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[ERROR] No.18815377 [Reply] [Original]

Is gnosticism just schizo shit?

>> No.18815384

hell yea, brother

>> No.18815418

yes, check /x/

>> No.18815419

It's for Christcucks who are tired of performing Biblical mental gymnastics. It resolves some problems but is ultimately still mortality cope like every other esoteric path.

>> No.18815422

Yep. It's metaphysics except it's all spooky and baddies are out to get you.

>> No.18815425

All of religion is

>> No.18815442
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All religion is.

>> No.18815448

It is a misinterpretation by plebs who are smarter than the Christcucks but not smart enough for Vedic knowledge. It is basically the middle section of the midwit meme

>> No.18815460

It's for people who constantly get filtered by serendipity.

>> No.18815545

what's this book about, butterz?

>> No.18815557

Probably. Still interesting

>> No.18815570
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I was just looking for something on the topic on Mani. Pretty interesting piece of disappeared religion

>> No.18815576

What is the right path?

>> No.18815587

>not smart enough for Vedic knowledge
Elaborate on this

>> No.18815598

Being a slovenly hedonist spending your day on 4chan.

>> No.18815721

thanks, butterz. if you had to pick a religion, which would you pick?

>> No.18815723

The right esoteric path? As noted, I see them all as mortality cope. I've investigated a great many esoteric paths, and I see the same thing time and time again: lots of words, lots of mythological minutiae, lots of 'erudition', lots of poor discernment, lots of LARP rituals/techniques, but ultimately people who can't do shit.

>> No.18815728

The right path in general.
>people who can't do shit.
Have you tried practices from tantra or Tibetan Buddhism?

>> No.18815729
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>> No.18815735
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>> No.18815760

What's it like to be a hylic, Butters? Do you even have an internal monologue?

>> No.18815765

>The right path in general.
Not sure there is one. People with secular beliefs follow everything from Stoicism (stripped of supernatural elements) to deontological ethics to unabashed hedonism.

>> No.18815786

>Have you tried practices from tantra or Tibetan Buddhism?
Oh, as for this, I don't like getting into the trap of saying I've done X and getting the usual cop-outs of "maybe you didn't do X properly" or "maybe you didn't do X long enough." Not saying you'd do this, but someone around here inevitably would. I'm simply commenting on the fact that adherents to esoteric paths whom one would suppose to have gained some mastery on their paths are invariably a bunch of 'factoid' windbags who by all discernible appearances can't do shit but run their mouths.

>> No.18815913

What about things like out of body experiences, do you think that's bullshit? I can understand thinking religions are bullshit but that doesn't necessarily imply physicalism.

>> No.18815916


>> No.18815941

>There is but one soul, universally diffused, even as the waters of a river divided into many branches. It is this universal soul that sighs in the wind—that shrieks in the marble under the teeth of the saw—that roars in the voice of the sea—that weeps tears of milk when the leaves of the fig tree are torn off.

>> No.18816149

*solves theodicy*

>> No.18816158

I went into great detail about this before, one sec let me find the thread because I'm not gonna do it again

>> No.18816170


>> No.18816278

That thread provided some pretty good arguments in favor of Gnosticism though

>> No.18816294

No it didnt, you didnt check the sources and spend the years it takes to understand them, hence the midwit meme as I said. Not saying you are a midwit, but you have a very limited frame of reference to work with. It will take you years to fully understand the science, if ever.

>> No.18816320

the bottom line is the are calling brahma the demiurge and think he is evil and they are ina prison when they aren't. This realm, this plane is an incubator not a prison, a preschool for immature souls. The "escape" is to not build up bad karma to move up to higher realms. P simple


>> No.18816333

What about suffering though, why would Brahma do that

>> No.18816335

all of religion is

>> No.18816349

The suffering comes from the low vibration and high density of this dimension. In order for creation to happen you need friction mate, the vesica pisces. This is a polar reality, there is light without darkness. If you dont know what suffering is how would know what bliss is?

>> No.18816353

*no light without darkness
Most people create their own suffering

>> No.18816507

No, it's the truth. I'm disappointed in you Butters. Gnosticism is just what you already believe, but even more radicalized

>> No.18816523


>> No.18818087

I think the experience of astral projection is legit but the interpretation of that experience is not. I don't see astral projection as anything more than a lucid dream.
This is also the belief of the former parapsychologist Susan Blackmore after investing the phenomenon extensively.

>> No.18818100

err, investigating*. OK, that's a sign I need sleep.

>> No.18818189

Yes, which makes it based as fuck

>> No.18818277

My head hurts from reading this

>> No.18818301
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For most people, its the last grasp at design and order. For this reality to be designed, it would stand to reason the designer was either ignorant or malicious. Metaphysical pessimism, more or less.

>> No.18818394

the truth is not for even man, only he seeks it out - Ayn Rand

If you want to find bhagavan, just stick with it. I gave you ever thing you need. If you dont care, dont worry about it you have an eternity to figure it all out in another life

>> No.18818492

Retarded cop out as per usual

>> No.18818507

What is "schizo" to you? Do you even understand how loose of a concept schizophrenia actually is?

Do you understand how people thought about "God" in Biblical times? Can you even comprehend it or are you stuck in your own context, unable to make analogies that fit the truth of the subject you're trying to discuss?

