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[ERROR] No.18780146 [Reply] [Original]

French kids are given money to visit the Louvre and buy books by Plato and Kant, and yet they still choose to consume product instead. How do we solve this problem, /lit/?

>> No.18780156

we destroy france via conquest

>> No.18780162

Exclude comic books and manga from the things you can by with the bonus. When someone complains that they are art too you just smirk and give a condescending look

>> No.18780166

You can't do anything, most humans are inherently stupid and retarded, some of it is due to the fact that society has turned consumption into a virtue, but a lot of it is just due to the fact that most people live their entire lives as NPCs and are quite content with it.
I can't really fault the French for this though, except they should have seen it coming and made restrictions on which type of literature you're able to get, although that opens up to some issues about what constitutes as high-cultured art.

>> No.18780169


>> No.18780172

anime to trans pipeline coming to France soon

>> No.18780174

If they gave retarded children $350 for "culture" and hentai manga is labeled under the umbrella of "culture" because all bound paper is culture, why is anyone complaining? society agreed to call these things culture.
It's like a parent gives $5 to a kid to get ice cream and he gets chocolate ice cream and the parent yell at him because chocolate is a plebeian flavor
give him $5 and tell him he can only spend the money to buy the flavor you want him to eat

give them $350 they can only spend on philosophy books or a selection of good shit
actually you could probably ship them an unbiased collection of books worth $350 directly, that would cut the costs
after 5 years they have to send proof that they still own the books and have read them, this is done through an inspection and interrogation
failing to provide proof warrants 3 years in the isolation cubes and branding on forehead with the word "RETARD"
it's not that hard

>> No.18780175

>there's a problem
why the only possible solution is more funding

>> No.18780180

based weeb kids dunking on the federal government

>> No.18780183

top kek

>> No.18780196
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Apparently it's mostly manga. Based.

>> No.18780197

France holds comics in higher regard than most other western countries, considering them the 5th form of art. Their comic book culture has existed just as long as America's, but was never so crude.
This is unsurprising.

>> No.18780198

It's just retarded manga, French kids only buy manga

>> No.18780200

I'm a frog, my sister turned 18 so I used her app to buy Plato and Aristotle's complete works

>> No.18780210

We have a similar thing I'm thinking of doing a deal with someone like giving them 60% of the money in cash. Surely there's someone who'd rather get cash money to buy whatever.

>> No.18780220

And? France started translating Manga in to French quite a while before America did the same in English.
My point is that comic book culture isn't a weird niche ghetto in France, it is far more legitimized which meant that they were ready to accept the Japanese product more broadly.

To compare, if a similar grant was given in America most people would use it on YA shit.

>> No.18780222

Why is this a problem? Why would anyone be surprised that young people buy products aimed at young people?

You'd have to be delusional to think that forcing the average person to read philosophy and go to high brow museums is a good idea. By doing this, you actually undermine the high culture you want to achieve by socialising morons using that literature and art. Nothing has hurt universities more as institutions than opening them up to everyone with a pulse. Honestly, forget about force feeding high literature, philosophy and art to every single member of humanity. Just find a good method to identify people who would actually appreciate it, and make sure they get the opportunity to engage with it. Let people enjoy their comic books if that's what they want.

>> No.18780224

manga is garbage, it manages to be even worse than capeshit which is a titanic achievement
fuck off to >>>/a/

>> No.18780226

>Honestly, forget about force feeding high literature, philosophy and art to every single member of humanity. Just find a good method to identify people who would actually appreciate it, and make sure they get the opportunity to engage with it.
This. Our local library spends so much time and effort on "outreach" or whatever, only to limited success. From what I have heard it's mostly school kids who only ever ask "if they are allowed to leave yet." I mean yeah, have some outreach, I wish some of that stuff would have reached me as a kid when I lived in the shits. But don't focus on it.

>> No.18780227

if the government gave me tree fiddy when i was a lad i would have blown it all on energy drinks condoms and jaffa cakes desu

>> No.18780228

The printing industry got their free money, purpose served.

