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18763776 No.18763776 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I hate women so much it's unreal.
Any books on how to deal with this feeling?
And don't recommend me Schopenhauer or whatever. I want to deal with the feeling, not feed it even more.

>> No.18763824

Nothing will do away with this feeling until you meet a woman who far exceeds your standards and ideals and then rejects you. When that happens, you'll care more about your own shortcomings rather than women's.
t. speaks from experience :(

>> No.18763833
File: 10 KB, 327x154, based wein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deal with the feeling, not feed it even more
Why? You've probably had first-hand social experience which led you to this conclusion, why would you want retreat back into ignorance and delusion? Woman is a cruel whore at her core, and contemporary cultural climate only encourages her primal tendencies. The average college girl in 2021 has already seen more cock than a 19th century courtesan.

>> No.18763838

this is a grown-ups forum :-)

>> No.18763850

I probably hate my wife even more than the others, but I also love her. The key is to find one you can love, not only hate. Also, you're a man, trying not to hate is a gay zen or stoic femminizing impulse. What's wrong with you? Pussy. Grow your feelings, don't surpress them.

>> No.18763851

How is Moroccan couscous sieving an adult hobby?

>> No.18763854

I don't have this problem, but another anon mentioned that he thought he hated women until he left the United States and realized that he just hates Americans.
You may have the same problem.

>> No.18763872

Have sex incel

>> No.18763880

Well, this is not a book, but it's a piece of advice I've seen on /adv/ for dealing with hatred towards women (presumably of your age or younger), which I think is helpful.

Treat every woman as you would your daughter, with the same level of care/affection for them. If you see a woman who makes you feel hate, just repeat "That woman is my daughter" to yourself, and hopefully this pseudo-paternal affection erases your hate.

>> No.18763883

T. Has not read neither zen nor stoics.

>> No.18763891

KEK no.

Therapy, anon. If you feel like doing it yourself, a psychology textbook followed by some therapy book. There are plenty of those available for download on libgen.

>> No.18763896

>incel has sex
>turns into simping puppy
>gets cucked and dumped
>fucks a few sluts to deal with the loss
>hates femoids with such intensity it's unreal
Many such cases!

>> No.18763906

read The Idiot
It pretty much cured me of my latent dislike of women by explaining how thots come to be thots (suffering and despair)

>> No.18764141

I did and it's not fun. I just want a wife who can give me kids.
Didn't know Weininger was this based.
What type of therapy? CBT? I'm stoic externally and my emotions never show, especially in front of w*men. But internal state is a different story.
>Also, you're a man, trying not to hate is a gay zen or stoic femminizing impulse.
Ok and what the hell am I supposed to channel those emotions into? And don't say something hyper gay like "gym", besides I'm already a gym rat.

>> No.18764180

>Bros I hate women so much it's unreal
Spend less time on the internet, or if you can't do that browse different parts of the internet. Actually knowing women from different backgrounds can help you overcome your hatred of women too, because you'll soon realize it doesn't make sense to treat them as a monolith.

>> No.18764195

My hatred of women came from real life experience.
Not everyone here is a teenage boy who's only experience with women is twitch streamers and mgtow stories, like you apparently since you're projecting.

>> No.18764212

Females are innately far more conformist and stereotypical than males, once you've had a few relationships and observed others within your social circle you can make very safe generalizations about w*men. Alternately, you can chase the unicorn woman who is totally unlike the others, but that is probably going to cost you a fortune and maybe your sanity too.

>> No.18764352

The only way to cope with hatred against women is to realize that 1. they are evil, more evil than men are and 2. current society resonates those innate tendencies, so you get manipulative, soulless sadist children in an adults form. Both of these aspects are natural and you can't do anything. If so, you don't need to be hung up about it. Adjust yourself to these facts, don't be good to women (unless she is exceptional), treat them like they are supposed to be treated - like barely socialized children.

>> No.18764359

>manipulative, soulless sadist children in an adults form

>> No.18764365

don't listen to this pleb. his scenario will only result in you hating women more

>> No.18764370

From time to time, I remember this picture and have myself a good old chuckle.

>> No.18764381

>muh despair
>muh i've had it so hard
>muh daddy issues
ok anon

>> No.18764390

Improve your body face and lifestyle to where you are a suitable mate to women, then date one that shows you affection, and your feelings of hatred will drift away

>> No.18764418

Hating women is the most pseud, low iq take conceivable. Everyone who hates women is an autistic retard who fails to understand them. Unironically, they're weak and useless and never procreate (which is good for them.)
Stop hating women and start to detest the people MAKING women you hate be the way they are.

>> No.18764432
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all you're doing is coping. accept reality: modern women are whores; pre-modern ones were as well, to some extent, but had the firm grip of their husband to reprimand them.

>> No.18764434

Fucking retard, read anything from any period of time anywhere in the world, and you will see women have always been absolutely intolerable.

>> No.18764437

>and start to detest the people MAKING women you hate be the way they are.
Ok but now you need to go back to your containment board poltard.

>> No.18764438

>since you're projecting
No, I'm trying to teach you that it's possible to have different experiences with women. That your experiences with women have been bad doesn't mean that it will always be that way. Or perhaps your uniformly bad experiences with women say more about you than them. I've known horrible women as well as sweet, caring women.