>> No.18818509

Id rather not exist than be reincarnated into the soul trap

>> No.18818522

>Do you understand how people thought about "God" in Biblical times?
I actually don't know this and would be interested if someone wanted to expand on it.

>> No.18818548

not op but the image of God transformed from something reflective of an anthropological identity to something metaphysical sometime around 300-100 BCE because the Jews were in Greece and they had to Greek-ify their faith. But even that isn't really the half of it--our modern notions "God" from the perspective of the Godless are very different from antiquity's, who viewed God as the embodiment of love itself and love, being only a muddled reflection in the material realm, can only be felt fully by devotion to the lord and higher things and not low things like sensual pleasures.

>> No.18818561

Fascinating, thank you. Can you expand on what the identity was prior to Greekification?

>> No.18818569

>I call everything I dont understand retarded and schizo
,yawn> find a new shtick simpleton, you have the soul of a jew

>> No.18818575
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>> No.18818620
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There's some textual evidence but desu even the most ancient version of the Torah and later biblical texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, is still within the scope of Hellenization; the original text is lost.
I'm not the best resource for this stuff, its not my area of study but I did take a class where we went over it.

>> No.18818623

Thank you for the info regardless, really interesting.

>> No.18818624

Have you ever considered making a family?

>> No.18818634

The Sibylline Oracles were not fabricated by Jews.

>> No.18818645

Many people also study other ancient near-east religions and practices comparatively to try and figure out where Judaism actually arrived from. Mostly with Sumerian and Akkadian, and Egyptian sources.

>> No.18818655

How does one even get started on gnosticism and all this esoteric shit? Is there like a gnostic bible or something, or preferably an accurate history book on it? And are there any books explaining/critiquing gnosticism's lessons and its validity, and whether or not its true?

>> No.18818665
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Might as well ask the statue she posted. At least the silence will be poignant.

>I don't see astral projection as anything more than a lucid dream.
To anyone who has done both more than a few times the difference is unmistakable.

It's true that it's not what most imagine it to be, however.

>> No.18818679

The Gnostics by Lacarriere, then the Nag Hammadi

>> No.18818707
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sorry you can't into abstract thought maybe reddit is more your style

>> No.18818728

>How does one even get started on gnosticism and all this esoteric shit?
Gnosticism is ancient US-tier platonism. Just read the greeks and don't waste your time with ancient schizo-brainlet ramblings.

>> No.18818746

Thanks anon.

>> No.18818925

Stoicism > Christianity > pile of shit > Gnosticism/Esotericism

>> No.18818968

I would have knocked that bitch straight out, not even joking

>> No.18818977

and you know because you were there? Where is your book explaining this?

>> No.18818981

No worries, here is a full copy of the book if you want it

>> No.18819143

Letting go.

>> No.18819153

Very interesting. In Islam from the very beginning a great emphasis was put on not anthropomorphizing God. Although some later literalistic Sunni interpretations nevertheless managed anthropomorphize Him, but what you said about love and reflection is shared with Sufi and Shi'ite interpretations.

>> No.18819705

Any attempt to anthropomorphize God is low level IQ tier metaphysics.

In Platonism God is unknowable, we only have significations (traits) that are referential (space/time) as to what God is. That and a method of aphophatic negation.

Anything else is a fallacy attempt at knowing God, this is absolute fact.

There are many different types of Gnosticism, however in the time of Plotinus he wrote a treatise "against the Gnostics" actively refuting them. I didn't fully understand it, but he makes some clear distinctions where there are fallacies.

>> No.18819733

A decent post? On /lit/? Thought I’d never see the day

>> No.18819781

Plotonius appears to be commenting on a local sect as the beliefs he is putting forth don't correspond to the Gnosticism we know from what survives, or, as likely, he created a strawman paradoy that was easier to attack. Either way, it appears Plotonius is not a good source on the Gnostics. Since they were mostly known by heretic hunters' writings until recently, there is a lot of misinformation.

Gnostic isn't a sect like Baptist. It is a very wide grouping of traditions that spans half a millennia. Speaking of what Gnostics believe is like claiming to speak for all Protestants based on a few surviving tracts from multiple disperate sects. And of course, the orthodox remain foes of the tradition they genocided out of existence, and so even here you'll mostly see the most out there takes on Gnosticism, and then people will represent their biblical books as literal factual texts, not allegory and symbol like the Bible. But we know from Valentinan works that even Gnostics who did put stock in the "Gnostic myth" of the Apocryphon of John and Hypostasis of the Archons took their books as symbolic, and this comes from those who opposed them.

However, looking broadly at the Ogdoad and system of emanations, we can see that some Gnostics did develop novel philosophical systems. They merge Plato's universals with Heraclitus' tension of opposites while keeping the unity of the whole. The Monad's reflection of emanations of Itself back to Its Self as an act of creation and definition appears to anticipate the revolutionary turn of Boehme that would spawn Hegel by a millenia and a half. Meanwhile, the practical system of meditation on aspects of God appears to be a possible precursor of Kabbalah and later influence on Christian mysticism.

Gnostics often didn't have their own churches, but instead we're special study groups within churches for people seeking a more complete knowledge of God. You'd worship with the rest of the Christian community, but then discuss Plato, Euclid, and the nature of ontology and semiotics, epistemology, etc. in light of your faith. Sounds like a great idea desu.

