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[ERROR] No.18807253 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a word for the writing style of Reddit posters? Everything just seems so overbearingly friendly and snarky. I can't even explain it - it's like a bot writes the site using an algorithm. Nobody ever types out a sentence like a normal human being would speak.

Instead of saying: "Thanks, I really appreciate it," they'll say, "Haha yeah. Thank you so much that mean a lot! I'm so glad you like it!"

Instead of saying, "Yeah, I agree," it's "For sure! Haha. Yeah, that's spot on - " before providing some italicized typed out meme.

>> No.18807275

Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.18807283

reddit posts are helium voice in text

>> No.18807291


>> No.18807297

it's literally 4chan longposting style through a sanitizing filter

>> No.18807332

>Is there a word for the writing style of Reddit posters?

>> No.18807336

Y'all in this thread sounding so problematic, bet you're fun at parties.

>> No.18807345

An example is a post like
>You fucking retard nigger, have you even read the fucking book? If you had read the fucking book you'd know he explains exactly why he does that in the next chapter, you fucking faggot. KYS.
After the Reddit filter it becomes
>I'm sorry for contradicting you but I have reasons to believe you are wrong. Maybe you misread the source material (it happens to the best of us!), since the very first paragraph in the next chapter explains why he did that. Cheers!

>> No.18807351

Heavy reddit users only identify authority from the student/professor dichotomy. Their whole sense of dialogue, interaction, judgement, and critical thinking comes from this relationship. It is why they talk down to the perceived delinquent student and suck up to educated professor. They are all age regressed retards.

>> No.18807356

Maybe educate yourselves on this subject.

It's clear y'all have no sources.

>> No.18807369

This is because they are all college educated midwits raised by state approved mouth prices to process raw data and translate it within “acceptable” parameters. Brainwashed idiots in every sense of the word who solely identify truth and authority with academic lecturing from their sociology professors.

>> No.18807374

redditors are like the faggots here that want to get screencapped with every post they make.

>> No.18807376

Mouth pieces*

>> No.18807382

meanwhile the average chantard just gets his worldview from unsourced pol screencaps. both sites are populated by credulous.

>> No.18807383

Why don't you....ask big chungus?

>> No.18807388

Wellbutrin-Adderall Schmaltz

>> No.18807392

I don't visit Reddit enough to know how they write.

>> No.18807409

4chan is basically a subreddit now. You're not missing much.

>> No.18807410

Demonstrably false, your typical reddit fag has gone through a critically stunting process his whole life to accept authority blindly from university where as the level of vitriolic infighting in name of the truth in 4chan borders on cartoon, ideas and arguments are frequently tested here ruthlessly in any thread on any board without filter where as reddit is like a theme park of ideas where you MUST “keep all arms inside the ride at all times and no shouting”. Reddit is the morons idea of engagement and filled with charlatans.

>> No.18807413
File: 1006 KB, 1050x1050, 1626197850501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything just seems so overbearingly friendly and snarky.
The word you're looking for is 'condescending'.
Reddit's userbase is overwhelmingly leftist, who at their core always take the moral high ground and shape their world view around that.

Hence all the 'you do you, sweaty', 'who hurt you', 'IT'S CALLED BEING A DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING', 'I can't even...' and a whole myriad of stock cliched phrases drenched in passive aggressiveness and backhanded compliments. They're classic examples of Dunning-Kruger, they think themselves morally (and thus intellectually) superior, and thus everyone with a different opinion must be beneath them. They genuinely believe they are simply stating the obvious viewpoint and everyone else are nothing but ignoramuses.

Hence they adopt that smug tone one would use to lecture a poor child who doesn't know any better (btw, if you do this to a child they will resent you, even very young children can recognize when they're being "talked down" to), because that's what you are in their eyes. You can practically see them snubbing their noses at anyone who disagrees.

Of course, the truth couldn't be any further than that, they stick like glue to popular opinion and appeals to authority but I don't need to tell you that. Now I'm not saying we're le ebin sekrit club of based and redpilled intellectuals, but at least here on 4chan we're more self-aware of our faults and give each other shit for it even if ironically. Redditors inherently lack this capability for introspection and self-reflection which is what makes them and their communities so boring-once you've seen one you've seen them all.
This place is much more interesting and the funny thing is, redditors know it too, deep down. They just can't stop lurking and trying to see what hot take 4chan has on the latest whatever.
Just look at r/4chan, a place to share 'le ebin 4chan posts' with each other-did you know there are people who are legitimately scared to come here and thus make do with that sub? They are inherently weak willed and rely on others to "shift through the shit for the few nuggets of gold".

It's nothing but pathetic, not even pitiable at the very least.

>> No.18807430

Post2016 is an echochamber.

>> No.18807431

>there's a real difference between reddit and 4chan these days

>> No.18807437

Big yikes there, fallacy, incorrect, you need that one fact-checked, sweetie, kiddo, sweet summerchild.

>> No.18807462

>they stick like glue to popular opinion
'popular opinion' depends on the platform.
Being racist on 4chan is popular opinion, so if you are one, by the same logic, you too have reddit-tier herd mentality in you

>> No.18807464

redditors are incapable of critial thought. their bread and butter is regurgitation of accepted points of view. they rely heavily on credentialism, though often the credentials are unproven. As mentioned, they tend to alternate between 'wholesome' and 'snarky' styles, each as grating as the other.

>> No.18807493

Yes it's called being a liberal half-male softbody neckbeard who got beat up in high school writing style or LHMSBNBWGBUIHSWS

>> No.18807524

It's like how all news headlines are now.
>Local men posted racist comment on Facebook. Now he's been fired from his job.
>Blood clots and heart problems reported as vaccine sign effects. Why that's a good thing.

>> No.18807525

Reddit is a trash heap, but let's not pretend 4chan is a "le epic of free battleground of clashing ideas", it is not, ever since 2016 the site has been one hivemind where anyone that isn't racist, misogynistic, anti-atheism, etc. gets flamed out (instead of passive-aggresively condescended to). If Reddit is a hivemind of conformists, 4chan is a hivemind of contrarians. We have even upboats and downboats, we call them "based" and "cringe". And karma is how many (You)s you get. Both of these sites are garbage, and I only come to 4chan over reddit because it doesn't require an account, and the UI/format is much better to use.

>> No.18807539

>ideas and arguments are frequently tested here ruthlessly
Not really. I hate reddit but I must admit there are many respects in which the average browser here would be completely out of their depth posting there. you can even see examples of this sometimes when anons start 'redpill' accounts -- their /pol/-honed dogmatism ends up being very impotent and they just lash out because they can't argue their points with any semblance of discipline or rationality. they have little actual exposure to opposing arguments, and prefer to do battle with caricatures.

the problem with reddit is their obsession with propriety and with being approved of (and the fact that it seems to attract a particularly insufferable kind of person). the myth of 4chan being some kind of crucible for arguments is unfortunately just a fiction. i prefer the overall orientation of 4chan when it comes to most things, but that's probably just because the sites attract different types. the cream doesn't actually rise to the crop here. the willingness to voice and confront taboo opinions gives anons an advantage in the 'speaking truth to power' department, however there is no rigour here, and most posters are very emotional and bad at thinking.

4chan moves at a very fast pace dialectically and i think in a broad brush-stroke sense it is a quite powerful zeitgeist-generator. it has its finger on the pulse. but very stupid notions gain a lot of traction here very rapidly too. there are shibboleths on /pol/, things that have been part of their ideological vocabulary for years, perhaps a decade at this point, that are just incorrect, and based on extremely flimsy 'evidence'. they do not get 'corrected'. one popular belief is the idea that greek homosexuality is a myth concocted by 'liberals'. i have seen 3 separate images in circulation articulating this theme, each very poorly made, laden with giant errors that anyone with the slightest familiarity with the classics could point out. and they get reposted over and over and when you point out the inaccuracies, they don't care, they will call you a jew, move the goalposts, and then repost them again later. when you actually get to have a one-on-one conversation with somewhere else, they just stop replying. they literally behave like that mein kampf quote.

i would say 4chan overall has had a positive influence on my thinking but one cannot rely on it. it is very mendacious. "only a fool would take anything here posted as fact."

>> No.18807540

They're mimicking their divorcee public school teachers

>> No.18807546

>the cream doesn't rise to the crop
holy fucking lol. i am tired as fuck.

