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18770370 No.18770370 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.18770407


Not so much a suppression of his "queer identity", as overcoming it. Otherwise true.

>> No.18770472

This is blatant sophistry. So obviously an attempt to associate heterosexuality with tyranny.

>> No.18770493

to these kinds of people no such thing is possible

>> No.18770517

>his own shortcomings

projecting pretty hard here. He was flawed, like everyone, but at least he was fervent and had some measure of success. My Japanese brother in law told me he changed Japan's mindset in a lot of ways. I want to read him pretty bad, but I am too busy.

>> No.18770568

>his shortcomings
WHAT? Mishima lived by his words. I love the man for it (semi-"no homo")

>> No.18770577
File: 3.28 MB, 3466x2841, Mishima last words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18771016

is this the john nathan biography?

>> No.18771063

No lmao. Reducing Mishima to some irrelevant sexuality bullshit can only ever be an attempt to erase his existence. Only some sex-obsessed, narrowminded imperialist would even bring it up.

>> No.18771642

Who are these "mind reader" type people who always say these kinds of things? I see more and more people commenting speculatively on the internal states of people they don't know as if they were stating facts, and even the dead get this armchair analysis.

>> No.18771660

>so afraid of a communist revolution that he tried to overthrow the Japanese government to get his way before he famously killed himself when he failed
They say that like it's a bad thing. Even if you don't agree with the views, a man willing to go so far for his own ideals, for the sake of himself and countrymen, is a beautiful thing.

>> No.18772605

Autists, most are laymen, but the most perfidious are qualified.

>> No.18772619

He was gay, Mishima?

>> No.18772620


>> No.18772627

>LGBTQ+ critique

Opinion immediately discarded without even reading.

>> No.18772631

Oh you mean "They are autists who are mostly laymen, but the most perfidious among them are qualified (and thus not laymen)". Idk man I'm most likely a sperg and I'm the one asking the question. Any autist who knows he is autistic would know others do not think like him because that is a big root of our social difficulties, so I'm not sure if you're right about this. .

>> No.18772632

> he changed Japan's mindset in a lot of ways

No he didn't.

>> No.18772701

I know right? These people must be mentally ill or suffered from poor upbringing

>> No.18772715
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fragile white cis boys poutin'
nah fr catch me weeping no cap

>> No.18772731

>Come into thread about Japanese people and gay people
>Complain incoherently and/or ironically about white men who are not trannies
Why are you obsessed with white men?

>> No.18772820
File: 25 KB, 500x500, reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They psychological turn started with Freud, but this specific trope comes from Adorno and Wilhelm Reich who began the "fascism is repressed homosexuality" meme and gave themselves intellectual cover to call their opponents fags
>The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933)
>The Authoritarian Personality (1950)

Essential a victors flex on the defeated post-WW2.

>> No.18772836

is Mishima, Aesthetic Terrorist any good anontachi?

>> No.18772842

Not gay, just fucked a few men. There is a difference between the totally modern concept of a "gay identity" and "when in Rome" where Rome may be a lads night out or trip away from home.

>> No.18772908

Yes, if you mean that the victor of WWII was international Jewry. Anyway, it's not so much "psychologizing" (if I understand what you mean by that) which I am identifying as a problem and more the fact that is is poor psychologizing because the diagnosis of the internal state is being made by people who have not even spoken to who is being diagnosed.

Though I guess if this guy has read all or a lot of Mishima he might know his mind to an extent. I kinda just wish people wouldn't state every idea that comes to their head as if it were absolute fact.

>> No.18772926

>suppression of his queer identity
God I hate social science and humanities students.

>> No.18772930

social construct

>> No.18772938

reminder the authoritarian personality and the like paved the way for a shitty nonce government-funded experiment in east Germany.

>> No.18772991

In the Mass Psychology of Fascism Reich advocates that children should be raped so they are mentally broken and unable to grow into cohesive adults that become fascists. It's a manual of child rape.

>> No.18773004

Shows like Scrubs gave everyone a phd in psychology.

>> No.18773008

>more the fact that is is poor psychologizing because the diagnosis of the internal state is being made by people who have not even spoken to who is being diagnosed
That's literally what psychologising has always been, it's always been a vulgar fraud of myth-making and projected fictions whether the patient is present or not. Adorno is writing in the best traditions of the practice here. It's an intelligent mans technique of invective, they are quite literally calling their enemies faggots but in verbose terms that pass in polite society.

