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18757521 No.18757521 [Reply] [Original]

This is what you could call good horror Mr. Lovecraft.

>> No.18757587

This sounds exactly like the backstory behind The Lurking Fear only instead of Chris-Chan it was the Dutch.

>> No.18757593

>The Lurking Fear
I will look it up, thank you.

>> No.18758069

this is fucking horrible but i want to learn more about it. where are the best discussion threads right now? i tried scouring /b/ for the first time in years but only found a few. i dont want to go to kiwifarms

>> No.18758100

I think a decent individual shouldn't look this up and hide this thread, especially since it's off-topic bait.
I haven't bothered reading OP once I figured out what it was about but for some reason these people have been spamming this story everywhere. This is a sad insane man living a sad, insane life. It's not entertaining. Nobody wants to read this to help him, it's all nothing but voyeurism.

>> No.18758154

So off topic question, any good forums you visited?

>> No.18758175

>not entertaining

>> No.18758298


Chris chan has a soul built from cheap material. So any fictional depiction would require embellishment or a comedic irony. And "horror" only appeals to niggers and normies

>> No.18758300

>decent individual
yes I know where I am

>> No.18758312

chris chan is a good case study in the endless capacity of psychologically normal "moral" people to justify high school bullying behaviour as anything other than what it obviously is. the amoral trolls who interfere in chris' life directly are less odious than the middle class homebodies writing long articles detailing all of a severely disabled man's "moral failings" in a victorian tone of self-righteous disapproval (oh dear, the man with the alien neurobiology said something taboo and socially inappropriate, how dreadful!). what i find particularly amusing is the repeated refrain "i used to sympathise with chris, but he has never gotten better despite all the advice we've given" as if the unqualified platitudes of random internet retards constitute some kind of legitimate therapy. it's rationalisation, pure and simple. imagine a layman trying to help a down syndrome person, failing, getting frustrated, walking away and saying "he deserves everything that happens to him, because he obviously doesn't want to help himself." milquetoast liberal redditors and kiwi farms browsers are more willing to deploy this bootstraps sort of rhetoric against a man who had the whole deck of cards stacked against him than against their own able-bodied, neurotypical, tertiary educated peers. what a joke. if chris were not an "internet personality", if you were a social worker going to work to treat a disabled man, you would not hold things like his "homophobia" against him, and consider him an "asshole" because of it, and you would certainly not consider any of this roman colosseum style public humiliation remotely appropriate to his situation. note also the high functioning autistic people -- who either would never have had symptoms as severe as him or who received therapy from an early age (unlike chris) -- who like to chime in and say there's "no excuse" for his behaviour (probably because humans like to believe their good fortune is the result of their own merit, rather than circumstances beyond their control). it is like a medicated schizophrenic saying there's no excuse for un-medicated schizophrenics to believe they have thoughts injected into their brains by radio towers. when you watch those videos of autistic adults who literally can't even speak and compulsively hit themselves... do you think they say the same thing there? they're just choosing that? there's no excuse? stop using autism as an excuse? etc.

>> No.18758332

Incredibly based post.

>> No.18758400

Morality and value judgments in general are always downstream from relations of power.

>> No.18758431

I posted this on Kiwifarms and you're getting laughed at, lmao.

>> No.18758453

>I post on Kiwifarms
Good way of outing yourself as being a parasitic depraved autist who's no better than Chrischan.

>> No.18758468

Yeah the lolcows are essentially winning by having legions of morons froth at the mouth over them lmao. spending their days documenting some tard who doesn't even know he exists. some of them even admit to being lolcow paypigs. imagine causing thousands of collective hours of human anger and frustration with no effort... holy based

>> No.18758476

>having legions of morons froth at the mouth over them
I wish I was a lolcow

>> No.18758477

That site is basically the antithesis of what I like about the internet

>> No.18758480


>I post ... on Kiwifarms

>> No.18758497

post of the month

>> No.18758510

Get laughed by honorary niggers or mutts means nothing. They will always be subhumans who probably themselves are suppressing traumas

>> No.18758511

Every single Kiwifarms user I've ever met has been an irredeemable loser.
More importantly, they've all been ugly.

>> No.18758521

The horror

>> No.18758532

Ultimately the internet can be a very ugly place for mentally unwell people, especially those who attract a following of "fans" (bullies is probably the better word). I dunno how to fix that, beyond people just maturing as a whole, which is rather unlikely.

>> No.18758542

The only person I know irl who cares about Chris Chan and lolcow shit is a drug addicted kike who lives with his parents well into his late twenties. He has absolutely nothing to show for his life asides from an impressive amount of beta blockers and antidepressants he's been prescribed after fucking up his endocrine system with years of ketamine abuse. He's stolen from every job he's ever had, not in a cool way either where he's heisting a lot of money or skimming the fat off his jobsite, literally just pocketing candy bars and bottles of beer then bragging about it until his boss inevitably finds out and fires him. Nobody will hire him except for his dad, so he is basically completely dependent on his parents. Once a year he'll find some mentally fucked up crack whore, fall in love with her, brag about what a pimp he is, then inevitably hit her or post her nudes online then spend a month crying about her being a bitch and getting his yearly fix of drama. Every day he wakes up in his parents nice house, goes downstairs, takes a huge dab of thc oil, and spends hours watching videos of Chris Chan or other literal retards on youtube with his mouth agape, laughing at them, only getting up occasionally to smoke a cigarette or take a rip from his bong.

