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[ERROR] No.18826242 [Reply] [Original]

The nigga Huxley predicted covid vaccine worship

>> No.18826259

it's about all this antidepressant shit, replying to deep sense of unhappiness caused by contemporary society with buying new pharmaceuticals or counseling sessions instead of removing the problem

>> No.18826277

I think he was talking about SSRIs

>> No.18826280

Trump made the left deranged. COVID made the right deranged. The schizoification of the West

>> No.18826283

"Go back to sleep."

>> No.18826300

If you like to find a conspiracy, then figure out why the pandemic warnings were ignored. Yes, there were detailed warnings about a likely corona virus outbreak, years ago, from multiple sources. You know what the Neo-liberals did with that information, they cut healthcare budgets. They don't have to fake a crisis, because those arise naturally, and they just don't do anything to prevent it because it's an opportunity to implement shock doctrine.

>> No.18826319

>arose naturally

This co-called VIRUS IS MAN-MADE, as are the vaccines. Did you forget or something?

>> No.18827383

Retarded take, he's obviously talking about the modern world, oversocialization, anti depressants, sexual """freedom""", an open prison.

>> No.18827401

>sexual """freedom"""
Yeah we get it, 100 years ago you would be married to your 14 year old cousin

>> No.18827522

problem is what we've invented today is retarded aswell

just because we had retarded systems 100 years ago doesn't mean we have evolved that fast to have wise sex systems today (just the term "wise sex systems" cracks me up)

>> No.18827556

I remember how creepy and eerie January/February felt in 2020.
>random virus outbreak in china
>"shouldn't we lock up"
>media says no
>old people start dropping dead in china
>media says no, nothing to be worried about
>covid starts spreading
>"now? please, it's only a matter of time. We don't know what this thing is"
>no! nothing to be worried about!
>covid comes to your country
>media yells and manufactures panic, wear mask, stay the fuck inside! Now we will finally lock our borders!
just retarded

>> No.18827571

You're living in an alternate reality. I am being sincere when I implore you to seek help.

>> No.18827594

I regret getting the vax actually. I only got it so I could travel since I’m pretty depressed and that’s the only thing I want to do at the moment.

>> No.18827599

yah a lot of it was intentional and used the "mass media". question is why

>> No.18827682

>videos of people collapsing in the street in China
>videos of apocalyptic chaos in China

They pumped us good anon. Admit it.

>> No.18828486

>>videos of people collapsing in the street in China
>>videos of apocalyptic chaos in China
>>old people start dropping dead in china
Psyop for masses to take the first measurements and it worked from this point on no opposition was met

>> No.18828718

I believe the same, this ecosystem is so fragile that you don't really need to engineer a crisis, you just have to ignore a problem for a little while and chaos ensues.
One thing I have seen in a video about totalitarianism was that a common method to destroy the minds of the population is fear, so totalitarian regimes develop a strategy of "waves of terror" this makes sense with 9/11, later on the Islamic terrorism epidemic, then the shooter epidemic, and so on, now Coronavirus. Many tiny crises and then a bi crisis every now and then, all of the same nature (stay at home, outside is scary).

>> No.18828860

>instead of removing the problem
Ok anon now thats antisemitic.

>> No.18828873

>the jews made me addicted to porn and fried chicken bro
lmao what a maroon

>> No.18828885

>he doesn't know
Uh oh, this is problematic, sweety

>> No.18828896

Hnnnnngggg I wish

>> No.18828910
File: 30 KB, 597x559, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ite bro, you sitting down rn? ok... you ever heard of this book called... the culture of critique?

>> No.18828911

>the jews made me addicted to porn
Atleast you know who transformed you into a tranny sweaty.

>> No.18828926
File: 201 KB, 421x519, 1625367732311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His brother was the first director general of UNESCO and former president of the UK Eugenics Society.
Julian Huxley who coined the term transhumanism in his New Bottles For New Wine (1957) - https://archive.org/details/NewBottlesForNewWine/page/n5/mode/2up?q=trans - which argued, as Klyczek summarizes - https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/from-unesco-study-11-to-unesco-2050/ -, “the eugenic goals of biologically engineering human evolution should be refined through transhumanist technologies, which combine the eugenic methods of genetic engineering with neurotech that merges humans and machines into a new organism.”
Earlier, in 1946, Huxley noted in his vision for UNESCO - https://archive.org/details/huxley-unesco-its-purpose-and-philosophy/page/20/mode/2up?q=the+eugenic+problem - that it was essential that “the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable."
It's particularly interesting in Alduous' remark about it being the 'final revolution' where we see the head of the World Economic Forum constantly tout that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be forever-lasting.

>> No.18828949

The only people who took the virus seriously were anonymous nazis on twitter. Once the media grabbed hold and ran with it everyone stopped giving a shit, for good reason. It was clear this whole thing was a sham to test the waters regarding NPCs and I'd say they did a real bang up job since most people have proven yet again to be hardly conscious meatbags.

>> No.18829517

Sorry, h*mans are unable to create nature

>> No.18829535

Maybe it was planned? Those the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

>> No.18829540

>there were detailed warnings about a likely corona virus outbreak, years ago, from multiple sources
predictive programming.

>> No.18829554

it's about the internet

>> No.18829568

I wonder how much of a psyop it really was? supposedly they stopped the outbreak in Wuhan by just turning off the 5g transmitter under trial there but I don't recall who said it

>> No.18829605

not him, but it's really not that crazy to think it may have escaped from a lab

>> No.18829635

I remember when they refused to cancel the Chinese New Year celebration in New York and a shitton of people got the virus from visiting Chinese. Like everything they framed it like it had something to do with racism or whatever, I think they just wanted the money that the celebration makes.

>> No.18829712
