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[ERROR] No.18806388 [Reply] [Original]

Age 23 and just discovered alcohol.
Holy shit it feels like a whole new world opened up. I'm writing like crazy and ideas falling into my head like like suicidal trannies jumping off the golden gate bridge.
How do I harness this power without it destroying me? Do you read and write while sober?

>> No.18806398

It will destroy you but that's very /lit/ and based.
You should try hard drugs next anon.

>> No.18806417
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Lord almighty why did you make this shit feel so good

>> No.18806418

I drink at work and no one has noticed yet. Keep going, anon, until you do something that lands you in prison or on an operating table.

>> No.18806456

What job? I would do this if my work didn't lead to serious fuck ups if I was drunk

>> No.18806503

Office job. I just drink 10-12 beers and hide the bottles in my bag. I use a jumper to stop the clinking and leave late.

>> No.18806566

And this is why we shouldn't stop kids from getting pissed drunk when they are 14

>> No.18806571

So they ruin their lives and die at an early age?

>> No.18806579

I’m the long run they suffer the struggles of life for a shorter period of time.

>> No.18806580
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I tried writing after a beer but I was paranoid I wasn’t writing at 100% of my mental capacity. So I would always end up rewriting all of it sober. Major waste of time

>> No.18806638

I became addicted to alcohol around age 15 though it didn't really accelerate until I was 17. Even when I was 12 I used to occasionally steal beers and chug 2 or 3 before sleep on random week nights

>> No.18806660

Write drunk, edit sober

>> No.18806673

It's originally from satan.

>> No.18806682

What amount of alcohol do you recommend?

>> No.18806689

Imagine not being mentally ill and trying to sicken yourself with marketable poisons. You are the trashiest kind of humans that crawled on earth, useless flesh pieces made to consume by products meant for the entairnement of the masses. You are not going to make it, and the imagery of trannies off a bridge is so real that can be considered neither clever nor funny.

>> No.18806707

HR already has files on you. Everyone at work can smell the alcohol oozing from your pores

>> No.18806773
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>Imagine not being mentally ill and trying to sicken yourself with marketable poisons. You are the trashiest kind of humans that crawled on earth, useless flesh pieces made to consume by products meant for the entairnement of the masses. You are not going to make it, and the imagery of trannies off a bridge is so real that can be considered neither clever nor funny.

>> No.18806844

Everyone know

>> No.18806855


>> No.18806911

>Age 23 and just discovered alcohol
How is it possible to grow up that sheltered?

>> No.18806922

Alcohol is unironically amazing and will bring you many benefits if you use it well. However, there is a delicate art to using it and many are not cut-out for it. Pay attention while you are drinking and you will get a sense of what helps you and what hurts you.

>> No.18806927

I wasn't sheltered. I drank alcohol as a teenager but every time I found it disgusting. Stopped from age 18 to now. Picked up a six pack randomly, drank it all, and now finally realized why people like this shit. Tolerance is still low too

>> No.18806957
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I hate the taste of alcohol. I'm also 23 and it's bitter and disgusting, I have no idea how you guys can unironically like it. I understand drinking to get drunk, but for pleasure? It's disgusting, I tried drinking and couldn't finish any bottle.

>> No.18807111

You're probably allergic. Not sure how you can expect to get drunk without finishing any bottle.

>> No.18807120

Try a long island iced tea.

>> No.18807160

if it feels so good, you siffer from a thing it blocks out (usually awkwardness, constraints and anxiety). just like some milder benzos that feel just fine to normal people but bring a whole full high for those actually suffering from crippling neurosis
analyse what exactly the alcohol changes the moment you start feeling fire, and maybe you'll be able to elevate your sober state too

>> No.18807174

Babby’s first experience of inebriated euphoria. Cute! :)

>> No.18807176

Beer is gay, seriously. In addition to the verifiable science of it raising estrogen levels, it's just fizzy sugar water. The adult thing to do is to drink wine and liquor, I personally love bourbon.

>> No.18807185
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Stop. NOW

>> No.18807189

it's an acquired taste, it actually tastes completely different after you get used to it.

>> No.18807193

shut up faggot

>> No.18807510

What's this, a toxin known to cause euphoria and disrupt normal brain functioning made you overestimate your abilities as a writer?!

>> No.18807517

People have consumed alcohol for way longer than marketing departments have existed.

>> No.18807542

It stops working after a while and then all you have left is the stupid juice and an addiction.

Pray to God you're one of the ones who just stops getting the euphoria from alcohol, and starts only getting retarded and numb when they drink, so that you can at least make the decision "this isn't fucking worth it anymore, I was doing this to feel good, not to numb feeling bad." If you're lucky and this is the kind of alcoholic you become, you can still quit. If you're unlucky and become the kind who literally needs alcohol like food and water to function on a daily basis, and you start drinking "just a little" before or around noon every day, you are headed for a destroyed life and an early grave.

I've never known anyone whose life was improved by alcohol unless they were naturally happy and didn't need it anyway.

>> No.18807558


>> No.18807582

I stopped drinking since it made me melancholic as hell

>> No.18807740

>like suicidal trannies jumping off the golden gate bridge.
>HAHAHAHAHAHA get it? I am being offensive just like you guys! do I fit in yet? :D
/lit/ said trans rights
this is a safe space to discuss books ad ideas
go to /pol/

>> No.18807781
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Shut up faggot

>> No.18807810

>I'm writing like crazy and ideas falling into my head like like suicidal trannies jumping off the golden gate bridge.
If this is representative of the kind of similes you're coming up with while drunk then I don't think you should get your hopes up...

>> No.18807839


>> No.18807881

now try to make the most out of it before it ruins you
ideally you'd be starting to write your magnum opus
remember the progression for artists is always this
alcohol->a shitton of alcohol->opiates->not enough opiates->suicide
>dazai, elliott smith, soon probably me