>> No.18780229

>You'd have to be delusional to think that forcing the average person to read philosophy and go to high brow museums is a good idea.
It becomes a good idea if you want to avoid detention and having "RETARD" branded on your forehead

>> No.18780234

If you want to get kids to read philosophy then the only reasonable way is to require it in schools. Even if you gave them money that could only be spent on philosophy books the money would likely either go unspent or the books unread.

>> No.18780237

>be unrespectable
>recommend books
>kids don't give a fuck
geez I wonder why..

>> No.18780290

anime website

>> No.18780291

>French kids are given money to visit the Louvre
It's already free for kids and teens. Nobody cares

>> No.18780297

must be 18 to post
kys, eat shit, etc.

>> No.18780357

Also 99% of the Louvre is just being hoarded underground. Its the worst kind of museum/gallery.

>> No.18780410

Even after they turn 18?

>> No.18780428

unironically this

>> No.18780438

I would have bought bullion with that money

>> No.18780445

I don't see a problem here. Your Kants and Platos were the DCs and Marvels of their time.

>> No.18780510
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>> No.18780552

thread is over, completely destroyed all the butthurt incels thinking that muh kant has any relevance IRL
fuck your shitty philosophy books go wank with each other and let other people live a life

>> No.18780571

I used my 500 euro tax returns on manga too, it's just how it is.

>> No.18780591

/lit/ now fuck off to >>>/co/ queer

>> No.18780612

Didn't they stop for a second to think about this? They literally gave money to the japs.

>> No.18780624

The Louvre (like most museums) is already free if you're under 25 and European. Books by Plato and Kant are 2€ in any end of school year brocante. Who gives a hoot ?

>> No.18780634

France has been consuming anime since the 70s anon, they were one of the first western countries to enjoy it.
It's not a problem to solve. You can read plato and kant at the fucking library or with a ten-minute google search. Fuck I'd be buying comics and shit too with free money.

>> No.18780645

Yeah, because Lord knows there’s so many good French novels being written right now that they should spend their money on instead…

>> No.18780646
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>Japanese comics make up roughly 2/3rds of book purchases
go woke go broke, western publishers.

>> No.18780651

OP manga is fine and the good manga leads to good /lit/ anyway.

>> No.18780653

I wish Americans would stop repeating this meme.

>> No.18780654

braindead, neckrope pls

>> No.18780673

Better than getting into Western media, that's for sure. I like this idea, it's like a small UBI to keep kids away from doing other degenerate shit, small incentive.

>> No.18780687

Pretty sure I'd spend the three fiddy on whores and get the books from the library or second hand

>> No.18780688

Agreed. We shall meet at the corner in 10 minutes! Bring sticks.

>> No.18780693


>> No.18780695

>he gets chocolate ice cream and the parent yell at him because chocolate is a plebeian flavor
kek, why do kids only ever choose chocolate or strawberry ice cream?

>> No.18780696

Books in Europe are so overpriced anyways. I mean I make like $8K/month, which is wealthy by Europoor standards, but I still think your books are too pricy.

>> No.18780700

>You can read plato and kant at the fucking library or with a ten-minute google search.
This. Why the fuck would you waste money on philosophy tomes that would exhaust $350 in a few books you would likely never finish instead of perhaps getting an entire physical copy of a manga? (Or the Berserk deluxe edition RIP Miura)

>> No.18780722

Agreed. Plus, I find it very distasteful when the NYTimes is writing about 'culture'. These faggots are all pseuds, similar to the faggots ITT who think anime and manga aren't for mature cocksucking adults such as themselves.
This is also true. When your government is a dumpsterfire filled with sickness and rot you would hardly want to emulate them. Maybe if (big if) the West is revitalized somewhere in the near future there will be a resurgence in the arts, but until then all obsessive posturing about it seems like trying to convince yourself a dead horse isn't dead.

>> No.18780734

>When your government is a dumpsterfire filled with sickness
The French are cucked by their dirigiste mindset. They think progress comes from above. They have the prize giving, prize accepting mindset that is the enemy of real innovation. They have an academy who pontificate on which words are acceptable French instead of the jazzy anarchy that is English.
No surprise they think this sort of scheme would work, they cannot into self-starting, bottom up improvisation, especially on cultural matters.

>> No.18780744

they should have given away free e-readers with classics installed and save 50%.

