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18762075 No.18762075 [Reply] [Original]

So why exactly is the consensus that he was wrong when he was mostly correct about history ending?

>Liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
>Every young person is being homogenized into the same woke culture on social media
>The dominant values are inclusivity and diversity so more people can be absorbed into liberal capitalism
>Nationalism dying despite efforts to stay alive
>Communism reduced to a meme subculture populated by teenage girls
>Worst wealth inequality in human history and no one cares, the biggest topic is gender pronouns
>The biggest threat, China, is only powerful because they have also accepted a degree of neoliberal economics and are intertwined with globalization due to their exports

It’s fucking over

>> No.18762076

>>Communism reduced to a meme subculture populated by teenage girls
WRONG, chud

>> No.18762081

Because it's just another cycle. People can't learn that diversity destroys civilizations and in turn will have to start all over again as a punishment.

>> No.18762088
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The Siberian bear is awakening from its hibernation, the Middle Kingdom is ascending to the skies.
From the highest mountaintops one can see the first rays of the Black Sun beating back the dark night of Western man’s soul.
In the distance you can hear the sound of cogs and wheels turning, the march of history is starting once again.
The elites have noticed the signs, hence why they have doubled down on the propaganda, installing clownworld in a vain attempt to prevent the inevitable.
Kali Yuga is coming to an end.
Prepare for the times ahead, of son of the West!

>> No.18762094

Even to this day the Eastern people are just barbarians and no amount of technology can civilize them.

>> No.18762676

>The biggest threat, China,
stopped reading there

>> No.18762688

20 points have been added to your social credit score

>> No.18762699

Because they can’t understand that he was talking about history not as a series of events and they need to cope.

>> No.18762707

You’ve got a few thousand years to go still, bud.

>> No.18762712

Fukuyama didn't even understand Kojeve lol he just provided a dumb-down straussian randcorp revision to justify anti-soviet triumphalism post-collapse

China will win & the US will fail

>> No.18762722

Or it isn't. The cyclical view of history is entirely based on the experience of pre-industrial societies, where poverty was the norm. We have largely solved the problem of feeding, housing, and clothing people with modern capitalism. People won't lightly risk giving up these comforts to bring down society.

>> No.18762728

Bolsheviks totally and utterly dominate culture. There is no anti-Bolshevism.
History is just evolution of Bolshevism now. Vast majority of people don't know the Bolshevik memes, so they think the Bolsheviks operate everything that has to do with culture.
People don't learn
- Soviet Realism
- Neo-realism
- Bolshevik approach to culture
History is now about producing anti-Bolshevik material and bringing the Bolsheviks to heel!
This whole idea that you can assert that history is over while ignoring Bolshevik influence on culture is childish. It's just see-no-evil.

>> No.18762737

China is a paper tiger. They have big problems coming in the next decade. Their economy is going to face some major crises driven by their terrible demographics brought about by the one child policy and the fact that a significant size of their economy is still dependent on state subsidised loans which they keep defaulting on.

>> No.18762739
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>>Nationalism dying despite efforts to stay alive
Nationalism never really existed, it was always populism, and that's doing good.
From 2010 on everything actually feels like 19th century all over again. Populism is alive and kicking and given the over-population will probably cause the nuclear holocaust in the next 30 years.

>> No.18762742

>liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
Liberal capitalism has dominated the West the past 30 years, which is only about 15% of the global population (to be generous), China may also be capitalism, but it’s a very different brand of capitalism that is certainly not liberal and it’s influence on the Eastern hemisphere, South America and Africa is pretty strong.
>every young person is being homogenised into the same woke culture on social media
I really don’t think this is true, I mean sure, there has been an increase in political ‘indoctrination’ (so to speak) via the internet, but I really think it exists on both sides of the spectrum; anti-SJW sentiment dominates meme culture (for better or for worse), it really depends on what niche online community you happen to find yourself in whether you end up as a woke liberal or an edgy anti-SJW. Radical leftism and the alt-right both come out of the internet politics sphere so I think it’d be unfair to label social media culture as entirely homogeneous.
>the dominant values are inclusivity and diversity so more people can be absorbed into liberal capitalism.
This may be the dominante attitude within the domestic sphere of America and some European countries, but the foreign policy of these countries suggest otherwise; they’ve exemplified hostility towards many other countries and immigrants, and antagonism that won’t simply disappear.
>nationalism dying despite efforts to stay alive
This is simply not true, nationalism is currently rampant throughout Europe; not even the soft kind, Italy have a open fascist who celebrated Mussolini’s birthday in parliament and are currently re-writing the history books to paint the fascists as the victims of the 20th century, France have the National Rally, Germany have many neo-Nazi partys, Britain have had UKIP and Brexit to rouse up nationalism the last 5 years, and I could go on. Let’s not forget that across the pond patriotism plays a key role in American culture, patriotism is without a doubt an aggregate of nationalism and American exceptionalism. So no, nationalism is far from dead.
>communism reduced to a meme subculture populated by teenage girls
I think you have quite an American-centric view of global history, marxism is stil alive in the global south and Europe, it’s just America that liberalises everything.

