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[ERROR] No.18792106 [Reply] [Original]

This subject is driving me insane, what should I read to be at peace with the archon trap shit and move on?

>> No.18792133

get a job

>> No.18792139

Valis by Philip K. Dick. I recommend the audio book version on YouTube, the guy's voice is perfect for it.

>> No.18792163

I read it already. Not particularly hopeful, no?

>> No.18792177

It's not a hopeful topic in general. It helped me come to piece with the reality of the situation (even if PKD got v& for it and never finished the trilogy). I don't know, you gotten into studying religious texts at all.

>> No.18792250

>It's not a hopeful topic in general.
It's causing me pure and constant dread

>> No.18792259

Finish the trilogy, less bleak as a whole.

>> No.18792280

You could try to realize that there is no reason to think it's true except mental illness and get professional help.

>> No.18792323

>there is no reason to think it's true
There are plenty of reasons to think it's true.

>> No.18792406

>he doesn't know

>> No.18792746


>> No.18792805

There is no evidence apart from the remote viewing thing. RV, if it's actually real, indicates some kind of leakiness of consciousness such that very vague psychic abilities are possible with a lot of effort. The narrative of the soul trap is a complex construction that doesnt resemble the very basic visual elements that have been experimentally confirmed(if you even accept those experiments), it resembles projection of fears and cultural concepts.

>> No.18792808

There is no evidence apart from the remote viewing thing. RV, if it's actually real, indicates some kind of leakiness of consciousness such that very vague psychic abilities are possible with a lot of effort. The narrative of the soul trap is a complex construction that doesnt resemble the very basic visual elements that have been experimentally confirmed(if you even accept those experiments), it resembles projection of fears and cultural concepts.

>> No.18793047

Several remote viewing sessions were done. One confirms not only that the reincarnation trap exists but also that it's maintained by malevolent entities and describes those entities in depth. The second one confirms there exists a reincarnation trap as well as malevolent entities. The third one does the same. All those RV sessions were done by different teams in different conditions, one even in a different country. The elements aren't basic nor do they seem to be a projection and RV has been shown to be able to yield extremely specific and accurate results (see Russell Targ).

>> No.18793061

We would have to establish that they completely independently came to the same picture of things. I will also point out that if malevolent demonic entities exist then anything you see by remote viewing could easily be an illusion they show people to confuse and harm them

>> No.18793119

The first observations were done without influence from external information (since they were the first observations), so even then you have a group of remote viewers independently coming to the conclusion that there exists a reincarnation trap after death. Not to mention it was more or less confirmed by experienced OBErs so you have reliable data from several RV teams and OBEs.
In some cases the malevolent entities are not given a primary role either so the possibility of it all being an elaborate deception seems unlikely; when one RV team tried to directly RV one of those entities they got an impression of pure indifference.
I'm not saying you're 100% wrong but the simplest explanation seems to be the right one.

>> No.18793143

That's all David Icke.
Icke is the Shakespeare of conspiracy theorists.

>> No.18793239

Learn about actual Gnosticism instead of goo goo gaa gaa Americanized """""gnosticism""""""

In Manichaeism, the world is a prison for demons, not for light.

>> No.18793324

Does "actual Gnosticism" have any RV and OBE data to support it? As far as I know, what you're calling Americanized Gnosticism has been "confirmed" assuming you consider RV/OBE to be viable methods for gathering information (they are).

>> No.18793627


>> No.18793640

Under capitalism we’re all prisoners

>> No.18793650

>In Manichaeism, the world is a prison for demons, not for light.
Is it really gnosticism if you're not forcibly reincarnated after you die? The scary aspect is the archons out to get you and recycle you, not the prison aspect in itself

>> No.18793660

Pardon me?

>> No.18793670

Hm? You don’t have to work-to-live, like most of us?
Speaking of which, I must report to just that.

>> No.18793688

>he's not a modern day aristocrat on neetbux

>> No.18793767

"You" are indeed forcibly reincarnated in Manichaeism, or rather, your light is mixed back into the system if it hasn't traveled up the causeway to the Moon.

Yes, there are resonances with the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and given the overriding emphasis on secret names and passwords, they were aware of the death ascent.

