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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 640x480, litconfessions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1875733 No.1875733 [Reply] [Original]

I often write completely tacky bullshit that pertains to shallow life fantasies I have, vicariously living them out through my fictional characters.

How fucking dorky and pathetic is that?

>> No.1875735

Pretty pathetic.

Nice misuse of "pertains", by the way.
lrntoEnglish Language

>> No.1875736
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Me too.

>> No.1875740

I know you fuckers read in public to get noticed and things like that so fess up, bitches.

>> No.1875741

>in public

pick one

>> No.1875742

There are periods of time when I read more fanfiction than actual literature.

At least your confession can be explained by your desires to be/do something different, which everyone has.

>> No.1875759

I just became interested in literature last year.
Although I am already deeper into it than most people my age, at least that I know.

However, that's not saying much, seeing as how the deepest people go that I know of is knowing Catcher in the Rye, and it was by...George Orwell? Or something? What else did he do...?

My city is full of fucking idiots, seriously.

>> No.1875764
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hi there, have we met?

every single one of my greentext stories was true but recently i've been bored with reading but have been listening to more music and migrating to /mu/

hopefully it'll pass guys.
hopefully it'll pass.

>> No.1875769

You sound like the worst kind of person.

>> No.1875785

I have not read a post-modern novel that I have enjoyed

>> No.1875787

I really hate a lot of "classics" and important novels. Vonnegut is terrible. The Great Gatsby was the worst thing I've ever read (no wait, maybe that was Walden...or The Crucible). One day I am going to be a librarian and people will assume I love these books and I kind of resent that idea.

>> No.1875790

You'd love it here, my Library doesn't even carry the classics. Or modern novels. Also they just got a budget cut of over $10k.

Like I said, my city is full of idiots.

At least you've read them, my confession is that I haven't read most of them. I never had to in school so I feel like I kind of missed out.

>> No.1875802

>bored with reading ... listening to more music
I know that feel.

>> No.1875808

I don't think it's that weird. There is no reason to push yourself to read all the time.
It is a leisure activity, after all.

That's why I like short stories and poetry. I never have to quit reading when I don't necessarily feel like devoting myself to a novel.

>> No.1875809
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sucks man, totally sucks, even IJ (which i kinda started to stop this drought) hasn't been able to keep my attention.

downloaded 40GB of music recently...

>> No.1875811

Would you rather lose interest in music?

>> No.1875816
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no i'd rather feel like i could balance them a little more, but it's so much easier to just listen to an album than it is to get absorbed in a good book.

add me on last.fm you guys

>> No.1875849

I write fanfiction.

Recieving an email saying someone has reviewed one of my fics makes me extremely happy.

No-one may ever know.

>> No.1875854

I live close enough to Sunhawk to track him down and kill him but I haven't done so yet

>> No.1875863 [DELETED] 
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I thought I was going to click that and see that you are into neat obscure stuff and have some good taste in music, and it would be a chance for you to redeem yourself in the eyes of /lit/

You listen to Nick Cave and My Bloody Valentine occasionally which is pretty cool.. buut..

Mfw top artists, Beatles, Eminem, Radiohead, OutKast, Neutral Milk Hotel, Kanye West?

>> No.1875865

I am writing a blatant copy of this:


With my own stuff, but it is far too similar to ever release. I've got some cool stuff, too =[

>> No.1875867

Like most of the videogames I play today, I don't finish most of the books I start.

I also enjoy reading even though I'm complete shit at visualizing in my head. It's hard to explain, but I can't even see a tree in my head. If you were to ask me to close my eyes and visualize a tree, I wouldn't see anything, I would just be thinking about the idea of a tree. That's all my brain can do unfortunately.

If I could visualize though, I'd never stop reading. I don't see how reading can't be the greatest shit ever if you're a person whose brain can think visually.

>> No.1875870

Pretty sure visualizing is an skill to be nurtured and worked upon. You can get there =]

[How do you masturbate?]

>> No.1875881

I actually believe that I am a better writer than most of the people here, at least all of the people here that are stupid enough to post in any writing related threads.

>> No.1875891
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>That feel when I posted a short story in a thread once and it halted the entire thing just to praise me

My ego is still deflating.

>> No.1875907
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>> No.1875914

I refuse to read Russian literature because /lit/ loves Russians so much.
I feel this way, because /lit/ enjoys Russian literature because of its 'exoticism' to their Western European / North American minds rather than for the actual content.
If indeed /lit/ had such a raging boner for Russians with good reason, then their boner would be directed exclusively (and it's not) at Tolstoy, and, for the sake of variety in moments of flaccid penises, at Dostoevsky, Pushkin, and Turgenev.