>> No.18762745

It's just the aftermath of the global financial crisis playing out. A bit like the reaction to the Great Depression back in 1929. Then we were hit with covid which is making things worse. Nationalism was dead when we were prosperous

>> No.18762746

>There is no-antibolshevism
Wrong. There are more and more right-wing teenagers by the week. On tiktok alone accounts that produce pro-Republican and pro-capitalist and pro-western content receive hundreds of thousands of likes every day

>> No.18762748


>> No.18762749

There are monarchic dynasties that existed for hundreds of years. 30 years is literally jack shit.

>> No.18762751

Over-population is a myth

>> No.18762766

>biggest topic is gender pronouns
Not really. The biggest topic is the climate and anti-capitalism

>> No.18762768
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>> No.18762773

Lmao mutts can't even predict the collapse of their own civilization, give it a rest already. It's over.

>> No.18762774

>worst wealth inequality in human history and no one cares, the biggest topic is gender pronouns
I think this is a fair point for the west, but imo, this is liberalism in decay - I think there is genuinely an opportunity coming within the next few decades for change as the west slowly eats itself up, but of course this is just my opinion.
>the biggest threat, China, is only powerful because they have also accepted a degree of neoliberal economics and are intertwined with globalisation due to their exports
China, of course, has no choice but to participate in the global market, which so happens to be capitalist, but I think it is wrong to say that this is the only reason why China is powerful; let’s not forget that formally and officially, China claim they are under the guise of Marxist-Socialism. There are countless examples of China deviating from neoliberal capitalism: in Africa China has invested in the infrastructure of 80% of the countries, this sees them deviating from the purely profit motivated neoliberal capitalism that the western countries had been working with up until the late 90s/early 00s; during the 2008 crash of the global economy, China managed to avoid the austerity that has plagued the neoliberal economies the past decade and instead invested in new state-run industries that created more jobs for workers and made a lot more money which helped them out of financial dispare within half a decade.

Basically, imo the following decade is going to see late-stage neoliberalism in full effect, as well as that, I genuinely think there will be a quasi-cold war between China and the USA - China is without a doubt under the i file vedo something other than neoliberal capitalism, call it whatever you want, it’s a threat to the US that simply will not accept a global competitor of that size without a fight, especially has China’s global influence seems to be growing more and more everyday. So yeah, Fukuyama is a fucking retard.


>> No.18762795

*China is without a doubt under the influence of something other than neoliberal capitalism

>> No.18762805

I'm not American. People were saying the same thing about Japan back in the 70s and 80s. And Japan was in a better position to overtake America with a democratic and capitalist system that is good for economic growth.

>> No.18763178
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>China, is only powerful because they have also accepted a degree of neoliberal economics and are intertwined with globalization due to their exports
China has embraced economic globalization perhaps more than anyone else, but one of the important things about Fukuyama is that he believed this would lead to political globalization eventually, i.e. towards Western-style liberal democracy, but China does not accept that. Maybe Fukuyama will be proven right in the end. But I think one reason why China doesn't accept this is because politics determines who the winners and losers are. America is a capitalist country in the sense that the political system was designed by landowners, bankers and merchants in their image, and it has changed over time but it's why the winners of globalization within the U.S. are not the masses of people but the very rich. And "political globalization" is really just a way for the U.S. and its allies to go around robbing people like they did to the Russians in the 90s. So this is also why you'll hear CPC ideologues sometimes say that China is not a capitalist country, despite the existence of Chinese capitalists. Just a different way of doing things.