>> No.18807561

You guys still haven't learned what an echo chamber is lmao. There is no dissent or flamewar in an echo chamber

>> No.18807572

Have you ever been in a race and IQ thread on /lit/? It's very often 50/50. Same with threads about Jews and other topics

>> No.18807574

Proles take joy in thinking in prescribed patterns because it means they have assimilated them correctly and won't be attacked by the mob

You ever scroll down while watching a youtube video and see the "top" 10 comments are all people making the same joke/observation? Most people don't care or feel embarrassed about being unoriginal. Most people also aren't trying to tell a "good joke," they are trying to tell a good joke for the moment, meaning as long as it passes this particular social check and gets them some acceptability points, it doesn't matter if it was stolen or derivative in an absolute sense.

All in all the problem is that they never imagine their actions before the universe or God in their entirety, they only know particular, concrete, contingent social situations. If you're a real human being, you feel embarrassed for lying even when you're successful and nobody is around to inform your victim that you lied, because a lie is inherently embarrassing, you are a retard objectively for lying even if no one ever knows. 95% of people don't feel that way, they don't even have any embarrassment to suppress, because their mind's eye is only fixed on "what am I, particular monkey man who wants to feel good right now, getting from this particular monkey encounter." They don't think about larger implications, meaning structures, resonances, ironies, nothing. They go "ok he believe me, he give me his candy now?" or "phew, herd not eject me, another day another meal successfully consumed in peace, time to sleep fat, wait for tomorrow and start over."

>> No.18807587

They just sound like Rick and Morty characters. Simple as. Also saged

>> No.18807589

Try 80/20, and that's being generous.

>> No.18807598

You sure you dont just perceive the presence of dissent as being a preponderance since you're so unused to seeing it? I actually engage in those arguments and I assure you both sides are well represented

>> No.18807601

>If you're a real human being, you feel embarrassed for lying even when you're successful and nobody is around to inform your victim that you lied, because a lie is inherently embarrassing, you are a retard objectively for lying even if no one ever knows. 95% of people don't feel that way, they don't even have any embarrassment to suppress, because their mind's eye is only fixed on "what am I, particular monkey man who wants to feel good right now, getting from this particular monkey encounter."
you make them sound rational whereas you are overly impressed with vague concepts and let them dictate your behaviour, like a schoolboy.

>> No.18807609

A visible karma system castrates any individual. Even if they start off not caring about karma at all, overtime they’ll break down.
All Reddit posts are written in the pursuit of karma. Which is why you get the long form answer
>Haha yeah. Thank you so much that means a lot! I’m so glad you like it!
It’s just a method to simulate a thoughtful human interaction, which will give the poster more karma for being le good guy.

This karma pursuit has also led to the famous state of circlejerking the site is in. Posting your honest opinion about something can get your reputation fucked.
For example, there was a thread about assisted suicide for illnesses like dementia.
Top comment: +643 karma
>How awful to make this decision. My best to those families struggling!
Bottom comment: -343 karma
>Just put them out of their misery. They’re barely living at that point.

Social Credit systems lead to self-castrating behavior.

>> No.18807649

4chan is reddit for people who think they are too edgey for reddit.

>> No.18807662

It's not even about being edgy, you cant even be racist in a non edgy fashion there. Even Twitter is significantly less banhappy

>> No.18807670

Well, part of the affect is accurately described as twee.

>> No.18807671

>unused to seeing it
I've been coming to 4chan on and off since 2007. I've seen this site go from being the "new atheism 'fedora' centre" to the "tradcath larper institute". 4chan is always the central opposition to the zeitgeist, it opposed the Bush-era evangelicist christians, and now it opposes the pink-haired vitriolic SJWs, and whenever it takes on the form of "The Opposition™", it does so in a very cohesive, unitarian manner [or else it wouldn't be an opposition]. I'm thinking you only browse one or two boards, and even then only check a few threads at a time. We have entire boards on this shit that aren't even mildly concerned with being on-topic anymore, only serving as cultural and political oppositions against the zeitgeist, which ironically only makes them followers of the zeitgeist in turn, but just an inversion of it. /lit/ itself is 60% off-topic political shit at any given time, and it's always the same few opinions being regurgitated, so I have no idea where you're grabbing this 50/50 observation from.

>> No.18807682

Sometimes I forget that I actually love this site. The internet is so shit I grew affectionate to the internet equivalent of a public bathroom where everyone pisses and shits everywhere but at least you can have a somewhat interesting conversation about geopolitics at the urinal. Praise kek

>> No.18807687

Reddit is a place where you have to explicitly state that you're making a joke, even when your comment is dripping in over the top sarcasm. It's such a unnatural way to communicate.

>> No.18807688

I'm speaking from my personal experience having uncountable amounts of arguments here. If it were an echo chamber how exactly could I have done that?

>> No.18807705

Because your sample is not big enough. Echo-chamber doesn't mean "there are no other voices", but that "other voices get drowned out by the echoes".

>> No.18807707

>It's such a unnatural way to communicate.
>4chan is a natural way to communicate.

>> No.18807736

>Posting your honest opinion about something can get your reputation fucked.
This is true. People genuinely use your post history as a weapon if they're ever in danger of losing an argument.

>> No.18807741

What, you don't say "this shit is redpilled based owning cringe nigger kike NPCs" in public?

>> No.18807743

Drowned out how? There is no consensus here, a single poster can take on 5 other people in a thread no matter how many insult him because his posts arent downvoted or hidden or deleted.

Even /pol/ is under constant onslaught of antipol posts and threads, though that just made that board unusable for anyone really

>> No.18807752

is there a word for the writing style where you omit most punctuation/capital letters in order to appear less intelligent than you actually are? in an effort to make your wisdom seem more authentic and genuine and less uptight and academic?

>> No.18807760
File: 238 KB, 900x900, a2cw7wn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit's demographic is overwhelmingly white collar & educated.
Post-sec is becoming serialized & standardized, just the continuation of the process that obliterated public education.
The sole purpose of a degree today is a form of credentialism & the initiation into educational rites (one with a marketing degree doesn't really know more about marketing, he knows the marketer's ebonics to communicate with other marketers), which act as markers for large impersonal international corporations to easily pick up new workers, managers, et cetera. Standardization enhances this because you need not worry about regional deviations in education.
In short, everyone on reddit talks the same because we're all being taught to 'talk the same way' (just that reddit is more noticeable), so we can be formed to fulfil certain technical functions, and live the nearly inhuman lives of ants. It is easier to accomplish their ends this way.

>> No.18807766

don't you get the same response out of (you)s or is it the long term accumulation of karma that you have a problem with

>> No.18807773

>is there a word for the writing style where you omit most punctuation/capital letters in order to appear less intelligent than you actually are?

>in an effort to make your wisdom seem more authentic and genuine and less uptight and academic?
How is typing like a teenage girl supposed to make you seem 'more authentic and genuine'?

>> No.18807775

I despise this, too. I see this most commonly in /mu/ and /fa/.

>> No.18807784

>Reddit's demographic is overwhelmingly white collar & educated.
Maybe in 2011, it's just a normie site now with a broad representation of demographics

>> No.18807797

When someone contests my point during a discussion I always say "well why don't you try googling it and check the data", but I never googled it myself, I just pulled it from a 4chan post. I'm confident they never actually bother to check, they just say I'm crazy and I win.

>> No.18807843

broad representation of young people, the majority of whom are now enrolled in, or discerning College or University.

>> No.18807858

Drowned out by sheer volume. And though your rebel's post won't be hidden or deleted, he will in fact be downvoted mass-replies of "cringe". There is the crux. There is an unbalanced quantity of unitarian opinions here, not the healthy mix you insist is the status quo, I don't even have any idea how you're seeing this if you're truly not confined to only posting to a handful of threads. The whole site is more galvanised against whatever is the "norm" than ever. And it will only get worse from here.

>> No.18807884

The biggest filter on 4chan is long post. If you type more than 1 paragraph and there is no anime girl avatar attached, your only hope of getting a (you) is if there's another guy who also writes long effortposts in the thread and actually seeks out the effortposts.