Isaac Babel and Osip Mandelstam's work were mutilated by Stalinism, and so, the 20th century is devoid of a Russian author able to produce a novel of the same eminence of War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Hadji Murad, The Brothers Karamazov, let alone of the eminence of The Sportsman's Sketches or Yevgeny Onegin-- except perhaps the fragments of Mandelstam and Babel that could be recovered.

20th century Russia produced fine poetry, but I have yet to see Anna Akhmatova discussed here.

Yeah, so fuck you, Russia, and fuck you, c/lit/s.

>> No.1875916

You realize that visualizing doesn't mean you close your eyes and actually see a tree, right?

>> No.1875918

Was it that one where Tucker Max got anal raped? Cos that was genuinely well-written. Ahh, what a memorable /lit/ moment.

>> No.1875927
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haha "i've been bored with reading but have been listening to more music and migrating to /mu/"
>top artists, Beatles, Eminem, Radiohead, OutKast, Neutral Milk Hotel, Kanye West
and some MBV?
jeez, BB, pretend you have an opinion. It shows you've "recently" been migrating to /mu/, that's a copypasta of the most hackneyed /mu/core available.

>> No.1875929

OK, but isn't that like saying you hold the record for the 100 meter dash in the Special Olympics?

no offense, but...

>> No.1875930
File: 177 KB, 900x900, collage[1].php_user=Brownbear_55&type=7day&caption=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nick cave
>my bloody valentine
>obscure doohohohoho

don't hate on my music tastes brah

why would 'obscure stuff' be good taste is music?
what's wrong with listening to The Beatles?
they got some killer albums brah.

also everyone knows overall listens aren't representative of someone's current taste, you should check 7 days instead.

pic related, it's my last 7 days
i enjoy all of these albums and i enjoy all of my top artists too!

What's wrong with them? arguably one of the best bands in history.

His first albums (the one's i've listened too) were actually pretty great, his new stuff fucking sucks though
Kid A, OK Cumputer and In Rainbows are all great albums, TKOL sucked and haven't listened to their other stuff (namely Pablo Honey)
They make great, GREAT hip-hop, Andre 3000 is one of my favourite rappers
>Neutral Milk Hotel
ITAOTS was a great album, and although i didn't like OAI that much compared ITAOTS was still great
>Kanye West
MBDTF was a great rap/hip-hop album, i really liked the sampling on it especially. It's one of the best hip-hop albums to come out in recent years, and his other word (excluding 808 & Heartbrak) were all fantastic too, college dropout, late registration especially.

>> No.1875931
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>thinks top artists overall are /mu/ core
>ignores Brian Eno, Astronautalis, Kids & Explosions, De La Soul, Beastie Boys and Dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip off of my top artists
>thinks they're all /mu/core

also /mu/core has some pretty good music on it

>jeez, BB, pretend you have an opinion
yeah because anyone who likes The Beatles doesn't have an opinion amirite?

>> No.1875933
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>The Beatles
>What's wrong with them? arguably one of the best bands in history.

>> No.1875934
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>using greentext instead of formulating a real argument
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.1875935

Hipsters gonna hipst. Don't worry about it Brownbear.

Music is music.

Eminem is stupid though, you should feel bad about that.

Most of the artists I listen to are pretty mainstream. Neil Young, Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, etc.

>> No.1875937
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nah brah, i really liked everything up to The Slim Shady LP,
past that...it's fucking no mans land...

only listened to Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, kinda liked it, but i'm not too into older folk music, and never actually listened to a full Bowie album so i downloaded some the other day

>> No.1875938
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>David Bowie

I hate the idea that obscure=good. It is a rampant infection on /mu/ and /lit/, because the Laws of Hipster have decreed that popular=shitty, conveniently ignoring how popular everyone's favorite authors are.

Here is my top five so that others may laugh and hipst among themselves:
1. Coheed and Cambria
2. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
3. Emilie Autumn
4. Prise Fighter Inferno
5. Bjork

>> No.1875941

Evidently we are all bored of reading, given the recent turn of this thread.

>> No.1875944

You guys act like mainstream = bad is just nonsense people spout. It has a very sound logic to it.

