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/lit/ - Literature

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18770538 No.18770538 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18770544

I got so good at red pilling my dates that it takes me fewer than 3 weeks since we first met to get through the basic tenets of the JQ and still have spare time for a few brief points on Christianity and the French Revolution.

>> No.18770553

Bitterfly :#

>> No.18770565

jannies are bad actors who are actively harming this already awful website

>> No.18770570
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I'm getting pretty good too. "Well I first I thought you were too extreme about your opinions on [thing] but I then saw these [news, patterns, politician say x] and wow yeah you were right"

>> No.18770586

Things that never happened.

>> No.18770596

I can't read prose fiction anymore. It feels bloated compared to poetry. Poems be having every line studyable.PADH4

>> No.18770601

not those posters but I had a roommate from Australia and she went from "omg my roommate voted for Trump I need to get out of here" to "it's crazy how you guys let the democrats just plain steal your election from Trump"

>> No.18770605

The Chris Chan stuff has me feeling horrible. I started on the documentary yesterday and it’s just terrible to see what happened to him. Hard to believe that he would have been the same without the Kiwi Farms psychopaths. A real blackpill.

What are you even supposed to do if your son ends up like that? In all honesty I would probably just have killed him if I was Bob. He’s never going to be happy! Why do we let these people live anyway? It’s perverse. Sanctity of life needs to be updated

>> No.18770611

>Why do we let these people live anyway?
Maybe closing asylums was a mistake

>> No.18770639

i need a writing/literature course can you recommend me a good 1 pls

>> No.18770643

I think I’ve thought about suicide once or twice a day since I was twelve years old. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Lately more. I wasn’t even depressed between 12-14, I just always considered suicide to be a serious option that I could resort to if my life didn’t turn out how I wanted it to.

I used to think everyone had this, but now I know almost no one does. I feel like it creates a gulf between me and other people, where suicide is literally always on my mind. I’ve never been as scared of fucking up my life as other people are, because I always have ‘the alternative’ very clearly at the back of my mind.

Does anyone else have this? Anyone manage to escape this?

>> No.18770657
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Isnt this just clinical depression or am i wrong? Can someone with more experience fill me in?

>> No.18770659
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I am reading Bubbles by the German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk and it is quite interesting and imaginative and fun to read.

>> No.18770674

I get it, you're never really electing anyone other than some guy from the ruling class, but they're still entertaining from an outsider. Trump was pretty funny desu

>> No.18770678

Yes that’s probably clinical depression. Almost certainly if you’ve had these symptoms for less than six months. Go to a shrink, it sucks but the pills work.

>> No.18770682
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i have been taking the pills
they do not work

>> No.18770703

this has some good tips for if the pills don’t work: https://lorienpsych.com/2021/06/05/depression/

but honestly, some people just have a neurotic personality. I do too. we’re predisposed to melancholia

>> No.18770704

There’s a lot of books I like but I’ve never come across a book I really love.

>> No.18770718

Same until I read the Greeks

>> No.18770733

yeah i know. It runs in my family, as does schizophrenia. Got quite a lot of suicides and some murderers

>> No.18770740

i recall feeling during my first year of college an intense yearning to kill myself and have on several other occasions felt like offing myself. combination of boredom and not having options in life. do you have any kind of drive or interest that can help you move forward? escaping through lit is a cope and helps you get through the day for sure. maybe you need to join the military/go thru hiking/join a chess club or u could be like every other suicidal and ngmi

>> No.18770744

>want to write a parody of a genre
>however I haven't read all of the "classics" of the genre, only a few pieces.

>> No.18770809

Hahaha. Fake as fuck, get the fuck out of my board, scum

>> No.18770844

Read a book that impacted me so much I could not get to sleep and it annoys me in a way as I want to read another book but I am too tired.
I may as well just start reading another book.
>TFW books too good

>> No.18770870

I’ve read the Greeks already. I suspect maybe I should continue with the Icelanders.

>> No.18770882

Lefty tranny detected

>> No.18770890

I have never seen a video of him talking and refuse to do so

>> No.18770952
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I am too intelligent for most people. They can't understand me. I am so far beyond the intellectual capacity of almost anyone.

>> No.18770958

im back from my 3 day ban. did i miss anything?

>> No.18770968

are you that guy from twitter

>> No.18770978

>implying you weren't here lurking like a cuck

>> No.18770983

If I don't read the Bible at all for a few days I feel like something's missing in my life.

>> No.18771015

All my friends and some of my family watch how my social interactions go so that can critique or laugh or analyze them to me. Not in a helpful way, they're using it as entertainment. It's happened all my life and people have even set up interactions behind my back so they can see how I would deal with them. For example, having a girl come initiate conversation with me so they can sit back and watch me stumble through it.

>> No.18771022

well don't leave us hanging what is the name of the book

>> No.18771074

was Stoner.
For every personal reasons I feel it just struck me so hard and I am still reeling from it many hours later.

Read a bit about peoples thoughts on the book after I read it and I think a lot of people got a different experience.
Ify ou have not read it yet you should and givei t some time as it is well worth it.

>> No.18771088

idk i guess i could be?
i wasnt. i was busy

>> No.18771090

Ooh. Yeah. That's it. Harder. Yes. Ugh... That's the spot, baby. Oh Yeah... keep going... Ugh... Yeah, yeah, YEAH... UGH. Fuck it feels so good, it almost hurts -- harder, and harder Y-E-S UGHHhhhj oooh that felt good.... wow....

doesn't it feel good to scratch an itch sometime?

>> No.18771217

Look, I'm telling you it was real. I saw Bigfoot taking a shit when I was a kid on a family camping trip at Yellowstone National Park back in 1991. I was out playing with my brothers when I got lost, and I wandered to a place where I clearly saw a large harge humanoid hunched back and doing something in the bushes.

I watched carefully, but I think He saw me because he was always real careful like, especially after he finished. He didn't even wipe. After he noticed me, I heard him run and I tried to chase after him.

Bigfoot is much faster than you would think, but as a child I ran pretty fast. Sadly I tripped right as I was just getting close and lost him. I could still smell his feces though, there's no way I could ever forget, there was just nothing like it. In fact it smelled so bad I almost puked and I just ran further and further away.

I woke up and found myself near a road, where I walked down a bit and a park ranger picked me up to my worried-to-death parents at the ranger's office.

I tried to tell them about what I saw, but they either don't believe me or was clearly humoring me. In fact I tried to tell the love of my life this story and even she didn't believe me, which was a contributing reason why I broke up with her. That bitch also took my kids.

Anyway I'm sharing this here because I know someone out there, somewhere, just has to believe me, and I want to say: Thank you.

>> No.18771236

i keep telling myself 4chan is dead, and that i need to move on, but i keep coming back. how much do the creeps who run this place know about me? i fucking hate it here

>> No.18771275

I guarantee you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.18771281

I need to start reading more nonfiction books but I have no idea where to start.

