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/lit/ - Literature

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1879895 No.1879895 [Reply] [Original]

Which group is the most cancerous to /lit/, summerfriends or tripfriends?

And a second question to make this a non-OT thread; what's your preference, sci-fi or fantasy?

pic unrelated

>> No.1879909

1. summerfriends.
2. Sci-fi

>> No.1879910
File: 32 KB, 700x576, D&E Quote of the Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripcode users are the saviours of this board. It's a way the most intelligent posters decide to classify and separate themselves from the groundlings that make up the majority of Anonymous.

Trip today.
For Justice.
For Liberty.
For All.

>> No.1879911

Science Fiction.

>> No.1879916

Tripfags certainly.
Summerfags are more of a cold, they will leave as summer ends. Trips will remain until they strangle this board to death, multiplying in number and idiocy.

The only trip of any intelligence is D&E (thats intelligence, not quality of posts), and he's mostly a troll. The rest of you are just embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.1879919
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I have to say that this is one of the few boards that benefits from tripfriends. They usually know their shit and contributes to the discussion, unlike /tv/ which is infested by pedos and tripfriends like Abatap.

Sci-fi is my bag baby.

>> No.1879923
File: 790 KB, 800x1600, tripfriend's burden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1879929

by the logic of that macro, approximately 9/10 trips on this board are fags.

>> No.1879931
File: 77 KB, 1125x681, damn it feels good to be a tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and he's mostly a troll
someone posting something that you do not agree with does not a troll make.

> The rest of you are just embarrassing yourselves
you don;'t have to be jealous that even the simple act of putting a trip on and standing out in THIS community is too difficult for you. Although i can't understand how that must make you feel, i do understand that your hatred is misplaced.


damn straight

>> No.1879932

tripfags aren't cancer, they post as much shit as anon for the most part. Summerfags...I'm not sure. We seem to get an equal amount of bullshit all year round. All of those 'favourite movie/album/singer/kitty' threads are bullshit though. The ereader threads too, and the 'where can I get this book' and 'I need to do my essay by tommorow HELP'. All in all, we will always be inundated with bullshit and plenty of anons and tripfags will always reply to them. Take this thread for example. Complete bullshit, yet I still reply.

Also, Sci-Fi. Fantasy is godfuckingawful.

>> No.1879936

whether or not he's a troll might be up for debate, but you're definitely a lackey.

>> No.1879938
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>whether or not he's a troll might be up for debate
not really a debate, Anonymous as a whole seems to think anyone who might attempt a joke or post something that they disagree with is immediately a troll

>you're definitely a lackey.
and you're definitely 100% jealous

>> No.1879941

Brownbear spends most of his time on /lit/ defending Deep&Edgy from attack. It's almost as though he believes that he can cling to the coattails of his hero, or bask in his reflected glory. Alas, the glory exists only in his tiny, dim-witted mind. It's cringeworthy.

Hopefully someone points out that he's only 19 so that he can get hysterical again and start pointing out how mature he is. Boo hoo, Brownbear. Boo hoo.

>> No.1879943

jealous of being subservient to a pedantic douche whose inability to empathize or process emotional content causes him to laud technical ability and nothing else, essentially making any statements he renders about 'art' inherently meaningless ?

I think not.

Enjoy being a henchman.

>> No.1879944

Also, remember the time anon counted to forty in consecutive posts on your dare?

Why are you still here?

>> No.1879946

I'm mostly just impressed by the sheer staying power of /lit/s tripfags. In every other bored a typical fag will get bored and stop posting after a few months, or their identity will be discovered and they'll be harassed IRL untill they stop posting.

>> No.1879948

>inability to empathize or process emotional content causes him to laud technical ability and nothing else
I've never said that technical ability, or critical evaluation is divorced from emotional response.

>> No.1879949
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>implying anonymous finding my facebook would ever stop me from tripping

>> No.1879952

I'd say that it's neither of the two specifically, but rather people who come here with the goal of looking impressive. The enjoyment of literature is a hobby, a science, and an art--but not a virtue. Some people on /lit/ really need to relax, and those who think themselves especially intelligent ought to realize that posturing to receive a confirmation of their smarts from the kids here is a bit silly. The main thing that I dislike about this sort of person is that they don't encourage much diversity on the board (by being overly conscious of "what [or who] not to read") and make the art of reading out to be a supremely difficult and exclusive activity, when truly it is one of the most common human activities of all. Discussion becomes tense and stagnant where it ought to be fun and insightful. it's just an anonymous message board, for goodness' sake. Why hold on to your insecurities here of all places?

tripfags can get pretty annoying, though, whether or not they are cancerous


If old fairy tales, myths, and legends count for "fantasy", then my preference lies there. I have a preference for sci-fi when it comes to modern lit, but I like them both because they are both pretty much the only outlets for conlangs to be shown in action.