To achieve mass appeal you have to avoid any sort of niche. In order to appeal so broadly, you can't be anything special, you can't be interesting or stimulating. You can't be challenging. If you like mainstream music, you're intellectually lazy.

>> No.1875943 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 900x900, collage[1].php_user=Brownbear_55&type=overall&caption=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


downloaded some Bjork the other day, never heard anything by her before, hopefully it'll be good

here's my 9 overall albums for anyone who's interested (no one is)

>mfw Bastard is on there
>mfw Goblin was a disapointing release but it grew on me and now i kinda like it if maybe it had 3 or 4 less tracks on it

>> No.1875946
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>that logic

>> No.1875950
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That's what Adorno said.

>> No.1875952

That's only half true.

For one thing, the radio and mainstream culture is hardly relevant with how huge the influence of the internet is these days.
For another thing, I personally don't listen to music for it being "original" or anything like that. I mostly listen to music for the songwriting, primarily lyrics.

My point being, the music can sound pretty accessible but still be incredibly profound and powerful, if done correctly.

>> No.1875953

>Not challenging
Beatles, Eminem, Katy Perry to an extent. Lady Gaga. They all challenged societal norms, musical ideas and the Beatles challenged the world in general.

I think the biggest personal sin is to only accept the mainstream. This applies to anything. I think it is an equal sin to disregard the mainstream and all it offers.

>> No.1875958

I think the biggest sin here would be writing anything off without looking at how it stands on its own, aside from any genre, label or fanbase that it comes with.

>> No.1875959


Katy Perry hasn't challenged anything - she just sings catchy pop songs

>> No.1875960

Challenging in a stric musical level. Most of The Beatles music (the one that made them famous, for instance) is pretty sterile and conventional, hence the idea that ALL their stuff is like then, when they do have a couple of good albums. The same can't be said about the others.

>> No.1875965
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So pleb

>> No.1875966
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i'm assuming he was referring to the sexualised lyrics concerning kissing girls, and her general image.


actually their music wasn't sterile and conventional for the time. And their frequent drug references, as well as their (sometimes) misogynistic and sexualised lyrics, their revolutionary sound and musical style and their overall attitude to drugs and sex made them very challenging.

On a musical level their stuff is quite different from most if not all of the stuff coming out around about the same time, both in lyrical content and style.

>> No.1875976
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Actress and James Blake

>thinks listening to shitty music that's more obscure than other stuff doesn't make him a pleb

>> No.1875979

>Naked City
We should fuck.

>> No.1875986
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I write a blog in which I pretend to be a cough syrup addict and write shitty poems and short stories.

>> No.1875991

I'm actually doing nothing to gain more recognition here.
My entire act is a fraud.

>> No.1876004

i sat cheek-by-jowl next to a grad student-cute young fella on the bus home today. he was engrossed in his kindle reading and i allowed myself the creepy indulgence of looking down to see what the name of the book was. it rang a bell in my head, but a very faint one: i had no idea what it was about, when it was published, who the author was. i repeated the title to myself all the way back to my apartment so i wouldn't forget it and when i got home and looked it up it turned out to be The First Novel By Chuck Klosterman

>> No.1876005 [DELETED] 
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I hate you for making me agree with Brownbear, but Eminem's first couple of albums were genuinely groundbreaking when they were released - they may sound unimpressive now, but at the time they were something special. Yeah, I oldfag, so what.

The Beatles are massivel over-rated in my opinion though - they weren't so original and they owe pretty much everything to George Martin.

The Kinks were a far better band of the period, I think.

mfw I realise me and brownhole have similar tastes

Good literature discussion this,,,

>> No.1876013

I sometimes read big fucking Russian novels in public to look cool, but I enjoy them as well, so meh.

>> No.1876026


i don't know why he gets the hate he does tbh, i think it's because of his recent run of albums especially, though The Eminem Show and Encore weren't great either...

also i love the Kinks, i think they were arguably better than the Beatles, but it always feels like they played it quite safe with their music for some reason.

The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society is my favourite album of the 60's

>> No.1876047


there's nothing challenging about her sexual lyrics or personal style - it's purposefully made that way to market things to people. No one or nothing is challenged.

>> No.1876082
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>doesn't challenge social norms

sure thing.

>> No.1876086


Being a slut is the social norm.

>> No.1876093

Cynic detected.

>> No.1876094


She's well worth a fuck though, except I don't know if I'd like to go where Russell Brand has had his dicky-wick.

