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[ERROR] No.18830270 [Reply] [Original]

For those who missed the last thread: The original editor of &amp put out seven issues, then had to take a break. He is back and is very close to finishing Issue 008. Moving forward, however, he will only be doing every other issue. I will be editing Issue 009, hopefully for some time in September, but we currently have no submissions for this next issue.

Review the archive of the magazine: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/

Send original writing, art, photos, etc. to: Lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com

This magazine is sourced entirely from here and made for /lit/. Please drop any feedback or considerations as I set off on editing my first issue ITT.

>> No.18830282

Why is the cover calling me a jew?

>> No.18830313

It was the only way we could win the Pulitzer. Please understand.

>> No.18830451

>we're like suuuuuuper fucking close guys, real
>definitely this weekend you, should be completely done
>no actually this weekend guys, honest, we're super close, like really
stop this and just tell people when you finish

>> No.18830494

I don't even mean that to advertise Issue 008. I'm not working on that one, so I don't know specifics. I just mean to say, we have everything we need for that, but absolutely nothing for 009, which is being done by a different editor (me), so I don't have much to do right now. The whole production has hit a lull, and so discussions have mostly stopped, and so submissions have stopped, so I'm making a thread to get that going again.

>> No.18830735

I will do my best to write something for you

>> No.18831336

>Send original writing, art, photos, etc. to: Lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com
What's the scope for acceptable submissions? I've read most of 007, should I just follow those loose formats?

>> No.18831658

Nothing really off-limits. Fiction, poetry, essays, a short play, an original greentext story, a manifesto on poopsocking, etc. It just needs to be your own original submission. Unless it's really, really shit, I'll fit it in somewhere.

>> No.18831695

what happened to the Lit Quarterly guy? did he get run off?

>> No.18831965

Are submissions anonymous or do you give a pseudonym or something

>> No.18831971

Also are you supposed to accompany your written piece with some kind of art or photo?

>> No.18831985

Think it died from lack of interest, though I'm not too sure. A shame, it was pretty good while it lasted.

>> No.18832016
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Ok, but give ig

>> No.18832254

>The original editor of &amp put out seven issues
for trivia sake, i think 05 and 06 are prussia anon's

you should ask for classifieds and made up words and steal these stories. i dont know what happened to the classifieds in 07

ill try to give you good stuff for 09

>> No.18832319

Can I submit the beginning of my novel the rest of which hasn't been written yet

>> No.18832685

I'll definitely get something to you I've been in almost all of them so far and love this project a lot.

>> No.18833178

We will never get 008.

>> No.18833218


>> No.18833794

just checked and it’s up

Good job lads, another beautiful issue, going to read it today

>> No.18834112


>> No.18834201

What the shit.

Not a hoax!

>> No.18834363
File: 494 KB, 1187x1536, amp-008-WIP-1187x1536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the project lost its way (started as 4chan, then 4chan writing in a wider competitive market, but then lost too much of the /lit/ spirit) and he cut his losses. Pretty sure he was thousands of dollars in the hole based on what he was paying out per entry.
Most entries are entirely uncredited. You could craft some sort of persona implicit in the work, but keep in mind you'll be entering it into the public domain.
No, that design work is on my end, but you could if you really wanted to.
Yes, but see above.
You poop into a sock so you don't have to leave your desk. It's a very simple concept. 008 was delayed massively because failure to poopsock ate into too much productivity time.