>> No.18771301

Hnnnnn. This titpic. This titpic hit me where it hurts. I audibly moaned when she sent it to me before work this morning. It (they) weighed on my mind all day. I told myself to avoid this woman, I know she's trouble. She's a mom, she's a lil chubby, she has money problems. But these tits. They demand to be sucked. God I hope she lactates in my mouth again.

>> No.18771350

I just get so hard thinking about it, y'know? Like, real hard. Stone hard. Damn it, steel hard. No, harder. I'm talking like diamond hard. Diamond under the geothermal pressure of the Earth kinda hard, just so goddamn hard that I can't contain it in a singular point of space, and I just Big Bang up all over, man, you gotta be there.

Then the dumb broad takes off her dress and there's no penis underneath. I deflate like a balloon and shrink like some shemale's balls on a winter night with no furnace on. But it's ok. Life's life like that, you know haha, know what I mean?

>> No.18771433

So im here in a bus and i just saw a guy quietly fart into his hand, take it to his face and sniffing it before pretending like he was just coughing, and then he resumed keeping THE SAME HAND holding tight onto the pole. what the fuck

>> No.18771437

Women will unironically turn into flat-out fascists once they're brought up to speed on enough topics. I've met right-wing women that blow right-wing men out of the water. Women are harder to turn into right-wingers but when they make the leap, hoo boy, they jump in with both feet.

>> No.18771549

>I've met right-wing women that blow right-wing men out of the water.
Yeah but they also blow niggers under the table. It's true that women do get way more radical about politics but they are also shallow LARPers who can only talk.

>> No.18771564

>Yeah but they also blow niggers under the table
This is literally my fetish I think 4chan fucked me up as I'm always on pol and I hate niggers but the thought of having a nazi GF getting fucked raw by some negro in the ass is just too hot.

>> No.18771583

I started drinking soda again and felt incredibly better. What can possibly be missing on my diet? Sugar? I'm already using a hypercaloric supplement, am I doing it wrong? Should I change brands or something?

>> No.18771611

>What are you even supposed to do if your son ends up like that?
What you supposed to do? Not vaccinate your child, then it won't end up like that.

>> No.18771621

I think I'm going to start my own Substack and publish some writing for the first time in my life. I have existed in and moved between various fields of art for the past decade—everything from graphic art to web design, writing prose to music production—yet never published anything simply because I know it's not as good as the work of artists I hold respect for, but I think it is time to start putting things out there in spite of this misgiving. As I always have done, I will inevitably grow to find anything I produced in the previous years to be at best a poor attempt, so why not just accept it? At long last, a place to share all of the hundreds of song demos; the myriad designs; the tentative writings. Though, as if our world needs any more mediocre work thrust into it. It is already turgid enough.

>> No.18771643

Look into Aajonus Vonderplanitz. His diet basically killed my sugar addiction. And drop that supplement crap.

>> No.18771657

Maybe you just felt better because of the sugar high.

>> No.18771726
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I've realized that my parents have been physically and emotionally neglectful my entire life, never talked to me about anything outside of surface level conversations, and I've never known who I really am or what I really want from this world. I've missed out on a lot of potential relationships and friendships and pushed so many people away and I hate knowing I'm a 24 year old who can never experience the joys of youth like so many others. Worst part is, even though I've made a lot of progress fixing my life, I still feel this major fear in regards to women. I'm 24, I have never been in a relationship, never had sex, and even though I'm sure they wouldn't throw me to the curb because of what I've been through, I still have this feeling that they wouldn't want to date someone in my situation and have to go through the process of being with someone with no experience in anything regarding a relationship. I don't want to be alone but I just don't know how to deal with this.

>> No.18771770

Who cares if you can fuck them good. Dick size?

>> No.18771810

I gotta find something better than booze. Exercise is ideal, although it requires effort. Most of all, you can't exercise and do anything else at the same time which is what I dislike the most about it. My mind is always going.

>> No.18771819

Get a stationary bike or a treadmill and just put a podcast/video/album on in the background.

>> No.18771823

Makes sense.

>> No.18771827
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They were raised by television.
Yeah, do find ways to become more social. Make friends, talk to girls. Like I keep saying, love yourself, take care of yourself, aim for something, grow confidence and a good circle of friends, and most importantly throw out the damn blowjacks

>> No.18771860



>> No.18771865

I grew fond of DXM for several years.

>> No.18771871

How do Catholics still cope at this point? I’m glad I fell out years ago.


>> No.18771881

My favorite thing is walking. I’ve learned to enjoy it so much, just taking in scenery. Best of all, it actually adds to my creativity and thinking rather than detracts. I never felt like weightlifting or sports made me think more creatively but simple and walking and hiking does.

>> No.18771882


Did you wear a collar with my name on it today or not :3

>> No.18771896
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I pray the Rosary every day, I go to Mass every Sunday, and I go to Confession at least once every two weeks. I keep the Commandments and the teachings of the Church.

Everything else is just noise.

>> No.18771909

But you don’t follow the Pope…?

>> No.18771918
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>> No.18771993

Like, on Twitter?

>> No.18772054


t. useful idiot

>> No.18772091

I was in the self-publishing thread and I started thinking about when I used to write. I remember I would post my work here for criticism. I remember one time someone said a story I wrote made them cry. That made me feel so good. I made someone cry. I started searching the archive to find the thread, to find my story. Unbelievably after some time I found it. The summer of 2011 I posted it. My god. 2011. Ten years ago. Unfortunately the story was in a pastebin that had long since expired, but the comments were all there, some with praise, others with hard words. Ten years though . . . and I have done nothing with writing in that time. Maybe I could have written something to be truly proud of in that time if I had stuck with it. But, I did not.

Afterwards I looked through my documents, a long ignored section on my laptop. And soon I found the story! I read it, and it wasn't very good. It had some promise, but it really wasn't very good. But at least I tried back then. At least I put words down.

Ten years!

>> No.18772100

I want to suck my boyfriend's big dick so much but he went to see his parents... Mmmm I just wish I had a dick in my mouth right now my head is spinning I am going insane

>> No.18772109

I can’t decide if I prefer to stay up late or wake up early.

>> No.18772114

Anti-depressants helped me to get rid of 'intrusive thoughts'. I'd tried them a number of times before but this time stuck with it. I kept a diary to note how I changed. And I did change. They really helped. I also had tics/spasms. When a painful thought would cross my mind I'd spasmodically shout something. Cunt! Fuck off! A kind of tourettes I suppose, warding off the bad thoughts. The pills helped that too, although still the odd cunt comes out now and then.

>> No.18772132

I wonder how women feel when they see a down and out man on the streets, particularly middle-aged men who are now beginning to decline physically due to age and drug/alcohol abuse

Even though I do well for myself and am fairly young I see myself at least a little bit in all of those men, because I know that if I were to lose my livelihood and develop a substance abuse problem I would almost certainly be in their place. Expendable, unloved, abandoned, just another man on the streets who does nothing but arouse disgust in passerby, particularly women

But women feel that disgust with no sympathy alongside it, unless its some sort of taught sympathy if the man is black or gay or whatever else is the cause celebre of the time and place. They are unable to empathize with the man on the streets because they will never be in that position, it's impossible for them to be completely abandoned by society in the same way

>> No.18772142

>Yeah but they also blow niggers under the table.