>state-run industries that created more jobs for workers
You'll love this then. Labor medals + state-owned diesel engine manufacturer + opera:


>> No.18763202

>Liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
>Forgets about China showing how authoritarian capitalism is the only viable solution for third world nations to develop faster

You a retard

>> No.18763365

>You'll love this then. Labor medals + state-owned diesel engine manufacturer + opera
Ahahaha, that was amazing

>> No.18763385

>>Worst wealth inequality in human history and no one cares, the biggest topic is gender pronouns
The biggest topic are corona vaccines, with hundreds of large demonstrations going on for years.

But yeah on the internets its gender.

>> No.18763400
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Sidereally based

>> No.18763417

>Over-population is a myth
Not when you combine it with wealth inequality. Now get in your cuck pod.

>> No.18763422

If anything, China's development has been despite its system, not because of it. The real reason China is growing and other third world countries aren't is a geographical question which ultimately led to different reproductive selection pressures, and the modern day genetic make-up of east asians and europeans (the only developed parts of the world)

>> No.18763440

Prove otherwise.

>> No.18763447

What the fuck are you on about, you retard? Are you trying to imply that none of the circumstances of the global markets or China's economic policy matter at all and the short term success they've garnered is due to some genetics autism that would have taken place over thousands of years?

>> No.18763450

Great example of Western arrogance.

>> No.18763469


>> No.18763484

Ok logo

Would you also like to explain how the overwhelming majority of young people are liberalizing into a singular global monoculture meanwhile China has no cultural influence? Everyone wants to be western and American but no one wants to be Chinese and socialist, not even most “leftists” who are pretty much just liberal accelerationists and care more for trannies and blacks than communism

>> No.18763572

Please get out of your American bubble. You are 4% of the global population, start acting like it.

>> No.18763576

>muh genetics

Seek help.

>> No.18763614

>I really don’t think this is true... it really depends on what niche online community you happen to find yourself in

I think you and most people severely underestimate just how homogenized mass culture is. You don’t get the perspective of having visited other countries and encountering the youth. The vast majority of young people are in full-throttle support of liberal values like equality, diversity, individual freedom, etc, because it all spreads immediately on social media. Social media is the single greatest weapon of liberal globalization and the West has a monopoly on it. Whatever new trend emerges on TikTok will spread to every corner of the earth where a 12 year old has a smart phone. Most young women are progressive liberals, every young person experiments with gender and sexuality through the LGBT and online pornography, astrology is becoming popular worldwide even more so than religion, English is the dominant language on social media no matter the country, etc. The younger generations are decadent, depressed and insincere, but they don’t search for alternatives. They only seek to find a place within the liberal hegemony, and that’s why they become so morally puritanical and filled with ressentiment. They’re as liberal as it gets, and when they get older, they’re only going to affirm and progress the liberalization of the world. That’s why the biggest slogans of our age are about diversity and exclusion instead of revolution and revamping. They have zero creativity. They’re the purest dregs produced from liberal decadence.

>> No.18763696

Live in the Balkans and 60-70% of this is tru in major cities.

>> No.18763724

I don't think you're sincere. Most people live on credit and are a paycheck from being homeless. Even more so with what is coming.

>> No.18763735

China seems to be an exception to this though with their firewall and their china-commie ideology

>> No.18763761

I am also in the Balkans for the summer. Blew my mind when I came here in 2018 and every kid was speaking English, listening to hip hop, begging for iPhones, and doing Fortnite dances. Social media is the biggest barrier to history resuming and no one wants to address it. It has changed everything.

>> No.18763768
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This diagram summarises my position. All those things you talked about have to come from somewhere, unless we simply assume that they are random. The only thing that a country has as "given" is its geography. Everything else stems from this

>> No.18763787

Also, China's success is not short term. They have historically always been one of the most successful civilisations. That is the norm. The few hundred years when they fell behind was a blip in their vast history

>> No.18763813

>Liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
capitalism, yes. but liberalism has hollowed out from within as its self-proclaimed biggest proponents have recognized that free dissemination of information and ideas is a threat to the system and they've begun to adopt of thinking which nobody would have considered liberal 30 years ago.
read obama's interview with jeff goldberg last year:
> If we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work. We are entering into an epistemological crisis.
the promise of liberalism, for centuries, was that we DIDN'T need that capacity - people could be wrong and the marketplace of ideas would sort it out anyway. that was the escape from the europe of the 16th and 17th centuries, the religious wars - that we didn't have to have some base set of facts everyone agreed upon any more. but now obama sounds closer to piux ix in the syllabus of errors than he does to any historic liberals.
liberalism's contradictions are becoming more and more plain and they can't admit that any exist - so they have to resort to controlling the public discourse to save it. liberalism may be dominating right now, but it's also desperately scrambling to hold together.