>> No.1876099
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>> No.1876136

While we are talking about music, I guess I'll confess something music-related. I've never felt like I know enough about music and I feel like I have to constantly research more music and find really obscure things but I'm always afraid that what I think is obscure is actually popular and I won't be able to keep up with conversation about good music. The worst part is, I actually really enjoy weird or experimental bullshit but I feel like I'm missing out on so much of it. The same is true for books, in a way. I try to read as many books and essays as possible and I love classics but I feel like I never will have read enough and I'll always be stupid and uncultured.

>> No.1876137

>I often write completely tacky bullshit that pertains to shallow life fantasies I have, vicariously living them out through my fictional characters.
I've done that too. I remember I was writing a story and actually shared it with a friend. She said it was good, but she was a friend so I doubt she'd have said otherwise.
I haven't written anything substantial since. I feel like every character is just some permutation of myself and my protagonist is just a fantasy of what I wish I could be.

>> No.1876141

>every protagonist is me
Isn't that true for every author/book though, to some extent?

>> No.1876463

I know this feeling all too well. I think it's caused by giving too much of a fuck over what other people think. If you just discover things on your own and find out what you truly like, you'll be able to talk about it and feel secure with yourself.

>> No.1876476

I often wonder what it would feel like to write as a villain. And secretly deep down I think I am one. And it really is not so bad.

>> No.1876479


>> No.1876481

know that feel bro. like how is my opinion relevant, i'll take a stand when i know more about the subject.

>> No.1876538


advice for you, no one really cares about what music you really like, and it doesn't take much to keep up in any half-ass, scrape the surface music discussion about this band and that.

If you want to begin to really like music, you need to throw everything you know/popular opinion (or any opinions you or anyone has) out the window and start from scratch. I did this, I got so fed up with how people took the music they listened to so seriously and based their lives around it, no observers of an art do this in any other medium, not even lit, at least not as much as they do in music. I seriously stopped listening to any kind of music for almost a year until I just naturally began to like shit again. It started with basic decent radio rock bands like the Chilie Peppers and Audioslave.... and now 5 years later I play 3 instruments competently and can hold a decent discussion about every musician from Dvorak, to Skip James/Robert Johnson, to Mahalia Jackson, to Elvis and Sam Cooke, to 50's/60's American Folk,to Chess/Sun, to Brit Invasion/American and British Blues revival, to the Toots and Maytels, to the Born Ruffians, etc.

And fuck everyone who tries to guess that which I like best!

>> No.1876542


>no one really cares about what music you really like

I care.

>> No.1876548
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Lawdy, that sounds like an unbearable way to be. Stop that at once and take this anon's advice >>1876463

>I've never felt like I know enough about music

So study some music theory or music history, rather than endlessly scrabbling for obscure names that other people tout as worth your while. this way you will have the time and the means to really dig in and enjoy yourself. trading band names back and forth like baseball cards can be a good time, but for the love of sweet mootykins, don't let it make you feel inferior to anybody. Music is created and innovated by mortal men, of which you are one. A solid appreciation of it is well within your grasp.

>> No.1876550

I write female author avatar Mary Sue versions of myself, at least this way its not as blatantly obvious I'm superimposing myself into the story.

>> No.1876554

I have a Kindle but still buy paperback books

>> No.1876566

Along with loving literature, I'm addicted to vapid music.


>> No.1876585

I feel ya dude, I do the same accidentally usually only to realize how similair my story is to movie/book/game I like, this is actually a big indicator of an inexperienced author, who subconsciously plagiarizes from memory without even realizing it, but they are just growing pains we will become better as we become more experienced :)

>> No.1876587

So do I.

Here are a number of my confessions-

>I often start a book, get halfway through and start another.
>I barely feel any emotions in my real life and I use literature as a way to feel anything
>I have established my ego around being an avid reader
>People think I am intelligent but realistically I've just read books and like to talk and argue about philosophy and other things.

>> No.1876589

I spend twice as long choosing books to read as I do reading.

>> No.1876593

>People think I am intelligent but realistically I've just read books and like to talk and argue about philosophy and other things.


>> No.1876594

Longtime /mu/fag here, you guys discussing music. Your taste is awful.

>> No.1876600


>> No.1876602
File: 145 KB, 404x478, 1308935507383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please please just gtfo of this board. I thought about frequenting this board, but you just turned a giant off switch in my brain. I'm going to need to see more to assure me that this board isn't filled with your kind.