>> No.18772164
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>Even though I do well for myself and am fairly young I see myself at least a little bit in all of those men, because I know that if I were to lose my livelihood and develop a substance abuse problem I would almost certainly be in their place. Expendable, unloved, abandoned, just another man on the streets who does nothing but arouse disgust in passerby, particularly women. But women feel that disgust with no sympathy alongside it, unless its some sort of taught sympathy if the man is black or gay or whatever else is the cause celebre of the time and place. They are unable to empathize with the man on the streets because they will never be in that position, it's impossible for them to be completely abandoned by society in the same way


>> No.18772190

I actually got a poem published once in elimae, and old online magazine. I looked up elimae on warosou. The magazine must have died years ago, the last posts about it were in 2012 when it died. It's funny because one guy said these magazines always die because no one 'has figured out a way to get people to pay real money (not bitcoins, lol) for an online magazine subscription'.

>> No.18772218
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I'm lonely! Life is just mundane tasks!

>> No.18772230

This thread is my territory

>> No.18772255
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>> No.18772320

There's too many people in the world that need to die

>> No.18772321

why don't i ever get replies? all i want is to post something that gets a string of posts replying to it that's so long it doubles up and makes a new line of post numbers.

>> No.18772326

Exactly what I was thinking of

>> No.18772336

Must suck I don't know that feeling. Every day I am drowning in (You)s. All my posts are absolutely infuriating

>> No.18772337

is that a good or bad thing?

>> No.18772344

Silence, goblin

>> No.18772354

youve been added to my list

>> No.18772533

They don't feel anything.

>> No.18772551

I'm a coach for a summer sports camp for highschool girls, 24 year old dude, and today at practice I noticed one of my players ive been coaching for a month got a haircut, without even thinking I went
>did you get a haircut?
>she said "yes"
>It looks very nice

how fucked am I? I'm just waiting on an email from the parents

>> No.18772676

>tfw 26 and my parents are still just as alien to me as when I was 16
I mean, I've learned to not be assblasted about it, but they're both equally perplexing to me in opposite ways. There's shared mannerisms and tastes, sure, but the way they live their lives seems unbearable to me. The worst part is my dad refuses to admit there's a genuine difference between us. Mom just "over it" with me at this point lol

>> No.18772680

was it a pretty noticeable haircut?

Either way, I think you'll be fine. Just don't fuck up again

>> No.18772711
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>> No.18772728
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Halfway through a Biology degree I went into as pre-med but now just thinking about that disgusts me for some reason. Reading about architecture is literally all I do in my free time, and more and more I wish I majored in that instead.

>> No.18772768

Yea but even if you did major in architecture how would you cope with the fact that you will never be the designer of the Taliesin West?

>> No.18772776

The trick is to post things you know most people here will disagree with. Most people on 4chan just want to argue about things, so give them something to argue about.

>> No.18772784

architects are some of the most miserable, jaded people on this planet
if you enjoy sleeping on your office floor after working for 20 hours then sure, be an architect

>> No.18772798

Rage inducing leftoid post with a moe pic is guaranteed 10+ replies. I kill threads with this all the time.

>> No.18773020

guys its that time of the night again. it is time for me to smoke weed

>> No.18773022

Pretty disappointed that there is no Love Live for 3 weeks

>> No.18773036

Make sure to post a lot, friend. It’s gonna be a long night.

>> No.18773041

bro i just got back from my 3 day ban and the board is significantly lamer and slower. what the fuck happened

>> No.18773067

I like walking and hiking and would do it all day if a. I wasn't a wage-slave and b. I didn't live in a fetid city.

>> No.18773071


>> No.18773079

I'm feeling way too happy after dropping my antidepressants. Very conflicted about this.

>> No.18773089

Great Saiyaman reminds me of that kid who fought Cell before Mr. Satan saved the day.

>> No.18773134

drank some kombucha, didn't die.

>> No.18773135 [DELETED] 

i used to like my job a lot but since the pandemic the middle layer of bureaucrats has used it as an excuse to do absolutely nothing and now the wokestuff is just in your face every day. then the people at the top are scratching their head at why there seems to be a talent retention problem. i feel guilty for bitching cuz it's a sweeter gig than most chuds around here will land, but it doesn't pay much and the managerial layer just causes resentment.

>> No.18773162

>read fight club book
>see that there is fight club 2 and fight club 3
>its a complete mess
why did it drop the ball so much

>> No.18773242

Just watched Godzilla (2014)
What an amazing movie, I loved it. Say what you will about weak characters and plot holes, but there's nothing a series of battle sequences between giant monsters can't fix.

>> No.18773263

I am being eaten up from the inside out by love i felt 7 years ago. what-if is going to kill me and i dont know what to do. I am so afraid that nobody will ever make me feel that way again and I am so disgusted by the thought of that which i wanted more than anything else being taken by another man. I havent even thought about her in over 5 years and now for whatever reason this emotion is tearing me up from the inside out. just typing it here is helping already

>> No.18773270
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>tfw came out of the shower 20 minutes ago feeling fine and immediately had a full break down sobbing in the fetal position on the floor for a few minutes for no apparent reason
>get up and am immediately back to normal

what the fuck

>> No.18773420

That's disgusting

>> No.18773563
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>> No.18773867

Right wingers are disgusting

>> No.18773886

yeah, but so are left wingers.

>> No.18773988
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What do you think of my pie? i think it turned out really well on the filling and base side, but i need to make some puff/scuff pastry for the top instead of just using the piecrust pastry. I find a 10% shortening (butter) to flour ratio works really well for the base. Anything higher is too short imo.

>> No.18774009

people with only one wing are just disgusting in general. like is it a birth deformity or did your other wing get torn off in some tragic accident?
either way its funny to see them try and fly and just go in the one direction.

>> No.18774033
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when my earbuds arrive peace and quiet will be mine again

>> No.18774056

I got my first gf at 24.
I lived with my mom and was jobless at the time. Granted I'm good looking and can hold a conversation. But do not rule yourself out just because you're inexperienced or poor etc

>> No.18774105

Don't get me started on centrists

>> No.18774119
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10 years ago, they said it was gonna get better.
But it didn't. It's not gonna get better at all, is it?

>> No.18774120

I'm learning to code but struggle with the most trivial tasks and when i look up the answer, its always something very easy. The brain fog is real.

>> No.18774133

I'm 24 and think I just got my first gf. We slept together this weekend but didn't fuck, I tried it and she said she had "girl stuff" that meant she couldn't. We just cuddled and talked through the night but I'm worried she'll think I'm some celibate / gay freak. Worst thing was I enjoyed just being with her. Is that normal??

