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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18791459 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a relationship with a writer and I have a question. I'm not posting this on /adv/ because this is a question that relates directly to writers. They would not understand the question on that board. Do a lot of writers have extreme beliefs? The guy I'm dating is nice to me and treats me well. He's also written many books and I admire him for that. But I'm concerned that using some websites like this one may have affected him negatively. He has extreme consevative and religious beliefs which I'm worried could put our relationship at risk. Is this common for writers? I use this site too but not as often as he does. I know of certain writers having unusual opinions but his are so extreme that I'm actually amazed he functions normally.
What is it that leads to authors having these extreme beliefs and how can I change him? Sorry if If I'm being vague. He goes here so I can't say too much. Any suggestions would be lovely.

>> No.18791488

>Do a lot of writers have extreme beliefs?
>What is it that leads to authors having these extreme beliefs and how can I change him?
It is usually part of their genius. It gives them motivation to write. Many writers have a deep sense of alienation from the world around them, and a desire to communicate their unique worldview to this world, or change it in some near-revolutionary way. If he believes or you believe his books and work genuinely are important, then you should not change him. Rather you should consider whether you want to be in a relationship with this person, or whether in fact your relationship might be jeopardising his gift.

>> No.18791505
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lmao this nigga dating a religious gay conservative

>> No.18791551

That's part of what bothers me. But just the tip of the iceberg of his beliefs. It happens.

>> No.18791555

>how can i change him

ligma dumb broad

>> No.18791556

>Do a lot of writers have extreme beliefs?
I wouldn't say it's a prerequisite, but writers tend to write because they feel something in the world isn't properly articulated with what exists currently. This can be very minor or benevolent observations, but it can also be larger and more radical. Just read his disposition and the sorts of things he talks about, no pun intended.

I would tell you to photograph his stack and post here but then he might see it lol

>> No.18791557

Sounds like he is probably way smarter than you, smart people are generally extremists or at least viewed in that way by the plebs

>> No.18791563

Change him in what direction? Perhaps he is eccentric or extreme, it is as >>18791488
said, it gives them their genius.

But you need to be more specific, and describe what tensions there are between his beliefs and your relationship. Otherwise we can only attempt to explain the phenomenon, never to help.

>> No.18791564
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>extreme conservative and religious beliefs
he's a fascist, anon

>> No.18791596

Eh I can give some specifics but not alot. Some people here probably read some of his books so I'm not going to out him or anything. There's alot of writers here so I can talk about the basic specifics. He believes in conspercies theories. Almost all of them. I always try to question him and tell him why he's wrong and he doesn't even get upset but I do. Which makes me feel like a jerk. But I'm trying to make him understand that he's wrong and that he doesn't listen to science or any of the things everyone else does. Just when I think I might be able to change his mind he somehow uses the Bible to back up his beliefs. Which I think makes him a hyprocrite considering he likes guys.

>> No.18791614

So you do not want to live in accordance to his conspiracy theories or holy book? Then that's a tough one; I would have chosen to fall in love with someone who shares my beliefs, so I will have an easy time with her, but I suppose one doesn't choose to fall in love.

Just don't broach those topics and don't approach anything that may raise those topics, if they're so troublesome. Perhaps he is not wrong; have you also asked yourself that? Or is he simply unreasonable, in that he does not allow for proper discourse to happen?

The question all comes down to- do you love him, and how do you love him, and why? The same answers for him are needed. The easy way out is to leave the relationship, but I'll need to know those details in order to be more helpful. Otherwise I'll just be projecting.

And keep in mind I'm not qualified to give relationship advice, I'm just interested in real talk.

>> No.18791618

As long as his weird beliefs don't lead him to mistreat you (or anyone else,) or cause a lot of stressful drama with your families, you should be fine. There's really no such thing as "normal" any more, just a question of which particular brand of freak you'll be.

>> No.18791621
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>Just when I think I might be able to change his mind he somehow uses the Bible to back up his beliefs. Which I think makes him a hypocrite considering he likes guys.
Nope, he's only in a state of sin (just like the rest of us). I suggest you read The Bible (original Hebrew Old Testament and Koine Greek New Testament of course.)

>> No.18791656

It’s a writer from here? R.C Waldun? F. Gardner? John David Card??

>> No.18791661

You make me feel so jealous and lonely. I want a bf just like you to slowly indoctrinate into accepting all my reactionary beliefs.

>> No.18791670

I said I can’t say.
It’s not as nice as you think.

>> No.18791683

Im sure youre very nice :3
Just curious, whos the top in the relationship?

>> No.18791695

Usually me.

>> No.18791696

Op said many books so that eliminates Waldun.

