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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18830104 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/.



Then come join my new book club. Me and my gf have started a book club, and three other girls have joined, but we want some men as well.

Our focus will be on reading books not typically enjoyed by normal people, but certainly familiar to people on here.

We will be meeting at my apartment, which overlooks Elliot Bay’s beautiful waterscape, and my gf will be serving tea, coffee, and homemade healthy snacks.

Our first five books (subject to change) and rules will be the following:

>> No.18830116

post pictures of yourselves and the apartment, not looking to get murdered by pseuds

>> No.18830144
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Our first book. Chosen for it’s short length to keep people interested at first, and to get the ball rolling quickly.

We encourage every viewpoint to be allowed, and ban modern neolib thought shaming practices, to which the girls have agreed.

All ideologies and philosophies are permitted in discussion and must be considered on their own logic, and not allowed to be as-hominemed out of the room.

Members will buy their own books.

Meetings are every 2 weeks and you are expected to finish the book by then. We will have a pre-reading discussion at the end of our meetings for the next book, after discussing that meeting’s finished book

>> No.18830165
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Our second book was chosen as women love it, and it’s readily accessible as well as enjoyed by pseuds and well read people alike.

After these initial five books we will depart from fiction exclusively (but not entirely), and implement philosophy, religion, political treatise, and non-fiction as a whole.

There’s no fees, but you must meet in person. We will work around everyone’s schedule

>> No.18830167

What about a book club sounds interesting

>> No.18830174
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>> No.18830176
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The third book is chosen as it very prescient of the rise of Silicon Valley, and we would encourage a discussion of how the tech industry is becoming the future form of unregulated government.

>> No.18830181


So when does the orgy start?

>> No.18830183


>> No.18830191
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, A1DD8FB2-4588-44B7-BB90-168210B397FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are two of the members, the one on the left being my gf.

This is our rooftop where we may have some meetings, weather permitting

>> No.18830193
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Hello 4channel users, if you're interested in right wing literature please come to my house with lots of pretty girls in it

>> No.18830194

Meaning what can you get out of a book club that you can't get here. Besides real life friends

>> No.18830198

cant we just do zoom or something

>> No.18830199
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Our fourth book is going to be Less Than Zero, to hopefully bring to attention the hedonism of modern Zoomers and their rampant hyper sexuality, portrayed aptly by Ellis in his younger work, Less Than Zero

>> No.18830220
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Actual human interaction resulting in actual connections that could foster growth in your spiritual and social lives.

No, we are not robots or fags

Our fifth book before we depart from fiction (but not forever) is planned to be Raymond Radiguet’s Devil in The Flesh.

A young teenage boy seduces an older married woman; this novel is supposedly autobiographical, and the author died at the age of 20, where after Cocteau paid his respects as his mentor, and Coco Chanel planned his funeral

>> No.18830232
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Not shown here, are the myriad of spaces to sit and lounge, including our upstairs loft where our secondary library is stored.

>> No.18830241
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Outside our view has the incoming ships and you can regularly see the city lights cast upon the water. I personally despise the city and am planning to move in a year to the desert, but the view certainly is nice.

>> No.18830271

What's not to like about the Emerald City?

>> No.18830276
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, 23309E96-C052-4471-9973-2F27DB8EFF5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’d like to join, send me an email at seattlelitbookclub@gmail.com

>> No.18830296

I dont dude. Sounds like a gay sex trap

>> No.18830316

So maybe you’d get pussy

>> No.18830376

Sounds very comfy and enjoyable, I wish I could attend but I live across the pond. I hope it goes well for you.

>> No.18830479

Nice Red Scare poster. I'd love to join but I'm in London - wish I could join you guys it looks like a great time.

>> No.18831623


>> No.18831627

Does she dress like that often? I'm not sure I can look her in the eye while speaking.

>> No.18831632

yall gonna get the rona

>> No.18831645

When are you starting? Those five books have me very interested. Problem is I live in a different state but I have family in Seattle I can stay with. Might sound weird but this might give me the push I need to take them up on their offer to stay for awhile.

>> No.18831863


Soon. Probably two or three weeks depending on how many people we get to respond

>> No.18831916

>brown obeast and jew rat

>> No.18831932


>> No.18831937

ugh, i feel like i've seen this photo before but reverse image lookup isn't yielding results.

are you that guy i had sex with? just answer yes or no, he knows who he is. though i doubt he could afford that location.

>> No.18832023

Is OP black? Those women look like the type to date black men

>> No.18832590

Why is your coffee table so dirty?

>> No.18834033

So have we confirmed this is a sting yet?

>> No.18834315

OP hasn't posted a timestamp so this fake and gay.