>> No.18763822
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He's right. The fact that clothing styles changed radically between decades for centuries until now, when one could wear the same clothes for the last thirty years yet never be exceedingly out of style. It wasn't the fall of the Soviet Union, it was the invention of neon and spandex that ended history. No new colors, no new materials since. Time travel doesn't even make sense. If the Wedding Singer were made today it'd take place in 2008, Austin Powers would be from 1991, Back to the Future as well. Even our sacred cow of technology wouldn't be that impressive when by the late 80s there were widely available versions of all our gadgets. They even had trannies.

>> No.18763831

Yes. We need to be unapologetically on their team for this exact reason. You don't even have to agree with their worldview, but it's an obvious fact that they offer the only possibility of western neoliberal hegemony being challenged.

>> No.18763842

>liberalism may be dominating right now, but it's also desperately scrambling to hold together.

And that is what I see. Liberalism is spreading everywhere, but the more liberal the world becomes, the more it implodes, because liberal ideology simply doesn’t work in the 21st century globalized world. It inherently makes us decadent and perpetually stuck in a state of decay. People liberalize and accept all kinds of new progressive norms of social media but all of these values are just signs of decline — the complete erosion of family, sexuality, gender, nationhood, religion, etc, you can see all of it with stuff like LGBT and astrology. On one hand this means Liberalism is wrong and history may resume but also this means the younger generations will not be able to inherit this world once the decadent elder generations die, and may result in a total collapse. No one wants to live through that. But that seems to be what’s coming.

>> No.18763860
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China, even the concept itself of China, is nearly incapable of translation into Western thought. The Western geopolitical experience is a universal empire collapsing into personal rule of private fiefs, and then the ruled subjects of those fiefs identifying with the fiefs instead of their rulers. The Chinese empire is a permanent feature of Asia. Even when foreigners conquered China they became Chinese. China is basically a living fossil, a civilization from antiquity, but it is not safely locked in a museum. I have met Chinese people who think of themselves and their families as hundreds of years old, who know and care enough about what jobs their ancestors had in the middle ages to tell you about them. Every Chinese person to be sure, is not like this, but how many Westerners conceive of themselves, their families, or their countries as some sort of eternity? The dominant Western country, the United States, is almost entirely descended from people who elected to divorce from their homelands, cultures, communities, and so forth. An American and a Chinese person might as well not even be considered nationalities. An American is stateless (even the name of his country is plural) and a Chinese is the state. In other words, China has been breeding its people for thousands of years, while the average Western government emerges from some catastrophism or other of the last few hundred years. That is not to say China is without catastrophic traumas, but the result of these is always to reinforce China as an idea. Even the Maoist dynasty are clear on this, they demand all highways of trade are routed to the center of the universe, that any breakaway provinces be brought back under the fold. On the surface this is mistaken for nationalism because again China does not really translate to Western thought—the truth of the matter from a Chinese view is non-dual, that the world is China and China is the world.

>> No.18763922

That’s a fair point, but I still think in terms of how the internet politicises people (especially young, impressionable kids), it isn’t that homogeneous. Regardless, this definitely doesn’t prove the end of history as, certainly not how Fukuyama painted it to be.

>> No.18764077

>So why exactly is the consensus that he was wrong when he was mostly correct about history ending?
cyclical economic crises intensifying instead of subsiding
China getting on the path to challenge the US as the global power instead of democratizing and yielding to US soft power, which heralds the end of "Pax Americana"
reversal of the European trend with the rise of nationalism and anti-federalism

>> No.18764193

>China's development has been despite its system, not because of it. The real reason China is growing and other third world countries aren't is a geographical question
You truly are a moronic piece of shit. Jesus Christ, have you got anything left in your brain?

>> No.18764194

>Liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
Wow it must all be over, ignore the rising tide of both left-wing and right-wing radicalism within the past few years BTW.