>> No.1876610

dear lord I want to punch you in the face

>> No.1876614

I have the same thing, bro. When I'm reading I'm not seeing the universe that's being created, I'm reading words on a piece of paper.

>> No.1876618

I post on /lit/.

That's a crime enough.

>> No.1876626
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>I feel really bad if I don't finish a book, so I do everything I can to get to the end if that means taking a REALLY long time to read the book or skipping unimportant parts.

>I'm an english major focusing on writing and culture and literature is really important, yet I'm not huge on authors. I'm getting there though. What I do have are skills to analyze literature as I'm reading it, so I don't feel so bad that I'm not as pro as other /lit/ posters (do you guys have a nickname?) I'm not afraid to engage in any piece of lit.

>Honestly, I don't love reading that much. But I'm Michael Jackson at the movies when discussing a piece of literature and all of its elements.

Pic related

>> No.1876648 [DELETED] 
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>mfw successful music is called "mainstream"
>mfw superior rock music is called "math" rock
>mfw rock that doesn't sound the same all the time is called "progressive"
>mfw music that isn't music is called "ambient"
>mfw music is so bad it isn't recognised as music and is called "experimental"
>mfw you can read a pitchfork review of an album and in 2,000 words they don't tell you a single thing about the quality of the music, just the emotional conteny and a bunch of peripheral shit related to the band

>mfw contemporary music in theory and practice is a completely degraded laughing stock that makes the status of literature and literary criticism look as solid as the laws of gravity

>> No.1876650 [DELETED] 


>mfw d&e listens to fuckin rush

>> No.1876653

moving pictures is a great album

>> No.1876660

Geddy Lee's voice is worthy of Nabokov's careful attention

>> No.1876661


is there a chance i would like it even if i find geddy lee's caterwauling really obnoxious

>> No.1876664

>I usually enjoy reading literary criticism way more than the novel

>> No.1876762

Yeah and it's not like I'm friends with hipsters who give a fuck. It's just an irrational fear of looking like an idiot.

>> No.1876765

I've been thinking about sandwiching my dick with Gravity's Rainbow, and then jerking off using it.

Should I?

>> No.1876766

Yeah definitely! I'll talk forever about a subject which I feel confidently knowledgable about, but as soon as the conversation takes a turn toward something that I don't know a lot about, I just retreat and play around on my phone or whatever.

>> No.1876771

Thanks for the motivation. Believe it or not; the reference to moot actually helped convince me for some reason. Seriously though, I'll just try to give less of a fuck and learn more about everything because music was just an example and I do this with so many things.

>> No.1876774

I know that feel, I use to like pretentious shit but now i listen to "horrible" cheesy techno music and metalcore, because well thats what I fuckin like! I'm not trying to impress anyone anymore, you gotta just be who you are and you end up alot happier in the end.

>> No.1876775

I think of myself as having the potential to be one of the great living writers, but I lack the motivation to become one.

>> No.1876777

I know right! Fuck BB

>> No.1876800

I love fanfiction. I really love it. So much.

Since we've gone onto /mu/ related stuff, I have cried listening to ITAOTS. That is all.

>> No.1876828

I used to read Star Trek and Star Wars books.

>> No.1876850

I like reading smut fanfics.

I dislike most music made before I was born, especially classic, dad rock and all that.

>> No.1876857


Any chances you know what comes next after the NJO novels?

>> No.1876860


I hate David Foster Wallace, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Franzen, and Richard Ford.

Also I think Fantasy/Sci-Fi are pathetic and for children.

No one has done anything to surpass Bach.

>> No.1876874

I try to write a page or so a day, and do it mostly on my phone, while editing on my computer late at night.

>> No.1876888


This was in the mid 90s. Dunno what NJO is.

I liked Peter David for Star Trek (really wrote great YA-level stuff but... chafes a bit with his cheesiness now). For young adults, I'd say Q-Squared, Vendetta, and A Rock and a Hard Place are lightyears ahead of anything else written in the Star Trek universe.

I enjoyed The Han Solo trilogy by A C Crispin, Shadows of the Empire, and the Thrawn Trilogy (which, in retrospect, was just Timothy Zahn masturbating while he made a character so badass that he destroyed all the original characters in terms of awesomeness which burns my ass).

Ultimately they all fall victim to being Star Trek/Star Wars expanded universe garbage (with the exception perhaps of Peter David, but even those suffer a little bit).

>> No.1876900

People keep giving me David Eggers books as gifts. I hate them. They go behind the other books on my shelf so I don't even have to see them. They're awful.

