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[ERROR] No.18784351 [Reply] [Original]

>read looking for answers
>7 years later
>find my answers
>left with a bunch of books I bought that I don't need to read anymore
Do I just, give them to the library or? Sort of wish I could trade them for entertainment books.

>> No.18784365

answers? who ever found any answers? show me your answers

>> No.18784366

What books have the answers?

>> No.18784392
File: 1.05 MB, 1687x2560, Mein_Kampf_–_Volksausgabe_(1933).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18784403
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what kind of answers did hitler have? he shot himself and the jews are still alive and well

>> No.18784416

The entire global system had to work together (the alliance of capitalism and communism) in order to make that happen, I'd say he was on to something

>> No.18784435

even if hitler's flavor of fascism involved statewide mandates on the minimum amount of time you must expose yourself in assless chaps to children, communism and capitalism would've worked and hand in hand to take down hitler, because it's fascism, why should they tolerate it? what does that have to do with being on to something?

>> No.18784475

Are you retarded?
Capitalism and communism are eachother sworn enemies and the largest scourges upon the earth ever seen. That they worked together to destroy the vision of a man who wanted independence and freedom for his people should tell you enough.
>because it's fascism, why should they tolerate it?
Why should anyone tolerate anything they disagree with? Absolutely pea brain level take.

>> No.18784487

I'm supposed to believe that he shot himself? Am I also supposed to believe the holocaust happened? What about the accuracy of the telling of 9/11? Hows about the stock market crashes? Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.18784569
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The first reply isn't me. But I'm not sure if I can say it properly.
It is none, except for all. To understand the answers one needs understanding, context and ability to explore on their own. That is given as it's not easy to put the answers into concepts through fragile made rules for information transfer.
One can imagine an area full of strings, that is what I imagine there is to show you a visual. The moment we set foot into anything there's structure around us. People make silly structures like nihilism and then add another silly structure as a solution for previous laid out structure.
The deconstructionists did not earn their title, they did not fully deconstruct, they only took down a few structures but then began changing the states of a structure closer to base that was already built before them. It's all very silly.
People will ask, me included, questions beyond language while having their state in sync with a structure. Expecting an answer in language, a language connected to the same structure. There will be no true answer there.
What I mean is the answer is the structure, the answer is the exit of the recursions that are the structures, the answer is the things from the many thing, the answer is every layer where you are simultaneously giant and small.
Of course this was the answer to my question, the question I wanted answered. When I tell this some say it was very obvious to them, others get mad, but to me the answer is calm from ignorance and nonsense. Other than that I don't mind. My answer may not even be to your question, but it was to mine.

>> No.18784615

>Are you retarded?
>Capitalism and communism are eachother sworn enemies and the largest scourges upon the earth ever seen. That they worked together to destroy the vision of a man who wanted independence and freedom for his people should tell you enough.
Tell me what? That opposing ideologies coming together to stomp out a man aggressively annexing surrounding countries is some sort of mystery? You have brain damage
>Why should anyone tolerate anything they disagree with?
Exactly, especially when the guy you disagree with is putting his arm down your throat
>Absolutely pea brain level take.
The pea brain take is not understanding something so simple lol. This board has gotten so braindead lately, go back to /pol/.

Exactly the other guy I responded to should be taking notes here

>> No.18784636

>tl;dr ignorance is bliss
it really is.

>> No.18784638
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Also you are aware that Germany invaded the Soviet Union right? And you seriously think it's a mystery why they teamed up? Brain damage...

>> No.18784715

no, completely the opposite. Understanding is one of the earliest things I note down.