>> No.18764233

Functionally meaningless. People have, currently, food in their homes, a place to live, and access to information and entertainment. In times of crisis, much unlike what is expected to happen, humans tend toward rationality, calmness, and desire for security. It is more likely that we collectively agree to ignore the fabricated concepts of credit and resource debt at the expense of a proportionally miniscule population than redo the entire system to the detriment of every person, should we be faced with an inescapable ultimatum.

The belief that the world will end in some chaotic event, whether this be a physical, metaphysical, or purely human invention, has existed for as long as we can tell. In that time, with the slight exception of a very few handfuls of societies (Pompeii, for example), this has never happened. On the scale of the planet, it is highly likely that this will never happen, even if we are reactionary by the decade. Humans are too quick for this planet. We learn and adapt at a pace that the scale of the cosmos simply cannot maintain. We have millions of years to adapt and perfect our understanding of ourselves, and billions more to enact the changes we want in our galaxy alone.

The fact that 5000 years ago we were barely struggling to eat is nothing short of purpose. 5000 years is a cosmic blip. It isn't even a millisecond. The paradox is wrong, and we can prove that by pointing to existence. Existence alone is the answer, and no matter what intangible concepts we create to shackle ourselves with, this will always be true.

>> No.18764311

The astrology stuff is curious. I can imagine a future in the long run where new religions emerge and some Emperor Constantine convert to one of them. "Take your pills" etc, but people should not underestimate these things imo.

>> No.18764734

Because 30 years is basically nothing.

>> No.18765458

Also MCC, a huge steel and construction company. They're singing... work hard!


>> No.18765481

>China has no cultural influence
It’s wild how there are a billion plus and I know literally nothing about Chinese popular culture. I can’t name one artist, movie, or influential individual. What’s up with that?

>> No.18765490

Young people there are pretty similar to young people in other countries. It's not that different. They play the same video games that people in the West do. They have band geeks at their high schools. The Communist Party's ideology is pretty progressive overall and they roll out policies accordingly but they do things a little differently since it's (in theory) supposed to be a party for the whole country / society and not a particular faction like in liberal democracies. It's like a one-party state... or something!


>> No.18765522

Where's this pasta from again?

>> No.18765525
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>On the surface this is mistaken for nationalism because again China does not really translate to Western thought—the truth of the matter from a Chinese view is non-dual, that the world is China and China is the world.
Even though you'll hear Xi reference the "Chinese nation" in speeches I've heard some Chinese public intellectual types avoid the term "nation-state" because they say it's misleading to think of it like a Western nation-state, and considering whether it'd be better to describe it as a "civilization-state" or "society-state." A little different.

>That is not to say China is without catastrophic traumas, but the result of these is always to reinforce China as an idea.
And every time they experience a catastrophe they rally around reconstructing a centralized bureaucratic state. But it's the Communist Party doing it now and Marxism was like a method to do it instead of Confucianism like after the Zhou Dynasty fell apart. This is just the new version of it. This is not like the USSR. I think this could run for decades or centuries:



>> No.18765593

>The fact that 5000 years ago we were barely struggling to eat is nothing short of purpose. 5000 years is a cosmic blip. It isn't even a millisecond. The paradox is wrong, and we can prove that by pointing to existence. Existence alone is the answer, and no matter what intangible concepts we create to shackle ourselves with, this will always be true.
Any books for this feel?

>> No.18765815

I feel like the American republic has become increasingly less stable since the 2008 financial crisis, and now seems to be in danger of starting to break down. If America ceased to be a republic--if liberal democracy were brought down in the United States, its heart--I think that would be a sign of history starting to move again.

>> No.18765844

America's top-of-the-line propaganda system. It's not like that stuff doesn't exist, or isn't wildly popular amongst populations which completely dwarf the size of North America, but you are cock-deep in a system meant to otherize anything other than your liberal hegemony. The funny part is, people use your argument as sort of an 'own' against China, when in reality it is a self-own, a testament to the power of America's system of cuckoldry for the sake of its propagation along its own terms.

>> No.18765852


>> No.18765970

Liberal world orders have worked best in the past with a hegemon to pull things together. A world with this level of interdependence but without a global hegemon is an unknown and therefore difficult to predict.