>> No.18791700


>> No.18791713

Indeed a very peculiar situation. I would have imagined its the other way around.
I think it would be very sexy if your leaned into your dominant side and made him do something sacrilegious.

>> No.18791741

That would cross the line with him.

>> No.18791744

I guess it does. Shame.

>> No.18791764

Changing him isn't really an option man. I speak for myself, but writers and extremes are made for each other because the act of writing is an investigation and that amount of thinking leads to conclusions. Nothing you've said even sounds like an actual extreme just shit normies would say is far right. Ask yourself what if he is write. Otherwise just see it as opinions you disagree on. His books tell you about him and if it's real and honest then fuck off with the current trend of not settling differences. Or just become an extremist so you're not boring

>> No.18791783

If your cock is too weak to keep a bottom in line there's no helping you

>> No.18791789

In the heat of passion Im sure hed do it, he cant think straight.

>> No.18791791


>> No.18791794

It doesn’t sound extreme because I cannot go into specifics too much. For obvious privacy concerns. But if he’s right then that means much of what I know and have been taught is a lie.
He’s otherwise assertive. He just likes being a bottom.

>> No.18791800

>sex obsessed pervert leftoids advocate violating consent and boundaries to proxy sexually humiliate someone they dont like
why are all leftoids rapists, perverts, and hypocrites?

>> No.18791803

Is it the call of Crocodile writer?

>> No.18791804

Aesthetics is the key
Out of all things aesthetics has the most potent effect on the human psyche
Without a certain natural inclination towards aesthetics people do not develop extreme views

>> No.18791835

>He has extreme consevative and religious beliefs which I'm worried could put our relationship at risk.
its a larp. you should be fine, he just likes the aesthetic

>> No.18791845

I'm not a leftoid. Most of them are asanine. I am open with being gay and he is not and I'm not constantly questioning science.
Trust me there's no way. He is like inquisition level religious.

>> No.18791864
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Should have used this pic OP

>> No.18791884

im having fun imagining that its frater or the phd anon

>> No.18791889

Frater doesn't have multiple books. Based on what OP said I think it really could be Gardner or Card. It's not Waldun for the same reason it can't be Frater. phd anon doesn't fit the profile either. The mystery continues.

>> No.18791893

Could it be Mike Ma? He's written 2 books. But that's not "many books." I feel like I'm getting warmer.

>> No.18791904

keep your brat in check and read him foucault as you pound his bussy into some pillows.
as his gaping ass leaks your seed, donate one of his conservative books.

>> No.18791913

I’m not anti-conservative! I actually kinda agree with some moderate views. I’m just not a tin-foil hat extremist like he is.

>> No.18791929

he/she?? might have changed some details to make it less obvious. i dunno stop ruining my fantasy

>> No.18792028

I also have strong beliefs and am a faggot. My bf and I disagree on practically every philosophical or political matter but it doesn't bother us because we're not gimps for ideology. Sounds like he can just compartmentalise his life without dissonance

>> No.18792093

Lemme guess: Gorky was right again?

>> No.18792727

There are a lot of homosexuals here. Btw, does he browse here?
And to attempt to help. Yes, writers being eccentric, mentally ill or extreme gives them a part of their genius, have you ever heard of an artist that didn't have something about them?
And I don't know how you could change his mind, changing a person's, especially a determined person's mind is very hard. You'd be and are surprised by the human capacity for mental gymnastics, people can readily do shit like being devout social conservative Christians, and still be sexually active homosexuals. I really don't know how you could make his views align more with yours, I'd guess you could at best make him compartmentalize, leave politics out of the relationship, but I really don't know. Never been in a relationship. Take it with a grain of salt.
Also Jesus fuck, there are a lot of homosexuals here, fucking sex-obsessed pests, can't you live your unfulfilled fantasies out of everything you porn addled idiots?

>> No.18792728

Isn’t me, I’m married, and I know Gardner so it isn’t him.

>> No.18792737

Actually, political extremism is linked with low intellectual ability. Both intelligence and education are linked to anachronistic views on the one hand, and centrist trendancies on the other.

>> No.18792826

You can pay people to pull out a study to say whatever you want. Social sciences aren't the most accurate or reliable. This is probably fake.

>> No.18793012


>> No.18793022
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>> No.18793068

Another day of interacting with the literally insane.
Unless this is a parody.

>> No.18793121

His name: big chungus

>> No.18793219

Top kek.

>> No.18793255

I believe in the midwit curve. I think 80% of extremists, whether it's political, religious, or whatever, are imbeciles and the other 20% of extremists are at least of above-average intelligence.

>> No.18793321

God I’m so sick of this board and these shitty off topic posts. Fuck off

>> No.18793340
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>> No.18793346

Sub 50 IQ master race.