I almost have his complete works now. What the fuck.

>> No.1876907

Thanks for saying this. I completely agree.

>> No.1876923


>> No.1876937

some one bought a book for me from my amazon wishlist in one of those threads and i haven't read it yet. i feel awful.

>> No.1876938

I'm not even /lit/. I just clicked on here to check it out and this was at the top of the page.

>> No.1876947

I absolutely LOATHE Kindles and anyone who buys them to actually read novels on them. They only serve there purpose to pirate and carry text books.

>> No.1876966
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lol pleb 2 poor 2 buy kindle ahahahahahhah

>> No.1876977
File: 70 KB, 221x221, dicklick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard this, I suck cocks

>> No.1876980
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Nice dubs and photoshopping skills bro
Can't imitate me though, I am the one and only.

>> No.1876982
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Thank fucking god for that.

>> No.1877003

Confession: I read books solely for their entertainment value. Don't make me critique it or ask my opinion about it or force me to relate it to today's society or whatever because I Do Not Care.

>> No.1877008

What's your beef with me Tom?

>> No.1877013
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Nothing, you're okay I guess.
You've just failed to impress me with your first few posts.

>> No.1877019


Where do you live? I'm in Somerset, England.

I thought Infinite Jest was worth a 4/10, even though people have started religions around it.

>> No.1877020
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I'm in love with onionring, I want to have hot animalistic sweaty sex with her and then lay on the floor while she recites me Tractatus

>> No.1877022


>> No.1877029


What have I done to offend you? Just my generally bad threads and posts?

>> No.1877039

You haven't offended me, and I'm not the person who wanted to track you down and kill you. I just saw the word Somerset and felt the need to post it as if it were being pronounced by a person with a stereotypical West Country accent. It was very immature. Sorry.

>> No.1877040


I see. Well, very few people these days have broad Westcountry accents (lol @ them), and I myself have a slightly posh accent. Where are you from?

>> No.1877041

I recently watched Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Potter, you see. All the characters in that have that accent. I'm from London and also have a slightly posh accent.

>> No.1877043


What is London like to live in?

>> No.1877045

It's not bad. Luckily I'm not right in the busy heart of it, more on the outskirts, but I very much enjoy going into the city with friends. How is Somerset?

>> No.1877046

What OP does is what 95% of all writers do, whether they want to admit it or not. The 5% that don't do this are the authors we call writers of classics.

>> No.1877047

are you from north, east, west or south?

>> No.1877048

Don't be silly, all writers do this, even writers of classics. Joyce did, Shakespeare did.

>> No.1877049


>> No.1877050

was intended to reply to >>1877047
just to clarify.

>> No.1877052


Somerset is one of the better counties, but nothing special. I love Devon and Cornwall, with all the beaches in Summer and hot chicks.

And yeah, lots of writers live vicariously. So what? It's just another form of escapsm, like most people have. It's better than daytime tv.

>> No.1877053

I think it makes their writing better, because there's a personal, passionate aspect.

>> No.1877054

me 2, what borough you in? ealing here

>> No.1877056

Harrow/Hillingdon. Went to Ealing recently, Questors theatre.

>> No.1877061

I don't much care for England and I despise London as a city and it seems to be populated solely by bastards.

>> No.1877063

cool, i'm next to hayes

>> No.1877070

Are you saying Joyce and Shakespeare had Mary Sue characters in their works? Because thats what OP is and others like him: a typical Mary Sue piece of shit writer.

>> No.1877075

I thought most people hated London?

On a similar note, I hate the west of Scotland, not just Glasgow, but the whole west. I haven't been further than Falkirk in almost 5 years. And the last time was for a family funeral.

>> No.1877078
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>spending the next 4 years in glasgow
>slaf hates glasgow
>slaf hates me

>> No.1877081
File: 19 KB, 254x346, sara-ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLAF hates me.
I could never hate you.

>> No.1877083

my hair is getting so long i look like a quin i think this butch dyke tried hitting on my when i went out last

>> No.1877090

My dentist is in Hayes, it's a fucking shithole.

>> No.1877117
File: 54 KB, 500x332, Saraquin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think this butch dyke tried hitting on my when i went out last
She was probably still Classier than most girls in Glasgow.

I had a friend who looked like a Quin. She was sadly of the same sexual orientation as the Quins. Shit sucks man. Why do I love them so...