If you're hanging out with women in the same age group and same social circle you shouldn't be surprised to find lots of similarities. I've lived in various countries and have had girlfriends of different ages. My Italian girlfriend had virtually nothing in common with my Korean girlfriend. The only generalizations you could make about them are very broad and say next to nothing about them as people.

>> No.18764454

not an argument, dilate

>> No.18764463

How do you explain that majority of philosophers from antiquity until early 20th century considered women to be inferior people, ingenious, immoral and irrational? Are these intellectuals the "low IQ pseuds" you refer to? Also keep in mind that these philosophers lived in the times when women were socially pressured into premarital chastity and marital obedience, meaning they were lucky to die before experiencing the "liberated" promiscous HR office Netflix + Tinder whore (a standard western millennial/zoomer female).

>> No.18764478

Second post is me OP. Kys poltard. Female nature isn't the result of muh joos.

>> No.18764500

I can’t be he only one who wants to beat up a girl then rape her.

>> No.18764507

My mom wrote a dozen book on Ancient art history. How many books have you written OP?

>> No.18764509
File: 649 KB, 2500x1667, feminism16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kys poltard
this is a buzzword, I'm not from pol
>Female nature isn't the result of muh joos.
I wasn't the one who said that, but WHO has enhanced this "female power"? (again I don't argue that women are whores for the most part, but who has made them completely and uterly degenerate in 2nd and 3rd feminist movements? you have your answer)

>> No.18764518

quality over quantity. what did she write about? is praized in academic circles? if so, is it because she's a bourgeois shit-lib?

>> No.18764521

I don't think that picking unspoiled Asian women is an option for most, which leaves us with western women roughly in the 18-35 age bracket. You'd have intentionally insincere to claim that this particular social doesn't show very stereotypical character traits, namely: promiscuity, cynicism, emotional sadism, hypocrisy, unlimited consumerism and conformism to social media narratives.

>> No.18764526

Asian women are not unspoiled. God help you if you actually encounter one.

>> No.18764530

Ok yes there is an enabling elite class who is against religion and pro sexual liberation/degeneracy.
But there should be something there to enable to begin with.
And that something is perennial in w*men.
t. op

>> No.18764539
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sure, we don't disagree then

>> No.18764549

Are you the OP that made the same thread in the past?

>> No.18764553

I ain't doxing, she's enjoying her retirement, but most were on Hellenic art, she's also written a few more abstract books on aesthetics, mostly on Schopenhauer and Bergson.
She was recognized in her domain, became a curator at the national museum.
Anyone dealing with art at that level is a bourgeois, but shit-lib? No.

>> No.18764589
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-the-society-of-women-is-the-element-of-good-manners-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe-87-3-0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hating women for what they are because you want them to be like men and get your expectations crushed is a sign of weak character

>> No.18764609

Apparently this is an Enlightenment French notion that was exported to other countries. We have to wonder whether or not they were right about this.

>> No.18764610

>Hellenic art
>books on aesthetics
I don't want to be a dickhead, but this really isn't complicated. It's still nice anon, don't let my disdain for women get in your way
>She was recognized in her domain, became a curator at the national museum.
that's sweet, I suppose
>but shit-lib? No.
"shit-lib" emplies conservatism as well anon

>> No.18764635

Based quote and redpilled post

>> No.18764644

>shit-lib" emplies conservatism as well anon
I have no way of understanding that term in the context of a woman who was raised in the 50s outside of the US.
>I don't want to be a dickhead, but this really isn't complicated
Ok, but how many books have you written, and on what subject? How many times were they recognized and received awards? Have you been sued by students because you failed them at their doctorate and they couldn't do anything because you are literally the only authority on the subject (hilariously, she has)?

>> No.18764649

That's because you're reading garbage made by degenerate Jews and secular midwits whose work will be forgotten in a couple hundred years.
See above. The family is one of the most important parts of our lives and you've been brainwashed by homosexual degenerates to think otherwise. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a chronic masturbator despite "hating women" so much. Name me 1 person who hated women and I'll show you a degenerate, disgusting excuse of a human , too cowardly to take on the responsibilities of the world

>> No.18764688

/pol/tard and simp mixed together, what a truly pathetic combination

>> No.18764709

Not an argument. Your brain is fried, Jew

>> No.18764724

Bold assumptions and ad hominems, but you've addressed none of the arguments presented. Indeed, nuclear families have been the cornerstone of civilizations but the concept is incompatible with a sexually liberated woman. There are men gladly settling for used up and entitled partners (the western millennial male is the most effeminate "man" to ever walk the Earth, soon to be overcome by the z**mer) but the general trend of plummeting birth rates speaks for itself. Europe is now demographically reliant on imported brownies who still treat women like breeding sows.

>> No.18764745

the term is for the average post-ww2 demoliberal establishment enjoyer. but this is beyond the point and doen't matter.
>Ok, but [...]
I'm still in Uni, mate. But yes, I will follow my grandfather (and great-grandfather)'s footsteps in writing about lit and philosophy.

>> No.18764768

>the concept is incompatible with a sexually liberated woman.
So cringe. You're hating the victim when you should be hating the oppressor. Yes, many women have gotten sucked up into degeneracy but so have the majority of men. I won't sit here and just generalize all men as there are plenty of good men out there, as there are women. You haven't met the right people and we live in a society that doesn't engender good relationships. We've become isolated and in turn, more degenerate. Instead of hating, I'm going to try and help others where most needed. Instead of being a nihilistic, defeatist faggot, I'm going to be courageous and do what's right

>> No.18764785

Admirable attitude, though I assume it won't last long.

