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[ERROR] No.18805849 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't black people like to read?

>> No.18805856


>> No.18805865
File: 39 KB, 200x266, 2573EF9C-4AA1-4151-B691-5A7C414DEF45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea this definitely happened and wasn’t made up by the guy for twatter clout.

>> No.18805873

This except kill yourself wojack-spammer.

>> No.18805877
File: 63 KB, 1338x150, Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 7.27.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most can't.... read....

>> No.18805881

Honest question, what exactly do you do if your package gets stolen by niggardly delivery drivers?

I rarely buy shit online so it's never happened to me, but like what if it's the new IPhone or graphics card or other similar extremely high value but small sized item?

>> No.18805885

Why don’t poor people like reading? If you weren’t raised reading books and all your friends/family aren’t readers, you probably won’t be interested in them.

>> No.18805887

You get a refund or a replacement sent

>> No.18805889

You just contact Amazon/customer service on your help/contact us page (they are really good (at least in the UK)), tell them about the item in question, how it never arrived even though it has allegedly been delivered and they'll find out who the delivery driver was and refund you the full price

>> No.18805895

I was raised in total poverty, sleeping on the floor of a 1 bedroom apartment. didn't even have dinner most days. I have over 400 books and don't act/look like a retard. What are the blacks' excuse?

>> No.18805900

This nigga ahh stealing a book.

>> No.18805908

At least it wasn't an axe murderer looking for his friend otherwise he would have broken the categorical imperative

>> No.18805912

These stats don’t tell the whole story. In the UK, there are stats that show ~16% of the population as functional illiterate. Something like 100k new func. illiterate students finish school every year.

>> No.18805913

No excuse anon except a lack of intellect, imagination, desire to pursue and acquire knowledge, the discipline to sit still, etc. I don't get mad that my dog can't shit in the toilet.

>> No.18805915

Not an excuse, look at Roger Scruton.

>> No.18805918

Well, being black

>> No.18805921

It was to prove a basic point. I'm not conducting surveys or going to read through the entire academic paper evaluate methodology and sources like I'm doing a lit review.

>> No.18805925

I agree. I dropped out of high school, hadn't done homework since 3rd grade, and regularly outsmart everyone around me (not hard, Americans are pig-people) and act more mature than most adults who scream indoors when talking.

>> No.18805945

Welcome to being white. The only race of humanity that can start at the bottom and rise to the top or start at the top and crash to the bottom. Lol Americans are pig people but some of the none mouth breathing McMutts are okay kek. Good for you though anon sincerely most don't follow that curiosity and desire to learn it's important to feed curiosity and always work towards something.

>> No.18805953

I was a poor child and have never seen a relative holding a book for fun. Despite this, reading is my first hobby.
With nothing to do and almost no money (in a pre-internet era) books were an incredible and cheap form of entertainment.

>> No.18805959

>comparing individual poors to a group of poors
Silly. Poor people read less and people who don’t read have no reason to be interested in literature. Anyone can selectively pick individuals who go against the grain. But the main trend still holds true.

>> No.18805967

For what it's worth I'm awake at 4:43am trying to find faithful translations of the Kesh Temple Hymns and Instructions of Shuruppak in a physical copy (doesn't exist, what the fuck are publishers doing) to see how it aids in proof of the deluge myth and wiping of Hyperborea by historians, to make me a better fascist; of which I am.

I haven't slept in the same bed as my gf in months. She disgusts me.

>> No.18805968

Good for you, and all your dirt poor white peers, I’m sure they were also avid readers.

>> No.18805970

>I was a poor child and have never seen a relative holding a book for fun
Same. Never saw a single family member read a book in my entire life, which your post just made me realize.

>> No.18805972
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>> No.18805980

The UK underclass should be gassed. I live in NI and it's even worse than GB.

>> No.18805982

When the riots and looting happened in Seattle, I was hoping they'd break open the bookstores, but there are none anyways. And it would've just been Hillary Clinton biographies

>> No.18805999
File: 66 KB, 260x761, FT_19.09.25_NonBookReaders_Who-has-not-read-book-12-months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.18806017

the women probably lied or count their giant-typeset fantasy YA novels

>> No.18806022


>> No.18806025

that's why you have to sign for your packages.
if you don't receive it then whoever was slated to deliver gets fucked in the ass

>> No.18806032

pajeet bros, we can't stop winning

>> No.18806034

Many people probably lied, especially whites, for whom not reading is still considered somewhat embarrassing.