Whenever I see Chris Chan posters, thats how I envision them. Bottom feeder morons with nothing going on in their life, latching on to the few internet personalities objectively worse than they are in order to feel good about themselves. "Maybe I'm a loser, but at least I'm not /that/ motherfucker". It's pathetic really. Good litmus test for someone's worth as a human being is whether they gravitate towards people better than they are or towards people worse than they are. Tells you a lot about their priorities.

>> No.18758634
File: 74 KB, 1000x560, extremelygoodtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest, I think its fake. Until proven otherwise I will assume this whole shitty meme is just trolls coercing or convincing him into saying stuff that isn't true. The goon squad who was recently got him to make Hitler the hero in Sonichu, believe that the multi-verse is real and possibly become trans could probably have gotten him to say pretty much anything for whatever pleasure they get out of it if they can induce that much shere delusion.

>> No.18758995

Not a thread, but this video is a good overview of most events leading up to about four or five years ago; from there you'll have to do your own research

>> No.18758996

What the fuck does any of this mean? Who honestly cares about some internet personalities? Kiwifarms, lolcow milkers, internet personalities, who cares? The only people i've met that constantly bring up these internet nobodies are pathetic weirdos

>> No.18759027

visiting the s*b-reddit fills me with passionate hatred for those who spend all their time online following internet drama, get a life you faggots. THe same faggots that probably watch youtube drama summaries

>> No.18759037

You cannot look at Chris Chan and say “that man is winning”. The fact that the other side is also losing does not change that.

>> No.18759052

wtf is Kiwifarms, do I need to lurk more?

>> No.18759053

i mean the very recent events

>> No.18759071

This thread has convinced me to reduce my online consumption to 1 hour per day.

>> No.18759525

>"i used to sympathise with chris, but he has never gotten better despite all the advice we've given"
this is the most cringe shit anyone has ever said

>> No.18759551

>I posted this on a site with demented losers and the demented losers disagree with you

>> No.18759560

Chris should have been in an institution a long time ago.

>> No.18759578

I don't even know how many hours I spend here. God, my life got completely fucked.
At least I've never stooped as low as people who follow CWC and other retarded drama and post on kiwifarms so maybe there's hope for me.

>> No.18759590


>> No.18759601


>> No.18759605

Great post
Now link it so I can laugh at kiwitrannies

>> No.18759615

Why people are acting like sex with chris is hell? He's 10X better than barb.

>> No.18760139

What did CWC do in his past life to warrant this nightmare existence?

>> No.18760148

Why won't anyone just put it down?

>> No.18760310
File: 131 KB, 892x1024, 1627144393757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only sit back and laugh as your fellow man trips down the path to hell by no fault of his own

>> No.18760320

Now read it to this:

>> No.18760326

Lol yeah exactly.

>> No.18760382
File: 10 KB, 552x454, 43571557_1117295435113110_5860307752395472896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the point that the trolls that made him what he or she is now have a lot of guilt around this and that we shouldnt make fun of it, but it rise questions. Granted, they are in a difficult situation because life is a bitch, but we as a whole have a responsability over them? what is the limit in be more tolerant with their behaviours? should even exist a sanction agaisnt this poor ass or not? is more humane to let them live that way or simply negate their existence? I say because in many countries the eugenic abortion is legal and practice without much predjuice, or is the simply will of the mother enough to let begin a existence of pain?

>> No.18760425

It's a forum that was made specifically for people to troll Chrischan along with a few other less noteworthy lolcows.

>> No.18760446

Can you even abort mentallly unwell people? How would you know they were unwell before they developed?

>> No.18760458

Chris's true doom was having boomer parents with no understanding of autism or the internet.

>> No.18760505

This is a good pasta. If we lived in a rational society, autists would be eugenicized upon discovery.

>> No.18760697

The most ridiculous part about the whole moralfaggotry is that Chris has been in constant contact with people who do not want him to get better. We know the trolls have encouraged his delusional thinking, that they'd also discourage Chris from getting the help he needs is obvious. In the end they go to great lengths to virtue signal about how they feel contempt for a psychotic retard who is being manipulated by sociopathic retards who want their place on the CWCki.

>> No.18760770

What happened to your shift key?

>> No.18760812

>Maybe I'm a loser, but at least I'm not /that/ motherfucker
Exactly my feelings about the person you just described.

