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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 857 KB, 756x9800, 1493338618470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18804966 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. I never come to /lit/ but i came across pic related and wanted to know if you guys are still like this or even worse.

>> No.18804987

That wasn’t litizens from 2014

>> No.18805072

about the same although most posters have left. the 4chan 'culture' hasn't changed much, newfags adopt whatever mannerisms the older posters have. fuck this site and me for wasting my years

>> No.18805106

Jesus Christ I remember that shit. Yeah. But to be fair, every board went through a stage like that. It was frankly a better time than whatever time this is.

>> No.18805137
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>> No.18805144

anyone who contributes to making the internet inhospitable as a social or parasocial platform is doing good work

>> No.18805211

I’ve always thought this was the most un-4chanish board on 4chan; almost civil even. Unfortunately and at the same time, thankfully, it IS 4chan and there are creepers and autismos on here. Although, if I had to put money on it I’d bet that most of those posters in that picture are from other boards or even /b/ and we’re probably tipped off from someone on here who knows what those bastards are capable of, because after all, weren’t we all from /b/ at one time? I know that’s how I started on here, and I’m ashamed to say that I’ve participated in raids and even YouTube bullying in my younger days (if anyone remembers mellycat, she actually responded to one of my comments with “your sick” hours before deleting her channel), but 99.9999% of some of the craziest shit you’ll read on this site is just larping, but it’s that 0.00001% that are the real deal should be enough to go check and make sure your doors are locked, like right now. Go.

>> No.18805226

It sucks what happened to her but you have to have a thick skin to be a public figure on the internet. If it wasn't this she would have quit because of something else.

>> No.18805251
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>Katie now has an onlyfans
are we the bad guys?

>> No.18805266

i'll admit it, you made me look it up

>> No.18805285

>i'll just be a prostitute lol
nothing of value was lost

>> No.18805295
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>> No.18805301

It's amazing anons of lit have actual empathy and humanity. I also feel bad for her. Why is that? Most other boards would just laugh and bully that girl.

>> No.18805312

>and wanted to know if you guys are still like this or even worse.
We only bully boys from Melbourne to death now. Join in.

>> No.18805346 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 1099x871, 1628413337082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i...

>> No.18805355

Her body really is horrible. Poor girl.

>> No.18805362

god fucking damn it, why

>> No.18805367

I won't believe it's her until you show the proof

>> No.18805375

All women are the same.

>> No.18805398

Literally nothing wrong in that pic. Just boys having fun. The internet is not your safe space

>> No.18805403

She was always going to end up there.

>> No.18805409
File: 2.21 MB, 2722x2722, 1628224009523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it for that such outward ornament
Was lavished on their sex, that inward gifts
Were left for haste unfinished, judgment scant,
Capacity not raised to apprehend
Or value what is best
In choice, but oftest to affect the wrong?
Or was it too much of self-love mixed,
Of constancy no root infixed,
That either they love nothing, or not long?

Whate'er it be, to wisest men and best,
Seeming at first all heavenly under virgin veil,
Soft, modest, meek, demure,
Once joined, the contrary she proves - a thorn
Intestine, far within defensive arms
A cleaving mischief, in his way to virtue
Adverse and turbulent; or by her charms
Draws him awry, enslaved
With dotage, and his sense depraved
To folly and shameful deeds, which ruin ends.
What pilot so expert but needs must wreck,
Embarked with such a steers-mate at the helm?

>> No.18805414

>you have to have a thick skin to be a public figure on the internet

Absolutely this. Famous youtubers and influencers on social media pay someone or someones to sift through all the comments and edit out the bad stuff so they don’t have to read all the crazy stuff, or they’ll just pay someone to read and respond to the comments. And some of them won’t respond to any of the comments but they’ll pay an analytics team to comb through all the feedback and use that as data in order to figure out what future content will be

So yeah, this chick was destined to fail.

>> No.18805421

Oh WTF?? Man, I love the fucking internet so damn much, but I love this place the most. It’ll be a dark day when ((they)) take this shit from us.

>> No.18805580 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 1080x1008, 1628417385271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victorian schoolmarm hair
>Lacy stockings
Hubba hubba. Now if only she had a garterbelt...

It's not from OF, retards. That's from her Patreon where she does (did?) modeling. We had some threads about this months ago after someone here kicked the hornet's nest by posting lewds and apparently that eventually made her try to scrub whatever was there; her patreon content appears to be either gone or completely behind a paywall - as in no splash page, no previews, no nothing.