>> No.18807893

What is that quote from? Can't find anything on Google

>> No.18807894

I just dont care about people calling me cringe(which happens all the time) as long as I can continue the argument. And I simply dont agree with you, I see flamewars, I dont see one side being massively drowned out by the other

>> No.18807900

Piggybacking off of your comment but YES, so much this! /s

>> No.18807901

>you make them sound rational

>No shepherd, and one herd! Everyone wants the same; everyone is the same: he who feels differently goes voluntarily into the madhouse.
>"Formerly all the world was insane," say the subtlest of them, and they blink.

>> No.18807915

Also not true, many effortposts get a ton of yous, often more in fact than I think they really deserve because le ebin effortpost and once you have a few yous more tend to roll in

>> No.18807919

Why are you quoting Nietzsche when you are haunted by the notion that lying incurs some kind of metaphysical cost

>> No.18807927

They only get tons of (you)s when they sound completely unhinged by the first couple sentences

>> No.18807929

My whole point thus far was that 4chan is as much of a hivemind cesspool as Reddit, just with inverted values and opinions. Seems like we don't have anything further to say, so we'll have to agree to disagree then.

>> No.18807938

>Why are you quoting Nietzsche when you are haunted by the notion that lying incurs some kind of metaphysical cost
Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered. Then he spoke thus:

Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -- a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous on the way, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting.

What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an over-going and a down-going.
I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing.

I love him who reserves no share of spirit for himself, but wants to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus he walks as spirit over the bridge.

I love him who makes his virtue his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more.

I love him who desires not too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to.

I love him whose soul is lavish, who wants no thanks and does not give back: for he always gives, and desires not to keep for himself.

I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor, and who then asks: "Am I a cheat?" -- for he wants to perish.

I love him who scatters golden words in advance of his deeds, and always does more than he promises: for he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who justifies the future ones, and redeems the past ones: for he is willing to perish through the present ones.

I love him who chastens his God, because he loves his God: for he must perish through the wrath of his God.

I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may perish through a small matter: thus he goes willingly over the bridge.

I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgets himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going.

I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causes his down-going.

I love all who are like heavy drops falling one by one out of the dark cloud that lowers over man: they herald the coming of the lightning, and perish as heralds.

Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the Overman!"

>> No.18807939

I socket puppet (yous) to get traction going. Always works.

>> No.18807940

Kantian Nietzscheans, that's a new one.

>> No.18807950
File: 75 KB, 750x538, drago-kalaji-898a5792-116b-4a20-897d-3d8cf0a667d-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Dragoš Kalajić's Poslednji Evropljani or "The Last Europeans". It is quoting Italian writer Pio Filippani Ronconi.
Unfortunately only available if you can read Serbian or Italian, but here is more translated snippets.

>> No.18807956

Not him, and I absolutely detest this website the vast majority of the time, it's terrible, it's a massive time sink and I'm sure I'm only here because it's that last strand of internet addiction I can't let go of, but every now and then, just when I'm about to let go, something really funny or uplifting happens and I have a good time. This one rare smile in my otherwise depressing, worthless life is enough to keep me going another week and endure the endless spam and childish shitposts. I guess 4chan is a little bit like parenting.

>> No.18807960

I've been weaning off this site recently after having used it since 8th grade, and even though I'm at the point where I never spend more than an hour here daily, I still feel like this is the best form of social media out there. Every other site either has a godawful design (Reddit, Twitter) or forces you to give out your irl info (FB), and they tend to be more animalistic than here whenever you turn the mob on you. Using them is like the exact opposite of escapism.
There is absolutely a ton of shit that's wrong this site, but at least it's some kind of escape.

>> No.18807970

I sockpuppeted only once, not to get attention but because I had to insult the person who typed that post and that person was me

>> No.18807971

i used reddit a lot as a kid and they didn't write like this (2008- 2012??). they were kind of assholes. i dont really use it now so maybe its changed.

anyways the word youre looking for, based on what you wrote, is just saccharine, or just say fake.

>> No.18807980

But you're just blatantly wrong dude. You can find both sides of any argument here, you cant on reddit.

>> No.18807984

I don't have an account but reddit comments today look like small talk at the workplace

>> No.18808016

Thank you, interesting. I think it is a bit of ideological wishful thinking for him to diagnose that as beginning in 1946. Nazism itself was very much a technocrat conformist society.

>> No.18808029

Yeah, this hellhole unironically created the most Reddit meme ever so I'm not sure we can judge these faggots. We're getting mogged by the retards at /tv/ for fuck sake. I mean, in our defence it was pretty funny at first, wasnt it?

>> No.18808039

I don't even know why they called bugs 'big chungus'.

>> No.18808046

4chan is no better because on 4chan 90% of all posts consist of unreadable garbage e.g. chad this sneed that it really makes you question your own intelligence for using this website and multiple times I have sworn off this website but my life is boring

>> No.18808066

You're talking about 4chan like it was leftist before and just became racist but that's not even true. There were lots of ironic Nazism but there was also a lot unironic racism. Not everyone was an atheist and there were a bunch of Ron Paul supporters like me so this idea that it was a monolith no or ever or that it was traditionally anarchist and now has become traditional is ridiculous.

>> No.18808103

That is not what he is saying. But he is right. 4chan was making fun of le epic fuckin bush and le stupid religious conservatives. That's passe now, and rightly. But that was just what it was. 4chan is very fickle.

>> No.18808116

people still take a massive shit all over conservative christians here tho
there always were reactionaries on 4chan, you could never post something too edgy against religious without someone posting a picture of a fat guy with a fedora

>> No.18808118

It's identical to the tone you take on a professional email, especially when you're a junior at a company.

I think it's a byproduct of a group think that values appearing polite and attaches your name to each example.

It's unbearable.

>> No.18808120

For a serious answer it's a consequence of being oversocialized.

>> No.18808126

HR speak

>> No.18808148

>you could never post something too edgy against religious without someone posting a picture of a fat guy with a fedora
I think anon was talking about the 2000s anon. the fedora meme is only like from 2012 onwards

>> No.18808157

you mean liberal

>> No.18808191

They frequently have posts moaning about le capitalism

>> No.18808194

>where as reddit is like a theme park of ideas where you MUST “keep all arms inside the ride at all times and no shouting”. Reddit is the morons idea of engagement
nice prose

interesting thought
>the problem with reddit is their obsession with propriety and with being approved of (and the fact that it seems to attract a particularly insufferable kind of person).
Feeds back into the point that it is primarily attractive to the teacher's pet type person.

>> No.18808197

Good post.

I think a lot of where Reddit goes wrong is the godawful UI and weird hivemind - but 4chan stopped being some battleground of ideas when Dunning Krueger retards from /pol/ decided to launch a full on disinfo war and flame every single board.

At its heart, 4chans values of anarchy and free speech are values most of the internet today has lost; it attracts a lot of interesting people and ideas, but the quality of conversation has been on a steady decline due to posters abusing the anonymous nature of the discussion (no accountability for poor quality debates) and the propensity for autists to shift views using flooding and a quantity over quality approach.

Something about 4chans ephemeral UI does really throw up talking points that do seem to be years ahead of mainstream media however - it's the most interesting feature of the site.

>> No.18808204

based and cringe pilled

>> No.18808206

> see examples of this sometimes when anons start 'redpill' accounts -- their /pol/-honed dogmatism ends up being very impotent and they just lash o
This is not true because they simply ban you if you say certain things

>> No.18808219

certain subreddits, but that's not the overwhelming majority.

>> No.18808221

>/pol/ decided to launch a full on disinfo war and flame every single board.
Aka 'people disagreed with me'

>> No.18808276

well said

>> No.18808281

They do ban you, but also Reddit debatelords are as much of a thing as 4chan debatelords, if not moreso. Before the banhammer comes down, you can often see long arguments between these types.
Thing is, at least in the last few years, most of the redpiller apostles you'll see on other sites literally cannot argue. They're used to anonymity, where they can win an argument by spamming
>Now, watch me dump my soijack folder
Which really does not hold up well in a non-anonymous setting.
To be honest it's also retarded in an anonymous setting, but it still sort of works in a crude way, at least at thoroughly derailing discussion. If however you're not trying to derail and instead make the normies woke to the Jewish Question or something, you need to have more meat to your points than just whatever the latest /pol/ memes and infographics are, which those proselytizers just don't have (anymore)

>> No.18808324

Great post

>On reddit we debate like true intellectuals since you can't make meme replies. If Leibniz were alive he would be on reddit "debating"

Hahahaha fagget

>> No.18808327

Why are you using ampersand like this? It's profoundly irritating.