>> No.18793400

This. Especially in upper intellectual classes.

>> No.18794159

hating on social science is an even bigger indicator of low intelligence.
Sorry you had to find out this way bro.

>> No.18794453

>citation: bro trust me

>> No.18794537

>I know Gardner so it isn’t him.
>Source is Just trust me bro.

The fact that your defending him makes me suspect that it probably is him now.

>> No.18794540

He's also a gyppo and gyppos are like Cretans, always liars.

>> No.18794558

Literally would be quite the steal to have a homofascist bf.
OP is lucky.

>> No.18794605

Yeah man. Consider what you have learned and been taught is inaccurate if not wrong. We're all crumbling under the weight of universal knowledge right now keep an open mind and investigate shit.

>> No.18794616

Telling people they are unintelligent is a sign of low intelligence.

>> No.18794684
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bingle bingle wingle dign tingle baaa baaa booo booo hrggggggghhhhh gooo gooo gooo gaaa gaaa boo

>> No.18794704

>Cretans, always liars
but they speak the truth in that regard

>> No.18794725

lmao @ Frater accidently outing F Gardener

>> No.18794742

poopoo heehee *brap* *prap* *pop* *prrrrrrrrrBRRRRrrrrrrRRRRRprprprPrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRR* haha stinky poo

>> No.18794769

>do a lot of writers have extreme beliefs
Extremely correct beliefs, yeah

>> No.18794787

Frater was the gyppo, unless we have an even greater population of accomplished gyppos here than I thought.

Especially a bottoming one. Isn't that funny?

>> No.18795013

benis :D

>> No.18795265

Gardner believes the earth is flat. Could be him alright.

>> No.18795338

This is one of the funniest threads in months. Thanks for the laugh OP.

>> No.18795370


>> No.18796232

Bullshit. You're just saying that to make Gardner sound crazy.

>> No.18796288

This is fabulously retarded in every way. Every good writer before like 1950 was an extremist.

>> No.18796333

Gay sadist here. Honestly I understand the desire to crack his brain open and improve him by changing the things that you dislike or which inconvenience you, but I think you're approaching the problem the wrong way. He's your favorite hole, essentially, and you have no way of knowing in advance whether breaking him in this or that way - to try and reshape him in accordance with your own ideological positions - will ultimately destroy what you love about the whole of him.

For example - Sure, you can train a bitch out of a gag reflex, but what happens when you do that and discover it's not fun for you anymore now that he doesn't choke and cry when you fuck his face? What if that's what suddenly makes him "boring" and you can't get your interest back, or get the version of him you liked back?

It's more reasonable, and probably more ethical, to confine your desire to tamper with him to some strict self-imposed limits. Treat him more like an exotic plant you're building a greenhouse around, or a rare bird you've managed to train to eat out of your hands. Tweak things gently from a bottom-up perspective by altering things like his meal times, sleeping habits, overall levels of discomfort - not from the top-down perspective of reaching into his brain and removing the ideology you dislike. Doing that could cause personality changes that alarm and repulse you, the bottom-up approach is flexible and adaptive.

And read Bataille I guess. Off topic faggot

>> No.18796490

Am homofash, not openly. Can I really find a boy who will accept that? Also one who doesn't mind me being gay but also not being a proponent of homosexuality?

>> No.18796497

You can find plenty, you just need to know where to look and what you want on the long-term. What do you mean by "Can I really find?" It's not like you're looking for the fabled unicorn; you can find such a person if you spend time in the right chats and communities, and a strong attraction will usually cover up your ideological shortcomings (in someone else's eyes).

>> No.18796498

>but also not being a proponent of homosexuality

'but also my not being a proponent of homosexuality', is what i meant to type. That is, can I find a boy who's ok with my being, more than slightly, homophobic.

>> No.18796508

Use tickle torture to recondition disobedient bfs!

>> No.18796543

Lol. Faulkner wouldn't let his wife have an air-conditioner. Waugh became an intransigent Catholic. Mishima tryed to start a military coup.

>> No.18796594

>a strong attraction will usually cover up your ideological shortcomings
Does this really happen? This is the one thing that scares me, I've had girls in the past who accepted my extreme views -hell, even mere friends and acquaintance who tolerate/accept my views b/c I'm attractive - but, somehow, I doubt I can find another boy who's willing to accept that I'm simultaneously interested in being in a relationship with him and opposed to the very concept of homosexuality. (I really don't want to have to lie to be in a relationship, also I don't want someone who will 'out' me to others, for either my beliefs or my attractions.)

>> No.18796611

Yeah it's possible. My bf knows I don't like gays but the only thing he really has a problem with is my opposition to gay marraige

>> No.18796619

I wouldn't know, I've never had a close relationship with a girl or boy. From my experience, the only people that flirt with you are promiscuous, you're better off discerning between a licentious advance and an earnest, heartfelt advance (if such a thing can even exist, but I believe it can).

