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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18821743 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of litoks? Will it save Literature by introducing the classics to zoomers?
An example

>> No.18821751

>What does /lit/ think of litoks?
i think u should kill yourself for asking me that

>> No.18821757
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If it gets people reading why not

>> No.18821763

All TikToks and TikTokkers are inherently wrong and scum.

>> No.18821771

why do people like tiktok so much even my 60 year old aunt likes it wtf is going on?

>> No.18821778

litty af tho no cap im dead frfr lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.18821784

This is why I don't generally listen to the opinions of people I find physically repulsive.

>> No.18821791

I want to see this person hung from a lamppost like the running dog of capitalism that he is.

>> No.18821792
File: 26 KB, 690x445, empty-apt-2-690x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*the rest of that dude's apartment outside his tiktok corner*

>> No.18821794

I think the spiteful responses are from people trying to gatekeep their enjoyment. Most classics will filter the zoomers anyway.

>> No.18821800

>English project
The absolute state of American education

>> No.18821845

Go back

>> No.18821876

If you like these male authors with completely different styles, you may like a book by a black women about being a black women because that’s all they can write about

>> No.18823238

Reading isn't admirable if you only read trash.

>> No.18823266

>no, Ayn Rand doesn't count
yikes! sweatie, there's a lot to unpack here! anti-Semitism and male chauvinism are not cool. it's called being a decent human being. oh my sweet summer child who hurt you? downvoted!

>> No.18823268

I'm reading Any Rand, Camille Paglia, and Savitri Devi, so that's one POC, one enby, and a woman. Surely he couldn't protest.

>> No.18823273
File: 19 KB, 270x270, C376AF0B-3EF9-405C-87BB-516D3624F2F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if it gets people to read, reading isn’t a good in and of itself, and neither is “book culture.” r/books, oprah book club, paris review = shit

>> No.18823283

white men are the only people in the entire universe capable of cognition that can approach God

>> No.18824171

reading is not inherently good, retard.

>> No.18824198

I would bet that this sort of thing has nothing to do with reading outside of the aesthetic. Social media is like that most of the time in my opinion, people using things for the aesthetic and not for the thing itself. Why they pick reading over like, idk, cool bikes, would have to do with how they want to be seen.

>> No.18824205
File: 40 KB, 700x438, B7C73B01-911B-4087-BBAA-1153DA4A0BEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s only one fag I read and he’d behead this faggot for making this

>> No.18824326

Men honestly believe this will get them pussy.

>> No.18824352

*Jews are the only people in the entire universe capable of cognition that can approach G-d.

>> No.18824363


>> No.18824635

chinese psyop to turn the west gay

>> No.18824681

People like this also like to say that insert famous author here is gay, so that leaves a lot of good stuff. I can just say that Shakespeare could have been bi and then with the Greeks I'm covered.

>> No.18824727

they wanna make you mad so you'll comment and increase their exposure, and the libbies will like it because they want to see you seethe

>> No.18824751
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"Read!" is the worst of the civic education fallacies. What does your literacy matter if you're reading garbage? You're just an ape that can make grocery lists.

>> No.18824763

>race of litigious devils
>approaching God

You can't even say His name without fear.

>> No.18824854

>What does /lit/ think of litoks?

Will it save Literature by introducing the classics to zoomers?
No, the form is more important than the content and the form is destructive to one's ability to read well.