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[ERROR] No.18828915 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18828995

What is the opposite of cat?

>> No.18829010


>> No.18829011
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What is the opposite of your fact that everything exists in pairs of opposites?

>> No.18829019

Scottish, English
Good, Bad
Wise, Dumb
Brave, Cowardly
Kind, Cruel
Holy, Unholy

>> No.18829063
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>> No.18829072

Everything doesn’t exist in opposites, or even the idea that opposites are actually equal (the coincidentia oppositorum), which sort of says the same thing.

>> No.18829076

Cats don't exist.

>> No.18829090

Dialectics are predicated on the idea of the opposites though. They reach union between them but don’t transcend them as a means of thought-progression, as Hegel’s dialectic requires oppositions to reach greater and greater syntheses.

>> No.18829194


>> No.18829197

Nice. I'm glad someone didn't reply to me with the wisecrack "the non-fact that not everything exists in pairs of opposites."

>> No.18829200

What is the opposite of a job offer?

>> No.18829205


>> No.18829211

Getting fired

>> No.18829216

>we live in a universe where absolutely all particles necessarily have antiparticles, which annihilate upon meeting, excepting only some of those particles that are their own antiparticles, only because their collision is impossible
OP is undeniably right, down to the fundamentals of the universe.

>> No.18829252

Refuted by Heraclitus. What you call "opposites" are one and the same.

>> No.18829256

is that who Hegel plagiarized?

>> No.18829261

Are you Scottish and are you trying to imply something about the English, anon?

>> No.18829265

yes electrons and positrons are one and the same.. that's why they only annihilate upon meeting each other and not themselves.. keep your eyes tight shut. if u wanna try to say the universe is a whole and so is one well youve committed the fallacy of composition

>> No.18829267

not-cat, obviously.

>> No.18829273

Heraclitus believed in the unity of opposites but he does not transcend oppositional thinking or language. The unity of opposites is present in every thing, which means that the opposites are still omnipresent.

>> No.18829276

No of course not.

>> No.18829348

>Everything exists in pairs of opposites
Aristotle BTFO'D this in "Physics".

>> No.18829389

Opposite of dick is ass or vagina??

>> No.18829392

Which chapter/passage? I am curious.

>> No.18829400

What is an opposite, mr water man?

>> No.18829442

>everything exists in pairs of opposites
>everything is made of water
Please explain this inconsistency.

>> No.18829446
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Oops meant to post a picture of Anaximander not Thales. Google lied to me

>> No.18829455

What's an opposite?

>> No.18829477

One of two complementaries

>> No.18829504

Both. And mouth as well. A hole’s a hole. Sex is just the unity of a binary (1 = phallus or other penetrative object, 0 = hole)

>> No.18829538

what qualifies as a complementary?

>> No.18830533
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Hegel was either an Arch-Archon or the Demiurge itself.

>> No.18831520

the absence of the cat

>> No.18831545

negation =/= opposite. learn semiotics you analytic plebs

>> No.18831595

We should stop arguing over language and argue over reality.

>> No.18831607

What is the opposite of the number 0

>> No.18831613

What’s the best Heraclitus translation?

>> No.18831635

>b-buh u gotta use da werds to talk about da non-werds

>> No.18831640

so the opposite of the thing contains said thing?

>> No.18831660
File: 68 KB, 580x470, 8bb9bb5730778bdcb8ba61ee827f1ec8c92509bb2fc8fbefc32bbdd4c9e2897b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great now tell Pythagoras to learn subnetting and binary search trees
Pic related is going to be on the Cisco CCNA exam and Geek Squad job interview

>> No.18831669

Absolutely great screencap saved

>> No.18831677

Big brained null hypothesis computer man

>> No.18831683

1, if operating within a binary system. Otherwise, it is ∞, the infinite.

>> No.18831684

How much nofap do I have to do to ascend to be a PoS Archon?

>> No.18831719

Opposites only exist in language in the form of adjectives which necessarily imply the existence of their counterparts while possessing inverse qualities. For example, you can't say "fire" is the opposite of "water", because the existence of water does not necessarily imply the existence of fire, and trying to argue about how fire is an inversion of water would be retarded. However, the existence of "weak" implies the existence of "not weak" AKA "strong", because it's a referential term. Similarly >>18829216 "particles" and "anti-particles" are not fully opposite, because even though anti-particles posses inverse qualities of particles, the existence of one does not necessitate the other, because it's totally possible to have an entire universe made of one or the either exclusively. No matter how you slice it, "opposite" is a language-construct.