>> No.1879956


Post your Facebook profile.

>> No.1879960
File: 93 KB, 496x602, best start believing in troll threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feel free to greenoval any proof of this claim


same again to you kiddo


nope don't remember it

>> No.1879962

perhaps not, and perhaps my impression of you is unfounded, but it seems highly unlikely.

From what I've seen you are capable of presenting extremely cogent arguments, yet they all are rooted in an arena that is strictly technical, any form of empathy seems lost on you. In fact, much of your position seems to laud your lack of empathy as a kind of benefit, which might not to be too far from the truth; in the same manner that the visual cortex of a blind man is rerouted to process other stimuli.

You certainly deserve your pedestal, but its not any higher or lower, not more or less deserving of praise than others simply for its own sake... its just separate.

>> No.1879963

meh, I've got the image saved on my laptop, I'll hit you up later brown-note.

>> No.1879969


Could you make it any more obvious that you're lacking in any intellectual substance? I wouldn't have thought so.

>> No.1879970

I would think it prudent that we stop talking about ourselves for hours on end and actually get back to reading and posting about literature.

And I like both fantasy and sci-fi because reading is fun.

Politest of sages

>> No.1879971

>that pic

OP here
I didn't mean for this to be a troll thread. I just became aware of how the quality of threads had decreased recently and I wanted to know what other anons and tripfriends thought about the so called "cancerous" groups that posts here.

>> No.1879979
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>truck truck
>truck truck truck

Oh Homer, you sly motherfucker.

>> No.1879982

>yet they all are rooted in an arena that is strictly technical
So when I say that Ulysses is a work of sheer technical virtuousity, you don't seem to be capable of recognising that a part (albeit the most basic and obvious part, and not just of virtuosity, although this is by no means a denigration) of a work of technical virtuosity is its ability to elicit emotion or empathy or whatever you want to call it?

No, you're just another polarising dimwit who thinks that just because I focus on the part that makes a thing good and the thing which is the best means of judging it I must be a fucking robot who doesn't care about emotion or empathy or whatever small-minded garbage you're concerned with.

>> No.1879984

I challenge any of the tripfags to a debate right now, to be held publicly on TC, on a plausible literary subject which will be posted in this thread. I will demonstrate the profound ignorance of any of them. I'd especially like to debate D&E because I'm quite sure he'd flounder badly.

>> No.1879989

recommendation threads piss me off. I mean, how hard is it to choose what book to read next? Seriously. It's fucking ridiculous and they make up half the board. There's very few threads where we actually talk about lit.

>> No.1879992


oh, tripfags for sure.

and sci fi

>> No.1879993

Your insults do little to convince me that you're not handicapped.

>> No.1879998


lol you're such a tool (since we're all making ad hominem attacks)

>> No.1880000

>Politest of sages

Pardon me sir, but do you mean to imply that making use the sage function is an intrinsically rude gesture? It ain't, i tell ya, and I wish more people would use it. If none but a single post of mine is ever taken to heart by anyone, let it be this one!

>> No.1880003

An ad hominem is not the same as insulting you.

>> No.1880013


Without question I would not imply that. But I just wanted to reinforce my intentions.

>> No.1880014

I like recommendation threads. At first they struck me as annoying, but it turns out you can make them into discussions if you go further than telling the OP to google it or look at the sticky. Same goes for "What are you reading?" and "Post pictures of your book shelf" threads. If those are the main sorts of topics that appear here, might as well turn them into something discussable when you reply.

>> No.1880026

Does sageing even work nowadays?

>> No.1880029

Not especially

>> No.1880049

I'd like to quickly get this out of the way for anyone who actually thinks there's any merit to this sort of a "challenge"; it's basically akin to saying "hey dude come argue with me (through a medium I'm better at than you)" - argue with me under conditions I favour, in other words. But why would anyone do that if they if they're not confident they'd be capable of prevailing under that set of arbitrary conditions? No-one's been able to beat me in any argument under the conditions I've chosen to argue under (message to message posting), so clearly I favour this means of argument. Maybe I mightn't prevail under different circumstances, in the circumstances that don't cater to OTHER PEOPLE, but that doesn't make me any less intelligent or correct. So no, I'm not going to argue in conditions that aren't of my choosing, just like no even semi-competent military leader fights under conditions not of his choosing, and no amount of crying about it on your part or anyone else's is going to persuade me otherwise.