>> No.18808344

I'll have to take your word that they're mostly retards but there are non retarded arguments that can be made for those positions

>> No.18808347

You do get a little bit of a high, but I wouldn’t say it would make you as big headed as opening your Reddit profile and seeing 100,000+ Karma.
(You) is completely temporary and has no long term effects, karma is tied into your Reddit persons.

>> No.18808349

Wholesome chungus fedora bugman style.

>> No.18808355

We need to coin a term for the ampersand and em dash and etc fags. Orthographophilia seems like a mouthful

>> No.18808366

reddit is terrible but he is right. /pol/ migrants are out of their depth there. not because of any virtue of reddit but rather the vices associated with 4chan.

>> No.18808367

What do faggot redditors even feel when they have lots of karma or gold or whatever it is?

When I used to post on forums in the stone age it was a running joke that high post count posters needed to get lives. I can't remember caring about a persistent forum identity, seems gay by default.

>> No.18808375

>you can often see long arguments between these types.
I always see some guy being smug as fuck and every other comment is hidden because it was dogpiled on with 569 downvotes
Generally if I click the comment the other person is right but he's saying something generally negative about the subject
The reason why people tell you that YWNBAW is because you are not worth replying to, you fucking tranny.

>> No.18808378

I use the long dash all the time; it's very useful.

If you use semicolons and colons too much in a paragraph it looks strange -- sometimes you need an alternative.

>> No.18808386

Maybe just Orthographilia

>> No.18808408

It's the way shy people tend to speak for some reason. From my experience, people who are shy in real life ham it up when they talk online. I have trouble speaking to them because there's always this awkward, unspoken knowledge of the artifice of our words

Also, great post OP! keep up the good work anon!

>> No.18808421

You and me buddy, we are not friends. Take your little fancy scratches back whence you came

>> No.18808440

Higher the karma, more accepted, validated, and popular you feel.
Same goes for Instagram likes, Twitter retweets/likes, Facebook thumbs, and other social media bullshit. It’s all about attention.
Even on 4chan it’s clearly there. 4chan lacks any number system, but replies are a way to make yourself feel validated.
Why else are there 3 Neetzsche threads a day on /lit/?
Or hot women in the picture unrelated to the post?
Or a god damn >what should I read

>> No.18808443

*from whence

>> No.18808449

Are you ESL or just uneducated?

>> No.18808452

> --
why the fuck do you do this shit? Making real em-dashes is not hard at all
>to make an em-dash: press CTRL+Shift+u and a little underlined 'u' will appear; type 2014 after it (so it looks like 'u2014') and hit Enter and an em-dash ('—') will appear

>> No.18808455
File: 29 KB, 800x450, 3d57c55151e236ece594d0f53d12d67e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18808460
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, 1591142765_Jak-znalezc-uzytkownika-na-Reddit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a word for the writing style of Reddit posters?
We're looking for a word that denotes a rigid ritual of self-censorship out of an anxious desire to fit into a group you secretly hate, resulting in repressed resentment and impoverished personality. In other words, reddit. Just look at these dead eyes, they are so reddit.

>> No.18808463

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Anyway, I don't like the em-dash -- I prefer the long dash, which Word used to convert from --, but now converts from a hyphen with two spaces around it. I think -- looks preferable to - when I type online.

>> No.18808470

Why because I dont like your superfluous homosexual hieroglyphs

>> No.18808485

He dealed with thought crime and self-censorship

Maybe even Kafkaesque

>> No.18808493

Because you make basic grammar mistakes and weird sentence structure choices.

>> No.18808500

>where as the level of vitriolic infighting in name of the truth in 4chan borders on cartoon, ideas and arguments are frequently tested here ruthlessly in any thread on any board without filter
Nah, if you post something against the consensus people will most of the time call you fag, or strawman you, or act overall retarded. The difference is that in Reddit you get banned for going against the herd, while here the herd will call you mean names. Here you might hear a differing opinion, and its up to the anons do they want to hear it, while in Reddit that choice is done by someone else.

>> No.18808507

What grammar mistake?

>> No.18808543

This ->>>18808366
I am not praising Reddit's abilities, I am denigrating 4chan's. People here still seem to be under the impression that they're part of le sekrit club and are edgy subversive high thinkers
In reality, this is one of the more popular English language websites, and the average denizen is borderline retarded.
These are no longer the master trolls and baiters of yesteryear, they're mostly the retards getting trolled now
These are positions so obviously being shilled by foreign powers using copywriters here, and yet anons actually fall for and buy into such things unironically
You could believe those things for your own reasons, but if you're getting your information uncritically from here, as many here now do, you've forgotten the most important rule: everything here shouldn't be taken at face value

And when those indoctrinated want to go out and spread the good word, they really do have no ability to do so, because they've stunted their own intellectual development too much with an echo chamber of retards circlejerking each other. Same problem tumbrites had preaching about neopronouns, to them it all makes sense because they've been in the sauce so long, but to an outsider it reads like mentally ill gibberish
>4chan isn't an echo chamber tho, anyone can post anything! Those other ideas just aren't popular!
Aren't popular here*
On an anonymous site where people run textbots, hire shills, or just spam things to try to make them trend
Why do you think anything here is more organic than anything you read on Twitter, which I think everyone knows by now is astroturfed to hell and back

>> No.18808548

If you bring up any of those 3 subjects people will disagree. People exactly like yourself. Idk why you guys have such an enormously hard time understanding the notion of argument as opposed to consensus

>> No.18808553

What's the point of thinking about plebbit so much?
I couldn't care less how they type or what they think.

>> No.18808554

Pretty much this
They have so much energy, it's astounding
How do they both type up and read dozens of pages of garbage?
They must be on adderall, because it seems impossible to me to be put so much energy int gay stupid bullshit

>> No.18808568

If you want a long dash or en-dash ('–'), then just follow the same steps here >>18808452 but replace 2014 with 2013

>> No.18808664

There's disagreement, and there's being willfully blind. It's a subjective measurement - I don't like /pol/ because of freespeech, but because of how badly most users seem to use it. It's the equivelent of having to listen to a baby cry on an airplane; the kids and mother are well within their rights, but fuck, is it painfully obtuse. What's even worse is that retards on /pol/ confuse this pained response as confirmation that they are correct, when they're just part of an IQ heatsink.

>> No.18808670

>enters thread exclusively about this topic

>> No.18808675


>> No.18808692

It's the upvote system. Anything that strays from the hivemind gets immediately flagged. Here's a reply a was mass downvoted for:
>I don't know why you are posting this, the title of your post is "unpopular opinion" but then you post something that not only is popular, but you post it on a subreddit where everyone will no doubt agree with you. You are preaching to the choir and you are probably doimg this to feel good about yourself.
The discussion was "Unpopular opinion. LSD should be legal" and it was on the LSD subreddit.

>> No.18808696

I dont like /pol/ either but you're conflating the shitposts there with any '/pol/ type belief' as well as acting like only that aisle of the spectrum shitposts

>> No.18808699

nice, brevity truly is the soul of wit

>> No.18808711

People going to /pol/ and realizing the true nature of reality is not /pol/ waging a "disinfo war" you faggot redditor. /pol/ is newfag initiation, like old /b/.

>> No.18808719

use a compose key and hit -- jesus

>> No.18808726

Em dash is love--em dash is life.

>> No.18808732

I use windows, faggot.

>> No.18808756

you can't use a composite key on windows? it's a keyboard layout thing

>> No.18808769

Haha, OP speaks the true true! Those plebbitors are so weird and wacky, I can't wait to see what hijinks they come up with next.

>> No.18808775

Most people here seem to enjoy a bit of crude humor and uncensored speech (rightly so) but for discussions on any serious matter I'd like to remind everyone of the old clandestine chemistry BBS on usenet (The Hive) - it was a deep well of knowledge where amateurs and professionals had great civil discussions
But when the flamewars started it was between 2 posters initially and people took sided and it turned into a long war and that just ruined everything.
This format is only good for humor

>> No.18808779

whites are a minority on reddit

>> No.18808816

Did you seriously just GENERALIZE an entire website? One of the biggest social media platforms in the world? I can tell you right now that that wasn't very smart of you. Maybe you should stop being so angry and give reddit a chance. I mean, it has communities for literally any interest you can think of!