>> No.18834800

about halfway through rn,
Milk is prob my favorite, followed by the Venezuelan baseball story. Was about to read eggplant but did some checking and it looks like it’s part II of something from last issue, so I have to go back now and see what the fuck is happening…
All in all pretty good stuff guys, really digging the design

>> No.18834947

not a bad issue, I think my favourite was the opium wars one but I wish he had actually tried to write that story and submit it instead of writing about wanting to write it

>> No.18834993

also in the same vein I think i would prefer a way shittier attempt at writing something with actual contrived characters than any diary entry posts, even though I do enjoy them a great deal (personal fave is the guy who used the typewriter in an earlier issue). I’d implore those that write for amp to try using fiction, in fact, it would also be cool if there were shitty attempts that got better with successive issues. donno just my cents

>> No.18835052

>diary entry posts
I agree with this.
frankly, I didn't like K-Anon's piece. I feel bad saying this because it was clearly a very emotional, personal one for him (presuming it's not fiction) but it's too overloaded with cliched language to make the otherwise pretty decent themes connect.
Same kinda goes for the opener: in the beginning, when it was about the idea of centrality and CENTCOM, it was really engaging, but the last portion about hoping all the low and mean anons are ok just didn't do it for me, felt too much like all the sadboy posting on this board which is honestly fucking unbearable...
still, kudos to both for actually submitting.

>> No.18835145
File: 166 KB, 500x500, 2CD253D8-3437-43FE-80C6-6C9D0B2977FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree about the k-anon piece tho it did remind me in principle a bit of Sebald, weaving between diary and (in this case just a fun fact) fiction, so maybe he could try the same style and play to his strengths. I found the end charming at least, it’s nice seeing anons happy even tho they’re in positions little different from mine - that is, once again (so that I don’t sound like I’m trashing anyone), I do hope there’s always diary posts in every issue, just also more risks be taken

>> No.18835246

Hi there, K-Anon here! My inspirations are people like Sebald, Carver, Dubus, and others. I'm sorry this one didn't hit, most of my stories read like diary entries because I try to make them personal and emotional on a human level. In the one from 008 I wanted to convey a sense of failure and directionlessness. I'll keep this feedback in mind for future stories!

>> No.18835394
File: 46 KB, 800x444, IMG_1753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi there, K-Anon here! My inspirations are people like Sebald,
>because I try to make them personal and emotional on a human level
>I wanted to convey a sense of failure and directionlessness
this is excellent, keep writing, i look forward to seeing more from you, &im glad you're familiar with Sebald, my only critique would be to study him closer if you like this sort of writing (Rings of Saturn ofc, but also other stuff like A Place in the Country even tho it might be boring, and maybe the writers he liked). Don't be afraid to make shit up, although I think there's probably a line somewhere between fiction and total misinformation, but he made it seem like there wasn't. One of his ex-students made an article about all the different maxims that he had noted down from Sebald's classes taught at the Uni of East Anglia, which is a good read even if you don't like him (https://fivedials.com/fiction/the-collected-maxims-of-w-g-sebald/).).

>> No.18835489

Thanks so much I'll be looking into this for sure. I'll be honest, a big reason stream of consciousness writing is so prevalent in my work is my struggle with dialogue. See my story "The Typewriter" in issue 005 as an example of one of my dialogue heavy stories.

>> No.18835721

you told me that you would be using some of my submissions in 08. is this still the case?

>> No.18835835

not an editor but just look at the issue, it's already up

which one? i dont see a typewriter one in five

>> No.18835866

Sorry I was mistaken I guess I never published that one. Mine are The Photographer (004), Newlyweds (005), The Devil and the Doorknob (006), The Night Patron (007), and now Longing (008). Which are all stream of consciousness stories. My mistake.

>> No.18835951

fuark, he said he'd put one of mine in but he must have forgotten due to the hiatus.

>> No.18836239

also not to ramble about Sebald too much but he doesn't have much dialogue either. tho if you wanted to get better (other than going outside and talking to people), you could read something like JR which is basically a 700 page string of convincing dialogue (maybe the opposite of your writing). Gaddis also taught a class on the topic of failure (the theme of your last work), so seems like you might have common interests

theres always nine my man

>> No.18836350

finally finished both parts of eggplant, gotta say that shit slaps.
despite a bit of clunky dialogue at parts, it's the kind of thing I want from a mag like this-- and I'm assuming we'll get another installment with next issue?
regardless, please do more serialized stories like this

>> No.18836517

are you going to go through all the old submissions you have? what about one that i emailed you during the hiatus that you never responded to? shall i send them all again?