>> No.18774150
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Had a nightmare last night in which I was staring across a courtyard that separated one wing of my house from another, and in the window across from me I saw suspended in midair, in classic spooky-paranormal fashion, a woman, who I sensed was somehow related me, felt almost like my mother but didn't look like her, in any case someone I cared about. She had a malevolent grin however and she started floating out of sight in a movement reminiscent of someone hanging by a chain that is moving along a fixed circuit above, again very horror movie. So I ran around the house to get to her wing and when I got there there was a kind of storm of wind and dark blue light coming from a television in which I could see the woman(she was in the tv), and she was no longer smiling evilly, she was terrified and crying 'I'm in hell, this is hell' surrounded by swirling light and wind. Not being religious my dream self was still like 'ok clearly I have to invoke god here to save her since that's what you do in movies' so I tried to yell something about Jesus but I was incapable of speaking like something enormous was on my chest. After a huge effort I managed to yell 'jesus christ!' And then a couple more times I yelled to her 'say jesus Christ!', but instead of her coming back out of the tv it went totally dark except for a small faded gold cross in the middle(looked like pic related but much more faded and much smaller in the middle of the screen) and I woke up with a sensation of something smacking my chest and knees.

What could this possibly mean?

>> No.18774178

>I'm 24 and think I just got my first gf. We slept together this weekend but didn't fuck, I tried it and she said she had "girl stuff" that meant she couldn't. We just cuddled and talked through the night but I'm worried she'll think I'm some celibate / gay freak. Worst thing was I enjoyed just being with her. Is that normal??
No, it's normal. If she said she couldn't fuck you because of that, of course it's normal that you just stayed with her and had a fun time. It's normal human behavior. What should you have done instead to seem like a normal straight man and nor a celibate gay freak? Raped her, got your dick full of blood, the police on your ass? Lmao. Don't worry. She appreciates it.

>> No.18774182

It is gonna get better.
*kisses you on the cheek*

>> No.18774186

Wholesome post. Seems delicious, I'd love a bite.

>> No.18774196

I mean is it normal to have just enjoyed that. She seemed kind of disappointed the next day, but maybe that was something else. I'm a neurotic guy what can I say

>> No.18774200

totally. all three are pretty repulsive

>> No.18774289

looks grouse

>> No.18774297

>She seemed kind of disappointed the next day, but maybe that was something else

A lot of girls get self-conscious / embarrassed about their periods. I've dated girls who seem to blame themselves for having their period at an inconvenient time, for some reason, even though it doesn't make sense. Could have been something like that. That being said, aint nothing wrong with fucking a girl while she's on her period - if she's down with it. Makes no difference to me. Makes sense that you wouldn't do that the first time with a girl though lol

>> No.18774315

>I mean is it normal to have just enjoyed that.
Yes it's normal to just have enjoyed that.

>She seemed kind of disappointed the next day, but maybe that was something else.
You're just overthinking. You said it yourself, you have neurotic thinking patterns, kek. Have you thought about it this way : maybe she acted weird because she was self-conscious you'd resent her for not fucking you? This is a very common female thinking pattern. See the problem is not always within you. Or maybe there was no problem at all.

>That being said, aint nothing wrong with fucking a girl while she's on her period - if she's down with it. Makes no difference to me.
Yeah same but most girls would never do that the first time, she has to trust you not to judge her to let you do that

>> No.18774352
File: 31 KB, 326x326, 1616499919847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize you will probably never be forced to work 14 hours a day 7 days a week in some factory
the modern world is pretty fucked huh

>> No.18774368
File: 172 KB, 900x675, boys-mill-Macon-Georgia-1909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our society was so much better before! >:'(((((

>> No.18774375

vgh, so much sovl

>> No.18774391

Unironically better than school

>> No.18774401

A slight bent, a distortion, an imperfection in reality that makes anything interesting.

>> No.18774479

Are you telling me this hypocrite wrote this and The Wasteland? How is anyone supposed to live up to this after The Wasteland?

>> No.18774485

That period was part of “the modern world” you morons.

>> No.18774492

Heh you sure showed them they used the wrong word even though you understood exactly what was meant

>> No.18774500


>> No.18774509

Started my first job, and have really been hating it. Don't know if this is just how working is and I have to accept it, if it will get better, or if my job might just be shitty (cashier)

>> No.18774527

It had nothing to do with “using the wrong word”. It’s wrong in premise. You are also a moron.

>> No.18774537

It’s probably a combination of all 3. In my experience, working is just shitty and if you’re going to work you have to accept it. However, it’s also likely your specific job is relatively shitty and it’s also likely that with time you’ll get used to it and it won’t feel so shitty. I’ve never been able to grow at ease with an office job but ever non-office job I’ve had (there have been many) got easier and more comfortable with time.

>> No.18774569

He meant the contemporary world, last few decades or whatever and the near future you absolute brainlet pedant

>> No.18774790

I sometimes fantasize about a janism-based, egoist,ultra.left wing eclectic movement thats just praxis on an individual life: Communical living, jain veganism,anarcho-pacifism,deep ecology,primitivism.
all these passengers in the same bus: A life of 0 violence, of anti-natalism and worship of the Seed of Life Within. mankind would perish within a generation and be absorbed into cosmic bliss of unlife

>> No.18774826

If a celibate male dedicated his whole life to this;from baby years to 30 YO,to phsyical power,to explosive strength,tendon! ligaments! bone density,both types of muscle fiber,if this all happened;could the strongest of mankind win agains the weakest of adult gorillas?
Could this king of strongmen beat a starving adult gorilla? with a knife?with a metal baseball bat?
if he trained since being a toddler,could bench press his bodyweight when's 11? Could he sprint when he's 8? would this be abuse,would this be enlightement? What happens when he reaches 60,80 years old? Would he sprint and box and lift and throw when he's in the old men asylum?

>> No.18774834

There is a recorded case of a man killing a grizzly with his bare hands, I think he ripped out its throat through its mouth or something, so anything is possible

>> No.18774856

I think thats impossible to do on porpouse,it must be due to adrenaline rushes/hysteric strength

>> No.18774884

A life devoted to beating a gorilla 1 on 1 :
As a baby, Gregory MCcain was feed mashed,pre-chewed meat, cow's blood mixed with raw milk. As a toddler, his diet was purely carnivore . He began a regime of carrying buckets of water, bags of sand, puling and pushing carts. This was not child labor;monotonous ,tiring work,but explosive acts of muscular power of endurance.
When he turned 15 he began a tour trough out the city's gyms,out-lifting the veterans champion of each district. His 1 on 1 fight against a silverback wouldnt happen until 38; by then, he had become "the peak of muscle" among humans. He had developed thickness and rock-hard fat,to the point he would have survived a shotgun's blast.

>> No.18774886

>how could anyone support communism!

>> No.18774918

I am morbidly fascinated by the concept of expensive harlots;Does a young working class sir save his money to afford an expensive whore?does he go hungry to fornicate with such a prostitute? are low wages a ruse so the rich can keep their harlots? is this what wealtj was always about:attractive women?

>> No.18774925

nobody ever gave me anything for free save my parents;why must the poors be given free handouts?