>> No.18761148

If it's an act he's been keeping up for like, half a decade at this point? Chris's belief in multiverse bullshit is literally a coping mechanism, when his mother dies, his house will be reposessed, and after that, what does he have? At best he has the charity of people who have gawked at him for years, but in his fantasy worlds, he is free, he's thinner, confident, and people like him, and then, eventually people were able to infect this for him (See Asperchu).

His belief that fictional characters are real is essential to him, because without it, he has nothing, no hope, no future, but if he places his faith into this idea of the merge, where his fantasty world will become merged with reality, he can maintain himself regardless of his actual conditions , eventually the horde will be broken, and he'll have his dog back, and his dad, and things will be happy and safe like they used to be, and nobody will hurt him anymore.

It's tragic, and an indictment on all of us (at large i mean) that any person should be reduced to this.

>> No.18761218

How is any society but one operating under fascistic and eugenic principles capable of dealing with such individuals as him? There is no amount of psychiatric treatment, therapies, educational facilities or even homeless shelters capable of housing him. There is surely always going to be an underclass that is incapable of ascension—one might even say that that class's permanence is necessary for society writ-large.

>> No.18761229

>Maybe I'm a loser, but at least I'm not /that/ motherfucker
tbqh I cope the same way, but not with Chris Chan type people, but with people in high places who are amoral.

>> No.18761234

The whole story of Chris-chan, and this post in particular, reminds me of that one story of the society which seems utopic but has a child being horribly abused in order for everyone else to be happy.

>> No.18761270

This one's going on the fridge

>> No.18761299

>how is any society but one operating under fascistic and eugenic principles capable of dealing with such individuals as him?
You don't treat an illness by killing the patient, even amongst the most incredible, superhuman brilliant fascist utopia, the human mind can still break, mental illnesses can develop in response to something that happens within a persons life, Eugenics isn't a solution to the problem posed by Chris, it's just washing your hands and saying "Too hard, kill the retard".

>There is no amount of psychiatric treatment, therapies, educational facilities or even homeless shelters capable of housing him.
According to what? Chris was mainstreamed from an early age, recieved (as far as i can tell) virtually no mental health support, and traditional community figures (like the local church pastor) eventually gave up on him.
>There is surely always going to be an underclass that is incapable of ascension—one might even say that that class's permanence is necessary for society writ-large.
This is again, just lazy washing of hands, we are part of a common humanity, or forgetting that, part of a common community, one of us, a human being was allowed to wallow in his own shit for decades, and be broken to the point of total delusion, and all we can do is tutut about the innate immorality of a man who failed himself, sure, but was forged over years into a man who could do nothing but fail.

The little match girl didn't need to die, people don't need to freeze to death in the streets or throw themselves off of bridges, these are the consequences of what we collectively have built.

>> No.18761362

Problems posed by Chris are high-level autism. All else is downstream of that; stifle the flow of autism into the genepool, and one will find an immediate and complete reduction of the symptoms.

You have a very optimistic view of both humanity, and the universal laws that have engendered it, believing both are, seemingly, susceptible to human 'progress'. I don't.

As long as humans compete there shall be failures; as long as there are failures there shall be suicides; and as long as there are suicides there shall be much gnashings of teeth and status-seeking concerns about how to rescue these poor unfortunates—in spite of the fact that their actions, willed or no, were the ones who pushed these people over the edge. One can't change universal competition, and thus neither can one change human competition.

>> No.18761372

Shut up cuckold tranny.

>> No.18761714

Is there any point to writing horror in a world where Chris-chan raped his mom?

>> No.18762014

Yes, there is plenty of hope 4u

>> No.18762186

Fantastic post

>> No.18762297

everything is horrific in this sad story

>> No.18762356

>washing your hands too hard kill the retard
And this is wrong because why?

>> No.18762404

You can know if smeone is gonna born with down syndrome, and with brain imaging is possible to test some problems more.
To be fair, born with the opposite is a strange sitaution for all.

>> No.18762429

I think the guy you're replying to is saying there is 0 empathy in the situation. The crowd of followers are not there to help, they are there to get their kicks, whether by signalling or trolling. And when we laugh about him, because really, who doesn't? All the excuses people use are just excuses. Ask someone why they watch him or follow him, and their excuses makes the whole thing worse. Just be an egoist and say you like tormenting him - why are you trying to convince us (and yourself) that you're not tormenting him?
When someone is convincing himself that he's not doing something you know he thinks it is wrong.

>> No.18762471

>Eugenics isn't a solution to the problem posed by Chris, it's just washing your hands and saying "Too hard, kill the retard".
What's wrong with that approach? Are you honestly telling me that Chris wouldn't be better off dead?

>> No.18762491

Chris should be sent to an institution.

>> No.18762509

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18762549

based post

>> No.18762556

I remember I listened to this recording of the chick doing some troll op on Chris, meeting up for a “date” and she talked with his dad who probably had been deprived of socialization for far too long, and he recounted his life and work to her. With Chris being a retard I kinda felt this is fucked up, imagine driving out to prank out and record some fat retard, I think the girl started feeling a bit guilty as it went on. Wasn’t very funny, just a glimpse into another world which is very sad. It’s pathetic how many people have this mans drama and curse as a common fixture in their life, it’s more pathetic than Chris’ existence. Same way people fixate on politics, they’d rather not look at themselves.