>> No.18764799

He's telling you that you must seek out the origins of the thing you hate, instead of hating that manifestation that appears most near and repugnant to you.
In a word, he is telling you to read Leo Strauss. You may also want to read Jonathan Israel's The Radical Enlightenment.

>> No.18764801

>, I will follow my grandfather (and great-grandfather)'s footsteps in writing about lit and philosophy.
Good. My mother followed in my great-uncle's steps. Perhaps you will eventually come across intelligent women in your field (rather unlikely, in philosophy, tho).

>> No.18764804

Have more faith in yourself and others. I'd traverse through a sickening, miserable life just to meet one good soul than to just call it quits and assume everyone is a piece of shit

>> No.18764809

Shut up poltard. Women are humans with agency, not children who can be guided to anything by le joooos.
They made their choices, they can now suffer the consequences.

>> No.18764812

"He" is making a crucial and naive mistake of believing that women are manipulated victims here, while in reality we're simply seeing the woman in her natural form, freed from obligations and responsibilities. They've always been whores by nature, but the men used to be sensible enough to rein them in.

>> No.18764846

You're not wrong, retard. These degenerates will be punished and so will the men doing the exact same things. You think that the men that drink gallons of alcohol, the guys that indulge in cocktails of drugs, the spineless worms that go out and fuck whores every weekend are doing God's work? You're obviously too stupid to see the bigger picture. I think that you're afraid to take responsibility so you lash out a women (easy target.) You're a man, act like one

>> No.18764852

Whenever I get lost I always ask WWBS

What would Butterfly say?

She would tell you that there's always someone out there for you, you just have to look. :3

Ps, thank you for not making a frog thread

>> No.18764869
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Bad advice.

>> No.18764872

His point is that our society does not have to work the way that it does. Instead of wasting time attacking people for behaving as they are told to behave, why not figure out why they act that way?

>> No.18764877

you're joking, right? Paternal instinct is for the creme de la creme of women and not for every whore

>> No.18764880

Retarded take, as men also have the inclination to be savage degenerates (see: world history.)
Men and women both have agency and both have the capacity for either good or evil. Generalizing is cringe and you deserve to be shot

>> No.18764892

I don't see how the apparent social engineering (specifically tailored to gynocentric consumerism) excuses woman's inherent nature in any way.

>> No.18764899

I agree those men are scum as well, and are the opposite side of the coin. It's just that this rotten state of affairs is more common in women than in men.

>> No.18764900

Look into the books that I mentioned. Your framework is wrong.

>> No.18764903

4chan has so many incels its unreal

>> No.18764909

If you can apply it to every woman, your hate for woman will cease.

>> No.18764913
File: 15 KB, 419x370, 8we47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I'm so done with this shit. When it comes to women its either resentful hatred or blind love, and nothing in between, and both being stupid. Both cause unnecessary bullshit. Books on why we can't just stop caring and be chill?

>> No.18764917

Based on your vocabulary and reasoning you're obviously very young, and in such case you're better off with this idealism you're promoting. No use hurling blackpills at you, I honestly wish that you're proven right with your individual experience.

>> No.18764926

I'm sure you can communicate their essence in tl;dr format if it's valid in any way.

>> No.18764940

I'm sorry you are blind and choose to be willfully ignorant. It's like you really believe that modern men are all virtuous knights who do no wrong.
I'm in my late twenties. I just know that all humans are naturally corrupted and that we also have free will, therefore we all choose our paths. It's not a banishment but it should be freeing knowing that you could choose right or wrong. Man or woman.

>> No.18764942

I'm not an incel, that's why I hate women. Because I keep cycling between hoes and can't find a good one to marry.
I'm legitimately thinking of converting to Islam because it seems that pious Muslim women are the last normal women left.

>> No.18764953

The worst is when you hate a given whore but she's still stuck in your mind perpetually for over a year. A mixture of those two.

>> No.18764976

>late twenties
>"so cringe"
>"retarded take"
>"but man can be bad too"
>women (easy target)
What a disappointing exchange this turn out to be.

>> No.18764988

I am really glad that I stopped talking to this one whore that I was so focused on and now I am finally talking to a girl that really deserves the effort.

>> No.18764989

Ok esl, go masturbate some more while supposedly "hating" women. You're weak and always will be unless you get your shit together

>> No.18765033

English is my third language and still I had to assume you're about 16 years old seeing your infantile and naive replies to my well-reasoned posts. To end this increasingly pointless debate, all I want to say is that your general point is fine, so fine that I actually wish I could roll back the experience into my mid-teens and share it with you; but the immature arguments you've produced only affirm the opinions I've had for a while now, sadly.

>> No.18765045

Fix your reading comprehension before you call anyone an esl you simp faggot.
The first guy you responded to agreed that modern men, like you, are bad too.

>> No.18765134

>a year

>> No.18765160
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>a year
You're like a baby. Try 11.

>> No.18765194

Most women are men in my eyes. Unfuckable, but I would drink a beer with them if they have something interesting to say.

>> No.18765209

Damn nigga, that's something.
Full story?

>> No.18765250

>but I would drink a beer with them if they have something interesting to say.
So never? (trannies don't count)

>> No.18765260


>> No.18765319
File: 128 KB, 700x948, funny-victorian-era-photos-silly-vintage-photography-8-575130d540ffe__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly women are usually more interesting than pretty ones when it comes to talk.