>> No.18831725

The opposite of a being is non being. A woman is the opposite of a man as is the opposite of a negative MOSFET square to a positive MOSFET square. Dogs are only at a cultural level the opposite of cats. The opposite of a mammal is not a reptile because then we would collapse all animal kingdoms into foolish incoherence. Our linguistic customs fall apart with the first dolphin. The opposite of mankind is not womankind because that is a similar linguistic trap instead being a categorical force that can refine itself to proper use to challenge our entire linguistic meaning deriving process: the point of lifting weights with philosophy texts instead of barbells

>> No.18831758

Well said. At best "opposite" is a narrow device in number and it has conjugations of converses and inverses to which if truly grapsed and wielded allows you to see what the PreSocratic Pythagoras worshippers meant by their fortune cookie phrases.
Fire being Prana. But Number: for Pythagoras number is not just a concept to be used but a nature to be discovered. Do we discover math or invent it? Either way Philosophy is the steroid PED of Mathematicians.

>> No.18831822

I agree, opposites were only created through language and the subsequent rise of human consciousness. This is what the story of the Tower of Babel is about, as well as the myth of the Fall of Man (except the Hebrews got it the wrong way around: Babel preceded the Fall). Before language and before the origin of consciousness, everything was in a formless state that corresponded to the alchemists' prima materia, the Gnostics' Pleroma, or Anaximander's apeiron, where there were no distinct opposites or they cancelled each other out. Language changed the nature of human experience however into opposition by creating a distinction between word and world, which was then paralleled in consciousness with the distinction between self and other, from which the other language-constructs of opposition were formed. We could then say that the opposites are only then valid psychologically/phenomenologically and valid in language, but the question is whether it is possible for humans to think in terms that transcend their own consciousness and language. I would argue that, unless by mystical or psychedelic experience, it is not, thus the necessity of opposition for thought.

>> No.18831998

Fuck you.

>> No.18832008

>he still thinks there is a difference

>> No.18832021

Just awoke me from my dogmatic slumber that's fire

>> No.18832098

Cant be the case since “things that have opposites” would need an opposite

>> No.18832122


>> No.18832138

The distinct opposites are opposed by the formlessness of the apeiron, but that is pre-creation so does not “exist” in the same way as the opposites.

>> No.18832150

>the dichotomy exists
>p-p-please plea--p-please
>please... let it exist... please........
Human thought doesn't even real, you fucking tards. You motherfuckers actually think the universe doesn't exist unless we're observing it, I swear to fuck. You should have to have an IQ above room temperature to even read a goddamned book.

>> No.18832153

filled slots (if that makes sense)

>> No.18832162

are you trying to say they are potentialities and not actualities? if not speak proper >:(

>> No.18832858

just mumbo-jumbo to pretend his penchant for taking it up the ass was somehow superior to straights and dykes

>> No.18832872

wow, OP discovered polarity, nice

>> No.18832987

what's the opposite of me?

>> No.18833007








>> No.18833215


>> No.18833282

>the existence of one does not necessitate the existence of the other
You have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s how we know they exist, because conservation of energy dictates that there has to be equally amounts, because antiparticles are ALWAYS created with their particles in EVERY interaction. One of the biggest mysteries in physics is why there doesn’t seem to be equal amounts in our universe even though our most accurate and empirically verifiable theories (yes theories) point to this necessarily being the case

>> No.18833308

Also you’re wrong on another level because it is 100% true that everything WITHIN our universe has an opposite, by the physical necessity of the oldest laws in physics, that there is (mass-)energy conservation.

Just because the universe doesn’t have equal amounts (fallacy of composition) does not mean that every part of the universe doesn’t abide by the same rule of opposites. It’s a mystery but you cannot at all use that fact to say the laws of physics are wrong, that’s totally backward

>> No.18833326

The opposite of cat is opposed to cat.

>> No.18833333

And those 2 make a 3rd thing and that's why God is a majestic trinity

>> No.18833390

holy s(pirit)HIEEEEEEEET

>> No.18833395

Not really though.

>> No.18834356


>> No.18834362

Blessed digits, hallelujah

>> No.18834374


>> No.18835324

The digits disagree, modalist.

>> No.18835365

What is the opposite of gravity?

>> No.18835581

Gravity is the opposite of gravity. The earth is attracted to you in a very minute way, just as you are attracted to the earth.
(Also from another perspective anti-gravity, if it exists.)

>> No.18835641

6th book of physics, with his discovery of potential being/potency.

>> No.18835642
