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[ERROR] No.18821465 [Reply] [Original]

Causation is more important than outcomes.

>> No.18821478
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>> No.18821554

Person A gets an apple by picking it from a tree

Person B gets an apple by bashing someone over the head and stealing their apple

Person A and B both have Apples, their states are equal in this regard

But the act of owning an apple has a moral dimension that can't be ignored because of the consequences of their actions. Therefore, the means to which the apples were obtained matters.

>> No.18821812

with respect to the apple they are equal. with respect to the dead man they are not.

>> No.18822000

the answer isn't going to be black and white, each situation is its own

>> No.18822009

Is causation even separable from outcomes? Isn't it true that whatever happens was induced, and whatever is induced must happen? Where is the barrier?

>> No.18822028

>their states are equal in this regard
>in this regard
So stop ignoring on what regards they are not equal. The means matter, and the outcomes carry a line from the means. The apple on the hands of the killer is charged with a content very much different from the apple of the other faggot. Yes, in some regards they are the same, but in other regards they are clearly different. You are just a faggot that tries to divide things to fit your narrow worldview.

>> No.18822049

your bitch wouldn't be fucked if I didn't fuck her bro

>> No.18822062
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>> No.18822063
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holy, shit did you not read the next part, faggot?

>But the act of owning an apple has a moral dimension that can't be ignored because of the consequences of their actions. Therefore, the means to which the apples were obtained matters.

I'm agreeing with you in the post, for fuck's sakes

>> No.18822073

That doesn't even mean anything. Typical philosofags.

>> No.18822086

You placed an emphasis on the means, >>18822028 placed an emphasis on the outcomes, both add complexity to the topic. Op is a dumb faggot, that is what we know.

>> No.18822098

And she wouldnt be my bitch who was fucked if she was not my bitch to begin with, and she would not have been my bitch if she were not to be my bitch who was fucked in the future. Quite frankly, it all seems to be one divine tapestry.

>> No.18822099

It means that the method by which something occurs is more important than what occurs, it's really not that hard to understand.

"maybe it's important you earned $100, but it's more important HOW you earned that $100"

>> No.18822100
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Person A has no more claim to take apples from trees than Person B. Therefore Person B is justified to use force when Person A refuses to share.

>> No.18822107

refer to >>18822028

>> No.18822114


I'm not dividing shit. How is simply stating that two people have apples are in equal in the sense of "owning apples" divorcing this ownership from it's moral dimension.

You need to gas yourself.

>> No.18822118

so you think consciousness and choice are just illusions?

>> No.18822139

Dumb nigger, the moral dimension shown in >>18821554 relates to causation whilst >>18822028 relates it in an explicit way to the outcome.

>> No.18822141

Why is Person B justified to use force? Law of the Jungle? That's not a justification. That is the absence of morality.

Morality should stem from the desire to do that which is good, namely whatever promotes happiness, health, and praise of God.

Acting like a nigger and jacking someones apple does not do those things. Simply picking an apple from a tree harms no one.

>> No.18822150

"the means to which the apples were obtained matters" is the emphasis being drawn upon on this post: >>18821554
the outcome is the emphasis being drawn upon this post: >>18822028
Do you need me to draw it for you?

>> No.18822152

bro, calm down

all I said was two people have apples, but the way they got them matters (morally)

why are you being such a pedantic retard?

>> No.18822164

bro, calm down

all I said was two people have apples, but the way they got them matters (morally) and the outcome of the way they got them also matters

why are you being such a pathetic retard?

>> No.18822169

wow, unironically take your meds

>> No.18822200

I don't need meds you fucking nigger, I feed from (you)'s

>> No.18822244

in conclusion: all women are whores

>> No.18822670

Consciousness is real for sure, but the world is certainly an illusion insofar as it's external, or, in other words, it exists only as an impression for us, which means that it's also within us, because that impression is of the substance of our consciousness. Is there choice? It seems like an unanswerable question because within this world there is always a certain cause for every effect and yet the world itself is illusive and perhaps not as it appears to us.

>> No.18822685

Causation is intrinsically linked to outcomes. You can't have one without the either.

>> No.18822955


>> No.18823564

Cause and effect: there is probably never any such duality; in fact there is a continuum before us, from which we isolate a few portions; just as we always observe a motion as isolated points, and therefore do not properly see it, but infer it. The abruptness with which many effects take place leads us into error; it is however only an abruptness for us. There is an infinite multitude of processes in that abrupt moment which escape us. An intellect which could see cause and effect as a continuum, which could see the flux of events not according to our mode of perception, as things arbitrarily separated and broken, would throw aside the conception of cause and effect, and would deny all conditionality.

>> No.18823577

Causation and outcomes are equal in ideal but each shall be weighed against eachother in a given situation to determine whether the outcome justifies the means in the specified example, and if the means justify the outcome in the specified example