>> No.18765328

Hardly a remarkable story I'm afraid, except how pathetic it is
>date a girl, aged 16-19
>lose virginity to her, madly in love
>gradually find out she's already been fucking since she was 13
>gradually growing suspicion she's cheating
>she dumps me
>obviously she had fuckbuddies on the side nearly the whole time
>even fucked couple of my Chad "friends" just before breakup to punish my distrust
>rejected every single relationship or hookup opportunity since (honestly about 10 girls)
>still thinking about the evil slut nearly every day
>worst of all, sometimes I even miss the false sexual comfort I had with her

>> No.18765407

>this woman is my daughter
wow, you know what. I've never thought of things that way and now that you mention it, I think you've solved my misogyny. If I see every woman as my daughter, especially the women that I hate, then I will come to appreciate them despite my hatred of them as I also appreciate my daughter despite my searing hatred of her. Wow, so healthy and sane. Thank you advice-transmitter.

>> No.18765426

I have a lot of sexual trauma surrounding and anger directed at women after my ex-girlfriend sexually assaulted me. I've not really encountered books that help, but therapy has a little at least so far as understanding where my hatred comes from and what it really means.

Still haven't gotten to the point where I'm not just reflexively misogynistic all the time, but at least I'm at the point where I can have a fairly normal interaction with a woman. Shit sucks, dude, I didn't used to be this way.

>> No.18765428

>my ex-girlfriend sexually assaulted me

>> No.18765440

I don't feel the need to, no. What are you expecting to get out of it? The long and short of it is that she violated me sexually, unconsentually.

>> No.18765449

Didn't intend to make fun of you, just curious. It's an unusual story. I'm a traumatized person myself, see the sorry cuck story 5 posts above.

>> No.18765473

My point still stands. Women aren't any more prone to degeneracy than men. Having hatred goggles for women is the sign of some internal trauma and/or mental illness maybe even homosexuality
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about Apu

>> No.18765477

I did, and since I have a gf I hate women even more. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but she just confirms my bias.

>> No.18765491

Kek, same. Had completely naive idea of women until I started fucking them, and a long-term gf only confirmed the 4chan misogyny the most (dumped her last month, thank god).

>> No.18765506

Damn anon i feel bad for you. But honestly bro, the "has been fucking since 13" thing should have been the switch that made you totally forget about her, since you need to at least have respect for a w*man before you idolize/simp for her.

>> No.18765520

Erase your entire socialization process as a disgustingly entitled straight male.

>> No.18765533
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Of course, but tell that to a horny teenager getting his first taste of pussy with a big-titted slut willing to do anything in bed. Now I fully realize what an awful person she was, and I'm more attached to the drama and trauma than to her. In my defence, she tried to get back repeatedly in the span of 4 year afterwards and I turned her down.

Ironically, she's the rising star of conservative politics in my country because of her rich and well-connected family, married to a clueless trad simp.

>> No.18765581

>In my defence, she tried to get back repeatedly in the span of 4 year afterwards and I turned her down.
Nice redemption anon.
>Ironically, she's the rising star of conservative politics in my country because of her rich and well-connected family, married to a clueless trad simp.
Lmao typical conservathot. What's your country? Western Euro I assume.

>> No.18765608

It's eastern europe (or central), don't want to specify because the thot is all over media now. But yeah thanks bro, everytime I get sad because of her the memories of coldly turning her skanky ass down soothe me.

>> No.18765654
File: 93 KB, 635x470, Schopenhauer_185211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are disgusting. Their disgust sensitivity is much, much lower than any man's. They work as nurses, because they're the only ones who can. Cleaning up shit and piss, of the old and dying or the newly born. They're the jannies of genders, as God intended.
If anyone has lived with one for extended periods of time, they'll know just how disgusting they can be. Animals are cleaner in the way they utilize their living space than women.
A woman is inherently valuable, by the virtue of being a woman, she doesn't have to develop in any serious way. This leaves a mark of laziness, and a lack of character.
They mature faster than men, but then stagnate, at the age of 16 they remain for the rest of their lives. You might think that I hate women, I do not. Such a creature isn't worthy of hate, only indifference. They're to be regarded, if anything, as the cheap spoils of ill advised conquests.

>> No.18765660
File: 33 KB, 281x320, Poggio Bracciolini .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IV. Worst of all
Messer Marsillo says that priests are worse than laymen, friars worse than priests, monks worse than friars, hermits worse than monks, and women worse than all.

>> No.18765678

>a year
everybody, take a look at this casual

>> No.18765694

Absolutely based

>> No.18765714
File: 655 KB, 587x1040, 1576525528327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find it in myself to really hate anyone.

>> No.18765743

>XXXIX: Tosetto of Padua

Tosetto of Padua, doctor of philosophy, was a gallant and witty man. Meeting a woman in the road, and steeping aside that she might pass, he told her he had done so because she was beautiful.

She, being vain and ill-bred, instead of thanking him as another might have done, answered: "You are ugly, you are."

"Madonna", he replied, "you have told a lie, and so have I. Pass on your way, if it please you!"

>> No.18765770

Chad move

>> No.18765814

>LXX: Of a Mad Woman

A woman of my country who seemed mad was brought by her husband and relations to a certain 99 witch in the hope of curing her, and when the party came to the Arno, which it was necessary to cross, they placed her astride the back of a strong man.

