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1881141 No.1881141 [Reply] [Original]

>"A writer who happens to be gay or lesbian must be able to transcend self. I am not a gay writer. I am a writer who happens to be gay."
>LGBT community calls Edward Albee a "coward" for this comment

>> No.1881150


Proust did it best.

>> No.1881158

I want gay writers to be gay writers, so that I know not to read them.

>> No.1881162

Reminds me of Naipaul's criticism of female writers. I fully agree with what Albee said. Feminists, Faggots, Peta and Westboro Baptist Church like being offended by everything.

>> No.1881167

what ive found sad is that even when not writing things that do not pertain to there personal gayness, i find their books in the 'gay' section of Hastings only.

>> No.1881172

Yeah, if there's anything making me ashamed of being bisex it's the LGBT community and the straight people cashing in on activism.

I enjoy buttsex - I'm not going to make that a part of my fucking personality.

>> No.1881175

itt every single lgbt person in the world shares the same opinion of an author apparently?

>> No.1881176 [DELETED] 

i guess im part of LGBT community but i wouldnt call him a coward

i wouldnt call anyone a coward really

people are just so stirred up nowadays =/

>> No.1881178

>if there's anything making me ashamed of being bisex

how about subscribing to an artificial label to be special? was being gay just too mainstream for you?

>> No.1881190

Well, the problem is that the less gay Albee's work gets, the more mind-numbingly tedious it gets. "The Zoo Story" and "Virginia Woolf" are his gayest plays, and---not coincidentally---his only watchable ones. After that, you witness a man crawling up his own anus in the effort to be taken seriously as an heir to Samuel Beckett, rather than as somebody who inherited a fuck of a lot of money from his grandfather, the millionaire vaudeville producer Edward Franklin Albee.

And then at the age of 873, he wrote "The Goat", in which he tries to register his shock---shock!---over the subject of homosexuality, with a generation of teenagers who have come out in high school and hardly think there's anything shocking about it.

What's really sad is that the fear of homophobia has made Albee a much worse writer than he seemed at the start of his career. But honestly, I think he just gets increasingly pretentious. Seriously anything the man has written since 1966 is LETHAL. AND HE'S STILL WRITING.

>> No.1881197

i mean i can see both sides, i certainly get where he's coming from but to play devil's advocate i can also see getting a lil knee-jerk buttmad at what u perceive as someone's attempt to distance himself from a marginalized group he belongs to in the interest of mainstream respectability and accolades. in conclusion, who cares

>> No.1881211 [DELETED] 

i wish!

also pretending to be gay for attention (which is not something i do) is better than pretending to be mature for self-respect (which is what you do)

>> No.1881205
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>pretentiousness over buttfucking

>> No.1881210

People are still people. The LGBT community is politicized as fuck

>> No.1881213
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>> No.1881218

>LGBT community mad he wants to be his own person and not serve as a cultural icon for their political movement

>> No.1881216


>i guess im part of LGBT community

no fab, 15 year olds who pretend to be gay for the attention are not really a part of the LGBT community

(deleted it by accident, thought i posted it in the wrong thread, but it turns out i psoted it in the right one)

>> No.1881223

being a tripfag invalidates whatever you say

>> No.1881224

this flower is too much even for you. but they are pretty cute

>> No.1881228 [DELETED] 

what is wrong with you

>> No.1881236

they are there to remind me to be natural :V

>> No.1881235

Well, okay, how's this for a point of comparison: Elizabeth Bishop, while she was alive, refused to allow her poems to be printed in "Women's Only" anthologies.

After she died, her executor decided to permit it, as long as the anthology also printed a letter Bishop wrote, about WHY she didn't want to be included in women's-only anthologies.

Who was right? Elizabeth Bishop? Or her executor?

>> No.1881257

yeah if i were a writer i would not want to be id'ed primarily as a "gay writer" but not for any philosophical or artistic reasons, purely because i wouldn't want to have my shit filed away on some cobwebbed shelf at borders next to vampire buttsex erotica with bad cover art. i think that's a valid concern but at the same time it's a totally careerist one

>> No.1881307

Who do you think would win in a fight between him and Larry Kramer

I know Kramer is similarly ancient and HIV+ but he seems like he wouldn't hesitate to bite a motherfucker's ear off

>> No.1881317


Bishop clearly! Isn't it obvious that the executor was just a money grubbing jew who didn't care about her actual wishes and only cares about what gives them the most money?

>> No.1881337

"money grubbing jew" is uh not the precise phrase I'd use, but it does seem like some pretty bad estate executin'

>> No.1881350

All you faggots need to realise that you aren't special because you enjoy gay sex.

Your writing usually sucks, as well.

>> No.1881352


I have no clue if the late Alice Methfessel was, indeed, a Red Sea pedestrian or not, but you can hardly expect to get big bucks by allowing a dozen poems to be reprinted in the "Norton Anthology of Women's Writing".

I think that what actually happened is that, somewhere between Bishop's death in 1979 and the "Norton Anthology of Women's Writing" in 1991 is that all of a sudden there were Women's Studies Departments in every American university. They didn't exist yet in the 1970s. In other words, the "women's literature" industry essentially unionized, and the executor had to bow down to industry demands. (Christ. Sorry to sound like Antonio Gramsci).

>> No.1881367

heterosexuals make terrible art. the apex of culture produced by straight people is the episode of the king of queens where he meets everybody loves raymond

>> No.1881405

did you see the nanny ep where she meets everybody loves raymond

early 2000s sitcoms were the last great sitcoms made by man

fortunately TVland has been working at it again with that golden girl rehash

>> No.1881469

he's an Uncle Tom Queer