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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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[ERROR] No.18826213 [Reply] [Original]

I'm quiting this place for a few months cold-turkey.
Also, I'm gonna try no-fap for a few months.
Wish me luck, anon.

>> No.18826214

just quit it for good. do yourself a favor

>> No.18826218

never come back anon, this place is lost

>> No.18826240

Best of luck anon. This is the right choice.

>> No.18826270

Run far and scatter

>> No.18826272
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See you tomorrow

>> No.18826278

good luck bro. faggots here will try to psyop you into staying by saying 'see you tomorrow'. don't listen to them!

>> No.18826311

The longest I've gone is a few months but I always wind back in this shithole. I'd love to quit for good and look back one day and not know what the latest bullshit memes/variants of wojak and pepe are and what new brand of retarded lingo is used here. That would be a good feeling.

>> No.18826373

It's just a struggle for a few months or so, you can do it anon as long as you remember that nothing new will ever pop up once you hit f5

>> No.18826382

Hey newfag, where are you going? Nofap won't save you from yourself you pathetic, helpless cunt. Instead of being a depressed hedonist you are going to just be depressed. A war is about to start, this is the only right time to be here.

>> No.18826384

So which board will you go to?

>> No.18827008

>A war is about to start, this is the only right time to be here.
What war are you talking about, schizo?