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[ERROR] No.18831034 [Reply] [Original]

I am an alcoholic

>> No.18831039

Get a job at the post office then.

>> No.18831044
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>> No.18831045

You'd you consider me an alcoholic if I drank 4-5 beers every day. But never get drunk?
Just a light buzz, I have been doing it for years and have never increased my intake.

>> No.18831052

Can you stop for a time without withdrawal effects?

>> No.18831059

No. After 3 days the shakes are too much.

>> No.18831061
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Yeah, i will stop for a week or so every now and then with no problems, but i just don't want to stop.
Plus, books or some shit. Please don't ban me for 3 minutes.
>currently reading

>> No.18831072

Join the fucking club

>> No.18831075

Then you are addicted to alcohol i.e. alcoholic
Then you don't seem to be physically addicted to alcohol, but could still be psychologically addicted to it, but may not be as you can stop for a week without becoming nasty.

Being addicted to something is not always the worst thing to happen tho, I myself am addicted to alcohol, strong stims and cigs and I sure enjoy my addictions.

>> No.18831078

Hahahaha! So am I!

>> No.18831082

Op, that (>>18831061) is not me (>>18831045).
But still, fuck you.

>> No.18831092

What did I do? ;(

>> No.18831333

Far out, dude!

>> No.18831340

Been sober for a week, but this thread made me thirsty. Gonna buy 12 cheap beers and knock myself out, thanks OP.

>> No.18831348

this is /lit/ not /r9k/

>> No.18831352

Alcohol destroys your organs, including your brain and literally makes you a stupid. I wood know

>> No.18831353

When you’re ready to quit go to the GP and get about 12-24 diazepam. Take them when the shakes start and you should be totally free in a week.

>> No.18831358

how much do you drink per day? Honestly.
How many times do you shit a day?

>> No.18831361

I used this to get off an ~18 beer a day habit.

>> No.18831363

>totally free in a week
Hardly. The physical withdrawals only last 3 to 7 days, but the alcoholic brain fog stays for weeks or even months depending on the level of addiction. Acute anxiety for two weeks, depression for two months is the norm for alcoholics. Of course, that's disregarding the underlying mental problems which all alcoholics have and which led them to drinking to begin with.

>> No.18831367

How does it start anons, consistency or intensity? I've had at least one drink on about 5 out of 7 days of each week for the past few months.

>> No.18831375

I meant free from the risk of seizure and having to drink everyday to stave off withdrawal. The psychological aspect will probably be there for the rest of the life, but it worked for me to get past the horror. Sober 10 months now, so still early days but well worth doing.

>> No.18831383

Yeah you're right, handling the first week is crucial because the physical symptoms can get brutal.

>> No.18831385

Slowly. The trouble began for me when I stopped using it to ‘relax’ and realised I can use it to get myself high. It took another two years and numerous incidents after that to quit. From first drink to alcoholic wreck to sobriety was about 14 years.

>> No.18831396

Same. I was a week sober until an hour ago. Now I've had three drinks and I know I won't stop there.