>> No.18774958

>Could this king of strongmen beat a starving adult gorilla? with a knife?with a metal baseball bat?
Yeah, given strength and agility he could probably poke out the gorilla's eye or something.

>> No.18774993

this is a very esoteric mindset;only the Wise and apply it. death would be praxis;death by starvation. But death is violence;who,then,can solve this paradox?
truly, I cant. but I feem the universe wise,it will solve what we have failed to adress.

>> No.18775031

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.18775034

Who said anything about free handouts?

>> No.18775072

opposing labor of children from poor's families implies the family should be given a handout in the form of child care expenses or facilities.

>> No.18775081

You’ll excuse me if I take what he said to be what he meant, and even if that is true, it still makes no sense. Nobody longs to be the child soldier of the near future either. Wrap your head around it you moron.

>> No.18775097

Why did the Weasleys keep popping out children when they were poor and couldn't afford textbooks? Why didn't they just do a duplication spell on their school supplies or their food to solve the issue? Why was the only Irish character in Harry Potter a ginger called Seamus Finnigan who had a knack for making things blow up? Is JK Rowling retarded, even by Britbong standards?

>> No.18775123

I think the bear must have flipped out instinctively and tried to vomit his arm rather than bite down or something

>> No.18775125
File: 76 KB, 600x400, child-labour-pakistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sharing this site with people who condone child labor, a new low, but it is to be expected of a community of pedophiles and freaks. Faggot. So you support child labor. Are you aware that the body and mind at a young age is not yet fully developed and unable to take the load created by such work? So by condoning child labour you are raising a generation of future adults that will grow up to be a) retarded, b) psychologically traumatised, unstable, dangerous c) physically sick. Please tell me, what does this scenario mean for any given society? What can be the consequences?

>> No.18775138

Working as an apprentice in some trade is in no way more painful or damaging than public education, which in addition to being grueling is utterly fucking pointless and ruled by petty tyrants

>> No.18775140

The common office job is counterproductive to writing. It’s counterproductive to imagination. I would rather kill myself than continue to do this for much longer. But where to go?

>> No.18775165

no one ever responds to my threads so now I just shitpost

>> No.18775168


Its just a market thing, not much to think about, There is demand albeit its a case by case thing. Some people want hot sex, some people want to feel some kind of empowerment from being with attractive girls.

Also, young working class is rarely the one soliciting. Tends to be seniors. Young males should in theory have access to attractive young females without prostitution while seniors have both the funds and the necessity to pay.

>> No.18775171

LET it happen. i wasnt given any handout;why should anyone else?

>> No.18775177

Child labour in the times of the industrial revolution, presented in the picture you have initially reacted to >>18774368, FACTUALLY was more painful and damaging than public education, and you cannot argue about this. Just tell me you don't know history. People in the industrial age, especially children, were forced into inhumane working conditions. See you cannot contradict this without looking like a fool because it is a historical fact. Do you understand? Now, it's a shame that a stupid retard like you wasn't born into a poor family and forced into child labour, let's see if you still would have had this little opinion of yours.

>School is bad!!!11 I'd rather work unpaid labour!!!111

Are you twelve years old? I thought this kind of shit when I was twelve and going to school. Fucking retard.

>> No.18775187

I just finished a biochem degree and checked out at the same point as you, except I became an officer in the army

>> No.18775195

I will rape you in the ass and stripe you of all your possessions and force you to work for me as my slave

>> No.18775196

We are not talking about the past, but child labor in the abstract. School is just a child prison so that useless harpies can get paid tax dollars

>> No.18775200

She told me later she wasn't on her period, she was worried because she hadn't shaved lol. No idea what to make of that

>> No.18775205

He didn't write The Wasteland, he wrote The Waste Land

>> No.18775222

>She told me later she wasn't on her period, she was worried because she hadn't shaved lol.
That is also a common concern for females, don't worry. I've gotten this. I just tell her that I don't give a fuck and go ahead, but it's not good to do on the first time, you will scare her and she will feel insecure during the act. Porn and contemporary society brainwashes them into hating their body and feeling self-conscious if their cunt isn't shaved and other dumb shit like that lol. Really don't worry, just make it good when you do have sex.

>> No.18775234

>We are not talking about the past, but child labor in the abstract.
There is no "child labour in the abstract". Child labour is concrete. Hello?

>> No.18775246
File: 565 KB, 2560x1780, child-hates-school-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>School is just a child prison so that useless harpies can get paid tax dollars
Pic related wrote this.

>> No.18775277


Not that anon, but you are being retarded. Schools are a privilege that would have died out decades ago were it not for being productive for society. A country with higher education levels is undoubtedly a better country. It is why no matter how much money China makes, the US is still so far ahead form a country like say, China.

>> No.18775279

It's outlawed now. You realize adults also worked in bad conditions back then, showing a picture of a shitty factory is not an argument against labor

>> No.18775295

The vast majority of students need only basic literacy and numeracy and then can engage in some kind of work. It would be no more strenuous than school is and theyd start their adult lives with savings instead of college debt

>> No.18775308

I want to be lobotomized

>> No.18775347

>Schools are a privilege that would have died out decades ago were it not for being productive for society.
What does it mean to be “productive for society” and why is that a privilege?

>> No.18775348

>You realize adults also worked in bad conditions back then
Yes, which is a problem in itself. But wait, do you think adult labour is equal to child labour? Why the fuck are you comparing the two?

>> No.18775350

i leap day to day, week to week, month to month fully realizing my existence in this world and being fully frightened by the inevitable as my life spirals out towards the end. having no control, no way of turning back, no way to start over.

>> No.18775400

So often feel as though all I can do is hold on. I don't want this to be all I managed in life but so frequently don't want to go on with it anymore.

>> No.18775407


Its a privilege because it isn't guaranteed, it's something that communities have to work for, as anon said, by paying taxes and other means. It's productive for society because it strengthens the economy and quality of life substantially. Would you rather be a labor making shoes or iphones or be the manager directing those people and making then times the money they make?

>> No.18775418


In some kind of work, but not in high quality jobs.

>> No.18775482

Cheers mate, you've legitimately eased my mind

>> No.18775530

Slavery isn’t guaranteed so it doesn’t follow that just because something isn’t guaranteed that it’s a privilege. Whether or not it “strengthens” the economy is debatable. What does it even mean to “strengthen”? Even if taken as true, why does the mere fact that something “strengthens” the economy mean it is a privilege? Quality of life in what sense? According to who? To answer your final question, I would rather be neither, the former, and the latter, in that order.

>> No.18775552
File: 16 KB, 261x323, man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i'm wondering right now: the air conditioner blows outside air into my room. isn't my room eventually full? in terms of the amount of air it can accommodate. or is the air in my room getting more and more "airy". imagine if you let outside air blow into my room for 10,000 years: at some point, the room must be full like a balloon – but instead of bursting, the outside air, coming through the air conditioner tube, bounces off the inside air and flows back outside, keeping the room in a constant state of airy fullness.

>> No.18775564

write to the lurkers, anon. the blessed, the meek. they read well.