But in this position she began to wriggle and cry out in her mad fashion: "I want the man; give me the man!"

And all those who were present saw what was the matter with her.

He who carried her burst out laughing so loudly that he fell with the woman into the water. And all the others began to laugh, and perceived that there was no need of magic or enchantment to remedy the woman's complaint, but of something quite different, and that with this show would soon regain her sanity.

And turning to the husband, they said: "You are the best doctor for your wife." And they all went home.

And after the husband went with her and contented her, and she became quite sane.

And this, in fact, is the best remedy for women's madness.

>> No.18765832

Final whitepill is talking to ugly non-normalnigger girls. They had to actually grow up, learn things and form a personality

>> No.18765838

The final blackpill is knowing that ugly girls are more bitter than incels. Ugly face, ugly soul.

>> No.18765845

I would kill myself.

>> No.18765848


>> No.18765854

>Ugly face, ugly soul.
Lol retard. Even kabbalistically, good female souls get incarnated in uglier bodies because it's less of a test, and it's what they chose.

>> No.18765858

How is that a blackpill

>> No.18765886

>Even kabbalistically, good female souls get incarnated in uglier bodies because it's less of a test, and it's what they chose
>lol retard
But anon, what you wrote is extremely fucking retarded.

>> No.18765895

If he believes in reincarnation, it isn't.

>> No.18765900

>If he believes in reincarnation, it isn't.
>believing in reincarnation
>not retarded

>> No.18765912

Ok materialist. Don't care about what you think kek. There is plenty of empirical evidence for reincarnation if you were actually interested in discerning the truth, not gonna spoonfeed you.

>> No.18766024

Fake as fuck. I'm a good soul in a hot female body, also this is not how reincarnation works. Souls are not "good" or "bad", reincarnation happens according to the predispositions of one's karmic information. "Good" and "bad" is your personal moral evaluation. The karmic process doesn't give a fuck about morality just in case you didn't know

>> No.18766031

You will never be a woman and your soul is rotten, tranny

>> No.18766041

ok retard

>> No.18766047
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>Y-you must be a tranny, because I said so!
Pathetic cope.

>> No.18766051

Post tits or GTFO, how fucking new are you? Actually I just jerked off and I'm not interested in tits, so just GTFO.

>> No.18766053
File: 552 KB, 1104x593, 2190FAF4-BA91-424B-BF43-D37272B0EF2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros I hate Schopenhauer so much it’s unreal

>> No.18766066
File: 101 KB, 645x970, 1625853620399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post tits or GTFO, how fucking new are you? Actually I just jerked off and I'm not interested in tits, so just GTFO.

>> No.18766232
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Guys there is a thread on /pol talking about this, get in here


>> No.18766249

>The average college girl in 2021 has already seen more cock than a 19th century courtesan.
that's hot

>> No.18766272

How/why did the long term relationship end?

>> No.18766277


>> No.18766292

>Have sex
This is how I got blackpilled and realized it was never worth it. Dilate

>> No.18766295

No woman can respect OP, and that is evident.
Barely any many can, either.

>> No.18766300

Almost all literature written by men is anti-woman. I think it goes without saying that anyone who spends more than five minutes thinking about that gender has a level of contempt.

>> No.18766309

I hate kikes so fucking much. Thank god Dworkin died of a painful heart ailment. The cunt had it coming for not knowing her fucking place. Women are made to be broken.

>> No.18766312
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>Boy I tell ya! I'd sure like to have a go with the chick on the left, yessir! Hot diggity! Wowza!!

>> No.18766326

*hits pipe*

>> No.18766330

“A girl who lets herself get dead drunk at a fraternity party is a fool … Feminists call this ‘blaming the victim.’ I call it common sense.” - Camille Paglia

>> No.18766350

Reminder that 'pedophilia' and 'rape' aren't real lol

>> No.18766358
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I dislike most people. Male or female. Women seem worse at first glance because, as a man, you apply much harder scrutiny to them (especially the ones you find attractive). You are, whether you admit or not, vetting them for a much deeper form of intimacy than you are other guys. Ignore your sexuality for a moment, and ponder what it'd be like to be in a long term romantic relationship with different guys you know. Awful, awful. I
d rather be in a relationship with the most normalfag woman in existence than a retarded dudebro.

>> No.18766371

>and ponder what it'd be like to be in a long term romantic relationship with different guys you know.
Why would I do this? I ain't gay.

>> No.18766401

> consider dating male best friend
> no addiction problems
> no 'muuuh trauuuma'
> no retarded feminist beliefs
> wants to read books, eat food, and enjoy his life
I think i'm going to become a faggot now, seems more peaceful. Thanks bro.

>> No.18766403

and neither is sex in your case.

>> No.18766412

> implying I don't take pussy when I want it
ok virgin
enjoy not chasing your natural sexual instincts because you're worried about the societal implications.
Kill yourself, faggot. You won't survive the collapse so do us all a favor and die now.

>> No.18766419

Why do you hate them?

>> No.18766424

damn, all of my friends have addiction and trauma. good luck and enjoy!

>> No.18766436

This works for faggots too. The (admittedly rare) non-slutty faggots you see irl and posting on here are often lamenting the state of other gay men. Go see complaints women have about men. You'll see the exact same sorts of sweeping generalizations and retarded appeals to biology or evopsychology to explain why "all men are evil."