>> No.18780784

Underrated post

>> No.18780786

i'd prefer to spend my money on cocaine and alcohol

>> No.18780790

Legit before I expanded the view of the pic, I thought the comic on the left was Sonichu

>> No.18780807

Did they REALLY expected teenagers to buy philosophers other than comics? I was buying everything i could of mangas at that age.
France gov is fucking stupid sometimes.

>> No.18780813


If I were a kid, I'd do the same thing. The "highborw stuff" I can get cheap anywhere or borrow from the library, the manga on the other hand are compelling artifacts to have in your collection. You're a kid, man. And you love the Gokus, Straw Hats, or Demon Cyborgs and the amazing artwork of their stories about the struggle between good and evil. And they cost money you don't really have. All of that applies to Henati, by the way.
So, yes, of course I go there and buy my shiny, glossy manga with the government's money and have a blissful day as a kid who perhaps just wants to have something fun to enjoy in his freetime.

>> No.18780822

>François mon fils, here is zree hundred and fifty euro, go spend it on ze art and ceulture

>> No.18780840

>If I were a kid, I'd do the same thing.
And? As a teenager I spent my money on LOTR, His Dark Materials, Hesse, art books and notebooks.

>> No.18780860

「Cool Japan」wins again!

>> No.18780876

We don't. Let them eat crap

>> No.18780906
File: 102 KB, 1207x514, coloring book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did something similar in Italy, even more money than that (close to 600 bucks). The real problem is that you're only allowed to buy NEW books (musical albums, etc). This is basically a bonus for amazon and shops, not for kids. Many kids sold it for half the price, btw, there were local shops who would eagerly give you cash in exchange for the bonus.
>and yet they still choose to consume product instead.
It's because the law allows it. Why blame the kid?
Thirdly, this kind of articles is shitty clickbait with zero data in it, aimed at boomer, so that you can say "tsk tsk youth these days..."

Conclusion: no critical thinking skills whatsoever, absolutely filtered

BONUS: picrel is an example of stuff you can buy with that money (here in Italy)

>> No.18780910

Eurosocialism not working? What a surprise!

>> No.18780911

Sure, just alienate that part of the electoral body

>> No.18780929

Good. I plan to move to Japan and make manga, whereupon I will be immediately shipping it to France.

>> No.18780934

You mean Euroliberalism?

>> No.18780936

>get the books from the library or second hand
Strawberry is for faggots

>> No.18780939

You are stupid, this money is not to "promote culture", is to give free money to publishing companies, which are also those who publish newspapers in which ... they praise the government.

>> No.18780943

>Free money for companies
>i-it's socialism!
You need that bonus, too.

>> No.18781017

>Many kids sold it for half the price, btw, there were local shops who would eagerly give you cash in exchange for the bonus.
Based Marco Antonio reselling his Bonus Cultura to get the money to dine with Stefania.

>> No.18781048

>to get the money to dine with Stefania.
kek, no, teens go to mcdonalds, he probably spent in on nikes and weed.

>> No.18781321
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>they cannot into self-starting, bottom up improvisation, especially on cultural matters.
It didn’t used to be like this

>> No.18781328

capitalist retardification of the population is complete

>> No.18781347

It's better France has Japanese qualities then the UK have american qualities.

>> No.18781383

I hope they are buying Saint Seiya

>> No.18782263
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Speaking of, which complete works of Plato should a person get?

Also, nothing wrong with comics. They just needed to restrict the money to French artists/writers.

>> No.18782286

read Bourdieu and Baudrillard they address this

>> No.18782300

>Apparently it's mostly manga. Based.
Based. Manga once again beats "Literature"

>> No.18782317

If it is just about getting votes just give money to the actual voting population. Fuck teens

>> No.18782323
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Imagine being this much a pseud.

>> No.18782324

Yeah I think it is free until your late 20s

>> No.18782611


>> No.18782965

gonna be buying the hellsing and desu noto manga editions desu because of this thread

>> No.18783490

Fuck democracy

>> No.18783591

>They have an academy who pontificate on which words are acceptable French
no how dare they want to have a french culture they must be consumed by mutt globalism

>> No.18784876

>it manages to be even worse than capeshit

>> No.18785011

Who cares? They're kids.