>> No.18762587

Embarrassing comment

>> No.18762613


>> No.18762627

Anyone have the screencap of Kiwifarms laughing at this thread so we can laugh at them?

>> No.18763102

Good post. We all know this deep down but oh how easy it is to fall into that concern trolling pit. There's no excuse.

>> No.18763104

Then the date ended with Chris getting cucked by the man in the pickle suit.


>> No.18763190

Based and Girardpilled.

>> No.18763225
File: 27 KB, 385x385, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhhh we should kill people because they're socially awkward
America is a giant high school supermarket gulag. Kill yourself larper, you will never have a culture.

>> No.18763296

If chris had just kept in contact with his friends in high school he could have turned out alright. He was a fucking sociable and functional autist until the communitt college bullshit.

>> No.18763315
File: 137 KB, 636x592, 1598993234309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao kill yourself

>> No.18763334

didn't it come out later that his hs galpals weren't his friends and just let him hang out with them because they didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him to fuck off?

>> No.18763352

That website is full of literal trannies, drug addicts, and is run by a literal violent homosexual pedophile who hid from the law in the phillipines after beating a child's cat to death. You're not making yourself look good by saying you post there.

>> No.18763372

Website run by a pedophile and is populated by sociopathic incels who were kicked off of encyclopedia dramatica. It's really not worth your time going there, the most insightful post I've ever seen out of it was a 90s liberal lamenting that his counter culture days were just poser shit.

>> No.18763402

If we could screen for embryos with debilitating conditions like autism or psychopathy before birth I believe there would be a significant reduction in human suffering. People like that can't be treated without destroying their internal state anyways, either way something dies or you just let them persist and rot.

>> No.18763404

can confirm kiwi farms is hot garbage, do people really sit around all day and dunk on spergs? kiwi farms is everything odious about american shock jock edge culture, I despise them.

>> No.18763444

I know a guy like this. Raging alcoholic who takes out his anger at life by screaming at losers on the internet all while failing to realize he's becoming every bit as bad as they are

>> No.18763459


You'd be surprised how well it can work when someone actually capable and somewhat well-adjusted can do it.
This guy, for instance, has made a show of following the 'fools' of the comedy circuit and it's often hilarious. It's amazing to see his fans try and join in, they almost always fail to make fun with as much humour, it just turns into insane vitriol.
tl;dr finding fools funny has always been engaging but it's those faggy forums and subreddits that take it too far.

>> No.18763505

yeah dude serious and sober men don't sit in professional studios to laugh at some schmuck making a pizza. I loathe this culture, especially after covid, these faggots punch down but they will never, ever punch up

>> No.18763597

Based poster of righteous light

>> No.18763649

You sound like a self serious mong honestly

>> No.18763659

That's currently where I'm at and still trying to reduce that to an hour a week or something. I considered going full Luddite during the week and then maybe treating myself to a movie on the weekends. The more I unplug from this digital hellscape, the happier I am. Truth is, you won't miss anything. In fact, you'll be thinking so clearly, you'll be wondering why you didn't start moderating your screen time sooner.

>> No.18763819


That's something I've been noticing more and more these past 3/4 years or so, an whole lot more of puching down compared to punching up. I view it as utter lack of empathy.

>> No.18763899
File: 19 KB, 213x294, TheOnesWhoWalkAwayFromOmelas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me way too long to remember the name of this book.
>Le Guin stated that the city's name is pronounced "OH-meh-lahss". Le Guin hit upon the name of the town on seeing a road sign for Salem, Oregon, in a car mirror. "[… People ask me] 'Where do you get your ideas from, Ms. Le Guin?' From forgetting Dostoyevsky and reading road signs backwards, naturally. Where else?"
This concept was brought up as a thought experiment in The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.18763919

>chris chan should be allowed to sexually assault people because he’s autistic he can’t be held responsible
>high functioning autistic people are completely incapable of understanding basic social norms without years of therapy
you’re talking out of your ass. chris never deserved the bullying he got but if you honestly think that autists shouldn’t be responsible for anything they do, because it is impossible for them to comprehend the world around them, you are an actual brainlet. this entire post is reddit tier cope and a serious lack of understanding of autism

>> No.18763923

>uhhhh you think you're better than me bro?

Yes, I do, because I outgrew snark culture a decade ago. Do what you want dude, just make sure to wear the mask you fucking monkey

miserable wage slaves don't have the balls to stand up to real power, so they dunk on nerds baking pizzas instead

>> No.18763925

But what does it say about us as people that we take pleasure from reading about your idiot friend who mocks retards for pleasure?