>> No.18819803

>a bunch of 'factoid' windbags who by all discernible appearances can't do shit but run their mouths.
Projecting a bit

>> No.18819983

>Bro, just trust me. Look at how smug and self satisfied I am. I called everyone else a retard and dismissed them, that means I must be in the know. "Christcukery is Jewed as fuck," how can you not accept the powerful logic and proof of this statement I made in my rambling thread.

>> No.18820114

And why does higher density and lower vibration cause suffering?

Also, how do you know that other universes exist and have lower density and higher vibration? Is this based on observation?

>> No.18820174

Based Lacarriere poster.

>> No.18820176

Mommy just ordered aurelius for you, didn't she?

>> No.18820190

Don't waste your time, he's just trying to teach you emanationism because he read the Upanishads once and now he's Shankara. This bunk has has no place in a Gnosticism thread. I wish these hucksters would leave these threads alone. We don't care about Guenon, we don't care about Plotinus, we don't care about whatever undergrad understanding of esotericism your ass is still chewing through while the rest of us have done the work and found wajecage m*nism wanting.

>> No.18820208
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I shall teach you the mantra of power, it is "Sneed," the sound of the universe as it moves through time from the former to the the latter.

>> No.18820219

Do you have any guides on astral projection and lucid dreaming?

>> No.18820238

Haha I said sneed randomly, lol

>> No.18820253

>Is gnosticism just schizo shit?
No, it's just gentrified Satanism.

>> No.18820254

I have to agree now that I read the read referenced, >>18816170.

It's Evola Hinduism, totally warped from the original into a feel good superiority complex for bored turn of the century elites, that now ironically finds a home in the downwardly mobile middle classes. "Hurrrr, the Joos are servants of Shiva, but Shiva isn't all bad because Shiva is BASED."

Ah, to be 20 again and uncritically assimilate the first flashy new system you come across...

Say what you will for the eliminative materialist bugmen, at least they have a system that scrutinizes itself seriously and doesn't relief on appeals to authority.

>> No.18820261

Ebin. I will upvote!

>> No.18820307

I used to be into Gnosticism bug eventually I realized too many unexplained issues and contradictions. Hegel's brand of schizophrenia is deep enough that I can keep peeling back layers, ascending in abstraction and returning to sense certainty, and never feel I've reached an end. Which is good enough I guess. It's the journey that matters, Truth evolves, the flower does not refute the bud, and the Truth is the Whole (entire process).

>> No.18820320

Cringe, after Gnosticism, Hegel is a regression. You traded the wisdom of the Pleroma for a description of how the Demiurge (dialectically) constructed the reality-vampire-system.

>> No.18820326

What was her problem?
And why didn't He hit back?

>> No.18820377

I disagree. Everything, including the material world which gives rise to our nervous systems, is part of the Absolute. God is coming to know Itself through positing that which is other.

Gnosticism doesn't have an answer for why the Monad should emanate anything. Hegel, following Boehme explains this via the semiotics of negation. For God to know Itself it most be defined by what it is not, otherness.

Secondly, after doing an undergrad degree and graduate degree in neuroscience and then living with someone with Alzheimer's through their regression from MCI to an inability to speak, I can no longer take Cartesian dualism seriously, or the idea of spiritual homunculi that exist outside observability, yet somehow are influenced by what your material body ingests or the degradation of the nervous system. You are your brain and the brain is not a unified whole but multiple systems that often function largely independently. And then you are also the product of memes, pieces of information that undergo natural selection and replicate throughout the species. The memes are parasitical but you are as much them, and a product of them, as your body is largely composed of microbes that it cannot function without.

But of course all reality is only known through the lens of cognition. And it is meaningless to talk of things meaning it being without this, for negation is necessary for anything to mean anything, as Sausser says, a one word language is an impossiblity. For there to be being, there must be a subject to define what things are not.

So the wheel of the Forms and Universals is part of a circle of circles that included the specific.

Hegel realized that the escape from the prison of Yaldaboath doesn't lie in escaping the particular for the universal, but in collapsing the dualism.

>> No.18820391

>Hegel realized that the escape from the prison of Yaldaboath doesn't lie in escaping the particular for the universal, but in collapsing the dualism.

Lol what? He immanentized the geist machine to make it inescapable, the World as a circle-of-circles is the ULTIMATE prison. Hegel is an Archon. Boehme was an Archon. They were born to immanentize Evil in God. A God that needs to swallow otherness to evolve is a predator, oh, but just call it Spirit, Nature, Mind, and we're cool, right? You can't be this naive, can you?

>> No.18820410

Hegel is retarded. Detox yourself from hegel and you will feel better and think more clearly
>Everything, including the material world which gives rise to our nervous systems, is part of the Absolute.
This sentence is literally meaningless. it contains 0 bits of information. it is just words mashed together to sound nice.
This is your brain on Hegel

>> No.18820411
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>I can no longer take Cartesian dualism seriously, or the idea of spiritual homunculi that exist outside observability, yet somehow are influenced by what your material body ingests or the degradation of the nervous system. You are your brain and the brain is not a unified whole but multiple systems that often function largely independently.
So do you believe we will locate/are locating the neural correlates of consciousness?
Its what I believe as well, but mostly out of fear; Mind-body dualism scares the shit out of me. Most people try to spin in it as magical mystical disembodiment carpet ride, but fail to see the negative implications of a persisting conscious experience outside of physical death.

