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[ERROR] No.18792499 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/, I’m looking for books that will take up the idle time of a NEET. I currently have around 15 hours a day of free time. I sleep a good 9 hours (and, yes, I sleep in).

Would you recommend me start on a long literary project like Balzac’s Human Comedy, or Goethe’s oeuvre? Please, I need to become an aristocrat of the mind.

>> No.18792502

Anything that you feel like reading, are you feeling like getting back to school again? Just read whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.18792511

I have become disillusioned with institutions, indeed, with the writer as an institution. The writer can only be an artist, an individual rallying against the system. I will never work for a boss again, I will never study under the thumb of another person again, I will never be compartmentalised by the rigid categories of The Man. So, I would like a reading syllabus for NEETs, preferably by writers who never worked, never stayed within the prison of the schools, never fell for the lies of The Man. Reading what I want might become merely light novels or manga, for all I know, because my desires are manipulated by the capitalist desire economy. But I want something that preceded that, something pure and good.

>> No.18792518

>ive had enough of people telling me what to do!
>please tell me what to do

>> No.18792519

hello fellow neet. any suggestions on how to make spare cash on the side? ill give you a few ideas that ive been considering: lawn work (mowing lawns for cash), candle making or selling stuff on amazon handmade in general

>> No.18792520

>I have become disillusioned with institutions,
And feels like joining /lit/. FFS, anon. YOU ARE FREE! For the first fucking time, you can do whatever the fuck you want and read what you feel like reading. ENJOY it. Get to the wiki, there are lots of charts there, pick something that interests you and don't let other anons tell you what to read. NOT EVEN THE FUCKING GREEKS! You don't have to read them if you don't want to, read if you are curious, they are worth it, but still, fuck the Greeks.

>> No.18792525
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>> No.18792526

Oblomov is a must

>> No.18792527

I sell services on Fiverr.

>> No.18792544

thanks. in terms of book recs the best advice i can give is to visit opensyllabus.org and use that as a source for the books you read. best of luck

>> No.18792545

I’m actually going to buy this, I already have Eugene Onegin to read.

>> No.18792684

tfw neet for 10 plus years

>> No.18793133

Are you 28? What do you read anon?

>> No.18793140

Read Marx, you know you want to

>> No.18793145

Read The Precipice too (by the same author), the main character is fairly relatable for a modern manchild

>> No.18793153
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>> No.18793155

I’ve got Kapital and most of the memes. I want to get into Grundrisse though.

>> No.18793157

He's an aristocrat so does it really count? I don't think so, an aristocrat was never expected to work unlike a neet nowadays. Even many rich neets are expected to work on their parents' businesses.

>> No.18793274

>Even many rich neets are expected to work on their parents' businesses.
Soml. It’s usually worse than a real job because you get no independence.