>> No.18775587

that's uh not how air conditioners work

>> No.18775626

Imagine they did for a moment.

>> No.18775665


>> No.18775691

I’m considering joining the US Army, the French Foreign Legion, or potentially the Russian Army.

>> No.18775701


Privileges are advantages, so no slavery isn't and education most certainly is an advantage over the opposite.

Strengthens the economy because it allows the people on the community to aspire for better and more diverse industries, not to mention better quality of said industries, which again means better quality of life represented in better services. A well educated population will inevitably perform better than the opposite. There isn't much room for argument on this, to be quite frank.

There is proof everywhere, most noticeable again is the difference between China and the US, where America basically doubles the rate of graduates than china (in percentage) and as such is allowed to diversify from Manufacturing whereas China is virtually stuck as a middle-wage country precisely because it doesn't have the capacity to modernize at the same rate that the US does. Which means, they inevitably have to provide a lesser quality of life translated in the type of jobs it's community can aspire and even environmentally speaking they are stuck polluting with industries.

>> No.18775722

this made me sad

>> No.18775726

Why does the United States have a higher obesity rate, and suicide rate than China and why does South Korea have the highest rate of tertiary educational attainment in the world while also having one of the highest suicide rate, despite all of these privileges and boosts to economy and “quality of life”?

>> No.18775763

US I'm pretty sure it has to do with the grain, seed, and bean industries and complicit FDA, CDC, etc. They pump cheap subsidized toxin into everything and then the state tells people its healthy

>> No.18775778
File: 78 KB, 1024x749, 1627056120052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to waste a thread on this:
What's a good introduction to market socialism? It seems like such a whacky idea, I'm intrigued.

>> No.18775779

how do you have a choice between the US and Russian armies?

>> No.18775790


There is a lot i can say about it. You touch on it. Suicide is virtually a thing of rich people. To touch on why, i would have to talk about what contributes to depression, it's particularly related to expectations. Expectations are much higher in developed countries precisely because you can aspire to greater things.

This is something i have personally experienced and worked with. Its precisely because there is better quality of life as counter intuitive as that might seem.

>> No.18775801

That’s just not even true. The highest suicide rates within these countries are the rural and the poor.

>> No.18775840

living in this modern hell is too much

>> No.18775894
File: 55 KB, 720x707, EhEBZaKVoAAGljo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking tired. I don't know how to both live and live at pace. I can't tell if I need therapy or not. I started it but I have this feeling that maybe psychology takes aim at what "either leads or follows", ie it may tackle human problems in human ways but maybe I am tired of being a human

>> No.18775922


It varies by countries and reasons, but in the US in particular, Whites have by large much more suicide rates and suicidal thoughts.

Poor people that move into wealthy areas are the most likely to commit suicide in the US, for example, again, it all boils down to expectation and the human condition. This includes cultural expectations, which is why Asians and Whites are the most affected in the US

>> No.18776035

Yeah, rural and middle class and below whites have higher rates, not the rich whites. Either way, I’m not trying to imply that poverty is what causes suicide but rather your theory that suicide is the result of wealth, not only contradicts what you said before since education correlated with both income and wealth, but it’s not even correct on the surface of it. I mean, these are nonsensical platitudes to justify why some vague notion of “education” is inherently good. What does “quality of life” even mean? It’s an arbitrary standard of exactly things like educational attainment, which is totally circular. It makes no sense.

>> No.18776240


I retract my statement of wealth relating to suicide, it wasn't well-formed. Depression however, is at its core an irrationality, so it's difficult to be precise explaining what causes it, but it tends to correlate with expectations almost inevitably, say a common and almost cliche cause are heartbreaks which creates the irrational belief that happiness can not be achieved without the person that causes it, its an irrational notion with no logic. The person expects this to be true and as such it causes depression. Its akin to insanity in a very literal way and often has very little to do with quality of life and more with the subject mentality. It's why despite humans having basically a better life than wealthy people did centuries ago are still plagued by this.

By quality of life i mean comforts and security of basic needs. A well educated community will have more of both.

>> No.18776273

What should I do for my final assignment for my Trinitarianism class? I was thinking of writing and producing a video about different popular yet secular depictions of the role of the Trinity and what heresy they belong to, but I am very open to other suggestions as well.

>> No.18776561

The OLD TESTAMENT is called the HEBREW BIBLE everywhere. Why? The stated reason is that resources don't want to be Christianity-centred, so they call it the Hebrew Bible to not discriminate Jews who also use the book. However, the HEBREW BIBLE refers to the Jewish Bible which coincidentally is also the PROTESTANT OLD TESTAMENT. Through this change of terms, the CATHOLIC OT and the ORTHODOX OT are no longer represented in resources such as Wikipedia.

tl;dr the Anglo-Judeo alliance mogged the continental again.

>> No.18776665

Where do the Japanese fit into all of this?

>> No.18776711

Literally who

>> No.18776719

Your pic reminded me: I saw a girl carrying a pigeon the other day. I have no idea if it was hurt, or if she had just taken it upon herself to capture a healthy pigeon, but she was holding it like a pro. She had it gently by the wings, cradling it like a(n American) football or rugby ball against her stomach. The pigeon seemed chill with it, more cool than some tame birds, as if it was his normal mode of transport. Now I'm worried the pigeon answered a dodgy ad.

>> No.18776730

The ones that make our 2d wife's.

>> No.18776741

>he doesn't know

>> No.18776743

Damn. And what about the Nordics? They are not Continentals.

>> No.18776758

I will never understand the autism behind gaymers writing this kind of shit or 15 pages reviews of some obsucre harem visual novel

>> No.18776761

Been reading more. Sometimes I just want to go into the woods and just live. Or die. The latter seems not as likely though since I'm not a retard. I'm just tired of life. Its hustle. Its false aspirations of acquiring more. Of its intended responsibilities that I just don't want. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to live in the suburbs. I don't want to have a "dream job." I don't want to work at all, except for the fruits of my own labor.

It's naive, sure. I'm 30. I shouldn't think this. I should have grown up already. I have a part-time job I'm still furloughed from with COVID. I just don't have the same goals as others I know, and they deride me for it. I just want to make some bread and eat some greens. I'm going to eat a salad for supper. With some rice and sardines afterwards. And some whole wheat bread. With a nice clump of good butter.

>> No.18776780

Took a nap but I had a dream where they decided they were at their limit for conventional treatment with CWC so through brain surgery and drug treatment they destroyed/excised specific parts of his brain basically wiping his memory and then they fused whatever was left of his brain/personality with brain tissue that had come from a dog dying from a brain disease and so he was scientifically “reincarnated” as a dog, was adopted by a family, and then shortly died afterwards from medical complications and I remember witnessing his final flashes of consciousness being achromatic and fragmented memories of some kind of blissful childhood with parents he “felt” but couldn’t recognize or remember he had before he finally faded into death as a confused dog. It was weirdly sad.