>> No.18806036

reading women's IG bios doesn't count as reading books

>> No.18806037

Lol glad you could share that although it is way above my head. I have a similar political persuasion as your but I am no where near that level of esoteric on my educational journey I have just conquered the physical aspect of being a good example within our movement. Hail victory brother. Mind, body, spirit. Maybe give your women a break though my friend bringing a women along that you are no longer having good intentions with isn't the right way, set her free.

>> No.18806038

Some black people do read books.

>> No.18806043

Yes and a lot of that poll includes brainlet christcucks who flick through the bible every so often.
Blacks love the bible.

>> No.18806044

Never seen it once even in school

>> No.18806051

They've been left behind so it's no wonder.

>> No.18806055

why do you guys make fun of the nice tech guy at best buy? i love that guy

>> No.18806056

She has spent 3 years making a spare key to my apartment without my knowledge, threatening suicide (actually took pills) if I didn't date her, threatened to accuse me of rape if I didn't stay with her, and threatened me with telling the police I raped her at 17 years old (I met her when she was 18, I was 24.), and then threatened to go to the news and tell them I'm a pedophile (not true).

So basically I can't leave. But otherwise she's very nice and scratches my head and cooks me food and gives me a lot of money.

>> No.18806069

>look at me! I'm a chink who reads kant!

>> No.18806071

I used to work as a dishwasher in London with colleagues of other undesirable minorities, and some blacks would read books frequently, the particularly clever ones. Much more often than muslims, for example.
It's also good to remember that the african american psyche is somewhat different from that of their anglosphere counterparts.

>> No.18806075

I'm way too tired to explain step by step how to get out of that, but you are a fascist, a man of principle and truth. Use your brain sit pen and paper and step by step untangle your way out of this mess it isn't good for either of you.

>> No.18806079

>the particularly clever ones
the books or the blacks?

>> No.18806082

Not American, I didn't say it doesn't happen, but it's a rare occurrence none the less. Small children can read as well....

>> No.18806090

The blacks. They read a lot of fantasy, which makes sense once you get to know them.

>> No.18806094

Well she changed the passwords to all of my accounts and bank stuff and hid my car at her parent's house where I don't know where they live. I'm currently not allowed to leave the county (defended myself from someone coming at me and got made a felon). Been on a million interviews and even the high paying and low paying jobs don't want to hire a felon despite years of experience in my industry. So I have the state AND my yandere gf locking me into this situation.

>> No.18806095

How do we encourage black folks to read more and educate themselves?
It seems to me that this whole rap hiphop Black outlaw gangbanger culture bullshit is only hurting them,
they get lost in shit like collecting Jordans and Gucci belts
It seems to me like all this is intentional because they actually used to have leaders like Malcom x

>> No.18806098


goooood fuckin luck there bud

>> No.18806110

Turn the hustle mentality towards education the rapper who had mentioned this was nipsey hussle.

>> No.18806111

Yeah you're still loosing to white cock though, your sister will marry a white man, Avinash

>> No.18806116

You're putting your white brain into black shoes. It won't work.

Go read The Africans by David Lamb; he mentions how it's nearly impossible to educate black people

>> No.18806117


>> No.18806122

Who cares none of them had written language to begin with why waste energy teaching my house pets how to vacuum my carpet sure would it be funny? Yes, but is it worth the effort not really.

Anon trust me my friend been in a similar situation with a live in girlfriend that was off her rocker be tactful document and be prepared to spring everything at once the lock, passwords, police notified, etc. get the fuck out don't knock her up by accident or anything like that trust me it isn't impossible handle it tactically. Take yourself out of the situation aand imagine how you'd advize someone else out of that situation.

>> No.18806128

I have an escape plan but I have to time it right

>> No.18806140

Good. Godspeed anon. Goodluck

>> No.18806143

This. Ludwig NEETgenstein up there is probably just trying to flex his Kant without looking as though he's trying to flex his Kant.
At least he appears to have gone with Pluhar and not the hideous Guyer/Wood as a typical pseud tell.

>> No.18806149

>Who cares none of them had written language to begin
That is so wrong. Not all blacks come from west africa. We've had an abugida script for 1000s of years and before that we used glyhs.
.t east african

>> No.18806157

So you don't care what the stats actually mean, you just want some numbers to make your point sound better.

>> No.18806162

>with colleagues of other undesirable minorities

>> No.18806183
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>I agree. I dropped out of high school, hadn't done homework since 3rd grade, and regularly outsmart everyone around me (not hard, Americans are pig-people) and act more mature than most adults who scream indoors when talking.
>make me a better fascist
>find faithful translations of the Kesh Temple Hymns and Instructions of Shuruppak in a physical copy
>I haven't slept in the same bed as my gf in months.

