their intense conversation they both paid respect to their self love and pater maldun penetrated kyles ass. When kyle was younger he questioned the act but pater maldun assured him that if he's physically feeling pleasure, it means that the only part that is not feeling pleasure is that demonic thing inside him that felt guilt. By eliminating his guilt he could just enjoy being loved by the pater. How could it be wrong if pater maldun was merely doing it as an expression of his self love? Kyle though initially traumatized by pater maldun advances gradually got used to the act of self-lovemaking and realized that he was doing gods work by being pater malduns bottom. And this is how america moved beyond the self-hating attitude of catholicism

>> No.18843229

This is the right answer, but Eastern Orthodox Christians are mostly an ethnic religion and you'll have difficulty being accepted into their church. If you're not an ethnic greek/russian/egyptian and can't speak their language, they most likely won't accept you. There are good and bad practitioners of christianity in every branch, but the ones that are probably the most traditional are orthodox.

>> No.18843238

>Eastern Orthodox Christians are mostly an ethnic religion
This is simply not true and I would’ve indicated that in my answer if it was.

>> No.18843239

This was true 10 years ago, not so much today. Though there are still some parishes like that.

>> No.18843258

It’s never been true. Yes, the Orthodox Church has been very much ingrained in its local patriarchates along with their languages and culture, very much unlike Western Christianity and you can see this especially with the Greeks. But it’s not true that it’s an ethnic religion by any stretch of the imagination, and the churches don’t even perpetuate this myth. There are monks in Athos from all over the world, including America, right now. When the Russians left Moscow after the revolution, they ended up all over, opened churches, used foreign languages. ROCOR is especially useful for Americans and Europeans interested in Orthodoxy in part because of this. The idea that Orthodoxy is an ethnic religion is and always has been a myth and one that seems to be perpetuated by Catholics for reasons I’d suspect are not so virtuous.

>> No.18843283

>uh sure the churches are divided by nationality and the people in them tend to be aligned with those national cultures but don't let that dissuade you from marching your deracinated ass in and telling the congregation you heard about how based Orthodoxy was online and that they have the best stance on the gays you've seen while church shopping