>> No.18820438
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The mind produces the body.

>> No.18820446

If Hegel was an archon, he's the most potent one to date. Religious sentiment has plunged, even if the US, whole Hegel's grandchildren, nationalism and socialism absolutely dominate cultural and political life.

>> No.18820452

>God is coming to know
Sorry but God is supposed to be all knowing. Kill yourself. Didn't read the rest.

>> No.18820461

Good, don't listen to the crypto-hermeticists who make God dependent on man, the Gnostics did not believe the Pleroma depended on man to fulfill its own nature.

There's no reason an archon should not be potent. In fact, archons are hyperpotent: potency in this realm implies force, which implies Evil.

>> No.18820480

Hegel isn't an Archon or retarded. After the original genocide of the Gnostics failed to obscure their knowledge and some humans continued to reach salvation, the Archons effected the humanist Renaissance revolution yo combat them. When this failed too, The Dark One, Samael, Yaldaboath itself took on the form of a German professor and introduced the ultimate mental virus to disrupt salvation.

>> No.18820497

In the Nag Hammadi texts they do say Yaldabaoth becomes the brain...

Kant was definitely his second-in-command.

Look, we're being cheeky, but there's a definitely a sense in which Hegel gets the subject to become an appendage of Substance, or a slave to the circularity of the dialectic. It doesn't matter if Absolute Knowing is the transparency of this process. With Hegel, the highest height you can ascend to is a bird's eye-view of the Reality Panopticon, never an extra-cosmic condition

>> No.18820559

>You are your brain
Stopped reading there

>> No.18820601

>Stopped reading the second I found something I thought I might disagree with.

You must have a hard time getting through any books.

Anyhow, if you drown in a pool for a bit, or get beat in the head with a hammer, you will spend the rest of your life drooling and shitting yourself due to brain injury, maybe able to speak a few words. Are you saying the same person you were actually would exist in a magical ether somewhere? Of that's so, does brain injury or dementia free you before death to this magical world?

>> No.18820625
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Most people are their brain. You, however, are your sphincter

>> No.18820626

/lit/ has really gone downhill, huh

>> No.18820638

This is the problem I've always had with psychedelic users. They pour a chemical on their brain and reality fundamentally changes. They then take this to be proof of the soul, when its more proof of the material.

I took acid in high school. It fucked everything to shit. Probably because my brain.

>> No.18820646

No, I stopped reading because you posted something absolutely idiotic. I notified you of it and continued on. Only an actual idiot would assert that "God is coming to know". Maybe your pajeet god is ignorant but if there is a true God, he does not come to know. He would be all knowing and the source of all knowledge.

>> No.18820656

This is a point made and acknowledged inside 50 pages of Evola's Introduction to Magic, Volume ONE. Stop posting stale "redpills", fag.

>> No.18820670

Saying that you are your brain is effectively a kind of naïve parallelism, that each aspect of the mind happens to correspond to parts of this organ; you don't know how but you have faith that it is so. All brain damage proves is that the brain can no longer communicate with the rest of the body and therefore the person is impaired from displaying normal understanding or consciousness of his environment through appropriate responses. If by magical world we are to understand a non-apparent world then that would have to be the locus of the mind, which is only known indirectly through signs sent and received by bodies, bodies which have brains that serve as center of neural activity.

>> No.18820805

The Sibylline Oracles (sometimes called the pseudo-Sibylline Oracles) are a collection of oracular utterances written in Greek hexameters ascribed to the Sibyls, prophetesses who uttered divine revelations in a frenzied state. Fourteen books and eight fragments of Sibylline Oracles survive, in an edition of the 6th or 7th century AD.

They are *not to be confused with the original Sibylline Books of the ancient Etruscans and Romans* which were burned by order of the Roman general Flavius Stilicho in the 4th century AD.
Instead, the text is an "odd pastiche" of Hellenistic and Roman mythology interspersed with Jewish, Gnostic and early Christian legend

>> No.18820818

What does it say? I am interested in responses to anti-physicalist responses to the apparent material basis of conciousness.

Not him, but doesn't this presuppose that the brain is necessary for interaction with the material world. So how does this work? Is it like Decartes' pineal gland, a special place where the subjective meets and can influence the material?

How do you deal with the fact that people who recover from strokes say that their actual perception and ability to grasp concepts or think was impeded, and in some cases almost fully shut down due to injury in the brain. Were they actually still existing normally, but their brain doesn't allow their body to communicate this, even after they've healed?

Or you have cases of split brain, where communication between the two hemispheres is largely severed. You end up with all sorts of weird shit, like asking the same person to write down their dream job, but then each different hand, connected to a different hemisphere, writes down its own answer.

If anything, it seems to work the other way in experimentation. With volitional movement, the body begins to move before the sensation of choosing to move occurs. That is, unconcious processed determine a movement, then conciousness experienced a choice to move after the fact. Same goes for people with destroyed visual cortex but functioning eyes. They no longer experience sight, can't dream or imagine vision, but they can navigate a room or even catch a ball based on sight. When asked why they make these movements, they still assume they randomly choose them.