>> No.1880052


i'm up for it

>> No.1880058

perhaps your method of approach, seeing the lit board as a kind of intellectual chessboard, is why I have continued to perceive you as being a soulless automaton.

>> No.1880060
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At least some of the Summerfags don't just raeg and butthurt all the time.

>> No.1880063


>No-one's been able to beat me in any argument

Frustrating people with your tireless bullshit until they have no other choice but to walk away is not winning.

>> No.1880066


easy to see who the alpha tripfriend is. Go get him brownbear

>> No.1880067
File: 1.35 MB, 525x4512, 50 cent tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but it's not losing is it?

>> No.1880069

a midnight rain tunes a sad song of a swan somewhere a fallen flower melts in the gloomy moonlight In the depths of the dark blue sky the moon's heart is pooled in distress I am the mere silence in a dark conch shell ruled over by a ferocious fire of yearning Have you forgotten my world! or have my memories been waning! I see the beauty of your shadow in the empty altar of my gods a kingdom of love turned into an autumn forest Where have you gone alone! Why are my memories waning!

>> No.1880070


perhaps not, but IRL it would make you a loser that no one wanted to be around, ever. Which I'm sure is the case=us having his insufferable ass on here 24/7

>> No.1880072

As an insult or as a way to keep an old or off-topic thread off page zero?

I'd say it's hit-and-miss in both cases. I often comb through each page of a board and reply to things with a sage when a full resurrection of the thread would be obnoxious/unnecessary, but since nobody else seems to do this my posts probably go unread. In the case of a thread like this one where some people are using it and some people aren't, it obviously looks like an uphill 'battle' for those who are saging the thread. But I do it just when it feels appropriate to me, if others aren't using it it's not a big deal. If people want to keep something like this bumped then so be it.

Insulting someone by saging their thread just looks silly to me when the person seems to think that a sage has the effect of a downvote. If they're posting an insult along with a sage to keep the thread from being bumped, that's just standard 4chan procedure

Very well then. Carry on

>> No.1880079

I like this guy.

Also, I love Philip K Dick, so I'm going with sci-fi.

>> No.1880082

Okeydoke bro but I don't give a shit, it must feel pretty bad to know that even an automaton is more passionate and intelligent than you, because I can guarantee that everything I've written that you can judge me on has fulfilled both those criteria

>> No.1880088

1. name/trip/avatarfags
2. summerfriends
3. op

>> No.1880097
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but...this isn't real life...
also you can just fiulter his trip
(pic related)
works for all browsers

or use 4chan Anonymizer to make every poster appear as Anonymous.

>> No.1880120

You see intelligent and passionate.
I see pedantic and stubborn.
Try taking off the rose colored glasses when you look in the mirror.

>> No.1880123
File: 98 KB, 650x850, thumbsupag3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where were you a year ago?
amazing post

>> No.1880137

hey bro subhumans' gonna subhuman, not much I can do for you there except say one man's pedantry is another man's way of saying he doesn't understand what's being said, and to each (superior and inferior) their own

>> No.1880146

... and when your rhetoric fails you fall back on churlish insults and self praise.

not much I can do you for there, except express pity.

>> No.1880149

>... and when your rhetoric fails you fall back on churlish insults and self praise.
I'm not insulting you bro, maybe you feel insulted I guess, and I'm not praising myself, just telling it like it is.

>> No.1880151
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no problem

>> No.1880162


Hey guys, guess which tripfag I just blocked?

lol oh yes. this is more like it.

>> No.1880171


Your rhetoric is geared, in its entirety, to placing yourself on an intellectual pedestal and demeaning others. Self praise is the core of your very being. The very words you speak are only its very words.

>> No.1880174
File: 56 KB, 500x625, 1309120418602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have fun!
i wouldn't use the block posts section if i were you, and instead just stick to entering the tripusers tripcode, the posts section seems to be a little bit buggy sometimes

>> No.1880176
File: 74 KB, 429x410, 1309120432558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this thread turned to shit.
I'm off to take a piss, when I come back imma delete it.

>> No.1880179

It's easily tripfags. This is the only board I visit that is being actively destroyed by tripfaggotry.

I'm not really convinced that "summerfags" are a legitimate phenomenon. Think about it. School lets out, so all the kids rush home to their computers to post on a literature imageboard? I don't think so.

Anyway, tripfags are absolutely more detrimental to this board.

And I guess I prefer sci-fi.

>> No.1880182

Sure buddy, and when I say a dog's an inferior creature to a decently constituted human being I must be out to insult the dog too. Guess what, I don't give a shit about insulting you any more than I do a dog when I refer to you as inferior.