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[ERROR] No.18803079 [Reply] [Original]

Not what I expected at all. For some reason I thought this book was a rom-com for single moms. Its pretty good for such a short book.

>> No.18803106

You're probably gay. Maybe you don't feel it yet, but there's a seed of gayness in you.

>> No.18803123

You're going to be chased down by homos thirsting for your dick and trying to convert you now. The curse of that damn book.

>> No.18803354
File: 443 KB, 812x768, DB8B4529-9854-433D-9014-6A6B1BD3574E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no.

>> No.18803506

Haha anon what do you think about cute Swedish twinks UwU

>> No.18803618

It’s pretty brutal for something written by a frail 30 year old femcel. She published it under a male pseudonym and many critics dismissed it a crude and vulgar.

>> No.18804413

I honestly like emily more than charlotte

>> No.18804459

Villette is peak Bronte though. Jane Eyre will probably be too happy for OPs liking

>> No.18804471

>993 pages in three volumes
Didn't know Charlotte wrote a doorstopper.

>> No.18804539

He rapes his sister, Cathy.

>> No.18804817

Reminder that they all hated Jane Austen.

>> No.18804852

But why?

>> No.18804861

seething jealousy

>> No.18804887

I made a thread about this brilliant book once and anon dismissed it as a "bodice ripper"

>> No.18804944


>And what did I find? An accurate, daguerreotyped portrait of a commonplace face, a carefully-fenced, highly-cultivated garden, with neat borders and delicate flowers; but no glance of a bright, vivid physiognomy, no open country, no fresh air, no blue hill, no bonny beck. I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen, in their elegant but confined houses... Miss Austen is only shrewd and observant.

>> No.18804953

Yeah it's brilliant and pretty brutal. One of my favourite books.

Funny that it has the reputation of being a romance novel, it's nothing of the sort.

>> No.18805529

Just finished it a week ago and was pretty pleasantly surprised by it myself.
The only thing I found was that it sometimes felt almost inhuman in its portrayal of human emotion. As if it's love and hate as written by somebody who hasn't really experienced either.

But it's pretty unique and brutal. Heathcliff was pretty brilliant as a character and by the end I just didn't know what to feel anymore. Really great book, think it will stay with me for a long time.

>> No.18805636

Very nice! I would recommend you add

1. Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race
2. white fragility

>> No.18805653


>> No.18805654

posted it in wrong thread bro calm down

>> No.18805684

I expected to dislike it when I began the book but changed my mind by the end of it. The drama was nice, the ending was fitting and on the whole it left no loose ends.

Yes I liked a book that was written by a woman, jump me.

>> No.18805738

Wuthering Heights is great. Jane Eyre is romcom for single moms.

>> No.18805746

>Yes I liked a book that was written by a woman, jump me.
get help

>> No.18806887

All the characters were unbelievable and the ending was typical, and shit.

>> No.18807103

Heathcliff is adopted but it’s very incestuous. The character was partly based on Emily Bronte’s brother.

>> No.18807133

Men have a weird insistence on this and Jane Eyre being romance novels because they’re books written by women that are primarily enjoyed by women. Both are much more complex than that and they are two of my favorite novels. OP, I would suggest you read Jane Eyre if you haven’t yet. Get one with footnotes so you can get any missing context from the era. Even the Barnes and Nobel edition has good footnotes.

>> No.18808614

I need to reread Jane Eyre, it's been decades since I last read it.

>> No.18808853

quintessential /lit/ post

>> No.18808887

It's not bad, but it's also very flat with no thought put behind characters. Like, literally just a story, no morals, no philosophy, nothing.

>> No.18809892
File: 365 KB, 977x745, 11C94AD8-9560-4308-A258-C49C4CA3FB19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will read it next.

>> No.18809908

And isn't this beautiful, almost too beautifully real?