I don't know about the whole chrischan thing. I grew up with two retarded sisters (not sure what the exact diagnosis was, but it wasn't down syndrome or autism) and the novelty of watching a human being believe literally anything you tell them wore off for me long before I saw the first sonichu comic. I felt bad for my sisters at times, but mostly I just frustrated because they had a tendency to lie and cheat and steal and I'd been deprived of a normal life because they existed, and as an adult I regret all the times I took my frustration out on them because they were born into a life they could never understand. Now I feel bad for chrischan, I feel bad for the people who used to troll him and have now grown out of it and have to live with what they did (or worse, never understand how pathetic they are and keep hitting their heads against the brick wall of a life without empathy), and the people who troll him now and still have to reckon with what they're doing and the people who mock the people who troll him now because the people who troll him now might as well be as retarded as him. It's a vicious cycle of downward hate and it comes from an attempt to reject the more disgusting aspects of our own humanity.

We've all been kids at one point, but you'll notice that only teenagers are really obsessed with being "mature" whereas most adults have no problem making a fool of themselves and being childish. And you'll note it's mostly young adults in their early 20's who tend to take this way overboard, obsessing over beards and forcing themselves to drink scotch whiskey. And then you have the guys in their late 20's/early 30's flagrantly engaging in "childish" behavior like organized kickball and wearing t-shirts with logos from their favorite childhood cartoons, just to show that they're so mature they don't mind looking immature.

I guess what I'm saying is we'll never stop chrischan from being chrischan and we'll never stop people from trolling chrischan and we'll never stop people from tsk-tsking the chrischan trolls and we'll never fight the urge to fight the urge to fight the urge to fight the urge. We'll keeping climbing up, thinking we've made it out of the cave of shadows, and then looking back and suddenly realizing we've thought the same thing each time we climbed into a new cave of shadows.

>> No.18763927


>> No.18763939

Best post ITT

>> No.18763942

>keep hitting their heads against the brick wall of a life without empathy
life without empathy is a highway

>> No.18763943

>not holding chris ultimately morally responsible for something is the same as "allowing it to happen"
>chris is "high functioning"
i dont think chris should be held culpable at all. literally less grasp on reality than a child. desire to punish chris based on a serious over-estimation of free will (emotional rather than rational).

>> No.18763948

>what you could call good horror Mr. Lovecraft.
It's just run of-the-mill leftist degeneracy.

>> No.18763950

You have arrived at 'everything is inevitable'

>> No.18763967

Chris is beyond mere politics; he has transcended and become a Goddess

>> No.18763987

>literally less grasp on reality than a child
that is just blatantly false. he knows what he’s doing, he just has retarded beliefs like a lot of people.
>chris isn’t high functioning
have you ever seen a low functioning autist? trust me, you’d know.

>> No.18764008

>he knows what he’s doing
what does this mean exactly?

>> No.18764087

What really made Chris "special" is less the man himself, but the way a man who was essentially turned into a TV show, way before social media became the huge thing it is now.

I think the whole "raped his mom" thing was the first time I stopped to pay attention to him after Asperchu or whatever. Chris in the era of social media wasn't anything special - crazy trannies are dime a dozen these days. What made him special was how the internet made this whole shit acquire the structure of fiction, down to moments being dubbed "sagas". The influence of anime and videogame aesthetics, the somewhat narratively cohesive trolling campaigns, the omnipresence of surveiling eyes due to technology in which both target and perpetrators were random losers.

There must be some commentary to be made about this and its relation with the development of post-modernity.

>> No.18764129

In the sense that it allows you to "ride it all night long?"

Because when I refer to empathy, I don't mean compassion or kindness or charity. I mean it in the purest, most direct sense of the word: the ability to comprehend what other people are thinking and what they want. A lack of empathy is a handicap, despite what fictional representations of sociopathy/psychopathy would have you believe. Fictional sociopaths like Hannibal Lector are actually highly empathetic or else they wouldn't be able to manipulate people, they just lack the tendency for compassion which typically comes with it.

>> No.18764130


>> No.18764153

Chris is like Jesus Christ of the 21st century. The scapegoat of the Kali Yuga. Every year, every decision, ebery worldly degradation lead to his life, and to this moment.
Everything that happened relating to him is a subversion of Tradition. From spirituality (his name, GodBear, his laters delusion of Godhood), to mental and physical health. He lives in filth, both physically and psycholotically.
I guess when he dies, he will die for our sins. Have mercy on him

>> No.18764156

But that phrasing makes no sense, because the people you described living a "life without empathy" in your original post are bullies who enjoy cruelty because of the feelings it inspires in their target. Clearly, they aren't lacking in empathy proper, just in compassion-as-empathy.

>> No.18764176

This. Kiwifags are just as bad as their cows.

>> No.18764186

I think it's a bit dumb to ascribe this sort of behaviour to some essential lack of "empathy" as if it's a resource that different human beings have quantitatively fixed reserves of. You could be an extremely empathetic and compassionate person in one context and still be atrociously cruel in another. Most people favour in-groups over out-groups. Two equally "empathetic" people can have completely different attitudes when it comes to eating meat, for instance. There are obviously broad patterns but 20th century history shows that psychologically normal people can perform all manner of unconscionable acts without a terrible amount of prompting. Himmler used to be driven to tears by the prospect of deer hunting.