In these cases, at least in linear time that can be measured experimentally, conciousness seems to lag neural activity else where, and fill in the gaps as a sort of slight of hand. I don't know how conciousness exists outside the brain when the brain seems to be guiding conciousness on rails.

>> No.18820834

Please fucking leave, stop shitting up this thread with yet another tired debate on eliminativism. If you have something to say about this topic in a gnostic context, do so. Otherwise, leave.

>> No.18820843

It's a really good thing that men and women that have thought hard on this issue never identified the pneuma with self-consciousness, right?

>> No.18820874

stfu pleb he isnt talking to you, he wants to talk to someone who actually knows wtf they are talking about

>> No.18820882

gross matter is a kind of prison. Where do you feel better irl or in your dreams? The less density you have the higher you are vibrating

>> No.18820888

>What was her problem?
>And why didn't He hit back?
Russia. AKA the Matriarchal Gulag since 1921.

>> No.18820890

>higher density
>lower density
>someone who knows wtf they are talking about
Lol, I hate Kybalioniggers

>> No.18820893

In case it's not clear from the lack of posting IDs on this board, I'm not an esotericist criticizing other esotericists. I have skeptical/secular beliefs. I don't LARP as some mystic or occultist possessing secret knowledge or remarkable abilities.

>> No.18820896

Gnosticism has nothing to do with muh vibrations and muh densities except at the level of the Manichaean density ladder, but you have no idea what I'm talking about do you. Kybalioniggers and hermeticucks are like fucking bed bugs, man. Fuck off.

>> No.18820901

ROFL you dont even know the basics wtf are you even doing opening your mouth you fucking donkey Typical Gnostard, not a clue in the fucking world what you are talking about or how any of this works. Just superstitous retards like every other Abratard

>> No.18820903

>Please explain how your theory correlates to observable phenomenon
>"Reeeeeee fuck off! Clearly Evola explained the Hard Problem entirely in 50 pages, everyone else for the past century has just been retarded, unlike based aristocrats of the soul like us. I can't offer any actual arguments so I'll just ape superior condescension.

Sorry, my bad. I thought there might be interesting takes here, not easily threatened paper thin magical spiritualism that can't deal with the slightest questioning

>> No.18820910

Just become stoics bros. Stop with this nonsense.

>> No.18820911

Thanks for explaining why you have no idea wtf you are talking about lol. People that do know what they are talking about are well aware you dumb asses are clueless plebs

>> No.18820918

I am pretty sure my density doesn't change much when I'm asleep. Unless you don't mean physical density and vibrations, but some sort of magical ones?

In which case, I feel better on coke and ecstacy too, but I don't think that means they have some sort of inherit truth in them, and ecstacy feels better than dreams.

>> No.18820922

btw the kybalion is just one book explaining knowledge that was the true arcanum in all ancioent religions you absolute troon. Labeling the arcxanum "kybalion" shows just what a clueless jack ass you are kek

>> No.18820939

yeah yeah whatever fag, come back in 5 years when you've read actual primary sources instead of trickle-down hermeticism published by golden dawn rejects

>nooooo you have to cater to my insular and malformed understanding of the topic
No, I don't. Anyone with even the most basic understanding of Hinduism will tell you Mind or self-consciousness is an aggregate, just the most subtle aggregate. And that's Hinduism, nevermind Gnosticism. Leave.

keep seething, pleb. sometimes the people who condescend to you know what they're talking about.

>> No.18820943

Of course if a person's senses are damaged it impairs them. But that doesn't reduce you to your brain. It just proves you rely on sensation to perceive and respond. The brain processes these signals but then what? It can't be shown to pump thoughts like a heart pumps blood.

>> No.18820944

>defending the kybalion
lol, come back in 5 years retard. I've triangulated your position on the midwit kybalion-to-guenon meme pipeline and bastardizing Whitehead's next. get to it, nigger.

>> No.18820952

Being a physicalist is a sign of soullessness so in a sense you aren't wrong.
Here's your (you), dumb cunt

>> No.18820953

I will make you look illiterate on any topic known to man. I can see how important is to you to feel important and try to look like you know what you are talking about here so w/e. No one can talk to you idiots about anything because you are too stupid to know what you dont know and you never stfu anyway. Enjoy your miserable existense fucktard

>> No.18820972

Nah you won't bud. Tell me what the Gnostics mean by the pneuma then, or what the salvator salvandus is, or how Marcion understands his dichotomy of Love and Justice. Clock's ticking.

>> No.18820973

I wrote this, start here and in a few years you will understand it if you stick with it

Dont listen to any of the imbeciles here. They are just morons who hav no fucking idea in the world what they are talking about and they are miserbale annoying shits who never stfu.

>> No.18820981

holofractal reddit meme shit lmao. you're basically string theorists on welfare. stop posting.

>> No.18820989
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I will never read your blog.

>> No.18821087

Why don't you just walk into the philosophy, neuroscience, or physics department of any elite university and become chair. Obviously you have answers that the best in their field admit they aren't even close to. Why haven't you shown the proofs of your assertions and blessed us with them?

Although, if basic Hinduism through Evola does give you unmatched insight into all things, I do wonder why the progenitors of this most exquisite knowledge spend most of their time street shitting and gang raping Muslim toddlers to death...

>> No.18821151

Not him but the holographic theory seems metaphysically compelling, why do you think it's wrong?

