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[ERROR] No.18835411 [Reply] [Original]

Itt kino kids literature

>> No.18835488
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Andy Griffiths was a genius at toilet humour

>> No.18835533

I didn't include them in the op, but obviously Alice in wonderland, and through the looking glass. I think series of unfortunate events is a noble attempt at Pomo kids lit. Harry Potter had some interesting use of free indirect discourse. As for classically literary writers who wrote children's books (thinking of Steinbeck) meh.

>> No.18835544
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>imagine reading as a kid
fucking losers, you wasted your best years.

>> No.18835617

What was I supposed to do that I didn't?

>> No.18835783

A Series of Unfortunate Events filtered me as a kid and to this day I don't know what the point of the series was. I doubt it's worth going back to as an adult so I guess it'll just be a mystery to me forever.

>> No.18835808

Holy crap I had totally forgotten about this until now.

>> No.18835957
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>> No.18835967
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>> No.18836014
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turned me into a male chauvinist at the tender age of 8yo tbqh senpai

>> No.18836042

the double dubs speak the truth.

>> No.18836229

Parts of it are clever

>> No.18837352

Holy fuck this brings back so many memories. I've always been a scaredy cat, so I thought this would ease me into horror. It turned out to be super weird but my kid self loved it

>> No.18837875

Heh, yuuuup. That first book was so comfy, and then shit got real

>> No.18837884

Are the new books worth following up on, now that I'm a grown man? I keep away from female main characters these days

>> No.18837903

Unironically many of these short stories were creepy as all hell.
Whoever chose the cover art was a dick

>> No.18837916

My stupid parents bought me stupid faggot books instead of real literature. Then I got my first PC when I was 12 and played video games for 15 years before reading another book. My only bad habit now is being on this site too much

>> No.18837923
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>> No.18837935
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Actual kino. I aspire to be like applegate and write books that will inspire kids to become sci-fi nerds

>> No.18837988
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gave one of these to my nephew and he wont stop asking me for more every time he visits

>> No.18837997

Bone is the first book I got and read by myself. I won some school essay thing on 7th grade and I got bone.
I did want to get more as well but I never did.

>> No.18838086

Oh hell yes, that book was awesome. Better than the actual Animorphs books.

>> No.18838098

I read this guy as a kid.
what about paul jennings?

>> No.18838114

what the fuck do kids do anyway? I wasted my childhood practicing meme sports like Taekwondo because my kpop obsessed mom insisted on it

>> No.18838120

my parents bought me one of the books without realizing it was a sequel and even without knowing what was going on i reread it out of enjoyment a lot

>> No.18838129
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