>> No.18808817

The interesting thing about 2/3 of those examples is the ratio of plausible information to complete bullshit. For the record Q is the odd one out that is pure bullshit. The other two have large amounts of idiotic bullshit information being regularly repeated, but they also have some plausible and compelling information.

It seems to me that it is entirely a matter of personal taste whether an individual decides a bullshit loaded topic could contain valuable information. For some, the mere presence of bullshit is grounds for dismissal. They will not engage with a topic because 80% of the discourse is unfathomably retarded. For others they simply filter out the 80% bullshit and focus on the 20% plausible and interesting information.

Personally I value thinkers that are capable of sifting through shit to find gold over those who turn up their nose at the mere presence of shit. Especially in an environment where shit creation is a paid profession and an automated one to boot. Shit means nothing to me because the scale of ignorance is tipped by the finger of sentimentality. People will excuse ignorance propagated by their pet causes and come down more harshly on causes they hate.

>> No.18808823

at least you retards now what a fucking joke is

>> No.18808841

I went to college and basically nothing happened there, it's really not a big deal one way or the other. It's just a class symbol.

>> No.18808848

Youre in the wrong subs. Pre gme r/wsb used words like faggot cuck nigger etc. I know some other political and game subs were is 4chan with karma.

>> No.18808856

There are many people these days who think that supporting authority's view for slightly different reasons than the ones given by that authority is somehow rebelling. Worse still, a lot of them know that view disadvantages them but they crave the moral satisfaction from being 'self-sacrificing' more than they care about being honest or improving anything.

>> No.18808859

I've never been banned from a board for voicing a dissenting opinion, so your comparison is dogshit.

>> No.18808868

this, there is a real difference
you can complain about something but still actively support it

>> No.18808901

I think one of the biggest issues with 4chan is that there is a culture of 'if you actually put in any effort or emotion you lose' and a lot of people will use this "rule" to throw out any arguments that are too advanced for them. Of course, reddit goes way too far with wordsalad (including some redditors who come here) and I would much rather just deal with low IQ bullshit here than talk with redditors. I just wish some of you guys would chill out with the one-liners.

>> No.18808910

No fuck you.

>> No.18808913

If you ever met 4chinners irl, you would know this by now

>> No.18808928

that's a term that everyone hears all the time you fucking retard

>> No.18808930

i sockpuppet any time I get digits to make sure other people recognise the digits

>> No.18808939

effort posts are appreciated when they are on-topic. Something like >>18807539 is just some faggots diary and doesn't belong

>> No.18808942

People are gullible, I see (you)s, I click

>> No.18808949

Based retard
They still arent using it correctly

>> No.18808951


>> No.18808959

Holy based.

>> No.18808964


>> No.18808966

Thread should end here

>word games
modern liberals and leftists are barely distinguishable for each other

>> No.18808974

this seems to be right
if you go on the boards here that are also filled with shy fags, like r9k, people also type the exact same way
maybe something to do with them just not tlaking to people? no clue but it's super annoying

>> No.18808980

It's self-satisfaction behind a thin veneer of modesty.

>> No.18808982

Yikes! This is a very problematic post, downvoted. TRANS (clap) WOMEN (clap) ARE (clap) WOMEN (clap) PERIOD

>> No.18808984

i """studied""" some serbian-croation-bosnian in the past but it didnt really stick

>> No.18808991


>> No.18808994

okay sorry ill leave :(

>> No.18809001

you arent special

>> No.18809003

could be a funny malapropism in the right context.

>> No.18809007

based schizoid
very rarely do you get called out for samefagging and you can shift discussion topic easily
if you do, literally just close the thread and wait a couple hours for the same thread to be posted again

>> No.18809008

Sure, my issue is that a lot of these nu-/pol/ retards refuse to think beyond mantras and hate any kind of nuance

>> No.18809017

Another non sequitur, how dumb are you actually, did you fail math by any chance

>> No.18809022

And they are intelligent to have been exposed to some concrete date/information, but not old or mature enough to be able to put it in context or consider the social or political conditions under which that data was gathered or presented, taking it as absolute instead of merely a single piece of the puzzle.

>> No.18809028

mate, i am not going to desperately ask you to explain what the meaning was beyond your shallow sarcasm. You have not earned that.

>> No.18809032

shut up faggot

>> No.18809040

put me in the cap kind stranger

>> No.18809042

says the man posting with reddit spacing on 4chan. How about you get right back to where you came from

>> No.18809062

It's blown my mind with covid how poorly educated people understand basic statistics. They can't even seem to understand that the sample matters.

>> No.18809096

If I get called out for samefagging I just double down and gaslight. Sometimes I'll even screenshot the thread and use MSPaint to move quoted (You)'s around in people's posts to add further confusion, thereby setting up my fake reality as the strongest anchorpoint in the thread.

>> No.18809103


>> No.18809107

kek based schizo gaslighter

>> No.18809120

if you take more than about 30seconds to create a reply on 4chan, I'm afraid no amount of gaslighting will save you.

>> No.18809124


>> No.18809126

sometimes I'll pretend to be the person replying and create schizo-like replies to them to make them seem off the rails. most obvious is just replying to it like 3 times with based and chadjaks or replying to my original with the same writing style. usually it's not worth the effort though, because almost all the threads I browse on all boards are regularly recurring threads, like fph on fit and reccomendation/islam threads on lit

>> No.18809132

based crash space poster

>> No.18809133
File: 483 KB, 1079x994, Screenshot_20210808-215915_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mobile fagging rn btw so can't edit

>> No.18809136

I switch between the phone data and the WiFi to fool the system, especially is there is only a few posts and you might get caught out by the posters count

>> No.18809144
File: 13 KB, 484x158, Screenshot 2021-08-08 at 16-58-42 lit - Is there a word for the writing style of Reddit po - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pretending to be me

>> No.18809153

ive found some vpn accounts online and on some there a P2P mode which lets me be different people. it's great especially on unmoderated boards like fit where you can keep shit like feels bars up whenever you yourself need em
checked and clean. you use inspect for it? a lot easier than ms Paint

>> No.18809158

I stand by what I said. Your loophole to theoretically be under the 30-second mark is even worse than ~45-second-posting

>> No.18809159

Control the Audio and Text conversion then you control the Web. All the illiterate morons at your command. You can print words into Audio to speak over others without criticism or peer review to stop whatever bullshit grift you want. The ability to hypnotise and deepfake Audio is legit. You can also perform the reverse, convert audio to text to spy upon others far more efficiently. Btw digital printers still have microdots.

>> No.18809164
File: 109 KB, 1200x900, aid28178-v4-1200px-Fake-Vomit-Step-12-Version-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>islam threads

>> No.18809174

inspect? I just use cut and paste in ms paint

>> No.18809178

I've used the poster count in sub-10 poster threads before to call people out before

>> No.18809180

oh yeah, since we're confessing, i scriptfag quads and check them myself on mu and fit since they're slow boards. say something like "digits don't lie" in the post and i get like 10 batemans in the replies. it feels good bros. also use digits to help people out when they say shit like "dubs and I'll try to quit smoking". but also when people will harm themselves bit it'll be funny
they're funny
surely there's a small chance the pixels will be slightly off? but ig it doesn't matter as long as the thread gets derailed, im glad I'm not the only person that likes making other people schizo

>> No.18809182

Why not edit the HTML and take a screenshot?