>> No.18836559

i'm not an editor anon, tho i half-realized i sounded like one when i made that post.

>> No.18836794

I appreciate the feedback on CENTCOM. I wasn’t sure all parts should or would go together, but those editor anons have done wonders with my stuff. Definitely going to try avoid first person and start dropping my characters in ASAP. Another anon has complained about how much first there is.

>> No.18837037

Send a reminder email if it's not in there. I'm editing 009, which will be my first, so I won't have gone through all the past submissions.

>> No.18837144

eggplant was definitely not bad, and I'd also be down for more serials... maybe I'll submit something...?

>> No.18837453

Gaddis has been someone I've been interested in for a while. I guess he just went up to the top of the list for me. I've been reading the plays of Beckett and David Mamet to train realistic dialogue. I can socialize fine it's just writing down realistic diction and not stylizing it that I struggle with.

>> No.18837896

Milkpost is fucking perfect

>> No.18838060

New ed, nice work. I think the ordering of stories is really good this time. Steal your stories was a bit weak, but I guess tapir threads aren't the goldmine they used to be. Classifieds at the end was better.

Central Command really worked for me as a bit of gonzo, just the paragraph about food pricing that was boring.

Viva el Estado is a total highlight and that anon should be proud. I feel like the ESL ness of the opium war anon is a little less effective, but once it got started on the substance, the opium wars bit with the solider, then it was good.

I don't like Garfunkel doing that song. The Peacock Poem sort of worked for me but I don't know if it would without the headache graphic. The Boxxy version of Shelley and Karate were also good amusements. Thanks anons

>> No.18838922

the schizo one made me realize how far into it i already am. people expressing their "concerns" lately didnt help either. kudos to milk and baseball

i enjoyed centcom. the last part wasnt overly sentimental at all which was what i expected from this. i like drunken sadboy sallinger type posts which is what it felt like
was about to say that some sentences are carver-like but my problem was that "taco bell" doesnt go well with "macabre paradigm." it could have been more unified in the language is what i thought. and the more melodramatic the language is, the less impactful it is you know. but even carver needed an editor to get good at that. did you read "beginners"? its the unedited version of "what we talk about..."

newlyweds is my fav of yours and one of my overall favs
>diary entry posts
yea good t-thing there arent any other d-diary entries in this issue... anyone know where the bathroom is?

>> No.18839563
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>double-digit IQ embarrassment book
>very likely the same retarded cunt who thinks xirself clever is behind the failure magazine's zombification
This brings a smile to my face.

>> No.18839649

didnt make the cut?

>> No.18839684

I can't figure out how to get the site put on archive.org

>> No.18840031
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oh boy, new &amp lessgooooo

>> No.18840301

Are they gonna review the new f gardener books?

>> No.18840423

I got you covered my man: they’re awful

>> No.18840440

They won't let me either, claiming that I'm using tor and therefore forbidden when I'm not

>> No.18840958

>didnt make the cut?
>implying there's ever been an omitted submission
Aw, he thought he accomplished something by being included in the retard-tier in-group circle jerk Fubu mag.

>> No.18841007

well it's obviously you've neither accomplished nor even tried anything; stay forgettable, buddy

>> No.18841099

I have read Beginners. I kinda agree with you that the themes in Longing are kind of jarring, but it's one of my more auto-biographical stories. Kinda what I was talking about with the Sebald influence, real but blurred with just enough liberties. I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed Newlyweds. Is it being one of the only ones in third person helpful to that opinion?

>> No.18841773

>Is it being one of the only ones in third person helpful to that opinion?
checked. might be. i liked both the concept and the execution
>retard-tier in-group circle jerk Fubu mag.
you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.18843048