You're just an average Evolafaggotish chud. Literally kys + >>>/pol/

>> No.18806190
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>highest reading European countries
>Czech Republic
Pretty much the most atheistic countries in Europe, if you exclude Estonia.

Why don't Christians read?

>> No.18806196

Being religious in the 2st century inhibits what you're likely to read, esp in terms of contemporary literature.

>> No.18806200
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>> No.18806204

I've met an awful lot of white people that insist they read "every now and then" or something to the effect, only to discover it's been years since they've even touched a book when pressed.

>> No.18806212

What makes you think WHAT you read and whether or not it is contemporary has anything to do with it?

>> No.18806228

Because religious people are less likely to touch certain topics. And those certain topics are more common in contemporary literature.

>> No.18806229

>wiping of Hyperborea by historians
There's enough evidence of Hyperborea out there for anyone with enough brain cells to connect the dots. FYI, most of the "historical evidence" points to the Central Steppes, one just has to realize that this is simply incomplete evidence, and if one compares the historical progression of their descent, one notices that the Central Steppes were merely one stop on their migration from north to south. Why don't we have evidence of them further north? Well, there is some, but none historians will accept as valid evidence (because it is, for example, contained in the Vedas). The second reason is that further north one finds fewer sources of information because the entire area is vast and desolate in today's world. TL;DR don't try to pin this all on modern historians trying to cover things up, that's only partially the case (with respect to mythological records). There is actually not that much for them to go on. And you should be content that the Aryan migration theory (our of Central Asia) is actually widely accepted by academic scholars. The Out of Africa nonsense hasn't fully infiltrated the study of ancient history.

>> No.18806274

At least they won't burn the libraries.

>> No.18806290

More like this guy wants to show off on twitter that he buys brand new copies of Kant and he's very smart and so on

>> No.18806337
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The thief probably decided to leave it when they noticed it was Pluhar’s translation kek

>> No.18806380

>Pluhar’s translation
he could have sold good cash if it was cambridge

>> No.18806396

They read what though? If everyone reads Harry Potter and Michelle Obama's biography who fucking cares.

>> No.18806421

Agreed, Anon. The poor sicken me.

>> No.18806880
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They are illiterate retards who can't even speak English properly.

>> No.18806924
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Niggers remain imbeciles no matter how much wealth and welfare you throw at the apes. Even the poorest whites are better than the richest blacks.

>> No.18806974

>a fascist, a man of principle and truth
Fascism is characterised by its relativism and expediency. Mussolini actually characterised this as its strength.

>> No.18806978

Does this mean younger people are reading more?

But how the fuck have students of any age not read a book in the past 12 months? No one reads in school?

>> No.18807059

The permanent underclass don't read because it is completely antithetical to their culture and genetics after endless generations of dysgenic breeding. Libraries are free. English lessons at school are free. They need a much better excuse than 'we have no money'. Just like with how blacks commit way more rape than other groups. Crying 'poverty' is a way of transferring responsibility from self to society and a retreat to the comforting blanket of victimhood.

>> No.18807081

Not the anon you responded to, but there's a difference between the fascism of the 20-40's and the one of today. At the moment it's nearly impossible for us to get into power anywhere, so there's more room to seek inward and meditate on the ideological tenets instead.

>> No.18807087

The only difference between Fascism of the past and fascism now is the former actually existed and the latter is just a buzzword.

>> No.18807093

Yes they'll do out of spite

>> No.18807095

>At the moment it's nearly impossible for us to get into power anywhere
Thanks God for that, kek

>> No.18807107

They leave themselves behind. I worked in social care for years. Some people are literally beyond help, and I'm talking mainly about addicts. You could argue that because most of them have massive unresolved childhood trauma that it isn't their fault they became addicts. Fine. But unfortunately they still have to take responsibility for this thing that wasn't their fault to begin with. It isn't fair but it's the only way out. It definitely isn't the government's fault. If someone is chronically homeless in Britain you can be certain that they have been offered all manner of help from multiple organisations but have one way or another rejected or sabotaged it. They haven't been 'left behind' that's just leftist sloganeering anon.