>> No.18809185
File: 12 KB, 220x248, 220px-Newman_Seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are multiple tabs and devices
I can have a shitpost and a reply saying based rigged up anytime I want and you can't stop me. And I will laugh at your attempts to thwart me

>> No.18809189

that's what i do when gaslighting. different users only works when making a new thread and keeping it relevant, because sometimes people pay attention to how many ips are in a thread, especially with threads like feel bars

>> No.18809191

>surely there's a small chance the pixels will be slightly off?
It's not hard to line it up especially when you make a post like this >>18809124 where they're all right on top of each other. It might actually be even funnier to leave it a pixel off or something to frame other posters since it will clearly look doctored

>> No.18809193

>think they are too edgey for reddit.
but most of us are actually too edgy for reddit. the only thing i used to do online was watch youtube, but after years of that someone told me about reddit around 2014 and i slowly started checking it out. i even made some popular memes on there and it was actually fun for a while, but then over time it became very hostile to anyone who wasnt a part of the hivemind, so i came here and didnt really like it at first, but when i found /tv/ i actually thought it was great. surprisingly the best conversations i've had online have been in /tv/ threads, which is sad. i have since tried to use reddit again and i am always banned within a week because someone got upset at me over an opinion i had such as women who own pitbulls are morons etc., yeah is that rude to say? sure, but getting banned over it is retarded. if reddit wasnt so censorious and manipulated i would actually use it over 4chan because there is more variety and threads actually stay up and you can reply to things for a longer period of time. so to sum it up reddit is gay

>> No.18809204

It's a perfect plan. So inspired, so devious, yet so simple.

>> No.18809208

>ITT: every schizo on /lit/ in one thread trading notes on how to make the website a worse place

>> No.18809222

*edit didn't mean to greentext

>> No.18809223

>i scriptfag quads
How do you do this?

>> No.18809226

actually having it be slightly off to frame others seems incredibly based. thank you anon, im gonna use this when I see some debate between two retards and watch them ape it out sometime
please enjoy this (You) to the fullest, you schizo faggot

>> No.18809229

i think one reason for this is that it's easy karma and feelings of moral superiority to call something out even if you know it's a joke, that's why they do it, or maybe they really are just that retarded idk

>> No.18809231

Sorry didn't mean to actually post this >>18809222 haha was just rehearsing a funny joke haha

>> No.18809235

Ah whatever. If you come here for anything other than shitposting nowadays you are a fool. There's nothing to learn from here that you can't find somewhere else on the net

>> No.18809238

get grease monkey or tampermonkey etc, literally just search "digits script 4chan", get 4chan X (nice qol shit and needed for script to work), click the buttons and wait. ideally for quads you get a no verification needed, but typically you just go for dubs/trips since then you don't have to wait before you post

>> No.18809241

>there is a culture of 'if you actually put in any effort or emotion you lose' and a lot of people will use this "rule" to throw out any arguments that are too advanced for them
This sounds like real life.

>> No.18809247

where else? all of the forums I used to use back in the day are slowly dying because all anyone uses is reddit, facebook, and twitter and all of these are sterile curated shitholes where I can't even say nigger or retard

>> No.18809254

chill with the one-liners

>> No.18809262

Reddit sentiment from a zoomer trying to decide which "camp" he falls into before he's even old enough to drive. I learn from /lit/ all the time.

>> No.18809263

lol sorry again guys, i dont even know what i'm talking about i'm so drunk rn lol. i'm also trans by the way

>> No.18809268

nah, if you ask for advice, a lot of people are willing to give it
obviously not with politics and shit, but if you ask for help on how to change your voice or something, there's a surprisingly solid chance there'll be someone that can help you out and effortpost, or someone can insult you and lead you in the right direction
the wikis here are great too, I think the lit and mu wikis are fantastic, the fit and fa stickies are also great starting points

>> No.18809269

You're utterly delusional lol.


>> No.18809275
File: 354 KB, 1080x1259, 1626453385853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use Reddit for my niche coomer fetishes. Their worst subreddits like AHS and their weird left-wing subs are just as mindnumbing as /pol/. I pray that they never cross their ways.

>> No.18809286

i refuse to believe someone can be this much of a little bitch and must assume you're trolling

>> No.18809288

yea same mostly. there's a couple alright places on there but none too big, like cleanlivingkings and gayspiderbrothel.
obviously the big communities turn to shit quickly, books being the prime example
Reddit is the new Tumblr when it comes to finding stuff to coom too

>> No.18809296

4chan got me into lifting, reading, and crypto. because of this website I am stronger, smarter, and richer

>> No.18809302

no, it doesn't

>> No.18809304

but did it get you laid?

>> No.18809305

then why do you talk like such a serious faggot?

>> No.18809306

this is starting to derail a bit, but could you explain biz to me? ive lurked there a bit but still confused as to what to do

>> No.18809308

unctuous is the closest that comes to mind

Obnoxious as fuck but slips through one's fingers with this "polite" and quippy style.

>> No.18809313

Does anyone else go on there and write fake stories in the venting subs? i like to pose as women and make them look bad by making posts like "my husband and i are trying to have a baby but i keep aborting them behind his back". most of the people who call me out get downvoted to hell lol

>> No.18809315

i assume you spent 35 minutes crying before you posted that

>> No.18809342

no I'm a virgin in my mid 20s but I could kill you with one punch so it evens out

/biz/ is shit now. A few years ago it was a great place to find good coins before they blew up but now there's so much shilled pump and dump garbage there it's really not worth it. Not sure what you want me to explain though

>> No.18809347

holy kek this sounds fun. what's the most ridiculous thing you were able to trick them into believing was true?

>> No.18809359

ah, i guess the question was just how do i make more money. idk where to go,everything online seems to be shilling their own shit

>> No.18809376

You make money by buying into good projects early or timing the market well.

>> No.18809386

This sub is total trash lol.
The only "decent" place left on Reddit is r/riprequests for downloading copyrighted music.
I also miss r/consumeproduct. Yeah, gotta admit it got a bit on the chud side of things from time to time, but still enjoyable nonetheless before it got closed down.

>> No.18809399

doesn't soulseek + deezloader cover everything in terms of getting music?
haven't browsed clk by itself desu, only sorted by top all time there

>> No.18809415

i usually try to ride the line between believable and absurd, so i dont get too wild. i made one where i pretended to be a girl who got a tattoo on her foot even though her boyfriend has a foot fetish and hates tattoos and now he doesnt want to do foot stuff with her anymore. that was probably my finest work, got a real split on opinions, some people were saying it's her body and others were saying she ruined her relationship lol. another one i did was about a woman who was babysitting and gave her sisters kids junk food or something and it became a huge deal. like i said the fun thing about it is trying to make the fake person look as bad as possible while still guaranteeing support from the reddit retards. and then you have to deal with questions in the comments and that is also fun trying to keep your story consistent while continuing to make up more bullshit. it's a great writing exercise, i encourage more people to do it.

>> No.18809442

Is this you anon?
kekd at this

>> No.18809444

liberals are right wing so I'd say they are distinguishable

>> No.18809452

Excellent work, you are a modern Mencken.

>> No.18809455

yeah lol

>> No.18809466
File: 84 KB, 1079x529, Screenshot_20210808-224756_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and holy kek
i love you anon
this stuff being fake makes it all the more funny

>> No.18809478
File: 204 KB, 1159x1600, 6458902_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you like your tattoo?


>> No.18809480

That's some excellent trolling. Too bad most of them ended up agreeing. Got any more?

>> No.18809488

>and he'll like tell me to put socks on when we are cuddling on the couch.
that was a work of art, anon

>> No.18809492

share some more threads, need this shit

>> No.18809497

that was all on my old computer which died and i dont have access to any of the accounts and i cant remember them, they were just throwaway accounts. i did most of that when i was drunk so who knows how many stories i wrote i dont remember that many sorry

>> No.18809506

either way, thanks for the kek. this thread is great and going through your comments knowing it's all your imagination is entertaining. also how much some people are invested into this

>> No.18809517

I love all of the random little details like the bf thinking the gf's friend is trying to lez out with her

>> No.18809519
File: 1.33 MB, 972x4661, Screenshot_20210808-225553_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people love white knighting on there lol

>> No.18809543
File: 533 KB, 251x226, 1627265451164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these are sterile curated shitholes where I can't even say nigger or retard
Shitposting garbage like you isn't invited to anything because "it" doesn't produce anything of value
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>I "learn" from /lit/ all the time
I'm sure you do; in fact, it's obvious.
This is true, but a rarity and not really representative of the community as a whole but those few helpful people.
>doesn't elaborate
>tries to flex, comes off as utterly pathetic
>tries to insult
>comes off as coping

ALL of you (including me) would be better off if you left this website. You are addicted to (You)s, shitposting, and spam. You do not better yourself in any way by being here and anything otherwise is just a cope. You are so dopamine addicted you can't even put aside your 4chan mannerisms in a reply to my post.
All of your time here was wasted

>> No.18809559

glad someone is finally enjoying it for what it actually is, i almost forgot about it

yeah those are fun to throw in, guaranteed for someone to make a fuss about it

>> No.18809574

Performative intellectualism. The parentheticals & bizarre asides - an attempt to complete a dialogue "outside of time" & explicitly signal your outthinking of the OP like you're in fucking Death Note or something. Preemptive snark, preemptive gratitude.