>> No.1877213

Because they are adorable

>> No.1877947

I hate DFW and sci-fi/fantasy too

>> No.1877963

Sometimes in my head I narrate my own life as it's happening.

>> No.1878669

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a "Quin"?

>> No.1878684

I have every Goosebumps, Fear Street, Babysitter's Club, and Dear America book released. (so far, for Dear America.)

>> No.1878732
File: 27 KB, 399x224, Dealwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tegan and Sara Quin.
Alright, confessions:
>I read fanfics all the fucking time
>I also enjoy Homestuck

>> No.1878734

>Enjoy Homestuck

Where, in your opinion, can Homestuck go from here, if anywhere? Do you think they dun goof'd it beyond repair and is now so convoluted and entangled that the only way out is a reboot?

>> No.1878737

My first full screenplay had no narrative drive. It was so fucking ridiculous I had to end it on an anti-climax.

I now know shit writing better than I know good.

>> No.1878746

I have some half-decent ideas for borderline fantasy and scifi stories, but I'm avoiding writing them because, deep down, I feel like scifi and fantasy are "lower" genres of literature.

Keep in mind, this doesn't keep me from reading and enjoying other peoples' work. I'm just terrified that it's all I'll ever be able to contribute, so I continuously push myself to write more general "fiction" stories.

>> No.1878747

I prefer to use 3-4 words where 1 would do.

>> No.1878763

I haven't gotten up to the latest updates yet, I'm only on act 4 or so.

>> No.1878843

While waiting for the 6th Harry Potter book I read countless fan fictions.

some were actually good
or so i beleived at the time

>> No.1878880

I often explain everyday things in my head as if I were giving a tour of the modern world to someone from the past. I guess I do it to try understand how alien any setting can seem to the uninitiated.

>"If a lion could speak, we could not understand him."

>> No.1879326


Hehe, my confession is that since I bought my kindle, I haven't paid for a single book.


>> No.1879402
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I'm a compulsive book-buyer; my buy-to-read ratio is 1:6, or something like that.
I try to convince myself that I'm buying them for when all our electronics turns against us (think Treehouse of horror X). Then I'll be sitting in candlelight, reading some awesome books.

>> No.1880002
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I do not post my writing here, and I am an infinitely better writer than you, sir.

>> No.1880016

Orwell is disappoint.

(I fucking love passive verbs though. However, I also like using anti-deponent verbs, so I guess it's the passive meaning that I like.)

>> No.1880570
File: 44 KB, 500x461, 12s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy reading about reading more than I enjoy reading actual books.

>> No.1880575

I spent the last two days straight reading fanfiction instead of Steppenwolfe.

I read comics and manga.

I enjoy my writing classes mostly because other people shower me with praise for being a fantastic writer. Otherwise I think my writing is shit and don't feel motivated to write.

Come at me bros.

>> No.1880613


I like reading self help kind of books more than "literature" now a days. They often have wonderful stories, real and imagined. Good ones anyways. Those "good ones" also succeed in inspiring and allowing me to consider new possibilities. However, the whole genre really seems to get smashed as a whole quite a bit. So, I'm usually embarassed to admit my reading habit. Good self help book (as I'll denote it although even the author may not refer to it as such) that I finished today was The Paradox of Choice.

>> No.1880707

I'm waiting my father would die so I can write a gatsby-esque story of his life. Assuming I don't die first, I'll probably write about how I was such a dirt-bag for fantasizing his death. The kicker is I don't even hate my father, I just think it'll make a great story.

I like dance music (including dub-step)

>> No.1880860

I feel similarly in regards to the writing class thing. The only writing projects I've ever actually started and completed entirely were for classes. Everything else gets started and dropped, or I get halfway through and drop it.


>> No.1880881

I still read anime and Harry potter slash fanfic.
I'm certainly not the only one here who does.

I used to be obsessed with twilight when it came out. But it didn't take me too long to realise how terrible it really is...
What else.. I stalk various profiles of my crush to read books he likes so I can namedrop them in conversations.

I'm shameless ._.

>> No.1880894

I just finished a yaoi heavy cardcaptors fanfic called pleasure slave, for the third time. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.1880895

Updike's A&P is dull, unimaginative and overrated.

>> No.1880903
File: 69 KB, 247x278, 1302885901367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last night i read fanfic

no, not to fap.

>> No.1880915

>I read fanfics all the fucking time
oh ok, Anonymous one-upped that already...

