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[ERROR] No.18787131 [Reply] [Original]

cya virgins

>> No.18787137
File: 818 KB, 496x700, lucy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for shitting up the board with another terrible thread, OP

>> No.18787142

>talking to women

>> No.18787145

>interacting with foids

>> No.18787146

is she fat

>> No.18787150

It’s a yikes from me, champ.

>> No.18787154

See you tomorrow

>> No.18787156
File: 148 KB, 1080x1350, A6983011-C106-410E-B61D-D89FF6B01D28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she wants you. Invite her back to your place for some Mishima and chill

>> No.18787158

Holy based, every poster above me is a fag EXCEPT for OP. Is it opposite day or something?

>> No.18787159

Everyone wants a girlfriend like Butterfly :3

>> No.18787160


>> No.18787181

kek this

>> No.18787184

Have I been reading the wrong mishima? All I found in his novel was sex and decadence and alienation

>> No.18787247

Just wait till Chad messages her with a simple "sup"
You'll never hear from her again :^)

>> No.18787286

It depends how you look at him and his books. OP is talking about something that is most definitely there, but what else is most definitely there is that it’s a fundamentally nihilistic and actually quite pained exercise. Hence, the sadomasochism. The highly ritualized Japanese culture in general believes something like “life as art” what with the tea ceremonies and all that, but with Mishima it’s actually quite different. It’s life as art, not because you’re a part of your culture, but because you are nihilistic, your culture has grown nihilistic, you desperate to revive your culture, and cope with the repeated blows of your own loss of normalcy and inadequacy in the world. He lived his life like it was a screenplay and you can see this in interviews with him, home footage. He says things which are authentic in the sense that he really believes them but you never get the impression that they’re not very rehearsed and there’s always a sense that a certain tone or phrase is expressed for the sake of the cameras or the audience. So no, it’s really not just sex and decadence even though it is that in a way.

>> No.18787296

Remember: you're here forever.

>> No.18787318

>he understood life itself to be an artform
>wait no, he understood life itself IS an art form
woah... deep... you should send these dms to jaden smith and plato. you mimicked one and btfo'd the other

>> No.18787329

Seething because getting no pussy

>> No.18787335

Dubs and OP has to call her a dumb bitch

>> No.18787337
File: 12 KB, 320x371, IMG_3309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks dms is getting pussy
fastest way to out yourself

>> No.18787339

these are texts not dms wtf

>> No.18787344

Show your dms, incel

>> No.18787345
File: 27 KB, 396x385, 1627756171773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you just doubly outed yourself, this time for being ESL

>> No.18787347

its a tinder message
the girl in the pic is literally just looking for validation. she has no intention of fucking OP
look how engaged she is