>> No.18764200
File: 877 KB, 1421x682, bftoestablishment2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chris chan is a good case study in the endless capacity of psychologically normal "moral" people to justify high school bullying behaviour as anything other than what it obviously is. the amoral trolls who interfere in chris' life directly are less odious than the middle class homebodies writing long articles detailing all of a severely disabled man's "moral failings" in a victorian tone of self-righteous disapproval (oh dear, the man with the alien neurobiology said something taboo and socially inappropriate, how dreadful!). what i find particularly amusing is the repeated refrain "i used to sympathise with chris, but he has never gotten better despite all the advice we've given" as if the unqualified platitudes of random internet retards constitute some kind of legitimate therapy

based dabbing on faggo normies.

>> No.18764203

IRL Truman Show

>> No.18764204

Does anyone have any insight into why he would have done this? Was he slowly conditioned into the idea by the trolls orbiting him? Or is this just the natural consequence of being so alone for so long and being terrified of losing his mother? I can't really get my head around how he justified this or had the guts to go through with it at least.

>> No.18764254

well now im a bit sad and ashamed of my laughing and pointing these past few days
destined to be a base human and little else, i suppose

>> No.18764286

i wrote the post against moralfags who are mean to chris not people who think chris is funny.

>> No.18764294

Chris is a monument to all our sins.

>> No.18764298
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how did the chandlers end up hoarding recluses? did the order imposed by things like robertchu having a job etc just disintegrate when he retired? why did they give up on someone like chris (with massive problems) so early on?

>> No.18764304

its the same, if i had the ability to do it, i would have, probably
just because i lack the ability to taunt does not mean that i am free from the burdens of the action
my laughter at his expense was merely the next best thing

>> No.18764335

Witnessed effortpost.

>> No.18764419

>society which seems utopic but has a child being horribly abused in order for everyone else to be happy.
Is this a moral society?

>> No.18764483

There is only one thought I ever had about CWC and it's about how what you said (to the letter) compares with the life he'd have had were he simply institutionalized. Would he have felt better, stuffed with drugs and locked somewhere in a sterile environment? He would have quit the sonichu thing maybe, since he wouldn't have been allowed on the internet (I assume he wouldn't be). Would padded room CWC be happier than this one? Does he feel like he's found some kind of identity and purpose through all the shit they made him do? Would he have felt otherwise had he been shielded from this kind of negative influence? Assuming he was unrecoverable... What if he was recoverable? It's really sad and tragic no matter how you look at it.

>> No.18765013

>what does this mean?
exactly what it sounds like.

>> No.18765081

best response to the situation by far

>> No.18765101

The most replied to post on this board right now is about a profoundly autistic man that people have been making fun of on the Internet for more then ten years. The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.18765157

The highest yesterday was a seethepost from a ted fan regarding lifting. Lol

>> No.18765211

Link? I find it amusing the things tedtards seethe at.

>> No.18765248
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Oh no

>> No.18765292

my my...here come the fuzz

>> No.18765298


>> No.18765304

So does he go to woman prison?

>> No.18765318

I think it's just unfathomably cruel that people were livestreaming him being arrested in a clearly mocking tone while he didn't seem to realize the cruelty and the mockery, like it were this zoo show.

>> No.18765384

The og thought experiment is about how the hell can God justify the suffering inflicted on children, even if the suffering is necessary for the kingdom of God to come and God's own answer to the problem of evil is eventually laid bare for all to see.

>> No.18765396

He needs to be used in human experimentation to find cures to neurodegenerative disorders. There are many innocent rats with inner lives much richer than Chris-chan, and they are sacrificed for the alter of gay progressivism and bugman science.
We can make science cool again by using people like Chris-Chan, negroid criminals, and Jews as experimental test subjects. It is much less unethical to decapitate and collect their brains rather than innocent rats or birds.

>> No.18765406

>Himmler used to be driven to tears by the prospect of deer hunting.
He is a good man then. Jews are not exactly sentient beings the way deer are.

>> No.18765526

Unironically based

>> No.18765534
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>> No.18765557
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>Nobody wants to read this to help him, it's all nothing but voyeurism.
It's no one's job to help him on here, or anywhere online. If you feel so bad that the retard who raped his mother is, and has always been, a laughing stock, you're free to help him yourself. He takes donations.

>> No.18765605

Moralfags btfo. They always talk the talk but never walk the walk

>> No.18765610
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I dunno, it's kinda interesting to look at what he's been up to from time to time. I don't wish any harm on him.

