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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 260x252, 260px-The_twilight_saga_hardback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1876339 No.1876339 [Reply] [Original]

Stephenie Meyer is a more accomplished writer than many of your beloved pedants with their esoteric, "edgy", scribblings. Present me with a logically valid retort and I will countermand my stance.

>Publishers Weekly Best book of the Year
>YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
>YALSA Best Books for Young Adults
>School Library Journal Best Books
>Garden State Book Award
>Texas Lone Star Book Award
>Black-Eyed Susan Book Awards
>Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers
Iowa High School Book Award
>Rhode Island Teen Book Award
>Kentucky Bluegrass Award
>Gateway Readers Award
>Grand Canyon Reader Award
>Abraham Lincoln Illinois High School Book Award

>> No.1876346

Fuck OP I've won half of those awards. Troll elsewhere.

>> No.1876349 [DELETED] 

Implying Ane Rice isn't better.

>> No.1876350


pics or it didn't happen, sir. Please present a stronger argument.

>> No.1876355

Are you implying accomplishment = quality OP?

>> No.1876359

For one, Stephanie Meyer has no drug problems and she isn't dead yet.Two,Stephen King ( He's also a writer) has said her books are shit.Three would be my own opinion.Her books are nothing but pandering to young adult girls who want to read poorly written sexual fantasy without it being overtly portrayed as a tickle me fancy kind of book.Also,awards by high schools?really?That only proves a books popularity is more important than how well it is written.

>> No.1876365

come on lit don't fall for this, you've fallen for a lot of obvious trolls in the past but I know you can your shit together

>> No.1876368


>implying there is a better way to determine a writers skill
>implying the mass acceptance of a work of art isn't indicative of its success or beauty

>> No.1876370


>Stephen King is a "writer"


>> No.1876371

i think i should read twilight books because lots of people read them but i don't want to ask my sister to borrow them and i don't want to buy them either

>> No.1876373


Stephen King said she's bad. Stephen King has more mass appeal. Therefore she is bad.

>> No.1876374
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>publishers weekly
>young adult
>young adult
>school library
>garden state
>black-eyed susan
>high school
>gateway readers
>grand canyon
>high school

>> No.1876376


>come on lit don't fall for this, you've fallen for a lot of obvious trolls in the past but I know you can your shit together
>past but I know you can your shit together
>can your shit together

>belongs on /lit/

>> No.1876379

>pointing out a simple typo in a post that took 30 seconds to shit out that will be of no consequence in a couple days when this thread gets deleted and judging the poster's intelligence on that basis
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.1876384

i'm not gonna fall for this one again

>> No.1876381

I second the "you have to be dead before you can be known as an accomplished writer" thing.Just look at DFW.No one would be reading his shit if he was still alive.

>> No.1876380


You clearly doesn't understand the difference between a fragment and a sentence.

>choose one

>> No.1876385

Mass acceptance generally means its successful. Being successful doesn't necessarily mean it's quality. Look at some popular music, movies and tv shows. I think you'll see that this is true.

As to your first point I'm not sure. But it surely can't be the only way can it?

>> No.1876387
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>> No.1876389



fucking faggot I hope you choke on the mutilations of your own cock after having it chopped off and stuffed up your own asshole dickshit piss chugging homosexy retard

>> No.1876394


>implying every single musician and artist in existence weren't truly searching for commercial success
>prove me wrong

>> No.1876398
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>implying credentials

>> No.1876402

Next person who says implying is a faggot.
Also,sex pistols

>> No.1876407

>implying lighthearted greentext
>implying mean spirited greentext

>snarky retort

>> No.1876411

OP Here,

Congratulations /lit/, you are as easy to troll as /vp/.

>summerfags everywhere

>> No.1876422

Stephen King on Stephanie Meyers:
"Stephanie Meyer can't write."

Stephen King is the recipient of several more awards more prestigious than any of Meyer's, namely a Hugo award, the National Book Award: Medal of Distinguished Contributor of American Letters, and an O'Henry award, among others. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_King#Awards))
As you can see, he also, numerically, has more net awards than Meyer.

I wrote this post, so clearly I can write, and, ergo, I'm better than Meyer.

>> No.1876435


> implying Lady Gaga isn't a good musician

Seriously, the bitch plays sweet piano and her pop songs are good but they would be great if you do them in another style (fuck dance/techno) and made the lyrics less idiotic. inb4 you assume I don't know a huge shit load about all the music from all time everywhere.


This is so much of a troll because no one can be this stupid.

She may have commercial success, so do all (99.9%) of the talented anybody's + plus A LOT of shitty's. Success among certain demographics does not equal equality to the acclaimed in the medium.


