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/lit/ - Literature

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1879461 No.1879461 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a big fan of science-fiction/fantasy. However, I've never read any of RR Martin's books. I'm curious to watch the television series, yet I hesitate to do so. My concern is simple: Is this a classic scenario where the literature is better than the theatrical presentation?

While that is undoubtedly the case, I wanted to see what others thought. Would it ruin my reading experience to begin watching the series before I begin and finish the books?

>> No.1879469

If you have any intention of reading this series at all, don't watch the show, and stay the hell off /tv/ AND /lit/ until you're finished.

Fuckers so heavily spoiled this that I can't enjoy the books or the show .

Oh, and Ned stark dies in episode 9.

>> No.1879467

Read the books first.

>> No.1879474

Thank you, I believe I had made the decision, I simply needed reinforcement..

>> No.1879519

way to stick a foot in ur mouth
I try not spoil, just explain shit that whizzes over everone elses head
like the faceless men

>> No.1879542

listen friend, do not read the books; they are trash and have mere entertainment value

consider this: here is a book that demands I spend countless hours whittling away my free time and memory on pointless, peripheral details that will not contribute to an overall experience of enjoyment. Think of it similar to playing a video-game only having a long-ass loading screen.

Now, watching it as a series on television can only optimize and streamline its potential experience of enjoyment; the producers are obviously going to want to excise any details that are not crucial to your overall enjoyment for the sake of brevity and ratings, and focus on elements that will appeal to the vast mediocrity (of which you, having even entertained the thought of viewing or reading such books, are clearly a part of). Think of it like cutting out those loading screens in that video-game! Now, which would you honestly prefer? And I truly hope you are not one of those experientially crippled imbeciles who whine about how they are incapable of deriving the same sort of pleasure from different media ("bawww, I prefer reading more!"

So I think the moral is: If you're going to be a retarded faggot with zero taste, be a retarded faggot with zero taste who is capable of optimizing his enjoyment to time ratio so that you can do the culture industry a huge favour and make as much time for it as possible to shovel as much shit as it can into your consumertarded mouth

>> No.1879561

hello my summer friend!
welcome to the /lit/ board - its about books!

>> No.1879570

summerfart detected

>> No.1879592

lol sure is summerfaggot in here

go away

>> No.1879596

summer fart detected

>> No.1879600

awwww I don't feed trolls little guy!!!! Whens summer school start????

>> No.1879603

Yes, the books are better than the series.

I don't know about ruining it, though, because I had read them beforehand.



So tell us once again, D&E, how much time do you spend on 4chan every day, again?

>> No.1879604

Are you kidding or are you a summer friend yourself?

>> No.1879609

a few minutes tops

>> No.1879611
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>> No.1879628


>> No.1879641

lol summerfag so bad

>> No.1879646


>> No.1879663

Another fine example of D&E pretending 4chan is a serious forum for academic discussions about literature instead of a place for people to merely share their thoughts and feelings about reading in general, which for same may just be a leisure activity.

>> No.1879662
File: 10 KB, 259x194, frye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm old enough to miss my beloved 4chan
before the cancer set in

>mfw someone called "deep and edgy" said reading was dumb

"Give me twenty-six soldiers made of lead, and I shall conquer the world "

>> No.1879666


>> No.1879674

>a place for people to merely share their thoughts and feelings about reading in general, which for same may just be a leisure activity.
I never said it was anything else, and this is certainly a leisure activity for me, it's just that some of us are capable of sharing vastly superior thoughts.

>> No.1879678

> greentext
But heuehauheuaheuaheuaheuaheuaheuhaeuh.

>> No.1879686
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>> No.1879687

I've met you a thousand times

you are a pretentious ass who thinks hes better than everyone, when irl you are very much a piece of shit summerfag

good day!

tl:dr - you're a FAG

>> No.1879688

Was this intended to be stirring? I'm confused, why do you assume the moniker of "Deep & Edgy"?

>> No.1879696

>Was this intended to be stirring?
No, just helpful. It won't be stirring or informative to anyone who's got their ducks in a row like me.

>> No.1879704
File: 23 KB, 380x353, summerfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you are a douche

pic related, its ur mom

>> No.1879713

That was infantile

>> No.1879719

that was the point
get on my level

>> No.1879727 [DELETED] 

yeah be stupid that'll really show me

>> No.1879730

lol butthurt summerfag!

he so mad xD

>> No.1879736

yeah be stupid that'll really show me

>> No.1879737

Damn, I'll work on it. I'd rather be on your level than this guy's >>1879696. At least you show an awareness of your childish antics, the tripfag seems blissfully ignorant of his failings

>> No.1879738

what failings?

>> No.1879756

maybe I'm Stephen Hawking, and I'm just trolln

you entered a discussion on books, and said reading is stupid

and now you are acting like Mcnulty for christsakes

ur no good for people, man

>> No.1879757

>reading is stupid
where did I say that?

>> No.1879761

trather than explain the egregious errors of his ways, I'm gonna dumb this shit down
to troll - its really fun!!!

>> No.1879766

but no-one's trolled anyone in this thread

>> No.1879768

where did I say reading was stupid in any of that

>> No.1879772

I DONT KNOW...........

did I mention I'm female, and absolutely LOVED the books?


>> No.1879780
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>> No.1879798

Ahhhh sweet
Tripfag troll copypasta
I'm warning you D&E lose the trip and start posting quality crap
or I'm gonna spoil all your fun.