>> No.18776799

in the west, people say being gay is ok. but in my home country, such a thing brings great shame to one's family and people. in fact not even just shame, it is a point of ridicule. i do not know how i feel about myself despite living in the west, i still cling to my people's thoughts, for if i don't, it will be lost

>> No.18776811
File: 74 KB, 750x937, 1540344731661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i worship creativity for its own sake, but i may very well be the least creative person to ever live. what do?

>> No.18776970

Interior decorator?

>> No.18776993

Bet it you poll all Western population you get majority against gays

>> No.18777023

no but my mom has a degree in interior design. why? what does it mean? should i have read the signs sooner?

>> No.18777189

I go through emotional cycles. It starts as fairly euphoric. I'm at peace, content, just cruising through life. Then I start to think about all the shitty things that happened, realize i'm going nowhere and brood. That brooding leads to anger where I turn into a cynical ass hole for a while and harbor nasty thoughts and feel distant from people. Then I see all thr absurdity in everything and become amused by it and get euphoric again. Been like this for about 8 years. Thinking i'm bi polar or something

>> No.18777211

Why don't you make up your own fucking opinion instead of following that of other people and any given country's culture and politics, anyway?

>> No.18777277

Pseud post. Ignoring tradition and making "your own opinions" is something only a double digit IQ modern who never read a book in their life would say

>> No.18777341

>go to /lit/
>check catalog for Greeks, Bible, mysticism, or poetry threads
>no good threads
>post this on this thread
>leave /lit/ and return tomorrow

>> No.18777382

This. I've met so many people that pretend to support gay people, that say that gay people (and sometimes trans people) are completely normal only for them to become shaky as you bring children (especially their children) into the discussion.
"Yeah, I wouldn't like children to be exposed to that kind of thing", "Ok, maybe they aren't normal but they still need their rights...", "Yeah, hormones for kids is my limit", "Yeah, maybe they shouldn't allow men in women sports..."
You keep discussing about gay people and people start just confessing that they dislike them but It would be unethical to discriminate them.
So many times.

>> No.18777387

God's creation is only 15 billion years old.
Creation literally just began, considering the time frame we are working with.
God was always going to perform the act of creation, but it had to have a starting point, the first step of the process, an infinite or endless process.
From here on out?
One day, there will be an acceleration of the creation of angels to merge into Christ to recreate His Glory. An infinite amount in an infinitesimal duration, and then a greater amount in a greater subdivision of time, so on and so forth multiplying by itself exponentially. A dance with the biggest number possible.

This also means that realistically you are incredibly lucky to be alive. There are proportionately so many more angels that will never exist, than ones that do. Inconceivable blessing, the greatest luck of all time : just to be born to live to be. To experience the glory of it all.
The Pride of the Most High, who has glorified himself to the ultimate degree.

>> No.18777468


>> No.18777497

>b b but think of the children
Sick of this shit. Child abuse most often happens at the hands of family and trusted authority figures, not anonymous sinister gays. Seeing two men kissing isn't going to traumatize a kid or make him gay.

>> No.18777528

Fecund as this mud,
And pollutied too
She's fucked 'em all
Ask, and she'll fuck you too!

Context, I fucked a girl against a sea wall near a factory, river out exposing the mud. Spayed this on the wall

>> No.18777592

Also I'm evidently drunk given the misspellings

>> No.18777632

I have a clouded mind.

The kind of clouded mind you get when you have nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to learn, and you wait. Wait, until the next strange thing comes around. Like this small insignificant paragraph that I am writing, with a fuzz in my head, I can only try to relax and find respite, but instead I only have a soft pang in my head.

>> No.18777658

KEK I must be a fucking retard.

>> No.18777660

disgusting you're the guy the pompeii graffiti was complaining about
>Theophilus, don't perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog

>> No.18777664

Feeling a decrease in vtuberposting. Thanks God.

>> No.18777668

>if I keep reading maybe the clouds will go away

>> No.18777672

I actually agree. But norms gonna norm.

>> No.18777697

The statistics don't agree with that you queer. Cope and seethe.

>> No.18777721

the statistics agree so plainly and overwhelmingly that i dont even consider you a person anymore. nothing you say matters in this life or the next

>> No.18777723
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>> No.18777742

You say this to kids before raping them?

>> No.18777748

be as sick as you want, it's the truth. wish people like you would be more sick on behalf of the children getting raped

>> No.18777769

yes you arent a pedophile at all

>> No.18777813

Can't wait for summer to be over. Summer fucking blows. It's the ultimate normie season.

>> No.18777816

Do you have books you really truly love? I don’t mean like or even really like. I mean love. I mean books that that really stand out to you.

>> No.18777826

Yes, of course.

>> No.18777827

i just don't know what to write about that would appeal to people who read in my area that i would find interesting. maybe i'm too antisocial.

>> No.18777853


>This also means that realistically you are incredibly lucky to be alive...

This is indeed factually true. Something i have argued and debated for all my life. Everything we experience will only be experienced by us.Your life is one and only.

>> No.18777857

>Your life is one and only.
And yet I've spent all day browsing this site. Fuck me

>> No.18777904

Tomorrow I register for my 5th semester of school studying shit I barely like and understand even less. I will get B's and then what. Will I scrape into a masters? Won't I even get the undergrad? l will know I am stupid either way. Few amalgams of words can speak for me better than "why bother". As it seems - admittedly I may be speaking in haste - I will most likely be precisely _this_ miserable for the remainder of my thus far short life. And I am already entirely sick of it. Fuck

>> No.18777912

Look on the bright side. At least you're not a drop out loser who hasn't done gone outside for the past 4 years

>> No.18777974

I must admit that I feel like quite the failure honestly. Perhaps that's rather hyperbolic, but I must admit it feels like that whenever you go to write, and nothing comes of it. Both by the lack of any sort of audience nobody and knowing that what you wrote is garbage.
Oh, and the orioles fucking suck again. Hoorah

>> No.18778023

you understand none of this matters as long as you find a job in the field right? phds are alienating and you should never study one anyway, so if you aren't staying in academia, none of this matters, only the job you're studying for

>> No.18778034

Every morning my housemate wakes up, goes into the bathroom, turns on the tap for a fraction of a second (too short to actually wash anything) and then goes back into his bedroom. What's he doing?

>> No.18778047

Drink of water probably

>> No.18778097

Thanks anon. Assuming this hypothetical drop-out is indeed you. What have you been up to? Anything conventionally productive at all? If I wasn't so worried about looking cool, I would drop out. Instead, I am holing up the quiet or - excuse me- dark academic persona; in truth only coming so far as neurotic pessimist.
Yeah. The tendrils of academia got to me

>> No.18778167

The world is just. The west dies because it must.

>> No.18778186

All gay people should be tortured and killed.

>> No.18778204

incredible amount of shit off topic threads in the catalog today. does /lit/ even have jannies anymore

>> No.18778215
File: 1.63 MB, 460x304, 1515157634816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're correct but it's basically an axiom that 'education' is valuable and important in modern society so almost no-one will ever be able to see this. The use of modern schooling is to psychologically break children into conforming consumers while at the same time ensuring parents have both the time and the need to work. Our lives are basically one giant dig a hole, fill a hole, government contract.