>> No.18807108
File: 125 KB, 827x1130, ugly jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks much more like the average leftcuck than somebody who would read Evola. I suppose this is just another case of leftist projection/delusion, since we know that these people are essentially of an inferior character and as such rely on telling lies to cope. If you think I'm wrong, just think about the average person who believes in the idiocy pushed by the left. This would be a tween girl mutt who doesn't know what gender she is and uses tiktok all day. Or maybe a mentally deranged tr*nny. Meanwhile the average right winger is a white man with a family who runs a business or has a professional career as an engineer or lawyer. Seethe, cuck.

>> No.18807114

Not really, there are fascist parties starting to pop up and grow, but they're still minor. But I do agree that it is a nebulous term in regards to its current usage.

You have a good day as well, fren

>> No.18807121
File: 31 KB, 917x1027, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This looks much more like the average leftcuck than somebody who would read Evola. I suppose this is just another case of leftist projection/delusion, since we know that these people are essentially of an inferior character and as such rely on telling lies to cope. If you think I'm wrong, just think about the average person who believes in the idiocy pushed by the left. This would be a tween girl mutt who doesn't know what gender she is and uses tiktok all day. Or maybe a mentally deranged tr*nny. Meanwhile the average right winger is a white man with a family who runs a business or has a professional career as an engineer or lawyer. Seethe, cuck.

>> No.18807125

what does the image have to do with your thread OP? I know this guy and he's asian. does the concept of black people reading books upset you?

>> No.18807127

A lot of these people are probably neurologically incapable of 'taking responsibility'.

>> No.18807143
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Kill yourself subhuman.

>> No.18807148
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>> No.18807163

Yes, this seems like a white/Western concept.

>> No.18807166

Honestly, the fact that the /pol/ face triggers them so thoroughly is proof enough that it strikes close to home.

>> No.18807180

Possibly, possibly not. But assuming that that is the case for any individual is to rob them of any chance they might have had before they even start. Retreating from victimhood always requires a leap of faith.

>> No.18807200

>telling me how I'm wrong is just more proof that I'm right

You remind me of that 'white fragility' con artist

>> No.18807215

Sorry boss, I'm a different anon just giving my .02 cents on the /pol/ face meme. I have no idea what you clowns are arguing about itt.

>> No.18807221

>The permanent underclass don't read because it is completely antithetical to their culture
>and genetics after endless generations of dysgenic breeding.
This is the same essentialist argument used by the bourgeoisie concerning the "idle and unwashed masses". I generally agree with you though and me solely putting the blame on socioeconomic factors was wrong.
>Just like with how blacks commit way more rape than other groups. Crying 'poverty' is a way of transferring responsibility from self to society and a retreat to the comforting blanket of victimhood.
Of course, but it's unwise to ignore structural issues within the black community and in society at large. For e.g. Poor chinks will do better than the average nignog due to the scholastic culture they're raised in, but on average not as well as rich chinks.
Shows that there is something fundamentally different and inhibitive about the African American cultural script and the role that economics has in good outcomes (not being rapists)

>> No.18807244

of course they count those you retard

>> No.18807265
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>spam shitty meme to cope with being endlessly BTFO
>"I-I win"
You're a halfwit.

>> No.18807272

Reading should be big amongst the poor seeing as you can read books for free at the library and they require literally nothing more than some free time

>> No.18807273

Having the same impulse control as a dog and the average IQ of a borderline mentally retarded person is also inhibitive xD

>> No.18807284

Are those aspects essential to black people?

>> No.18807289

no u

>> No.18807302

Notice how asian are even on here.

>> No.18807373

No they aren't. Here in Britain, young boys from Africa are actually outperforming white boys in school, who themselves outperform black boys from the Caribbean. So 'racism' doesn't explain these disparities, but nor does straight up essentialism, clearly it's more complicated. (I'm the anon who originally replied to you, not the one you just replied to)

>> No.18807428
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Yes, were you born yesterday?

No they aren't, the average IQ of Africans is around 70 or maybe less, which was considered borderline mentally retarded in Western nations until relatively recently. They also on average have a much smaller pre-frontal cortex, which is the part of the brain thinking ahead. There is much more evidence which I don't even care about, since it is so obvious that these people simply are not equal to other people. The way they behave in our (Western) nations and the way they behave in africa just makes it obvious that these people are dumb and primitive. Look at the BLM chimpouts in the US, and compare it to the riots in South Africa. Asians and White people don't behave like this, even when they are "oppressed," (if you think black people in the West are oppressed you are a halfwit).

According to out of africa theory they are our primitive ancestors, at least if you buy into that theory. Your belief that all people are inherently equal is so puerile and obviously false as soon as you broaden your mind enough to escape your modern conditioning.