>> No.18765635

there's nothing wrong with having a bit of a laugh at losers and failures, because failure is funny. or with feeling pleasure at being superior, because its good to be good.

what's objectionable is making it a habit to laugh at failure with spite and disgust. to not reflect on your self, to not feel sympathy and laugh with self mockery because you recognize the shape of your own failures in others. to engage with others repeatedly to drive them lower, try to make their lives worse, and feed into their delusions so you can humiliate them further behind their back for cheap laughs. what's objectionable is chronically indulging in a feeling of superiority for being second to last, and making a hobby out of stepping on whoever is beneath you.

being on kiwi farms is cringe and dabbing on kiwi farms on 4chan is based. simple as.

>> No.18765668

he just got arrested

>> No.18765802

How is it that his eyes always look so deranged? What is it about them?

>> No.18765839

misery porn isn't horror

>> No.18765840

slave morality.

>> No.18766155

Nothing wrong with voyeurism as entertainment or even fucking with people should they deserve it but kiwifaggotry is a bunch of failed normalfags taking out their grievances on the only ones below them.

>> No.18766379

I don't understand your syntax. You talk like a smug and brain-damaged druggie.
Do you understand how to be succinct and direct, you stupid motherfucker?

>> No.18766456

I don't find the people on that site cool in any way.

>> No.18766953

Oh no, not the Mutts!

>> No.18766979

>american shock jock edge culture
Thank you for putting into words what I disliked about them. They like to pretend they are edgy but god forbid you say anything about Israeli or not negative avout China.

>> No.18766983

Yeah I was reading some kiwifarms and it's full of people who have been following Chris for years and enjoying tormenting him and laughing at his antics enjoying every new low and now this happens and they start moralising against this incapable disabled tard as if theres any moral high ground in any of this.

>> No.18767000

Chris is mostly a product of abuse. Yes he has a mental condition that means he would never be normal. But he could still have been a happy semi-adjusted person if he had parents that actually knew how to deal with him and didn't just neglect him and let him do whatever he wants.

>> No.18767004

Despite all that has happened to him, Chris shows no signs of being depressed. Even when being arrested he's convinced everything is gonna be fine. He'd be better off in a group home with people who can wrangle him.

>> No.18767018

>punching down

you sound like a libtard, literally anything can be funny, you can find humour in chris chan without being cruel about it.

>> No.18767033
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Wow, is /lit/ really this gay? lmao

>> No.18767060 [DELETED] 

Notice how the most depraved corners of the internet are always the most thoroughly infected with moralists! You will, without doubt, find the strongest outbursts of offended moral feeling on /d/ and /y/ and /aco/ and all the other boards and threads catering to savage and delinquent tastes. The man in the pornographic state of mind, the most subjective and dictatorial state of mind, wants to impose his own preferences upon others, whether they be sensual or aesthetic or political—sexual arousal engenders a rapacious intellect. Shotacons and lolicons are particularly guilty of this. They delude themselves into thinking that because they worship rarefied, hyper-idealised, non-threatening simulacra of innocence and cuteness that they actually value those things more than other people and, what’s more, they develop such unrealistic standards that their attitude toward things that fail to meet the mark becomes patently genocidal. The weeaboo would blot out all 3D life if he could. Now this might sound based, and it might be if it occurred on any conscious level, as a deliberately chosen evil. But the fact is that the typical resident of 4chan is unconsciously conditioned by the board culture to engage in a 24-hour doublethink that allows him to indulge in amorality and hedonism and cruelty and yet also to (completely self-seriously, without the faintest trace of irony) in the very same moment stand on his soapbox and lecture others about their degeneracy; to wail about how fags or trannies or libtards or poltards—or whatever transitory stimulus happens to be causing him (self-inflicted) psychic pain at the moment—are THE one ill responsible for the coming collapse of civilisation. It is a kind of ethical schizophrenia. And it is extremely annoying and extremely tiring. A clone army of immoral moralfags. Who could’ve thought! This is the real nihilist, this is the miserable species of future man Nietzsche warned us about. In terms of unscrupulousness, the conscious egoist cannot hope to surpass the hypocrite!—Of course, you say, this is just human nature. Yes, indeed, but never has it been so potent, so highly concentrated... a maximum of degeneracy and a maximum of Puritanism in the very same creature, duplicated thousands of times, churned out in their digital hundreds. Quite the achievement!

>> No.18767069

>it's the parents fault
>the thousands of online strangers who dedicated decades to fuck with him are innocent
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.18767076

If his parents didn't fuck him up so hard, the internet trolls wouldn't have flocked to him so hard

>> No.18767080

>stifle the flow of autism into the genepool, and one will find an immediate and complete reduction of the symptoms.
I wasn't aware autism worked like this

>> No.18767090


>> No.18767096

why did you delete your post

>> No.18767204

Autism (more specifically aspergers) is the next step in human evolution. Most people carrying the torch of human progress forward were probably autists and died childless. If anything we need eugenics focused on spreading the superhuman sperg stock into the general population to overcome the dysgenic evolutionary mismatch of normalfaggotry. Aspergokratia or extinction.

>> No.18767207

Seethe and dilate kiwifarms tranny

>> No.18767213

>But he could still have been a happy semi-adjusted person
Only the most oversocialized faggot could genuinely believe this. A person like him would never, ever have a place in society.