>> No.18778225

I can't stress how briefly the tap is running. It is probably the minimum amount of time it can run. He turns the handle and then immediately turns it off again. A split second pssh and then off again. So he's definitely not having a drink

>> No.18778228
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, S01E16-Cat-Deceiving Chapter, Part 3 [B8FD49D0].mkv_snapshot_21.22.372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All gay people should be tortured and killed.
this but unironically
t. homo

Yes but the jannies are also ideological retards who only police threads they dislike. Depending on the time of day tranny or polack threads reign.

>> No.18778233

Fuck this shit, I wish I was an adult in the 60s. And fried my brain with psychedelics.

>> No.18778237

Are you sure? Libgen or 60s?

>> No.18778243

he's just wetting his whistle, if you take my meaning

>> No.18778256

I scroll through looking for butterflys

Butterfly scrolls through looking for me


>> No.18778266

I just want to be happy.

>> No.18778281

KEK I can't decide whether I should read or fry my brains.

>> No.18778305

Why can't I be happy? Because I'm powerless.
Why am I powerless? Because I'm unhappy.

>> No.18778313

Why does it need to be so beautiful?
The high
The pain
I can hardly stand it
What can I do but cry?
Or, get more high?
What's it take?
Hands on face, yelling mime
Onslaught of beauty
Rectified and amplified by acute pain
Was this what I was meant to do?
Is this what I was meant to be?
Is this my absolute peak?
The beauty and pain is unbearable
I'm breaking
The music
The girl
I'm writhing
Why'd you all have to do me like this?
Why'd we all have to do ourselves like this?
An overwhelming supply of accessible love and beauty
Shortcuts too tempting
Why'd it all have to be so beautiful?
Why'd you have to be so beautiful?
You're killing me
You're all killing me
Severe temptation
To feel more beauty
I can't fucking stand it
I really can't stand it
And when the beauty's gone
The pain remains
The one true constant
It's not always better to want than to have

>> No.18778422

Why do you keep reacting to these Joker quotes

>> No.18778424

Wetting his toothbrush.

>> No.18778446

Yes and they're mostly written by Tolstoy

>> No.18778449

I found a book report I did on the Iliad when I was in eighth grade and its pretty adorable.

Achilles' indignant rage cost the Achaeans countless lives- Was he justified in his actions?
My initial opinion is that this book is about answering that question in the negative. I think this is the case because of what happens to Achilles throughout the story. He first abandons the war to nurse his injured pride, and Homer shows us all sorts of negative consequences that follow from that decision and his stubbornness. The death of his friend Patroclus, the anger of the gods, the 'countless losses' of his countrymen's lives all throw negative light on the selfishness of Achilles. Though he is a great warrior, he is misguided. There is more to being a great man than being a great warrior. One must also act justly. When Achilles allows Priam to take his son back to be buried, it means that Achilles has understood this. Justice will please the gods and bring the greatest glory to men, so we should all aspire to do the right thing, even if it means swallowing our pride. That's the message that The Iliad holds, and that's why it resonates with audiences 2000 years later. People are concerned with justice today just as they were all those years ago.

>> No.18778492

But then he goes straight back into his bedroom. He's not brushing his teeth either.

>> No.18778504

What are they?

>> No.18778581
File: 85 KB, 640x972, 33EEC360-F277-403A-AFFB-1ACEA45C0856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warosu nuked the pictures again. Is he having money troubles?

>> No.18778595

I can't tell. Otherwise they would be ruined forever. I haven't even finished reading them, so it is not like I'm sure if they are my favorites.

>> No.18778604

Understandable. I don’t have any stand out favorites but I wouldn’t share them if I did.

>> No.18778639
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1b8c671b84a27e73eed9736c539cbe7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sexually frustrated. No one seems to be able to satisfy my fantasies. I just wrote a page about them, but I still don't feel satisfied. Why did I have to have such degenerate and violent sexual desires?

>> No.18778643

t. incel
Do some therapy.

>> No.18778660
File: 30 KB, 340x335, bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had sex anon, my problem isn't that, but that my desires are to degenerate and violent to be carried out in reality.

>> No.18778662

you should kill yourself then

>> No.18778703
File: 166 KB, 1209x1500, Georges_Bataille_1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's part of the fantasy aswell

>> No.18778712

My post has two lines.

>> No.18778719

Holy shit anon. Sounds wild, to say the least. I know of stories of people whose souls have genuinely been claimed by Satan (it's not as easy or accessible as one might think afaik) being rendered physically unable (like choking) to say phrases like Jesus is Lord or the like. Do you have any religious history or background?

>> No.18778764

I am lonely and sad. There is something fundamentally wrong with me.

I recently realised I have always had a severe phobia of being made aware of myself, be it through photographs, videos, hearing my own voice, or reading my own writings. Lately, the fear has escalated - probably because of the last year of Covid, which has ruined any confidence, and optimism I had - and I now actively avoid mirrors and even my own shadow.

I think this hatred of being 'aware of myself' is why I retreated into video games, movies, music, literature, anything that transported my mind away from an awareness of myself. In my life, I can hardly think of more happier times than when I am consumed by some form of media.

>> No.18778794

Comics/Manga vs. Literature

>> No.18778848
File: 35 KB, 780x438, 1626545709165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get along with literally no one and nothing ever in life.

>> No.18778878

make your fantasy a reality. don't be a bitch like Bataille.

>> No.18778985

>and violent sexual desires
Hey now. Go to some s&m ball and plead with some dominatrix

>> No.18779157

Lately I'm seeing myself as very funny, but no one is replying to my posts. I also got quoted with a basedjack for the first time ever today. I wish I was funny, but I'm just becoming reddit.

>> No.18779232

bro its that time again. it is time for me to smoke weed

>> No.18779237

You tell us every night, it's honestly comforting.

>> No.18779251

Why do I have to obsess over the most obscure, useless, irrelevant shit? Must be fear of criticism
Have fun

>> No.18779253


>> No.18779256


>> No.18779291

I’m 28 and I’m single. I also don’t really have any friends anymore. Should I be embarrassed about that?

>> No.18779292

thanks bros. just finished rolling. it is time.
I enjoy it but I do also have a dependency. the nightly usage is mostly just out of habit.
why dont you have friends anymore

>> No.18779301

Stop smoking it.

>> No.18779308

Have you tried seeking help?

>> No.18779314

why? i dont disagree that i should stop smoking every night. it has been getting old and i did manage to take a nice t break a few months ago. but i would never want to stop smoking weed permanently.

>> No.18779319

no lol. its not like i have some debilitating sickness

>> No.18779320

Weed is bad for you.

>> No.18779326

I don't understand this mindset at all.

>> No.18779336


>> No.18779340

>Should I be embarrassed about that?
Yes, at least a few people have one friend.

>> No.18779344

well could you guys explain why you dont understand it so we can advance this discourse a little?

>> No.18779347

Do you at least have people you talk to?

>> No.18779355


>> No.18779361

New thread