One possibility could be the erosion of interdependence due to structural factors and mass psychology within:
- the US (i.e. a relative decline in quality of life for the masses -> attribute the causes of failure onto the "other", both foreign and domestic -> public opinion to support economic isolationism but with strategic assertiveness)
- China (i.e. a relative increase in wealth but without political freedom, and also wealth inequality between coastal and inland regions -> inland poor: "The only thing that had kept us from being upset was being too busy to care, and now all the opportunities here are drying up for the pigs in the big cities!" wealthy urban class: "We want political freedom and we have the power to take it!" -> political instability -> hawkish foreign policy to legitimise the tightening of domestic security to focus attention on an external "other", rein in the urban class, and maintain the traditional compacts of the peasantry -> heavier state intervention in economics could lead to a more closed off, China-led, regional economic order)

>> No.18766177

america was the most unified and stable it had ever been in 1946 and it's been deteriorating ever since. still in much better shape than most spots because we fell from so high.

>> No.18766696

Another insincere post. Many civilizations have fallen and they had to start all over again. Why are you on the history board?

>> No.18766835
File: 110 KB, 267x382, Hi,_Mom_(film_poster).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I would imagine few people here have heard of this movie (from this year) but it still made Avengers bucks:


It's actually a very wholesome movie.

>After her mother Li Huanying is fatally injured in a car accident in 2001, grief-stricken Jia Xiaoling finds herself transported back in time to the year 1981, where she becomes her mother's close friend. Jia Xiaoling feels that she has not been a good enough daughter in the present, so back in 1981, she does all she can to make Li Huanying happy, including setting her up with a factory manager's son, Shen Guanglin, in the hope of giving her mother a better husband, a better daughter, and a better life than she had the first time around.

>> No.18766866
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Oh, but the thing is, that ideology has to be maintained, it's like the power of illusion and movie-magic. Like that "Hi, Mom" movie made more money in China than the Avengers did in the U.S., although the Avengers made more overall... but a lot of that was also in China!

But the Avengers is a "global" property and "Hi, Mom" is a "Chinese" movie and that's the perception. And U.S. pop culture is huge in the world to be sure. But I think it's basically ogre from a long-term perspective and it's kind of like Wile E. Coyote when he goes off the cliff and doesn't actually fall until he looks down.

>> No.18766879


Good post. But China still has to play the Westphalian game since they're now part of the global (Western-liberal) empire. It may be that China was once a society-state but it can only express that now through the confines of traditionally conceived Western nationalism

Which is fine, but I hope they are able to overcome the empire at some point

>> No.18766889

>But I think it's basically ogre from a long-term perspective and it's kind of like Wile E. Coyote when he goes off the cliff and doesn't actually fall until he looks down.
(assuming you meant 'over')

Why do you think this? To me it seems like the world outside of China, NK, and maybe Russia is on its way to becoming America. Our social issues become the ones the rest of the world fight for. There were BLM protests across Europe, for example. Doesn't that show just how deeply America controls that continent?

>> No.18766908

asshurt that he was stating the obvious. niether neocons or neolibs were prepared to face that reality, they both needed a great evil to complete the metanarrative (soviet union for neocons and the welfare state for neolibs)

>> No.18766912

china wins by doing capitalism with a chinese face, confirming fukuyama's thesis

>> No.18766921

china is still ultimately playing by liberal capitalist rules. you can say "china will never accept that" but it doesn't change the fact that china is already fully integrated into the liberal capitalist system. the last time china provided a real refusal to the liberal capitalist consensus was under mao

>> No.18766959

He wasn't talkin about the economic system but political one. _Democracy_ was supposed to be the endpoint of our development; it's blatantly obvious that it doesn't deliver - it made the Western Civilization (with eg US presidential candidates or French rulers) the laughing stock of the world and singlehandedly squandered the biggest civilizational edge a culture had over others in all fucking recorded human history.
That there is no viable alternative to the economic system of private enterprises is granted - the amount of bureaucratic/corporate parasitism on top of it may vary.

>> No.18767082

China is definitely not playing by neoliberal capitalist rules; they’re certainly capitalist, but formally under the guise of Marxist-socialism. The only way they may possibly be called neoliberal would be in the global market (because it’s a neoliberal market), but their domestic and foreign policy is far from neoliberal.

>> No.18767153

Retard, China had books and a literate peasantry 1000 years before the west. That the west became a powerhouse is an upset of historic trends. An upset which rapidly appears to be correcting itself if the rise of China is to be believed.