>> No.18807453
File: 2.75 MB, 404x720, savage animal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are violent and primitive, at least going by our white/Western standards. Sure, in the past they were assimilated somewhat successfully and as a result could become integrated into Western society, but as soon as this stops (i.e. what modern leftist buffoons advocate for) they go back to behaving like feral animals (at least relative to our white/Western perspective).

>> No.18807509

I don't think that blacks are oppressed in the west and I don't think that all people are equal. Try not to get yourself worked up arguing with nobody. But how would you account for the disparate education outcomes between blacks in Britain if you are so wedded to bio-essentialism?

>> No.18807537

based asians not even there

>> No.18807594

Well, nowadays white men are told since birth that they are evil and should be ashamed of their existence (and the existence of their ancestors, who built society), while they are replaced in mass media despite being the main and essential demographic of the West. It is open season on white people, in the "cultural arena," and there are many examples of schools/teachers attempting to "decolonize curriculum" which is basically giving blacks better grades for inferior work. We should also consider the subconscious effects of your people being replaced in their own homeland.

Personally, I did not have any desire to perform above average in school, especially when I started seeing how much our sick society scorned people like me despite people like me founding modern civilisation. I still got an engineering degree from a "brand name school" and I must say, of the few Africans that were there, all were among the dumbest in the class. I hovered around average despite often skipping class and rarely paying attention. Most of the learning was done on my own. So I must question where you are getting this info on academic achievement from. I will return to this later.

Now at the same time, today blacks are constantly portrayed in positions of power by the corporations who control mass media (films/tv, ads, youtube/google/tech algorithms which all openly proclaim they want to put "black voices" at the forefront) and replace white men in their own roles all the time, despite being a useless minority group which has not contributed anything of importance to our society. Blacks are heavily favoured in all areas of Western society; they are admitted preferentially into universities, often requiring far lower academic standards; they are preferentially hired at big corporations; as was just said, they are favoured for advertising/algorithms in big tech, etc.; and all of this is for no good reason. The true purpose is to demolish the West for the global economic elite to consolidate power, but this is another issue.

To end these thoughts, I don't think it is all "essentialism" or all "racism". We can safely say that "racism" is irrelevant, since this has been entirely abolished in the West for a long time now, to the extent that we see the opposite effect happening in the mainstream. If you want to argue that foreigners face unique struggles when coming to our superior first world nations, that can be valid, but not "racism". I think that essentialism plays the larger part, but of course conditioning also plays a part. And yet "essentialism" also influences conditioning.

I would like to see where you are getting these stats from. The only way I could see it happening is if African elites send their children to expensive private schools, and they work their asses off, being 3rd worlders; while white boys from rich upper class families are mentally ill drug-addicts with no motivation at all. I have witnessed both of these phenomena.

>> No.18807612

>this post
wow, white people have actually become niggers.

>> No.18807617
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I am an stereotypical dirt poor Mexican and probably write more than any of you procastination loving angl*s

>> No.18807634
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>"Personally, I did not have any desire to perform above average in school, especially when I started seeing how much our sick society scorned PEOPLE LIKE ME despite people like me founding modern civilisation."
>"muh whyte supremahssee"
>proceeds to complain about "muh lazy niggers"
Holy fucking shit. Imagine being this much of a bigot.
Go back to Gab.

>> No.18807643

>But how would you account for the disparate education outcomes between blacks in Britain if you are so wedded to bio-essentialism?
I question this data. Where did you get this from?

I don't think it is purely biological, but I think biology plays the largest part. There are of course external factors influencing these things, but biology is much more relevant.

As for why it is happening, white men are being shit on endlessly and their societies are being overrun by 3rd worlders. Many or maybe most of my white friends suffered from mental illness and/or drug and alcohol abuse, because they feel this existential crisis, even if they lack the ability to recognize it. If I lived in London while being white I would probably kill myself or leave. Whites are victims of psychological warfare, particularly in britain, which has been dominated by evil (bankers) for awhile.

>> No.18807654

white people be like "we're black now!"

>> No.18807666
File: 100 KB, 450x945, Screenshot from 2021-07-18 15-49-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people be like "we're women now!"

>> No.18807674

refried bean labels arent books paco

>> No.18807680

and this, is why asians win lol.

>> No.18807683

Bro, at the risk of rudely dismissing the pain which you feel, this is so stupid. The media and government push for Blacks is there, I don't deny that. But at the same time, you cannot just give up because other people have it easier than you. When has that ever been an acceptable option? Control what you can control, which is your own effort.