>> No.18766452

The Kreutzer Sonata. It presents such a scathing and accurate view of women it literally brought me back to religion and to god.

>> No.18766501

what does the kreutzer have to do with women

>> No.18766514

I was referring to the short story by Tolstoy, not the actual sonata.

>> No.18766518

how do i improve my face?

>> No.18766522

Start with Jojo.

>> No.18766899

I'd like to know. Though I admit it would solely because that sounds hot desu.

God I wish I could be raped by some schizo-women.

>> No.18766902

Lol you've posted this before. Din't mention she had big tits though; how big exactly anyway?

>> No.18766916

fuck womenm im gwy

>> No.18767073

>what the hell am I supposed to channel those emotions into
You're your own man. Do you expect me to tell you what to do with your life? You're not my kid.

>> No.18767161

Thank you!
>Perhaps you will eventually come across intelligent women in your field

>> No.18767256

Being thrown around by strong emotions is the more feminine attitude. Where do you think "women are emotional" comes from? Also worrying about stuff coming across as gay is the shit and retard take, kys.

>Stoic femminizing impulse
>Marcus Aurelius roman fucking emperor was a stoic

>> No.18767262

If you don't eat GMO wheat, your emotions stabilize.

>> No.18767284

>ah yes I'll domesticate myself so boomer society accepts me
bro stoicism is the reddit philosophy

>> No.18767305

I don’t know if there’s any good books on it. Your choice is either ragebait or feminist onanism. There are good women out there, and women deserving of love and affection. Women have their behaviors from their own experiences and priorities, which generally differ from men’s. You learn either to tolerate and appreciate this difference, or to mire in anger. There are also women out there who, for whatever reason, take on more masculine interests and skills. If you truly must, you can find a woman like this, but you have to be more than a failed man yourself.

>> No.18767330

>Caring about what reddit does in any way shape or form and avoiding it because "it's soi"

Man i can tell you're underage, if not then what a shame. If you're equating developing virtue with being domesticated you lack understanding and should really not even form an opinion about it until you get your shit together. Who do you admire then? The psychopathic retards and lowlifes that are the antithesis of virtue and are slaves to their basic animal instincts?

>> No.18767374

>to be more than a failed man yourself
In shape, 6 figure salary, 5'11, smart and well read.
No clue how to find these mythical women.

>> No.18767384

>i can tell you're underage, if not then what a shame
ok r*ddit paedo

>> No.18767392

Shut it underage rebbit fag.
Stoicism is the only valid way to deal with emotions as a man.

>> No.18767399

lol tf? I meant that if he isn't underage and is still thinking that way then it's fucking sad. Kys attention whoring tripfag, you should just go to reddit if you're in need of a username.

>> No.18767430
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Had a dream today where I was competing with another man for the favour and love of a woman in 16th century rural Italy. I won and performed loving intercourse with her, so for today I love women and cherish them. Tomorrow I will go back to hating them.

>> No.18767479

Is life really only about getting money to be able eat and shit?

>> No.18767492

During your best years, yes.

>> No.18767498

You dont need a book, just maybe give yourself a truthful answer as to why you hate them so much. And dont be afraid to do that, all feelings are irrational, it doesn't even matter. I dont just hate women, but most of the people i meet. In this lifetime i can safely say that i havent met more than 3 people that i actually admired, yet due to circumstances i couldn't keep them as companions. But it is not a bad thing, by hating people i figure out exactly what are these attributes that make them unlikeable to me, so thats how i draw the line that i want to follow. Avoiding their shitty habits is my coping mechanism to excellency and yet through all that, finding those faulty humans beneficial i have learnt how to love them at the same time. This is a blessing in disguise, use it.

>> No.18767556

No. Take the spirituality pill.

>> No.18767561

Lmao what the fuck does this post mean

>> No.18767620

what website is that?

>> No.18767639

I don’t really hate women. I just think 95% of them are insufferably stupid and need to be overseen by a greater power otherwise they destroy the fabric of society. When you actually do meet a beautiful girl with good manners, restraint and intelligence, I prefer them over most men.

>> No.18767654

That's just the upper-echelons of womankind intelligent and sociable enough to be able to effectively maintain the guise of sapience—they're all the same in the end. This applies to men too of course, yet men are at a base level less insufferable.

>> No.18767841

Im too dumb for spirituality

>> No.18767861


>> No.18767923

Yeah all the kids come here to discuss literature.

>> No.18767970

Women are the balance to men. Yin and Yang.

If times are harsh and most men are bad, then women are good.
When dangerous men go about raping and plundering, that's when women become good-natured.
They stay close to their husbands, they're loyal, they can deeply love what little good there is in the world like their family, children and home.

But if times are good, and men are good and well-behaved, that's when women go bad.
If most men are decent, women take that decency for granted. They take safety for granted.
They leave their husbands, perhaps even their children, in search of cheap thrills.
They long to be taken advantage of, to be raped, because they never had to endure the kind of bad times where these things actually happened.

>> No.18768069

If you hate women so much why not come out of the closet and go meet some men and suck some cocks ?

>> No.18768080

Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.18768175

It's "have sex incel" but in many many words.
That means it was written by a w*man or a g*y.