>> No.18793856

>if it hasn't traveled up the causeway to the Moon.
What does this mean and how is it achieved, did they give steps or techniques?

>> No.18793879

>Tibetan Book of the Dead
This doesn't contradict the modern prison planet testimonies

>> No.18794217


>> No.18794322

Talk to a doctor and get on antipsychotics. You have schizophrenia.

>> No.18794331

Fuck off NPC

>> No.18794836

The moon is a way station on the path up to the New Paradise, where all the rescued light particles await the final conflagration at the end of the world. Read "Metabolism of Salvation" in this collection here.


It goes into detail on the nature of the soul in Manichaeism, what happens after death, and the nature of the "light trap" so-called.

>> No.18794916

I can't open your link, maybe because I'm phoneposting right now. Does the moon thing imply everyone will be saved eventually?
What happens to identity and memories?

>> No.18795114

Jus search "Light and Darkness: Studies in Manichaeism."

Not everyone will be saved, because there are no personalities or individual souls, your "soul" proper is the quantity of light in you, and you're only as good and pure as your amount of light. What is saved is the Universal World-Soul. And no, not all of the light is saved, some of it becomes too clotted with the Darkness to be separated by the divine digestion of death

>> No.18795317

If personhood is not retained, is there any reason to care?

>> No.18795333

The rightful home of everything beautiful in and around you that makes you want to leave this hell behind in the first place is the Paradise of Lights. There's every reason to care.

>> No.18795364

But you just said identity was negated. If "I" do not exist anymore, who is there to care?

>> No.18795365

>depicts earth as globe

>> No.18795380

Gnosticism is already goo goo gaa gaa american tier "platonism".

>> No.18795409

the pantheistic world-soul of which you are a part, and of which your suffering itself is also a part

No, it's an inverted Platonism, or the Platonic hermeneutic taken to its logical conclusion. Why should the concepts of Platonism be exempt from Socratic investigation? Gnosticism's antecedents lie with Orphism, anyways, and even a bit of Pythagoreanism through Valentinus. You are under-read and misinformed.

>> No.18795555

>of which you are a part,
I thought gnosticism was opposed to a dissolution into the whole

>> No.18795563

Not if that whole is an eternal light-continuum, and in any case, the Paradise of Lights isn't just a soup of good feels, there are distinct entities in it.

>> No.18795592

>there are distinct entities in it.
Are they really sentient or just archetypes?

>> No.18795598

Well it says the Father of Greatness didn't want to send his light-children into war, so no, we're not looking at the demi-Platonism of the Valentinians.

>> No.18795791


>> No.18795948

Ok archon

>> No.18795977

Fpbp and checked''

>> No.18796047

>No, it's an inverted Platonism,
How could it be an inverted Platonism if it is equally as idealistic than Platonism? It doesn't make sense to me, since Plato went to the limits of what idealism could be.

>> No.18796300

Based PKD audiobook listener

>> No.18796322
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The Atlantans will join our side and they can protect us c:
All described in this work of “fiction”

>> No.18796336
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>> No.18797874


>> No.18798079

The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines
by Hugo de Garis

>> No.18798095

I thought it was the pleiadians. And isn't it dangerous to rely on another group (that may not even exist) to save us?

>> No.18798107

the collected writings of the /lit/ schizo poster.

>> No.18798173

What prompts you to make such posts? They're neither amusing nor insightful, just trite

>> No.18799141


>> No.18799881


>> No.18799892

Gnosticism is so strange. It's like a child's version of Advaita Vedanta, or a metaphysical conspiracy theory. The contemporary overlap with pseudoscience and UFO-belief (and also IFLS-tier simulation theories) shows this even more strongly.

>> No.18799922

Advaita is nonsensical garbage

>> No.18799933

Oh is that so? Well, your mum gay, anon.

>> No.18799950

Tired of getting blown the fuck out in Buddhism threads so you come shill your nonsense in gnostic threads now? lmao

>> No.18799957

I think you've got me confused with someone else lol

>> No.18799964

Whats prison planet?

>> No.18800014

This world
Someone post the video I don't have it

>> No.18800803

The other thread was deleted, fucking jannies

>> No.18801071

>interesting discussion killed by janny
>this thread is dead
And they do it for free.