>> No.18807690
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>No they aren't
Yeah they are, the gap is narrowing though.
Pic related compared all students in England at age 16 (year 11)

>> No.18807691

10 more caravans in your state soon

>> No.18807720

That was a weak response. A few differences:

My ancestors founded the civilisation (which has been destroyed) with the intent on leaving it for their offspring, not for ungrateful brutal 3rd worlders, who did not found the civilisation.

I am not very lazy, I said I had no desiret to perform above average in school, but I still worked hard to get a rigourous engineering degree, studying and working on projects for hours. I probably worked a lot harder than you, even in school. Outside of school I do many things and am not lazy. I don't see a problem with people like me being lazy in regards to things like school or work, because of the aforementioned point. But leeching off the welfare system and resorting to gang activity in the country graciously hosting you is entirely different.

You unironically used the word bigot, while you were not even able to engage with my long post on /lit/, so your opinion is of little consequence.

That is the goal of everybody pushing the delusional egalitarian belief system. It is happening. Westerners are victims of decades of psychological warfare. They have destroyed our culture, religion, family, values...pretty much everything. And now they are flooding our countries with 3rd worlders. Is this babbys first redpill or something?

>> No.18807728

kek was just joshin. I actually really enjoy Mexican people and culture. Been there a few times. What is a good Mexican author that has an english translation? Not eurocentric mestizo either like Aztec type shit. Obviously it doesnt have to be Aztec themed but you know what I mean

>> No.18807807

I'm not giving up at all, but I refuse to partake and put effort into the system is hostile towards our people. I focus my efforts in other areas apart from the disgusting and corrupt, vile establishments.

I think people are misinterpreting my post, which was more meant to describe why white men are doing a lot worse now. As I said, there is an existential crisis occurring, and many lack the intelligence/introspection to detect it, but the outward effects are visible. I was only drawing from personal experience to add to the point.

Interesting, the data on it's face seems valid. Like I have been saying, the back of the white Western male has been broken, after decades of psychological warfare and 2 brutal wars (which killed or scarred most or all of the strong men). The global economic elite want them destroyed particularly because they are the only demographic which will put up a fight against their tyranny.

It is not much of a victory, since we are at the end of the kali yuga and the world will end, probably in 2030, but maybe after that year we will have some transitional phase into the next golden age. Most of humanity will be wiped out, and the people who won't be wiped out are drawn from those who are "awakened" and are mostly white. Asians are good worker bees, maybe because of their history of being brutally oppressed peasants, or maybe because of biology. But I don't see how you will be winning, since as it stands now most people are doomed.

I'm pretty sure blacks become trannies at higher rates, or at least they used to.

>> No.18807866

Package thieves never check the contents. They just nab it and run.

>> No.18807876

asians aren't being openly attacked and replaced in all aspects of their own civilisations though. it really is open season on white people, and see how nobody here even denies it, at the worst they will just laugh at it, because they are scum who don't care about truth, like an Aryan.

>> No.18807889

Truly the niggers of non-niggers.

>> No.18807906

>It is not much of a victory, since we are at the end of the kali yuga and the world will end, probably in 2030, but maybe after that year we will have some transitional phase into the next golden age. Most of humanity will be wiped out, and the people who won't be wiped out are drawn from those who are "awakened" and are mostly white.
poltard believes hindu myths, many such cases!

>> No.18807925

>white Irish
How? What's the Hyborean Jew's secret?

>> No.18807935

Oh, you think the Doctrine of the Ages is unique to "Hinduism"? I don't use /pol/ btw, but you don't care about the Truth, you care about staying in your delusion bubble.

>> No.18807946

Maybe they have not been the victims of as much psychological warfare

>> No.18807948

Literally who cares, its fair game and if its funny then its funny. Next you are going to point out most tiktoks are scripted

>> No.18807997

It is precisely because I care about truth that I don't rush to embrace ideas like the Doctrine of the Ages. Are you taken in by every impressive-sounding notion? Every idea that rings with pretty noises? There are multiple mutually exclusive apocalyptic beliefs. What makes you choose one over the other? Usually people do so on the basis of some kind of religious authority, because of a revelation -- but you have no organic religious traditions, only 'Tradition'. I think, for you, if I know you at all, it is because you want to give your dissatisfaction with the world a cosmic grandeur. You don't care for Truth at all. You have no intellectual discipline.

>> No.18808013

Imagine paying someone for an author that has been dead for a hundred years. Kant isn't getting the 34 bucks you just spent.