>> No.18773113


>> No.18773170

its cool that he staged a coup and then killed himself. who cares about his politics. but he was gay and hated it go read confessions of a mask.

>> No.18773190

What book is this from? Also he was right.

>> No.18773234

No. If you actually read Mishima's political commentaries its very clear that his platform is not based on intersectionality or idpol or any of that other sophist bullshit.
Mishima was both a self-loathing homosexual obsessed with a masculine ideal and a well-educated and principled anti-revolutionary reactionary.

>> No.18773337

Mishima is for Western pseuds to think they know the first thing about postwar Japan. Shit.

If you want real, hand-on Japanese politics and nihonjin-ron read Kosaka Masataka.

>> No.18773533

>Not gay, just fucked a few men.

>> No.18773691

This is dog shit. Mishima wasn't "suppressing" his "queer identity" -- he was embracing it. He was acting out his erotic fantasies and using the country as a canvas for it! Just more liberal moralising from the bourgeois homosexuals.

>> No.18774229

"The Purest Essence of Japan"

>> No.18774251
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>He was acting out his erotic fantasies and using the country as a canvas for it!
Legend... Absolute madman... Life goals

>> No.18774262
File: 492 KB, 1696x2560, Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Purest Essence of Japan"
A chapter from this?

>> No.18774350

Only gay weebs actually read Mishima and care about "UWWWOOOO NIPPON SUGOIII"
Most normies and pseuds read him as a portrait of an insane right-wing reactionary like OP.
Personally I find his entire narrative work disgusting but his political writing somewhat engaging, especially his adopting of anti-revolution.

>> No.18774357

>Personally I find his entire narrative work disgusting
anaemic bourgeois fool..

>> No.18774556

that screenshot alone justifies extermination of all faggots

>> No.18774564

faggots created west

>> No.18774587

I should clarify; his degenerate novels are disgusting, but so are all the pedastalized narcissistic autobiographies that came out of post-War Japan. Dazai is just as distasteful in No Longer Human.
Mishima's short fiction seems much better from what of it I've read.

>> No.18774594

Yes, everyone is a Fascist.

>> No.18775522

>Not gay, just fucked a few men.
It's not gay if...

>> No.18775545

This only reifies my idea that the homofash will be the vanguard to do away with the menace of gender as performativity. Nothing less than the racist femboy will in the end be the savior of EVROPA.

>> No.18775602

>this doesn't condone
People condone things, states of affairs don't condone things

>it mostly serves as an understanding
Something doesn't "serve as an understanding."

Fucking mush-mouthed negrified lumpenproles destroying the language one solecism at a time. We've just taken peasants and marginal people with thousands of years of history of illiteracy and nothing but "folk wisdom" guiding them, and given them a thin veneer of creole literacy. Mix in 70IQ people from the tropics for good measure so every sentence can include a botched idiom or mixed metaphor.

Flush the toilet on this species already and start over with crustaceans or something. The ape experiment failed. I am tired of watching mouth-breathing chimps in suspenders waxing loquacious about their identity. You have no identity CHIMP, identity requires individuation

>> No.18775610
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Genuine question: Would Mishima have committed Seppuku anyway if the coup had actually succeeded?

I can't say, because I don't think he actually ever expected the coup to succeed, and in any case it was not genuinely a coup qua coup but rather the finishing touch on his greatest art piece: his life.

But if anyone here has any theories and/or has read any Mishima biographies that attempt to answer this question, I'd love to hear what you think

>> No.18776017

Andrew Rankin's Mishima, Aesthetic Terrorist

>> No.18776287

It's reminiscent of L'etranger or Karamazov where the justice system puts thoughts into people's heads to come to a preestablished judgement. In Mythologies, Barthes has an essay on the topic and how all they do is project their own thought process onto another human. It's not autism as >>18772605 claims, it's just humans not realizing other humans operate on different software. In the essay he describes how an upper class French judge accused a farmer of murder using "literary psychology," where fanciful leaps are accepted if it can be justified in a fictional world even if in reality it's a retarded claim.
Of course OP's image makes sense in a fictional work where the God-Author knows the minds of his own characters. It makes no sense in the real world where no human is God-Author of other humans: it seems to me that it takes a bit of narcissism to assume you can understand the whole of a person's psychology so readily.