>> No.18821172

I don't even know what the holographic theory is but referencing Atlantis and Hyperborea as the origins of your math... bro those aren't real places, or if they were, they have no real surviving history.

>> No.18821177

he is too stupid to understand it and is a superstitous pleb. He is a beleiver not a knower. This why no one who actually knows what they are talking about take these idiots seroiously. They dont even understand the basics, they are just all dogma and supersittion nop different than Chsritcuks or Islamacucks

>> No.18821179

As its name suggests it's about the physical universe being a projection of an ultimate reality rather than a self existent material plane
Nothing to do with Atlantis or whatever

>> No.18821185
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also it isnt a theory, it isnt hard to prove, it has been proven and this what real esotericism has taught for 10's of thousands of years. These guys are stone cold retards who got duped by people only slightly less retarded than they are

>> No.18821322

filtered already kek

>> No.18821333

Yes you revel in your ignorance, it was already obvious, to people who know the things you pretend too know

>> No.18821680

Funny how physicalism gives us phones, the internet, cures cancer, lets humans fly and travel space, etc. and all magical theories do practically is help people's feel feels.

All of this is cope. Every time physical science progresses, faiths of all sorts are forced to edit their previous beliefs, or hemorrhage adherents due to being visibly contradicted by reality, or resort to fundementalism and harsh social control. But physicalism is right no matter where you test it. Photosynthesis still works the same way whether you believe it or not. Illness works the way science say regardless of how many spirits you consult. Every last man on Earth could forget Newton's laws and they could be discovered again because they are eternal. Meanwhile, you have endless arguments over what any religion actually means because it is all subjective feels.

The physicalist Chad rules supreme. He doesn't need to attack or use insults. All he need do is ask how magical theories explain the phenomenology right in front of us and watch his opponents collapse.

We are the high priests of the Demiurge. The Pleroma isn't real, or if it is, it is in no way provable and is as likely to be real as any other feels. But physicalism gives results here and now. Why try to run from this world when we can master it and make it a paradise? Immortality is scientifically achievable as is post scarcity. We will master the Demiurges world and build a Pleroma within it!

>> No.18821782
File: 79 KB, 381x500, TeslaPhys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the people who made all that cool shit for you werent physcialists my dear pleb, and the physcialists are the reason science has completely stalled dead in its tracks for the last century

>> No.18821798

>physics chad
literally havent accomplished jack shit since the 40's. Imagine being this retarded and proud of it

>> No.18821811

The Sethian texts are, the Valentinian ones are platonism.

>> No.18821839

Gene editing, cloning, the internet, space travel, super sonic flight, nuclear power, quantum computers, self driving cars, drones, an absolute explosion in data analytics and prediction of behavior, basically a cure for HIV, cures for many types of cancer...

Yeah, technology basically stopped by 1940, nothing new since then...

>> No.18821856

you said physics retard. None of that shit you mentioned is based on any new science or paradigm shifts. It is stale kiddie shit

>> No.18821860
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It appears my existence has caused you some discomfort. Nevertheless, follow me and I will take you to where philosophy, love of wisdom, becomes Wisdom itself.

>> No.18821865

Physicalism =/= physics bro.

And techniques like quantum computing do use new discoveries in physics. Google just created the first time crystal.

>> No.18821873

Jewgle is a bunch of kike shysters like every other Jew. They didnt do jack shit, they are perpuating the JEWsteaian relativity quackery

>> No.18821881

Also physcalism is not physics bro

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. ... This mind is the matrix of all matter.” - Max Planck

>> No.18821948

truth is schizo

>> No.18821951

The great thing about materialist sciences is that if a great scientist also says schizo shit and it wrong, it doesn't get elevated simply due to authority. Only empirical evidence works whether you're the pope or homeless.

>> No.18821985

Didn't read your post, but you're a brainlet.

>> No.18821994

Oh really mr orthododx man. So tell me genius if Einstine was correct, and the speed of light is constant and unbreakable, how does quantum entanglement work faster than the speed of light? Come back in a few years when you figure it out, if you ever do. When you are more mature and ready to unlearn what you have learned, maybe I will tell you

>> No.18822005

>how does quantum entanglement work faster than the speed of light?
Nonlocality, it's not actually faster

>> No.18822017
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>> No.18822042

Compelling argument, faggot
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about kek

>> No.18822056
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>> No.18822081

>he still doesn't understand nobody takes his schizo garbage blog seriously
Kind of sad honestly

>> No.18822123

go away pleb tranny, no bones to throw you today. You have too much ego and arent ready

>> No.18822154

not him but you are an insufferable pseud faggot

>> No.18822167

Seethe and cope, my dear schizo.

>> No.18822202

nigga you gay, not even joking

>> No.18822274

no u

>> No.18822318
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Based gnostichads making the bitches weep like Sophia

Gnosticism has never claimed or pretended to be an empirical science. Gnosis means experiential knowledge of the divine. It is cognitive science that intrudes on THEIR domain. It is you who should cope and dilate my good man.

>> No.18822386
File: 205 KB, 649x655, gigachad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a partial answer at a very low resolution. Holograms? Fractals? Nigga really? This is 8-bit thinking. I'm a ps5 they're still chugging on Ataris

Because gnostics already had a concept of the "holographic" pain matrix and its paradoxical boundary, the Horos, which every soul thirsting for freedom must pass. Each is the protagonist of a cosmological drama. Each alone and not-alone struggles against Evil and its perfidious appendages, against the vicious circularity of his own nature. You too can be saved, but only by your own power. Heed!