>> No.18808021

is your proposition just to steal a copy or are you an ebook fag ?

>> No.18808034

Black people rioted in the downtown area of my city in May of last year and the bookstore was one of the only unprotected businesses that didn’t really get looted or damaged. (It’s next door to a sneaker store. You can imagine what happened there.) Black people are worthless.

>> No.18808049

Just imagine the book or have someone describe it to you. Also, libraries exist, dumpass.

>> No.18808060

>the bookstore was one of the only unprotected businesses that didn’t really get looted or damaged.
don't worry anon, they'll have to only publish books by Black™ people soon

>> No.18808071

I was homeless when I was a teenager. (That’s part of why I like reading so much. The library was free to hang out in, and I’d check out books to take with me and read when it closed.) You’d think it would make me very sympathetic to poor people (and in some ways it has; poor people get fucked in all directions), but it’s aggravating watching people make excuses for them, particularly poor black people, as though they have no personal agency. And it’s typically middle and upper middle class white people doing this.

>> No.18808077
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>the bookstore was one of the only unprotected businesses that didn’t really get looted or damaged.
Remember when that happened with that big classic community bookstore with lots of rare and irreplaceable books, Uncle Hugo's, so a white antifa guy ran up and threw a molotov through the window?


That really educated me on what these people are. Metaphysical evil is real. They are not just misguided or stupid. They only want to destroy.

>> No.18808084

What class background are you from originally

>> No.18808091

>That really educated me on what these people are. Metaphysical evil is real. They are not just misguided or stupid. They only want to destroy.
Yeah but when the Nazis did it it's heckin based

>> No.18808096

Idk about that, they buy and sell a lot of used book. I bought a Mishima biography there the other day. They’re struggling though and they’re the last bookstore in my town.

>> No.18808099

"antifa"/anarchist narctivist faggots should be burned alive desu
I had the misfortune of meeting a few and they were always living, breathing, walking tumors

>> No.18808112

zoomer discord tourist

>> No.18808114

Friend of mine used to always say that if you need to hide something, hide it in a book because the kind of people who steal don’t steal books.

>> No.18808122

Upset that I exposed the inconsistency in your worldview and shattered the force of your hollow rhetoric? Don't talk about 'metaphysical evil' you rootless numpty. For you metaphysics is just an enlargement of your emotions to cosmic scales. You are hot-headed. Aquinas would KILL YOU!!!

>> No.18808130

>But the main trend still holds true.
That blacks are brutal dumb?

>> No.18808132

>people who burn down bookstores are retarded

>> No.18808156

?? Twitter brain. Probably screeches about 'whataboutism'. Yes, you deserve to be pitilessly used by all the great metaphysicians of the world! held down!! grit teeth! NO N ON O aristotle lubricating your pathetic hoel...

>> No.18808174

>so a white antifa guy ran up and threw a molotov through the window
People like to blame Blacks for destroying stuff, but honestly, from what I saw of BLM riot footage, Blacks who rioting were at least looting stuff, so there was a economic incentive there. There were more White rioters than Blacks anyway, and the Whites were destroying stuff just to destroy stuff and mess up the community. It was a major redpill on who the actual problem in America is.

>> No.18808189

The rioting in my neighborhood was probably 90 percent black and Latino. They burned down my favorite Japanese restaurant.

>> No.18808196

Yeah some of that shit was really glowing. Either antifa really is just that ugly and fucked up, that they want to smash a bunch of black owned mom and pop store windows in a lower middle class neighborhood systematically with hammers one by one, or someone else was using the riots for cover to further destroy and disorient the poor.

Probably a combination of both.

>> No.18808205

>dead british retard
what's your point?

>> No.18808208

ah yeah niggers were stealing and smashing shit but it was because they had an economic incentive due to muh poverty, we all know that niggers eat electronics and sneakers
nigger is not capitalized btw

>> No.18808228

This is why Jews focus all attention on them with religious zeal. If you have to pretend blacks and whites are magically equals and that all black problems are caused by white people then your society is completely fucked and distracted away from the psychotic evil of Jewry and their perpetual crimes committed against humanity and planet earth. Blacks are a biological weapon used by Jews to wage war.

>> No.18808238

>Yeah some of that shit was really glowing.
Pretty much. If I was to put my "tinfoil hat" on, I'd say it was leftists trying to erode the Black economic base so that they'd be forced to side with the left out of necessity.

>> No.18808247

I always get a bit of a laugh when I read an article and black is capitalized when they’re talking about people but white is not. Sometimes it’s even in the same sentence.

