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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18823836 [Reply] [Original]

Stack/book haul thread

>> No.18823859
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>> No.18823939

Wow, incredibly based. No wonder this place helped produce Beckett, Berkeley, Burke, Swift, and Wilde.

>> No.18824155

Nice stack

>> No.18824169

mogged by the internet
any subhuman basement-dweller with a shitty internet connection and an e-reader can become more educated and more well-read than any other person in history has had the opportunity to

>> No.18824184

Except for the fact that modern life permits no one but the rich the time necessary to do so. Even in working for a academi, you’re for ed to hyper specialized in one thing and the dreams of breadth remain dreams. Reminder that for hundreds if not thousand of years, even peasants only actively worked 1/3 of the year.

>> No.18824196

I work security, I read during my whole shift, come home, read some more and if I really wanted I could reduce my work week to 24 hours a week

>> No.18824215

>any subhuman basement-dweller with a shitty internet connection and an e-reader can become more educated and more well-read than any other person in history has had the opportunity to
Why isn't it happening then?

>> No.18824280

it is. just look at /lit/.

>> No.18824282

so go be a peasant and work 1/3 of the year

>> No.18824288
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i got vidal's narratives of empire series for a $1 each. (forgot to include one, there are 7 total).

>> No.18824671

>even peasants only actively worked 1/3 of the year.
imagine believing this meme

>> No.18824725
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>Ellmann's Joyce bio
>Letters of Gaddis
bretty good.
hmm I've been here. Nice lie-berry.

pic related is a recent haul

>> No.18824730
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past stack

>> No.18824770

Just picked up The American Revolution by Gordon S. Wood.

>> No.18824899
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What do you think?

>> No.18824915
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>> No.18824930

You got meme’d but +1 for Golem

>> No.18824934

Good. A fellow meyrink reader

>> No.18824950
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Newfag here. This is a recent acquisition from my local used book store. I’m currently just reading stuff that I see recommended on /lit/.

>> No.18825068

>Biographia Literaria
extremely based

>> No.18825083
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Let's see Paul Allen's stack

>> No.18825120

>but the rich
You misspelled NEETs, the true modern aristocrats.

>> No.18825127

It's scientifically validated, not a meme. Crops and animals do not require that much time to tend except on special occasions (like harvesting or sowing).

>> No.18825161

Only good book in here is lolita

>> No.18825176
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Peasants worked the fields. it isn't that time consuming, city-slickers. Though the average peasant definitely could not read

>> No.18825194
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I ordered them on the same day. I hate multiple packages on multiple days. Stop making me go outside.

>> No.18825218

Yeah but it looks so comfy in there

>> No.18825350


>> No.18825375

Oh shit its you again, security-anon. Is the pay good?

>> No.18825790


>> No.18825843

>it is. just look at /lit/.
Yeah, only masterpieces come out of here.

>> No.18825856
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this month's buys

>> No.18825902
File: 2.91 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210811_094947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From top to bottom:
Nietzsche's birth of tragedy
Foucault's birth of Biopolitics
Benoit's International relations from 1800 to 1871
Baudrillard's Paroxysm
Aristophanes' Birds
The Pre-socratic philosophers - G S Kirk, J e Raven, M Schofield

>> No.18826036

>gundam the origin
>lone wolf and cub
unfathomably based

>> No.18826047

if you're new to reading I would highly recommend not just listening to /lit/ and hyperfocussing on classics

try out random stuff for now. If you see some random book at a used book store and it seems cool to you, read it. And read it without looking up beforehand what le internet thinks of it.
Of course it's good to read classics but you will appreciate them more if you've read some other stuff first imo.
Nobody's first book should be dostoyevski

>> No.18826063

Cringy masochist

>> No.18826068


>> No.18826093

Gundam and Joyce? Truly patrician taste, have a (you)

>> No.18826105
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>> No.18826151

Could you tell me why you're reading Deleuze? I'm >>18825902 and am reading Foucault out of curiosity (pretty disappointed hitherto). My main question is: should I read Deleuze?

>> No.18826215

Hi anon, my advice would be that u should first read deleuze's collab with guattari. Start with Anti-Oedipus and treat it as a literature. (As what Foucault stated on the preface lol). I would recommend reading foucault's birth of the clinic so you would have a grasp of how he structures his ideas and theories. Hope this help anon

>> No.18826247

same anon here, i read d&g because I like how they write lol, I would recommend that u read them too anon

>> No.18826250

Thanks, much appreciated. I'm not a particular fan of (most) of their ideas, but I have come to find them very interesting to understand our contemporary situation. Out of the French Po-Mo's my favorites have been Bataille, Baudrillard and Ellul. Can you recommend me any other that you find interesting?

>> No.18826254

OK thanks!

>> No.18826322

based on your interest i would recommend reading Tiqqun anon

>> No.18826361

Looks very interesting (although I'm not neither an Anarchist nor a feminist), thank you for the rec!

>> No.18826391

Yeah, I don’t want all of my reading just to be stuff on /lit/‘s “Top 100 Books” list, but I am having fun so far. I think the next time I go book shopping I’ll look for a wildcard to buy.

>> No.18826400

Not so - and not for the reasons other replies have claimed
The internet materially allows for massive literary consumption but the format of ideas affects the structural nature of our minds. Though nearly infinite books are available online, they’ll be read less compared to times when there were fewer available, our attention spans are decimated and our attention distracted in a million directions, to Netflix, to useless forums, to YouTube audiobooks, and no, the passive consumption of an audiobook is not a replacement for the active energy taken to read a book. In fact, the modern world is defined by passive, rather than active, consumption of media, like you’ll passively consume my cock you dumb zoomer.

>> No.18826417

I don't buy b00ks, seethe

>> No.18826587
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This big boi just arrived

>> No.18826835
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>> No.18826981

Pancake rules

>> No.18826989

I don't recognize that Coover spine, can you show the front?

>> No.18827050

BTW, I'd didn't mean to respond to [856], that isn't me.

>> No.18827204

I don't feel like getting out of bed. It's the hardcover Viking and it didn't come with a dust jacket.

>> No.18827252

Oh I'm a dumbass, I thought that was a jacket

>> No.18827288

What's Cows? I like the other four books/authors

>> No.18827305


>> No.18827995


>> No.18828358

I more or less do the same. However I think >>18826047 is right insofar as dipping into a context is better and more fun than randomly choosing classics, and that taking a risk on a book is fun

>> No.18828439

edgy shit like Guyotat

>> No.18828444


>> No.18829338


>> No.18829451
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nice stack, OP

>> No.18829491

it is true think retard you are planting crops and waiting for them to grow

>> No.18829516

They're doing shit the entirety of the year. There's a lot more that goes into farming beyond 'plant seed get crop'. You're tilling soil, you're processing harvest, you're maintaining animals and their enclosures, constructing an additional barn. The list of shit that needs to be done on any given farm is endless, just ask a farmer.

>> No.18829528

i have you are a low iq city boy don't talk about things you know nothing of

>> No.18829531

Because there's too many distractions. Occasionally there'll be a person who is as well read as the people of the past but that was rare even back then. Now you have to find someone who doesn't use the internet that much, doesn't play video games, doesn't watch TV, and doesn't use social media. And then that person has to choose books as their passion instead of something else.

And even if you find a person like that, he won't be welcome in the universities unless he follows a certain beliefset. And he will most likely will not have a cushy middle class professorship waiting for him.

Even in a place like this which is supposed to be a place to discuss literature, it's very apparent that most of the members don't even read that much. If you make books even a moderate priority in your life, you should easily clear 50 books a year.

>> No.18829560

>muh immediate gratification and convenience