>> No.18822394

What is a good book on Gnosticism?

>> No.18822411

>Because gnostics already had a concept of the "holographic" pain matrix and its paradoxical boundar
Yah the ones that arent moron plebs like your friend here above. Still you have it backwards, Gnostics are the ones with the nigger tier incomplete knowledge. You are the middle of the midwit meme, you have just enough knowledge to be above the exoteric retards but not enough to be a vedic chad

>> No.18822432

knowledge isnt the way out of this plane, though it certainly doesnt hurt, the only way to reach higher lokas (that is planes for you plebs) is higher vibration through a pure unselfish love of krishna.

>> No.18822443
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Your vista is truncated. Your words do not move or interest me.

>> No.18822455
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>> No.18822464
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Why would I love the avatar of a World-Eater, or mystify suffering as "love" and "play"? Your "knowledge" is rooted in illusion

>> No.18822477

We went from discussing budhism to hinduism to gnosticism, what religion will be next?

>> No.18822481

krishna wasnt a brahma avatar he was a vishnu avatar. This is why Gnostics are plebs, you dont know the difference of who is in charge of what. Brahma is your "demiurge." One of the Brahmas anyhow, there is a brahma for every plane and infinite planes. Put it this way, you are in the one drink minimum lounge of the strip club and brahma is the bouncer, me and krishna are int he VIP lounge popping dom

>> No.18822500
File: 238 KB, 1600x900, gigachad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that hylic still here? Would anyone be so kind as to escort him out?

>> No.18822511

why bother yourself with the nigger tier ramblings of hylics <disgust>

>> No.18822532
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Yes, but it's sad because they're so close to the truth. Their monad is the ultimate cope, the material world is all that exists. All of Christianity is a mere cope. Judaism had it right, worshipping just the demiurge. I'm not personally an adherent of judaism, but out of all religions I respect it the most. They realize that God's rules are stupid, that's why they search for workarounds of talmudic law, but they follow them all the same. No man can stand against God. God made man from earth (material) and breathed life into him. When man dies he returns to the earth (material). There is no soul, only the body, made of clay. At the last day, God resurrects his chosen has he pleases, bringing corpses to life again (material).

It's an exquisite theology.

>> No.18822543

it is sad that plebs really believe this but alas hylics arent here to understand. In fact they are put here specifically to misunderstand

>> No.18822551

>You too can be saved, but only by your own power.
What does this mean concretely?
And yeah the holographic concept in itself is simplistic but it's definitely true and I was just under the impression that you were denying it

>> No.18822559

>vedic chad
Why does Krishna allow suffering to exist if he loves us?

>> No.18822575

bad karma kiddo, this is a binary reality, without suffering how would you know bliss? I have gone into great detail about all of this in the threads I linked from discussing this before. Read the Tao te ching and the gita, it's all there mate

>> No.18822600

here ya go mate, great copy

>> No.18822605

You didn't answer my question. Krishna loves everyone infinitely, so why would he allow them to experience suffering?

>> No.18822612
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Please dude, what's next, gonna tell him to read Kerouac? Some Eckhart Tolle?

You don't need to know bliss to be bliss, and you don't need to know good to be good. The Aeons were righteous by nature and not by reflection. You perpetuate the Mixture by answering for it. You and your kind will know perdition in the end

>> No.18822613


>> No.18822627

I did answer it, I am not gonna personal tutoring. I have answered all of this in detail before and not gonna do it again. I made my website for people looking for the answers to these questions and those that seek find. Those that dont seek, dont find. Milk for babes meat for men as it were

>> No.18822628
File: 65 KB, 640x648, gigachad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not listen to his lies, he is an agent of the Grand Conformism. Cling to the questions that make you feel sane. Smite all m*nists, n*n-dualists and equivocators.

>> No.18822632

you dont know half as much as you think you do. You have potential though if you abandon nigger tier abrahamic nonsense

>> No.18822638
File: 18 KB, 588x586, gigachad7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is m*nism that is the milk of boys who imagine themselves men. Begone from this place son of the Harlot

>> No.18822640

Willem Styfhals: No Spiritual Investment in the World.

>> No.18822647

It's a simple enough question. Why do you remain evasive? Nowhere in the links you provided is my question answered satisfactorily.

>> No.18822656

you are the cripple kid not the chad timmy

begone hylic

>> No.18822663
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You have the means to illuminate yourself, because if you didn't, there would be no other means. The hand being extended to you is your own hand.

>> No.18822694

I asked you a simple question. Why do you refuse to answer and insult me?

>> No.18822708
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because you are looking for something to be given to you that cannot be given, only earned. If you are not going to do the work what you hear will be nothing but words, words words. Do you want words or do you want gnosis? Do you want to stare at the finger and miss the moon? This is the way it is done, the way it has always been done and it is done this way for a reason.

>> No.18822710
File: 55 KB, 859x960, gigachad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His insectoid masters have restricted his endorphin feed to below tolerance levels. He will be rebooted and with you shortly.

