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[ERROR] No.18831269 [Reply] [Original]

Sure anon, you can keep one, but you have to read it right now. Which one and why?

>> No.18831275

animal farm cus its small and a fun read, and i dont have it already. those books with 200+ pages good luck reading that in one sitting

>> No.18831276

>Which one
Out of the Silent Plant
Never read it.

>> No.18831284

I'm taking the Hume book because he is easy to read but very wise.

>> No.18831436

I just meant you have to start reading it today.

>> No.18831514

Ulysses because I’m about to finish the Odyssey and it’s the next Joyce in line for me.

>> No.18831720

I love how most of this stack is normal and then you just have long refuted crank shit like secrets of the federal reserve

>> No.18831752

I haven’t read it
I haven’t read Beyond Good and Evil either but Nitchee’s folllowers seem like a cringe bunch of redditors and I don’t want to be associated with them

>> No.18831762

National Intelligence by Zlotnick. I don't even get any search results for it.

>> No.18831915

Ulysses > Beyond Good and Evil > Crime and Punishment > Two Treatises of Government > The Art of War > The Prince > 1984 > Hume's Moral and Political Philosophy > Brave New World > Animal Farm > A Discourse on the Method > Fountainhead

Although if I had to choose one I'd go with Art of War since there's more wisdom contained in that book than any other book in existence and because it's one of the shortest books here, so I'd be able to read it "right now."

>> No.18832412
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>long refuted crank shit

>> No.18832474

The American Lib shit stack. Tocqueville is the only one worth saving.

>> No.18833248

Literally end your own existence you liability.

>> No.18833468
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If you think anything in that description is wrong or refuted you're brainwashed beyond belief.

>> No.18833589

Have you read it? Does it say anything about the Titanic?

>> No.18833675

>Does it say anything about the Titanic?
So you believe the iceberg narrative? Ok, there is no point in discussing with you.