>> No.18808272

I generally put the site in my blacklist

>> No.18808273

>The true purpose is to demolish the West for the global economic elite to consolidate power, but this is another issue.
It gives me hope when another brother discovers the truth and isn’t afraid to say it

>> No.18808291

Because reading is fucking boring and anyone who is a real reader knows that fact.

>> No.18808293

There are very few things that make me go "damn, we're really in the kali yuga here" anymore but that was one of them.

I think the last time I really had a "wow" moment was when some of the most egregious muslim attacks happened in Europe, and I guess some part of me still assumed that average joe whites would have to respond to that level of brutality, and then they didn't, they turned on their fellow whites for decrying it yet again and implicitly asked for more. That was the last time my expectations for average people really dropped a qualitative level, and I realized they can live in an entirely sealed bubble of insanity for decades.

The Black/white thing, for some reason, was one of those moments for me. It signifies so much. They really will invite their own slavery, they really are like the guy the Turd Eater pushes off the gangplank in Camp of the Saints, as he dies happily knowing he let the horde into Europe, since there was truly nothing left of him to rebel or feel resentment at the horde's thanklessness. Humans can be pushed far lower than we think.

>> No.18808296

Peabrained take. They obviously already had a copy of the three critiques – who doesn't already? It's the poster that's a pleb, for not already having them. What, are you going to order a copy of the Bible or the Oyssey next? Even our thieves are literate in America.

>> No.18808298

Yeah, except it's not funny.

>> No.18808301

You never answered the question, presumably because you don't know or because answering it would weaken your frail points. My beliefs come from what is perennial to all Traditions worthy of the name, such as the Doctrine of the Four Ages, among many others, and from personal spiritual experience which validates these Traditions and the reality of metaphysics for me. As you correctly noted, there are many "apocalyptic" beliefs (however this "belief" is only a single aspect of the aforementioned perennial Doctrine), and not all of them are valid. There is no need here to get into how validity is determined, if you are curious you could do the bare minimum of research required to look into Traditionalism. I don't want to waste more time on this.

Why do you think that an "organic" religious tradition, or an exoteric (contingent) religious form, would hold more validity than what is perennial and what exists objectively in metaphysical reality (the esoteric)? This is imbecilic and juvenile, and shows that you have no spiritual intuition (surprise).
>I think, for you, if I know you at all
Yes, you don't at all. Keep trying to psychoanalyse me from a 4chan post, and then in the next sentence claim I'm the one with no "intellectual discipline" (and nice opinion on what Truth is, that's cute).

I shall continue to exit my body at night, or see energies in altered states of consciousness, or split my consciousness into a fourfold diaphanous body while meditating, among other things...but at the risk of "casting pearls before swine" I shall leave you here.

>> No.18808305
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Lostbelt 4 is trash.

>> No.18808306

>Not reading Kant in German.
What a pleb.

>> No.18808315

He's completely fucking right. Why the fuck would you play a game if the other team is given 5 points instead of one and you are punished for no reason for things you didn't do? You stop playing the game. There's no fucking point struggling only to be discarded because of meme factors that have nothing to do with how hard you work. Of course if you create a context where merit is worthless, people won't work hard. The reason why our society produced so much was that, more or less, it made clear that merit would be rewarded and more broadly, it was a society that was worth living in and working for.

>> No.18808320

There's a difference between sitting on your ass in a meritocratic society and complaining AAA MUH CRACKAZ BE HOLDING ME BACK, and deciding that it isn't worth it to do shit in a society that isn't meritocratic.

>> No.18808336

Except it is

>> No.18808340

This perennial stuff is a 19th century invention. It's just a mode of literally analysis masquerading as metaphysics. No one today who studies ancient texts, cultures, and myths, takes this seriously, but you'd probably dismiss anyone who expresses scepticism about the particular methods and beliefs of 19th century orientalist mystics as "soulless bugmen" or whatever. It's completely contrary to the rational spirit of every tradition it co-opts. One cannot imagine the great theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages, either in Christian Europe or the Islamic Middle East, falling for this voodoo.

>> No.18808345

>Why the fuck would you play a game if the other team is given 5 points instead of one and you are punished for no reason for things you didn't do? You stop playing the game.
This is their demoralization effort at work. Why would you give in to this? Are you really this weak and retarded? It IS unfair and destructive and evil. But this is war. You don’t just drop out and zone out masturbating in your trench just because it looks like the Globohomo Zionist Leftwing Authoritarian El Salvadoran ZOGbots are coming down hard on you.