>> No.18822727
File: 25 KB, 700x602, gigachad10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as I predicted, a Bruce Lee quote and platitudes of a distinctly... reddit piquance. He is back to baseline. There is a great buzzing in his ears. It will not go away.

>> No.18822731

The explanation for the reason why Krishna would allow beings he loves to suffer excruciating pain is something I have to earn?

>> No.18822741

Krishna isn't Jesus. In fact, all explanations as to why Jesus would allow beings he loves to suffer are borrowed from Hinduism.

>> No.18822743

>The hand being extended to you is your own hand.
But by which means do I notice that for real? I understand what you're talking about but I don't feel it.

>> No.18822747
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>> No.18822758

This is not what I asked, and I never brought up Jesus. I asked you why an omnipotent God who loves his creation would allow said creation to suffer. Simple enough, yet you keep avoiding the question.

>> No.18822763

I'm a different guy. What I'm telling you is that this gotcha question only works on Christianity, not other cosmologies.

>> No.18822769

I'm not talking about Christianity. If this question "doesn't work" on other cosmologies then can you provide a satisfactory answer to it?

>> No.18822774

You're obviously a Christian zoomer. The answer was already provided.

>> No.18822812
File: 23 KB, 280x270, Demiourgos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understand the pain matrix and the root of the compulsion it wields over you backwards, forwards, every way til Sunday. Acquire gnosis, basically.

>> No.18822827

this nigger is an acrhon abort thread, I repeat abort thread

>> No.18822829

I don't care about Christianity. Why do you insult me and keep dodging the question? No answer was provided at all, why are you lying?
If I'm wrong, you should be able to btfo me easily by simply answering the question.

>> No.18822916

Just say you didn't find the answers given by the anon satisfactory, maybe explain why, declare yourself the winner and then exit the conversation.

>> No.18823043
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Or Neuropath by R. Scott Bakker. Better to accept reality now and bite the bullet.

>> No.18823056

akshually, it's Jewish garbage

>> No.18823060

Oh wow, more schizo non-arguments bringing no evidence to bear. Just blind appeals to authority.

Be not fooled friends, the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his most Holy Ragu is the one true path to Enlightenment! Follow his teachings and you shall find the Light of Gnosis!

>> No.18823065

why is that Cuckker guy shilled on /lit/ so much?
just another 1 bit anglo

>> No.18823071

Bakker is a Gnostic.

>> No.18823117

Bakker doesn't know what the fuck he is and had a breakdown and left his blog and all writing.

Neuropath is a solid introduction to the truth of elimitavist materialism. Obviously Bakker both acknowledges its truth on an intellectual level and is horrified by it, so he has the Mary Sue in his fantasy series try to overcome some magical Gods that manifest as knowably real. It's incoherent, half what he learned from real neuroscience and philosophy of mind and then half pure fantasy.

Neuropath is still good because it focuses on the real part.

Transhumanism is the only chance of any sort of "ascension."

>> No.18823128

>had a breakdown?
Proof? Never heard of this.

>> No.18823156

Bakker just uses Greek words because they sound cool. His Gnosis has nothing to do with Gnosticism.

>> No.18823163

Not what I was talking about.

>> No.18823403

wtf you on about schizo? What appeals to authority? You have no idea what that means do you? Just be honest

>> No.18823460

>dude weed

>> No.18823511

what a faggot

>> No.18824514
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>> No.18825413


>> No.18825484

The Mind produces the Universe by collapsing the wave function retrospectively. Read about Biocentrism. No observers, no Universe.

>> No.18825554

This would imply that the mind is outside the universe, or at least that it is self-existent. Since it's self-existent, it cannot be made of parts because these parts would not be revealed. Since it is not made of parts, how can it be modified? When there are photons of a certain wavelength, the mind becomes blue. When there are photons of another wavelength, the mind becomes red, etc. Your proposition would require the mind to be self existent and also alter itself based on configurations of matter. It cannot be made of parts, but it must alter itself. This is a contradiction.

>> No.18825576

Not him but people like you look at the finger instead of the moon and think you've discovered some big truth. Your sterile rational musings are useless, the truth is beyond.

>> No.18825620

It's 'mistaking the finger pointing at the moon for the moon', not 'mistaking the finger for the moon'.
>truth is beyond rationality

>> No.18825638

Oh no I abbreviated a common saying and got corrected, how will I ever recover
Read fewer 4chan threads and more writings from mystics. But I can't tell you don't care, just want to win an internet argument, so keep doing whatever you're doing, pearls before swine and all.

>> No.18825653

Any writings in particular? I've read a bunch of zen shit and found it ultimately futile. Also Buddhist stuff too. As long as I believe there is something to get out of zen, I will keep trying to get something out of zen. Even understanding that to desire is to suffer, the mind still creates and attaches to delusions. Perhaps if all ignorance about these delusions was removed, then there would no longer be attachment. However, removing ignorance is ultimately futile because any idea generated about the nature of desire is just another delusion. Attempting to remove ignorance only perpetuates the cycle.

>> No.18825664

>Any writings in particular
Try Eckhart and Porete for Christianity, The Conference of the Birds for Sufism, the Dao De Jing and Zhuangzi for non-buddhist eastern mysticism

>> No.18825673

they will stomp them and turn around and maul you

>> No.18825674

I've read Eckhart and Tao Te Chind, haven't heard of Zhuangzi, I'll look into it.