>> No.18768193

why dont you start on the OP, you projecting faggot

>> No.18768225

>That means it was written by a w*man or a g*y.
No it was written by the guy who said pedophilia and rape aren't real read the discussion retard

>> No.18768229

>Women are the balance to men. Yin and Yang.
Binary metaphysics aren't real. Do you also believe in astrology? Your whole post is a facebook quote tier take. It's random superstition with no basis. You sound like an old woman.

>> No.18768240
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wOmEn aRe tHe BaLanCe to mEN... yIn aNd yAng
And this is how he solved gender

>> No.18768298
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>Name me 1 person who hated women and I'll show you a degenerate, disgusting excuse of a human , too cowardly to take on the responsibilities of the world

>> No.18768302
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>> No.18768310
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>> No.18768316
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>> No.18768320
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>> No.18768322
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>> No.18768325
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>> No.18768330
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it's real tho

>> No.18768339

Epic sperg moment

>> No.18768347

Me on the right...

>> No.18768386

I want to tell you one thing OP: the woman you hate is the woman that humiliates you. Do all women humiliate you OP?

>> No.18768506

Why do faggots on the internet always pick the odd looking girl? The other 2 are FLAMING HOT but you pick the one that looks like your sister probably

>> No.18769077

I thought I'd hit the jackpot with my gf and always felt sorry for anons who hate women. Known her since childhood, she's outwardly conservative, humble. Then earlier this year for no reason she just grows to hate me, I mean really hate me. Eventually I just said to her, I'll do what you're too scared to and cut ties. Now I'm all jaded about relationships.


>> No.18769143

What's the source?

>> No.18769273

The left one is the best. Right one is good. Center is ugly as hell.
You're just a faggot with bad taste.
t. different anon

>> No.18769321


They always think that they've got 'the one'. Then they find out woman is a 'one', and not of the pleasant sort. Never delude yourself into believing you're so special as to actually have managed something the majority of humanity has failed to—this applies to everything btw, not just thinking women posses the capacity for anything other than evil.

>> No.18769493

This. I had to learn this the hard way as well, just like you anon >>18769077
There is no jackpot, just jackshit.

>> No.18769517

you don't but getting thinner and fitter will make it better, taking care of it by washing it and having a basic skin care routine will help, a good haircut and beard grooming will too, same for changing your stare to that of a normal person and smiling

>> No.18769702

Dworkin was the most based of the bunch faggot, she was also against prostitution and porn. Her rantings are actually enjoyable to read too if you don’t take them too seriously

>> No.18769842

How were you victorious? Was a duel involved?

>> No.18769893
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Stop hating women. They're mend to be used or to be disregarded. Dont be the village idiot you tool.

>> No.18769905

Surely there must be a reason. It could be anything.

>> No.18769906

>most threads on this board get under 20 replies and then fade into obscurity
>thread about woman-hating still going strong at 200+ replies

Great community of intellectuals we have here fellas

>> No.18770158

No, she just kept picking on tiny faults like having a hole in my sock or reading the same book two times in a row etc. She'd never done that before. Reminded me of how Anna Karenina suddenly noticed how big her husband's ears were after she met Vronsky. That's a bit hyperbolic, yes

>> No.18770396

How to deal with the feeling?

1. Why are you thinking about them in the first place? Why does it bother you to share a space with these creatures? Is there anything you can do to lessen the amount of time you spend with them?

2. Which women do you hate? Do you hate old ladies, middle age, young, children, the lot? What do you hate about them? Once you pinpoint exactly what the problem is, it becomes easier to cure.

3. Is the problem that, like many men, your loins thirst for the female form, but your base desires are trounced by that logical receptor which refuses to be with a creature so devoid of intellect and morality? Is the problem that you must work with these creatures, and they constantly impede and slow your work? Or is it simply that you dislike the idea of some people living in a way which you find unsavory?

4. Think of how men are to blame for this. Think deeply. Woman is a creature void of all responsibility. If a child misbehaves, do you blame the child, or the parent? I blame the parent; the responsible adult. Likewise with women, those spoilt children, I blame men for allowing them to become this way. I realise that women ought to be responsible for their actions, but they shan't be so long as men indulge them in their retarded ways.

5. There are many parallels between the woman and the child. One which is seldom mentioned is how they are incapable of getting along. Women incessantly complain that they need to dress, speak, and be a different way, not because they care what men think, but because they care what other women might say. There is some truth to this (though I believe the child always wants the parent's approval - women do care what men think, but only the sexiness ones); women relentlessly bully one another, and like most adults, we let this bullying go unchecked. They are children, and we have better things to do than rear them and correct their poor social skills.

6. Thus the only remedy is to spread the education to as many men as possible not to put up with women's shit. Not to say "it's ok, you are a woman, I didn't expect much of you anyway". The remedy is to, as a whole, raise our expectations of females, and ensure we are condemning them appropriately.

7. This will never happen so long as pussy thirst cucks continue to cede to woman's desires and ram them day in day out. Most men are animals. Even more women are the same. We suffer as a minority, and thus will never be taken seriously. We will forever be a joke, told to have sex. What's really being said by "have sex" is "return to your most basic, primordial self. Return to monke". The hoi polloi cannot understand a secondary or tertiary kind of consciousness, they live in the Here and Now, their own subjective Heres and Nows, and they are subject to whatever whim or fancy enters their heads. I've had sex, I have sex on tap, basically. I don't like it, I prefer masturbation, and I don't like what a waste of time masturbation can be.