>> No.18767174
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>> No.18767247
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I think the Chinese approach these issues a bit differently. They deal with a lot of the same issues. A lot of them are just modern-day issues. But I think the Chinese state tries a moderated or balanced approach. I've heard that the CPC will quietly or slowly roll out a policy (like anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people) to carefully test the waters, and then pull back if there's pushback, and then they do it a bit more later. And they do roll out progressive reforms all the time, but it's a different way of doing it. I think they're a progressive party overall. Even Xi now is talking about unifying the "progressive forces" of the world. But they also don't want to provoke the "right" so to speak which creates social disharmony or something. They don't mix religion and politics either and that makes it easier. Sex, like religion, is a private matter.

I think sexual politics are also partly a result of modern technology and porn and there's video games and movies now. There are material changes in the world that have affected the superstructural plane of ideas and values. We're not slaves to old feudal mores anymore. Some people in the world still are. But American politics are much more tribal and that also relates to the political system because the president is like a tribal chieftain but he's also the leader of the whole country, so there's a contradiction, because the president picks sides in these tribal disputes. The Chinese party professes to represent the entire people -- it's a one-party state -- so they try not to "pick sides" in that way. Not everyone gets what they want, but they "agree" to compromise for the greater good.

Ultimately I think it just comes down to money though. Germany trades more with China now than the United States. But it's not like the $$$ amount of trade ticks over and Germany adopts Chinese values. But you have to think on longer-term timescales of the significance of that. What does the world look like in 20 years or 30 years? It's going to be different from now in some ways, that's as much as we can say for certain.

China will not allow Western businessmen to tell the government how to run their economy. What they'll say is: please come and we'd like to learn from you, and we'll take what we think is suitable for our conditions into consideration, perhaps even apply it, and if you want to set up a joint company (maybe we do a 50/50 split) that benefits both of us, then we can talk more. I think that's how they operate. It is a controlled economy. They don't invite in a bunch of shock therapy goons to do whatever they want like Russia did in the 90s.

>> No.18767259

*Germany trades more with China now than it does with the United States

>> No.18767472

Thanks for the chart anon

>> No.18767489

>it's kind of like Wile E. Coyote when he goes off the cliff and doesn't actually fall until he looks down.
I like this anaology

>> No.18767503

Porn has unironically ruined the world more than everything else
You can't even know how huge the iceberg really is considering that people hoard it on private devices, that there is tons of porn that isn't clearly labeled as porn, so much grey area shit, it's completely out of control and it's this crack tier drug that on top of being addictive also disintegrates social fabric, warps people's idea of sex, human relationships, it's a fucking clusterfuck.

>> No.18767725

Nobody believes you Chang. Not only that but considering how much the Chinese were replaced it has nothing to do with the modern population.
>An upset which rapidly appears to be correcting itself if the rise of China is to be believed.
No, it will just fall like every fake building and equipment they make. But thankfully you showed your true colors and from now on we will know that you're malicious and cruel subhumans.

>> No.18767738

We have a chink in this thread saying "China will win!" while not even understanding of irony of this when China is filled to the brim with western decadence and consumerist nihilism just like the United States. China is where our cheap good come from, nigga. Go to China, and you will find people who speak English, use American products, and watch American tv shows. They're as westernized as you are.

>> No.18768200

I find it interesting that whenever the conversation emerges of the decline of Liberalism and drawbacks of living in a liberal capitalist world, the discussion always shifts to China. Why are people so confident that China will dominate? China has absolutely no cultural influence and the country itself has repeatedly said it’s not interested in orchestrating a global socialist movement. Liberalism is far more popular and influential than anything China is offering despite how degenerate the liberal world is. It seems way more obvious to me that Liberalism will implode and China will just be a bystander instead of taking the throne for themselves.

>> No.18768258

I think the final part of your post is what people tend to mean when they say theyll dominate - itll simply be by default, since the alternative will have collapsed in on itself

>> No.18768524

have fallen when the world wasn't globalized and we've already overcomed the malthusian trap because more poeple doesn't mean less wealth

>> No.18768581

It means nothing, the Western part of the world is the only one that maters and it's soon going to be gone. We will see how the muslims and the Chinese are going to be the biggest prosecutors of people like you and they will soon turn to the stone age since they can't rely on the works of other people. Globalism is pointless when you want to connect with 80 sub IQ people. People like you simply never learn.