>> No.1879820

my job here is complete.......

a for the books - if you're interested, read them!!!!
the show imo omitted too much - like tyrion marrying a whore, brans fall off the wall, etc
it took me two weeks to read them - plenty of time inb4 the new book comes out

>> No.1879822

You know, I'm pretty sure it would take me about the same if not less time to read the books than it would to watch the series.

I've only read the first, and it took about seven hours. I think I'd waste about the same amount of time, if not more, covering the same material with the television series.

>> No.1879838

beings you already read it, you'll skip the boring parts - they do stay VERY true to the book, I actually applaud them on that - but nothing beats your own imagination

THATS why I'll always read the books inb4 watching the movie/tv show

P.S. - its better to read them in bulk - there are details that seem minor, but when you look at the big picture, you notice how important they become........

>> No.1879840

listen friend, do not read the books; they are trash and have mere entertainment value

consider this: here is a book that demands I spend countless hours whittling away my free time and memory on pointless, peripheral details that will not contribute to an overall experience of enjoyment. Think of it similar to playing a video-game only having a long-ass loading screen.

Now, watching it as a series on television can only optimize and streamline its potential experience of enjoyment; the producers are obviously going to want to excise any details that are not crucial to your overall enjoyment for the sake of brevity and ratings, and focus on elements that will appeal to the vast mediocrity (of which you, having even entertained the thought of viewing or reading such books, are clearly a part of). Think of it like cutting out those loading screens in that video-game! Now, which would you honestly prefer? And I truly hope you are not one of those experientially crippled imbeciles who whine about how they are incapable of deriving the same sort of pleasure from different media ("bawww, I prefer reading more!"

So I think the moral is: If you're going to be a retarded faggot with zero taste, be a retarded faggot with zero taste who is capable of optimizing his enjoyment to time ratio so that you can do the culture industry a huge favour and make as much time for it as possible to shovel as much shit as it can into your consumertarded mouth

>> No.1879844

meh, I'll probably knock the rest of the books out over a weekend sometime, when I'm in between heavier reads. I like to approach my reading that way, its a way to kind of cleanse the intellectual palate.

As the for the series, I don't have any interest in it at the moment, once its been out for a while and their is more material released I might watch it over the weekend with the gf.

>> No.1879849

Ahhhh sweet
Tripfag troll copypasta
I'm warning you D&E lose the trip and start posting quality crap
or I'm gonna spoil all your fun.

>> No.1879850

how is that trolling?

>> No.1879851

that does nothing for me. reading the books actually wastes less of my time.

>> No.1879854

you are deluding yourself. Reading can only be done for two purposes. One is as you said yourself: enjoyment. The other one is education. Books made to inform goes against one of the base principles of art: that it's purpose should be itself.
Now: how come people argue against books such as a song of ice and fire? Because the enjoyment is in reading it and sympathizing with the characters; not thinking about it as is the case in recognized deep books.

In other words:
reading for enjoyment is a requirement for being deep, ergo, you are shallow my friend.

>> No.1879859

>Reading can only be done for two purposes. One is as you said yourself: enjoyment. The other one is education
Wrong, painfully wrong. Someone pays me to read a book, I'm reading it for the purpose of making money.

>base principles of art
what principles of art? What do you mean by art?

>> No.1879864

who the fuck pays someone to read a book? holy shit you are terrible at arguments, try making a somewhat realistic example next time.


>> No.1879865

With art I refer to constructs considered deep. And with base principles I refer to what is required for such a construct.

>> No.1879866


In all seriousness though, I've seen you post this same argument several times, and not once have you addressed my point, that watching the series is a bigger time investment than reading the books.

This may not be true for everyone, but it is for some.

>> No.1879871 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.44 MB, 1024x1024, Martin, George R R - Song of Ice and Fire 1-4.7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if you don't already have them

>> No.1879891

why, my job paid me to read this whole series over the past two weeks - I didn't do any work for them is all

>> No.1879913


When does your seven book success story come out?

>> No.1879940

Making money is a secondary purpose.

>The other one is education. Books made to inform goes against one of the base principles of art: that it's purpose should be itself.
Education is a very broad term and is not limited to informing someone.

>> No.1879997

>I'm pretty sure it would take me about the same if not less time to read the books than it would to watch the series.
Maybe it would, but you'd still have more read more useless shit that wasted your time in less hours, as opposed to a few more hours of 100% entertainment with tv. Classic False economy. Try again.

>> No.1880001

>Making money is a secondary purpose.
it's still a purpose, you said there were only two. I don't care about your inconsequential divisions.

>> No.1880005


I thought the books were ok. They aren't high art, but they are different to the tv show so just watching the show isn't equivalent to read the books. Like all fantasy, it's just escapism; Mills and Boon for boys

>> No.1880019

Your distinction is completely arbitrary, they're both pure entertainment.

>> No.1880024

>they're both pure entertainment.
I've never said otherwise

>> No.1880034


I think D&E finds it impossible not to get the last word in.

>> No.1880040

If your entire argument is that one is more streamlined than the other, I'll choose the one which is less of a burden on my time. The 'useless details' that are excised by virtue of the television medium are hardly a significant tax on my ability to process the information, in the end it becomes entirely a matter of personal preference, something I know you abhor.

>> No.1880048

Yup, every thread he's in I see him disagreeing with some anon on something relatively unimportant. Yet the discussions are always pretty lengthy.