>> No.18770403

Ah, falling out of love basically. I appreciate you sharing.

>> No.18770428

She was cheating on you.

>> No.18770462
File: 129 KB, 800x915, Arthur_Schopenhauer_by_J_Schäfer,_1859b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.18770592

unironically watch this:
>"we're not really on a quest to be happy, we're on a quest to suffer in ways that feels familiar"

>> No.18770696

What book is this?

>> No.18770873

Pathetic coping method. And you dare speak of freedom. It is very funny. The reason that you think your friends, the women you sleep with, etc are trying to enslave you, is because you are insecure and do not have a sense of power and freedom within yourself. You are not giving up all of this out of free will, you are giving up because you have been defeated. Anyway, if you realise the force of your individual human nature you become the enslaver (metaphorically), not the slave. At the very core, a realised human being knows himself to be naturally free. He can taste life to the fullest and know all the pleasures of life, he can renounce them if he wants to, or indulge in them in he wants to. Again, this is a sad cope.

>> No.18770897

>We suffer as a minority, and thus will never be taken seriously. We will forever be a joke, told to have sex. What's really being said by "have sex" is "return to your most basic, primordial self. Return to monke". The hoi polloi cannot understand a secondary or tertiary kind of consciousness, they live in the Here and Now, their own subjective Heres and Nows, and they are subject to whatever whim or fancy enters their heads. I've had sex, I have sex on tap, basically. I don't like it, I prefer masturbation, and I don't like what a waste of time masturbation can be.
Have sex :)

>> No.18770898

Lurk the fuck moar roastie

>> No.18770933

How is this a roastie post lmao? I'm talking about power and freedom. Fucking retard

>> No.18770950
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>the fuck moar

>> No.18771844

Just treat them like garbage, works every time

>> No.18772025

I just had the misfortune of seeing a female attempt to make a deep short video on instagram and exclaimed aloud: “God I hate women”
I was thinking about how I wanted to stick my face in between her titties and then I hear her start waxing sentimental and it made me want to puke
Do any books address why women are so bad at being insightful?

>> No.18772055

because you write like your hymen is still intact.

>> No.18772089

Is it possible to escape the incel "manosphere" plague or is it too late? I don't want to despise women like you pathetic whiny fuckers do.

How do I avoid turning into one of you detestable creatures?

>> No.18772101

Schoppy destroyed this board, holy fucking shit.

>> No.18772123
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>Treat every woman as you would your daughter
why would any sane man want kids in this social climate? much less tread all these narcisistic low iq spoiled foids as such? kys. you unironically should be killed

>> No.18772131

oh please, foids are spoiled rotten in this gynocentric hellscape that is the western world

>> No.18772138

It's about getting enough government tokens to cash out of society.

>> No.18772148

You idolize a character who is literally a narcissistic, socipothic murderer. Like you have room to talk.

>> No.18772173
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>you unironically should be killed

>> No.18772175

Women are great.
My wife is one and so is my mother, shit, even my sister is a woman.
They are nice, useful loving and kind people.

>> No.18772182

if only more men were narcisists and held their pride higher there wouldn't any simping and women would be treated as the whores they are

>> No.18772213


That's a sin.

>> No.18772249

>no argument
women being afforded rights is a sin against nature itself, these low iq cum receptacles

>> No.18772259

>women I like are biologically related to me
This should be a clue.

>> No.18772300

His wife is biologically related to him? Lmao fucking retard you're not thinking straight

>> No.18772306

You just sound like a bitter sexless dink. Not based at all.

>> No.18772310

>these low iq cum receptacles
So when was the last time you have taken an IQ test? What was your result?

>> No.18772319

Looking for a high IQ cum receptacle ;) I prefer that

>> No.18772381

Lol all the greats thought women were trash or at best creatures that should be subjugated since they obviously cannot reach the highest tier of men.

>> No.18772428

This is good advice. Learning to love people despite their shortcomings is part of the beauty of life. You can also love someone without simping for them.

>> No.18772496

can you?

>> No.18772497

How do I meet a gf now that I am fit and well versed in philosophy and have a 140 IQ?

>> No.18772588

>meeting people in the current year

>> No.18772744

Stop being a creep.

>> No.18772861

Well he’s deluded about his wife. Statistically she’s fucking other guys behind his back.

>> No.18772972

Too little too late.

Most important facts to be aware of:
A human can live 8-12 days without both food and water and can cover 50km a day across level ground if motivated.

>> No.18772985

Since no one mentioned. The Bible.

>> No.18772988

Asking for dating advice on /lit/ and doing weird flexes on 4chan. If you are not gay, it is probably over if you don't do any therapy.

>> No.18773136

Reject tradition
Embrace modernity :)

>> No.18773179
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>> No.18773205

>Treat every woman as you would your daughter, with the same level of care/affection for them. If you see a woman who makes you feel hate, just repeat "That woman is my daughter" to yourself, and hopefully this pseudo-paternal affection erases your hate.
Holy alabama!!

>> No.18774154 [DELETED] 

>Reject tradition
Embrace modernity :)
Yeah, absolutely. Problem?

>> No.18774166
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>Well he’s deluded about his wife. Statistically she’s fucking other guys behind his back.
Yeah, seethe, cope, pic related. You are transparent in your jealousy and resentment. Also how does one "statistically fuck" someone? I'd like to know.