>> No.18809577

I think the "I forbid you" being a dealbreaker is a reasonable thing to argue but lots of people equate simply asking someone not to do something as the same thing. Also, relationships are 'at-will' so anything is a valid reason to end the relationship over, women would do it at the drop of a hat so why shouldn't we?

>> No.18809583

>>tries to flex, comes off as utterly pathetic
I'm not trying to flex I'm being honest. I started lifting after going to /fit/, I started reading after going to /lit/, and I invested in BTC in 2016 after going to /biz/. This isn't the flex this is the truth, this place has positively impacted my life in both material and immaterial ways. And now it's positively impacting my friends because I'm getting them into lifting, I'm giving them advice on books to read, etc. I would have never started lifting or would have never read Plato or Herodotus if not for this website. This place made me tens of thousands of dollars. It is only what you make of it, there is a lot of good info here about niche subjects that you will not easily find elsewhere.

>> No.18809585

>le i hate this place but I go here anyway teehee!
unironically a redditor thing to say. I like this place and I don't pretend otherwise.

>> No.18809590

>You are so dopamine addicted you can't even put aside your 4chan mannerisms in a reply to my post.
>All of your time here was wasted
This. Based post and anti-dopamine-pilled.
Kek, Plebbitors take the rope now.

>> No.18809602

>This is true, but a rarity and not really representative of the community as a whole but those few helpful people.
a lot of people seem to be pretty helpful if you don't take a doomer stance
people here are a little elitist but very willing to lead you in the right direction with reccomendations and stuff
fit is supportive as long as you actually fucking try, you can say you're fat on a fat person hate thread and people will lead you to the right direction
mu is a bit of a meme but nice flowcharts
honestly if you stick to the blue boards and get used to the language, it's quite nice
>tries to flex, comes off as utterly pathetic
doesn't really seem like flexing and desu not a reach at all, check out the sig threads that sometimes float around.
>ALL of you (including me) would be better off if you left this website. You are addicted to (You)s, shitposting, and spam. You do not better yourself in any way by being here and anything otherwise is just a cope. You are so dopamine addicted you can't even put aside your 4chan mannerisms in a reply to my post.
>All of your time here was wasted
yea almost all my time was wasted but the bits that weren't have been pretty impactful

>> No.18809612

checked and true desu, i forget that those commenting don't know it's all made up

>> No.18809630

>preemptive snark, preemptive gratitude
that's pretty boiled down, I'd say.

>> No.18809747

>reddit is like a theme park of ideas
Damn that’s good

>> No.18809767

Redditors are the type of kids in school that tried too hard to be popular, so they grew up and developed a whole commune outside of reality to circlejerk each other, now on the blockchain

>> No.18809797

You're making the redditors sound nietzschean

>> No.18810004

Every strong debater I every followed on reddit was banned within weeks for wrongthink. Enjoy your cesspool.

>> No.18810081
File: 14 KB, 600x320, wr6g49ekcyb51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros look at a screencap of this unsourced article from 2011 saying vaccines makes the voices in your head louder
>Okay but weren't you saying that we shouldn't trust sensationalist news earlier in the thread?

We've literally gone full horseshoe nigga. Reddit says "Don't question anything", 4chan says "Question everything, except our questioning". 4channers became so obsessed with tearing down the sacred that the act of doing such became sacred itself, and now we're worshipping the iconography while sitting comfortably on our asses and acting as if that counts for anything.

When was the last time you had an argument here where you could say, without a shadow of a doubt, that the two of you were talking about the same thing? An actual argument that wasn't 90% "No, retard, you're misreading me, stop pretending I said X when I said Y" or some form of that? One that didn't devolve into a contest to see who could hurl the buzzword of the month at the other more scathingly?

For every occult truth effortpost that blows the lid off some shit or perpetuates a genuine new, interesting, meaningful idea there are hundreds of thousands of retards being just as unproductive or stupid as reddit. It just has an edgy coat of paint. People say "ummm based department????" instead of "thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!!" and throw faggot around a lot. 4channers assume that it's not a disinfo reinforcement chamber because typically those are manufactured to be comfortable and nice, forgetting that that's because it's what normies want, and they're not normies, and therefor their echo chamber naturally would cater to their addiction to rage and righteous indignation.

This doesn't inspire critical thinking. When an argument ends because your opponent is 14 and their mom made them go to bed after an hour of "No, YOU'RE the one who's cringe" and not because you actually learned anything or figured anything out, you can't say that you're intellectually above anyone for being in the room. You may be able to point at how low Reddit is but what fucking reason could you possibly have to think the average anon here isn't any lower?

>> No.18810139

>How is typing like a teenage girl supposed to make you seem 'more authentic and genuine'?
Language is evolving with how we use entirely text based communication. "Laughing out loud" is supposed to mean something was funny, while "Laughing my ass off" is supposed to mean something is hilarious, right? Yet, if you were to send a normie friend a meme, which would seem like a more intense response, "LOL" or "lmao"? Every part of your post can imply something, capitalization implies more effort than not, and most people do not want to come across intense or effortful when communicating casually. Coming across as casual or comfortable is important to seeming sincere, and sincerity feels like credibility.

Imagine you're arguing here, and you get one of two responses
>your fucking retarded lmao
>You are fucking retarded LMAO.
Which one seems more butthurt? Which one feels like a guy laughing at you, and which one feels like a guy who wants you to think he's aloof but is visibly seething?

>> No.18810154

Great post

>> No.18810157

Hey thanks man

>> No.18810159

Read Foucault's pendulum

>> No.18810160

I used to spend hours writing huge multi-paragraph debate posts in threads that would last days or sometimes weeks on Reddit. Eventually I was banned from most of the major news/politics subreddits for vague reasons and when I tried to talk to the moderators they'd just ban me from talking to them. Then all of the wrongthink subreddits I was apart of got suspended, and eventually my account itself got suspended.

>> No.18810200

i agree, though the brasil section of that book was too long, Candomblé is not interesting.

>> No.18810205

>INFO: do you like your tattoo?

>> No.18810216

>blag blah blah
You can still make your argument here if you have one and some people will engage with it.

>> No.18810218

it & Bulgarian are the easiest slav languages to learn for English speakers, shame they aren't more useful

>> No.18810219

I'm trans btw

>> No.18810221

Duly noted, but back it up a bit: if both environments lead to routine and unproductive interactions, which, arguably, can be said to be instinctive and immature responses of most people, then we can still make a judgment on the actual conditions surrounding these interactions: on one platform, most dissent result in a shadow ban or total band; on the other platform, it result in nothing...people are able to discuss more or less whatever they want however they want.
It is obvious which is fundamentally superior on those grounds alone.

>> No.18810247

>you mean liberal
Give it up kid they’re the same

>> No.18810250
File: 352 KB, 864x1024, 1624397534045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wish some of you guys would chill out with the one-liners.
eruhm seethe cope dilate and uhhh clamped? yeah I'm gonna go with clamped

>> No.18810254

Reddit is good for certain things that 4chan sucks at. I mainly only use the depression treatment subs since they're constantly researching new solutions, while all you see on 4chan is "Hurr depression don't exist" and ranting about Jews. Also if you want to talk about certain hobbies on 4chan, there often is no community for it (like go/shogi) or it's impossible to talk about due to retards (like speedrunning video games).

Honestly I miss forums. I moved on from GameFAQs since it's just the same 12 people posting there, but it was a better experience than both 4chan and reddit, it was comfy.

>> No.18810255

Because I can have worthwhile conversations on here even if they're not always worthwhile. On Reddit I'll just get banned or whatever for holding the wrong opinion.

>> No.18810313
File: 293 KB, 534x552, SmartSelect_20210808-192856_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that quote from mein kampf
Reading through it now, just stumbled across it.