>> No.1876437

Even though I know this is a troll, why has no one pointed out that most of these awards are for young adults, even the ones that don't explicitly say so

Young adults book awards are crap

>> No.1876458


i wish she'd stop saying her own name in every song. You never hear Nick Cave going "Ooh, ahh, Caaaave" halfway through a refrain.

>> No.1876504
File: 10 KB, 232x218, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now a lady gaga thead

>> No.1876510

It's not trolling if there is a debate /lit/ genuinely wants to discuss

>> No.1876515
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>> No.1876521
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Internet Debate Champion

>> No.1876524

You say she's 'accomplished'. Your definition of accomplished seems to be that someone is accomplished if they have won many awards. I would argue that this is a basically insignificant thing - by this definition, I don't think I care whether an author is accomplished or not. I'd also point out that awards are, in general, fairly meaningless. Against your argument specifically, I'd point out that most of the awards you're citing are fairly insignificant and unimportant; in particular, I'd point out that most of them are awards for teens or young adults. Is that the standard we want to refer to when determining how accomplished an author is? I don't think so.

No one can deny that Stephanie Meyer is an enormously popular author; that's obvious. If that's your definition of 'accomplishment', then she is certainly more accomplished than most writers. I guess I just question the significance of that.

>> No.1876527




>> No.1876533
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>> No.1876534

i regret nothing


>> No.1876558
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>Seriously, the bitch plays sweet piano

Why does every fucking faggot tries to defend Gaga with "BUT SHE CAN PIANO!" I don't give a fuck if she can play the ukelele with her labia, it has nothing to do with the fact that she is a horrible artist producing bland unremarkable pop (and ripping off Madonna's sound and Grace Jones/Bowie personas, to make matters worse) and appealing to hipsters and "artsy" people because she is an attention whore and idiots like you swallow her gimmicky and regurgitated Kool Aid.

>Seriously, Hitler was a good artist. Pic related

>and her pop songs are good but they would be great if you do them in another style (fuck dance/techno) and made the lyrics less idiotic. inb4 you assume I don't know a huge shit load about all the music from all time everywhere.

>Putting dance/techno in the same sentence
>expecting me not to assume you are ignorant and stupid

>> No.1876560
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>I don't give a fuck if she can play the ukelele with her labia

I think you meant penis.

Either way, I'd pay for a ticket for that fucker. I don't know why, but I'd really like to fuck the ugly bitch.

>> No.1876571

god you're so unbearably pretentious and smug

lady gaga makes fucking tremendous pop music. it succeeds at doing the things that pop music is supposed to do. what the fuck else do you want from her? she's not a classical musician, she's not in a rock band, she's not some jazz person, she's a pop star.

>> No.1876572


name one indie musician that can actually play an instrument

>> No.1876574
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>> No.1876575
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>> No.1876581
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>> No.1876586
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>you're so unbearably pretentious and smug
>lady gaga makes fucking tremendous pop music

yawn. Really? "Smug"? That's cute, considering that Michael Jackson is one of my favourite pop artists. Gaga is a fucking piece of shit tailor-made for homosexual art students. Want proof? Read this gem

>"I myself can look at almost any hemline, silhouette, bead work, or heel architecture and tell you very precisely who designed it first, what French painter they stole it from, how many designers reinvented it after them, and what cultural and musical movement parented the birth, death, and resurrection of that particular trend"

>"I would dream of being a rock star who dressed like Mark Bolan, walked like Jerry Hall, and had the panache of Ginger from Casino and the mystery of Isabella Blow. See Footnote

>"Any writer, or anyone for that matter who doesn't' understand the last two sentences of this column should NEVER be writing about or critiquing fashion or artists in publication"



>name one indie musician that can actually play an instrument

Off the top of my head

Andrew Bird
Joanna Newsom
The Tallest Man on Earth
The guys from Grizzly Bear
Owen Pallet

protip: I am a "casual" listener of indie

>> No.1876596

i don't give a shit about any of that or her image

she makes dope pop songs dude

>> No.1876605


>> No.1876627

They're both just extreme examples of how the general (and generally 'not bothered') public prefer emotional plot and being able to relate personally over any sense of quality or anything progressive.
>nothing changes for ten thousand years

>> No.1876678
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>Implying mass appeal equals quality.

>> No.1877113


>> No.1877118

>accomplished in contemporary literature
>automatically a good writer

>> No.1877128

>accomplished writer
>hasn't won any awards


>> No.1877131

All of these awards mean nothing. The appreciation of the masses means nothing. I ground my argument on nothing but myself. Read Max Stirner's "The Ego and its Own", or whatever the translated title is. THAT is a book.

>> No.1877137

>moron makes an obvious and tired old troll thread.
>/lit/ goes apeshit

yep, nothin' to see here folks.

>> No.1877692
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>> No.1877699

The second coming