>> No.1880921

Fuck. This..
To date I have received Italo Calvinos folk tales, wreck this journal, snow falling on cedars, 5 people you meet in heaven and a giraffe beanie baby, From wishlist threads. I haven't read any of them :( but I did just take "tiptop" down from my shelf for a guilty cuddle :3

>> No.1880925

I admire onionring for having the balls to posts in threads like this without dropping trip.

>> No.1880937
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>> No.1880943

>I hate DFW and sci-fi/fantasy too


>Updike's A&P is dull, unimaginative and overrated.


>> No.1880976

Look into your heart. You know it to be true.

>> No.1881155

I love reading spoilers/entire summaries of books I haven't read before reading them.

I like reading chapter summaries of entire books on sparknotes better than reading the actual books themselves.

Then if the book is good, I go buy it and read it after I've already read it, everyone I tell this to IRL thinks I'm nuts, but I genuinely enjoy knowing shit ahead of time, and it's so damn tempting!

>> No.1881843

Yeah I do this sometimes too. I'll read the Wikipedia article on a book before reading the actual book. I just have to know what the book is about and its purpose. This is especially helpful with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and other such authors of gigantic Russian novels. However, there are certain books for which spoiling it would destroy the book. Books with absolutely beautiful prose that allows for story to fall into place perfectly without trouble or difficulty understanding fall into this category.

>> No.1882330

I'm so insecure I never have any idea if I'm actually smarter than the person I'm talking to or if it's just a lot of misplaced arrogance.

I've been told both multiple times by other people so I really don't know how to deal with it.

>> No.1882334

I find it difficult to sit down and read for more than an hour at a time.

I don't like Lovecraft.

I never purchase books and feel no regret at letting my favourite authors wallow in poverty.

>> No.1882339


Why does it matter if you're smarter or dumber than the person you're talking to? Conversation is not some challenge for superiority.

>> No.1882340

Of what benefit would it be to you to know whether or not you are 'smarter' than the person you are talking to?

>> No.1882342

>implying a bunch of people don't base their whole value on their intellect

>> No.1882345

Like many others on /lit/, I both read and write terrible fanfiction.

>> No.1882347

I'm not saying I personally care an incredible amount whether I'm smarter or dumber than the people I associate with, just that I'm so completely fucked in terms of self esteem that I have no frame of confidence to go off of in terms of whether what I'm saying has any comparable merit.

>> No.1882348

I enjoy reading

>> No.1882356

Dostoevsky is not my favorite even though I tell people that he is. I also tell people that Orwell is my favorite which is somewhat true; Nabokov, however, is the best but I don't say that because idiots just think, "hurrdurr pedophilia," and have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.1882359

I masturbate to my own erotic fiction

>> No.1882362

I found some things in The Fountainhead agreeable.

>> No.1882367

I contribute arrogant, self-agrandizing, antagonistic posts to a literary board on a weeabo image posting site because IRL nobody can stand my self-absorbed , haughty disposition. I'm often alone.

>> No.1882372

Dostoievsky is my favourite writer but I never say so when I'm asked because I know it's a flagship for pretentiousness and I've heard way too many self-absorbed hipsters talk about him without having even read him sometimes.
I always end up just saying Checkov, who is my second favourite, to avoid that.

>> No.1882374

In high school, I adored Atlas Shrugged and objectivism.

>> No.1882376

We all did.
Rand appeals to people with limited life experience

>> No.1882378


>> No.1882381

Trying to avoid pretension by lying and telling half-truths is just the same as doing the opposite.

>> No.1882382

That's a nice way to put it.

>> No.1882387

>I'm so completely fucked in terms of self esteem that I have no frame of confidence to go off of in terms of whether what I'm saying has any comparable merit.

Well why on Earth wouldn't it?

Think, what gives you confidence in the words of others? Also consider, as objectively as you can manage: how different are you from the general population of people that you consider worth listening to? If you are not so different, then why not afford yourself the same confidence?

You may have thought these things through before, but if not, perhaps this suggestion may direct you toward the path of unparalyzing yourself. You wonder whether what you say has merit, you wonder what you are worth when you are very likely worth just as much as anybody--and these are the things that have some of the greatest potential to devalue what you say. In the realm of taste, theory, and opinion, you ought to allow yourself lots of creativity. (And in the realm of facts and figures, there is no room to be too proud or too ashamed, only correct or incorrect, and it is a very easy thing for anybody to be either.)

>> No.1882395

...huh. Food for thought. Thanks.