>> No.18810362
File: 77 KB, 550x814, 1620800581499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously use 4chan, and don't use reddit. 4chan is absolutely the superior environment, but something's potential doesn't count for shit when you have what it actually is. 4chan has the potential to manufacture discussions and ideas that reddit couldn't dream of, but it's hardly actually doing that. Yes, 4chan gives people the ability to freely wrongthink amongst themselves, but people just took it, ran away with it, and created a whole new brand of wrongthink.

You bring up black crime statistics on reddit and you get expelled from the community. You bring up how ethnic cleansing is too impractical of a proposal to be worth considering on /pol/ and you get ostracized from the community. Both places have developed a form of orthodoxy that one isn't permitted to deviate from, reddit formally and 4chan informally. Informal power is just as effective.

>On Reddit I'll just get banned or whatever for holding the wrong opinion.
Having a more correct opinion doesn't make you smarter. Getting spoonfed beliefs by an echo chamber with "based and redpilled" stamped on the side is still getting spoonfed. We're not talking about whose clubhouse is better or who has the facts on their side, we're talking about who has more people capable of having an intelligent discussion with those they disagree with that anyone can actually call productive. On Reddit they cry, call you racist, attack a strawman, and have you banned. On 4chan they cry, call you a nigger, attack a strawman, and filter your posts.

I've had worthwhile conversations on 4chan, and there are people that have had what they would call worthwhile conversations on reddit. Systemic failures of the average user to think on the level you'd expect an adult to be able to deeply infest both communities, even if one isn't straight-jacket level restrictive in response.

>> No.18810382

why did you post anime though? grow up

>> No.18810399

>Having a more correct opinion doesn't make you smarter. Getting spoonfed beliefs by an echo chamber with "based and redpilled" stamped on the side is still getting spoonfed.
this, not using your brain is not using your brain, simple as

>> No.18810400

This was the best thread I’ve seen in a bit boys.

>> No.18810405

anime website

>> No.18810423

>On Reddit they cry, call you racist, attack a strawman, and have you banned. On 4chan they cry, call you a nigger, attack a strawman, and filter your posts.
Not sure how you don't see the difference here? On Reddit I'm silenced, on 4chan the retards silence themselves by filtering me, leaving me to continue having conversations with the people who are worth having conversations with. On the former I can't have any conversation, period. On the latter my experience gets better as people filter me.

>> No.18810446

My problem with this line of thinking is that no matter what board I turn to, I have seen the most wack fucking opinions I ever will in my life. Whether it's the war of the worlds (trumptards, nazis, maxvax, literal bots, etc.) on /pol/, the strange fixation on moral or logical bestiality in every /an/ or /out/ thread with the image of a husky, or the exceptionally common argument of religion in general from standpoints of atheism, abrahamic religion, gnosticism, paganism etc. on /lit/, I have always seen incredible discussion on both sides, even if it's retarded. I would agree with you if you said most of 4chan was racist, but even the variety of what defines someone as "racist" could separate people on opinion massively.

>> No.18810507
File: 97 KB, 500x667, 1627361257727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, you're treating your experience in the community as an accurate representation of the community as a whole. I'll say it again, we're not talking about the environment, we're talking about the individuals in the environment. Getting banned vs getting filtered is irrelevant. In the first you can still talk, in the second you can't, but being able to talk is useless when nobody is listening.

I agree, getting filtered by retards is good and banned by retards is bad, but both are just byproducts of retards existing in the space, and that's what I'm talking about. Up here >>18810081 I talked about how 90% of arguments are unproductive because both sides are arguing about different things and that's exactly what's happening here. I'm saying 4chan has as big of a retard problem as reddit does even if 4chan handles it significantly better, and you're saying that 4chan handles it significantly better as if how it's being handled is the problem I'm addressing. It's not.

The fact that you can have good discussions on 4chan because what you say is permitted but not on reddit because it isn't has no useful reflection of the individual community members' ability to engage with that discussion intelligently. Getting banned because your really well thought out argument had "nigger" in it or something does not mean the average redditor is too stupid to understand your argument, and not getting banned because 4chan likes the words you used does not mean the average 4channer is intelligent enough to understand your argument.

>> No.18810524

>Getting banned vs getting filtered is irrelevant. In the first you can still talk, in the second you can't, but being able to talk is useless when nobody is listening.
Misstyped, pretend 'first' and 'second' are switched.

>> No.18810531

Why is this garbage thread still up? You all write like inbreds and this is off topic

>> No.18810532

Someone is always listening. 4chan doesn't have shadowbans as far as I know.

>> No.18810537

But humour can still make people think.

>> No.18810538

i dont know...cry more?

>> No.18810542


>> No.18810550

If only 1 in 10 of my conversations on here are productive then that is still superior to Reddit because I cannot have a conversation on Reddit to begin with, is my point. Hell, if 1 in 100 is productive then it is still more productive than using Reddit.

>> No.18810588

If I flip a coin, you have a 50% chance of guessing correctly what it's going to land on. If I use a trick coin with some third thing instead of heads or tails, your odds drop to 0%. Similarly, on 4chan, you have a 1% chance of having a good discussion, but if I used a bunch of reddit rules to inhibit everyone, your odds drop to 0%.

Correctly guessing what the coin is going to land on 50% of the time doesn't make you a psychic, even when compared to the rigged coin 0%, because that's just the natural chance of guessing correctly. Similarly, having a good discussion 1 out of 100 times on 4chan doesn't mean 4chan has less retards, even when compared to the reddit 0 out of 100, because that's just the natural chance of encountering a non-retard in a place overrun with retards.

Hammering nails into your nutsack is still more productive than using reddit, but that doesn't mean nutsack nailers should feel superior to themselves because they can hammer themselves with impunity.

>> No.18810589

That's definitely it. It's cutesy if they agree with you, or nuclear shrieking if they don't.

>> No.18810592

What is Schmaltz?

>> No.18810603

The hacker known as forechann won't ban you for not being racist, though. On reddit, an opinion that goes against the herd is sent to the bottom of the comment section or outright deleted. On 4chan, it's first come, first served. No opinion gets put up or down based on what retards think.

>> No.18810606


>> No.18810609

Usually means some combination of treacly, saccharine, sentimental, sickly sweet, melodramatic

Spielberg films are schmalzy heartstring-tuggers

>> No.18810622

ur a tranny

>> No.18810623

>>Correctly guessing what the coin is going to land on 50% of the time doesn't make you a psychic, even when compared to the rigged coin 0%, because that's just the natural chance of guessing correctly.
No but if we're arguing whether it's more productive to guess a normal coin flip vs a trick coin flip then the obvious answer is that the former is more productive.

>> No.18810636

>it's not a jav
Hi, I'm coombrain

>> No.18810637

on reddit you wanna say stuff like "shut up stupid n(bleep)er faggot moron fuckface, it's obvious that blahblahblah" but you have to avoid downvotes so you have to phrase everything like a politician

>> No.18810639

I find all the worthwhile subs on there. I'd say around 2019 they banned fucking everything. They are the globohomo enforcers, but they think themselves revolutionaries.

>> No.18810648
File: 819 KB, 1280x1024, fujiwara chika gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I like anime and now I'm assmad, so I'm going to post anime and type real fast on my keyboard and hit submit

>> No.18810653

you will still get downvoted if you have the wrong opinion no matter how polite you are

>> No.18810655

Like obvious playing on guilt, compassion, etc. I got it.
I thought it was the jelly that sticks in the foreskin

>> No.18810662

if you do that that means that you like to eat poop

>> No.18810665

yeah that's true. i find it funny that on reddit there's the concept of "wrong opinion" though

>> No.18810669

that's smegma

>> No.18810682

>yeah that's true. i find it funny that on reddit there's the concept of "wrong opinion" though
disclaimer: i'm aware that this sounded reddity and i hate this post and also i hate all of you and this whole thread. you can all go eat shit and die fuck you all.

>> No.18810690

>No but if we're arguing whether it's more productive to guess a normal coin flip vs a trick coin flip then the obvious answer is that the former is more productive.
We're not. We're arguing whether the normal coin actually has any characteristics that give it a greater chance to land on one side or the other than the trick coin. It doesn't. One's ability to safely predict that the normal coin will land on heads significantly more often than the trick coin doesn't demonstrate anything significant about the normal coin as the trick coin doesn't have a head in the first place.

>> No.18810712

I wish /v/ 4chan had a speedrun general, too. Perhaps we could make this happen. (We won't because I won't put in the effort)