>> No.18767340
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>> No.18767349

Those were actually really good posts, not that a philistine like you would ever be able to appreciate it when you see one

>> No.18767544
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the modern man

>> No.18767564

Good post
People want to see the Chris Chan that harasses other people and dances for their amusment, but not the circumstances that made him what he is. I used to laugh at Chris Chan during his early stages, but never directly interacted with him and very quickly decided to stop. There was a point where it went from funny, to sad and then downright horrible. It reminds me of Terry Davis, the creator of TempleOS that became homeless and then killed himself. Lets be honest the people on this site and on the internet as a whole drove him to suicide, by harassing him and intentionally fueling his delusions. Its all fun and games until a person takes his own life, and then suddenly everyone was all "oh my god why would he do that, thats so horrible", and then moved on to the next person. I don't see a way out for Chris Chan other than suicide, i always hoped it would never come to this and hoped that he would get help, but i think his story is going to end like Davis', and then everyone will be sad, until they simply forget and move on.
Thats just the kind of people we are.

>> No.18767569
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this is the most cursed image I have on this computer

>> No.18767722

>Heheheheheh lot of people laugh at U (ur wrong nau)
Ok and? Does it take it away from his argument? No, it doesn't. This is the internet, you people's contrived autistic social capital games do not apply.
God post man. Congrats.

>> No.18768422

Chris-Chan is a grotesque creation of society as a whole. He never had a chance from the beginning. Everyone involved with him has directly or indirectly contributed to his further descent into madness and the collateral damage it ended up causing. From the neglect and incompetence of his parents to the neglect of his own community that passively tolerated his antics without ever raising any red flags to him being pulled out of special ed to the sick fucks who stalked him for almost 20 years to the people who used him and the court that clearly willingly released an insane man into the wild because it was less trouble on the judiciary level, everyone contributed to his ruin.
And the supreme irony in this is that Chris is so incredibly juvenile and deluded that none of anything that happened to him ever registered as something unacceptable. He never got a hint of getting his shit together. He simply kept living in happy denial for all this time and is probably happier off of it than most sane people out there who live stressed out, normalfag lives.
Chris is our collective failure as a species.

>> No.18768442

you're a retarded normie. christory is beyond entertaining and boring, beyond good and bad, beyond good and evil even. it is utterly unique and nothing like it has ever happened in human history and will likely never happened again. if you get introduced to chris chan and end up thinking"this is a waste of time. why would I pay attention to sone autistic trans woman who got trolled?" you're unable to recognize the vastness and gravity of what went down with him. if you don't get it there's no way to explain it

>> No.18768449

>Chris is our collective failure as a species.
>thinking something on this scale is a failure
retard. chris chan is an event first and foremost. there's no failed event. no bad or good event. it's like the extinction of a species. it's so unlike anything mundane that it doesn't make sense to judge it in mundane terms

>> No.18768498


>> No.18768530

pls edgelords, why pay attention to an autistic tranny who got trolled when you can simply start with the greeks?

>> No.18768538

cringe. you demonstrate how shallow your understanding of this incredible situation is

>> No.18768540

It's incredible how well-documented Chris' life is. Probably the most documented person alive.

>> No.18768555

Iam still waiting

>> No.18768583

for what

>> No.18768595

my bad, didn't read the last bit. so you can't explain it? then it is'nt worth to spend your time on. farewell.

>> No.18768609

>has never tasted the sweetness of experiencing something which is beyond description
I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a retard

>> No.18768611
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>"[… People ask me] 'Where do you get your ideas from, Ms. Le Guin?'

>> No.18768626

Ballard wrote about this a lot

>> No.18768691

>Beyond description
you mean vague?

>> No.18768715

no retard

>> No.18768732
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>bruuh it's beyond description bruh. so magical bruh

>> No.18768754

He's the most documented person on the internet anon
If you still can't find any resources to learn about him then you're a huge irredeemable retard just like Chris Chan

>> No.18768789

Every single one that interacts with Chris in a non-observing manner is as deranged as him
Chris Chan is best seen if it's purely voyeuristic without even describing the fuckups
This is also why people who engage in lolcow culture is seen as the bottom feeders of the internet since they can only remain relevant if they perpetuate the lolcow

>> No.18768825

Does anyone have a link to them reacting? I want to see the smug midwits

>> No.18768905

You're assuming a lot here.
It's natural to be curious about what happened in a house fire, not everyone is there to laugh at it or say "should've put the cigarette out, idiot".

Also none of this is Chris' fault, but everyone curious about the situation are evil bullies. You're only trying to build a higher pedestal.

>> No.18769641

>Bro I'm making 5 threads about this on the literature board out of innocuous curiosity bro
Kill yourself.

>> No.18769653

to clarify, i find chris very amusing and interesting. i just find the tone and attitude of the cwc wiki and kiwi farms nauseating.

>> No.18769789

low t entertainment