So you want someone who will keep it all on the Down-Low while maintaining relations with you? And despite these relations, you do not promote broadly promote homosexuality?

Know this, anon: I am like that. But I can't bear to be with someone else because I don't want to be hurt anymore. If someone like me exists, surely there are other people like me actually looking for a bond. Boys, girls, whatever; you aren't the first to have these feelings; surely you have more experience in capturing them than I have, so I won't chip in there.

>> No.18796641

>opposed to the very concept of homosexuality
start with the Greeks

>> No.18796659
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your boyfriend is twice as smart as you, at the very least. If that sounds "problematic" you should go date a retarded drug dealer.

>> No.18796663

>anon thinks OP is a girl
many such cases

>> No.18796682
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You mean we've been posting in a gay thread this entire time?

>> No.18796690

Thanks anon. You give me hope. Approaching other guys worries me tho' (How do you know if the boy you're about to ask out isn't militant?)

Wait, so If I'm not afraid of being hurt
Are you saying I sound just go for it, b/c it's possible he'll accept me? Also, I only ever dated one boy, in HS, and he was infatuated with me, and was also the one to approach me. Not having that certainty worries me (my relationships with women have been similar).

>> No.18796694
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why would a fag come to /lit/? They have their own board to discuss fag topics like bug chasing, rimming, and parasite removal:

>> No.18796720

How do you know if the boy isn't militant? If you're talking about real life, I suppose you need to have more patience and subtleness.

You've dated one boy in HS who was infatuated with you? If it went well with you, and not with me, I suppose you can just coast on your appearance, as eventually someone will be forced to make a move, especially if you do not present yourself as closed-off and hostile, or present "militant" (anti-homosexual) opinions.

>> No.18796739

Start with the Greeks

>> No.18796744

why do you have this image saved

>> No.18796757

Someone post the Faggot Gardner copypasta.

>> No.18796865
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I don't know of any good authors with extreme beliefs. I know a lot of authors. The more they write, particularly novelists, the more they seem to let go of idealism and are able to see reality through different perspectives.
I also know a few hacks with extreme beliefs who write compulsively. They call themselves writers but they suck. Paranoid schizophrenics are like that. Very compelling until you get too close for too long and then it's just a magical rollercoaster ride into the abyss.

>> No.18796890

>eventually someone will be forced to make a move
I'm pretty sure everyone assumes I'm wholly straight, an assumption I do nothing to contradict (mind teasing aside, although I do this with everyone). Recently I've become infatuated myself, with a boy I work with. I know he's gay, and single, although I'm uncertain if he's attracted to me (I've only spoken to him sparingly). My big fear is asking him out and being rejected (and, more importantly, other people finding out).

>> No.18796918

>I don't know of any good authors with extreme beliefs
read more

>> No.18796968

talking about the people, not their books.
the most extreme I can think of would be HS Thompson or Ginsberg. extreme personalities but not really extreme beliefs

>> No.18796988

Kkeep in mind he may be thinking the same thoughts you are, although he may not know that you have feelings for him; perhaps he believes you are straight. I am not saying to advertise yourself as gay, but rather to find a way to take the initiative, if you feel he is hesitant or shy. What are his interests? Perhaps you can find a way to close in the distance.

>> No.18797018

stupid burger.

>> No.18797116

Speaking here as a scholarly author and left communist in the German tradition inspired by the working class' resistance to the 1917 production and starvation requirements in Germany:

your husband is a fascist and you must murder him.

>> No.18797205

Why kill when you can love, or fuck?

>> No.18797239

Please repent. Sodomy is a sin. Jesus loves you and doesn't want you living this lifestyle

>> No.18797245


>> No.18797814

Oh shit, OP's boyfriend showed up

>> No.18797822

I second this. Get some help OP.

>> No.18797854

Hey Tone, did you hear what I said? He said "Please repent. Sodomy is a sin. Jesus loves you and doesn't want you living this lifestyle.", I told him "Oh shit, OP's boyfriend showed up" Heh Heh!

>> No.18797862
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it's in my LGBT folder. Would you like to see more?

>> No.18797882

Solidarity is generated from shared alienated wage labour, not from anal sex with bourgeois novelists. The only solution to fascism is violence. OP should fuck some nice coalminers. Two or three of them at the same time.

>> No.18797885

nice try you narcissistic fag, you'll never be as cool as waldun or gardner

>> No.18797899

Seriously thou it could be gardner. Many of the things op says match. But could be coincidence.

>> No.18797996

stupid moralist. the coal miners do not care about you! fascist sex is god sex