>> No.18768668

>equality, diversity, individual freedom
All of these are good values and have nothing to do with woke culture. Cope and kill yourself.

>> No.18768683

>the complete erosion of family, sexuality, gender, nationhood, religion
Sounds good, all of this is obsolete trash. Let's move on to the new era of humanity.

>stuff like LGBT and astrology
Existed since the dawn of time. Are you trying to say superstition didn't exist in religious societies? Very stupid take.

>> No.18768695

Based and awoken

>> No.18768716

> it's this crack tier drug that on top of being addictive also disintegrates social fabric, warps people's idea of sex, human relationships, it's a fucking clusterfuck.
In the beginning of the past century nobody watched porn but it was normal to go fuck whores every weekend and do horrid shit to them. You can read about how people thought it disintegrated the idea of sex and human relationships. The way people here point out typical human shit that has always existed and say it's a feature of degenerate contemporary society baffles me.

>> No.18768721

Naive and a future victim of diversity.

>> No.18768722

>It means nothing, the Western part of the world is the only one that maters
The only one that matters in what context and to whom? To you sitting alone in your room surrounded by piss bottles?

>> No.18768725

Shut the fuck up. Your values are dying and everything that you believe in and stand for will be gone in a hundred years. You grasp at the remains of the old world but your world is dead. It makes me ecstatic to watch you despair.

>> No.18768727

8 year olds didn't go with whores

>> No.18768765

People lost their virginity a lot earlier than today. Yes, to whores. Listen, I know you have trauma from discovering pornography when you were a child but if 8 year olds finds porn on the internet today it's a parenting problem. What, you think your kid's internet usage is impossible to control? This is just irresponsibility on the parents' part.

>> No.18768767

Despair? It is your kind suffering here. It is fucking hilarious, morons do it to themselves.

>> No.18768774

>the muslims
Imagine thinking sandniggers who are literally monkeys and live in total misery and chaos in the garbage dumpster of the earth have any power over ultramodern western military force. You hear about geopolitics?

>> No.18768783

>It is your kind suffering here.
Hello? Projection department calling? Who is suffering? My life is a fucking blast. AND I'm privileged in the new world order. You can suck my dick.

>> No.18768788

>I know you have trauma from discovering pornography when you were a child
I did not. I grew up without the internet for a long time. Taking your kid to see a whore wasn't common practice, what the fuck are you talking about, and it wasn't little children. Now literally every fucking kid with a tablet will start looking at porn. Yes it is a parenting problem but the parenting problem comes from shitty retarded living conditions.
You seem to be awfully defensive of pornography, let me think, are you yet another porn addict who gets triggered when someone says porn is a problem?

>> No.18768798

Strange leftist you are. I guess it is easier to pretend then to face being cornered by quite the simplest of wit.

>> No.18768836

>You seem to be awfully defensive of pornography, let me think, are you yet another porn addict who gets triggered when someone says porn is a problem?

No, you got it all wrong, actually I do not watch porn and I think there are big problems within the porn industry, however I do not believe in the narrative that our relationship with our sexuality is dramatically worse than in the past because of porn and that there is a direct correlation. The same dynamics persist, only the shape they are taking is different. Parenting is the parents' responsibility by the way, they are grown people who are supposed to think for themselves.

>Taking your kid to see a whore wasn't common practice

The (mostly Russian) historical biographies I read, as well as various works of literature from the 19th century, tell me otherwise. When an aristocrat boy became an adolescent it was common practice to take him to see a whore. As for the poor folk, they lived in unregulated conditions and sexual degeneracy was rampant.

>> No.18768856

He should've read Spengler a few more times.
Fukuyama's vision is just a tiny little fragment of what's going on.

>> No.18768941
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holy keke imagine you already hate your gay ass slave labor job but then they make you learn a disney choreography routine on top of it or else you get fired

>> No.18769034
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The cultural China is Taiwan, Mao ruined the chiniese culture, you have instead the "new China" in mainland China

>> No.18769171

Kill yourself lol

>> No.18769413

It's good until the circus is over and you have to make them money.

>> No.18769523
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>UUuuuhhhh KiLl yOuRseLf brO!!!!!11111111 >:'(

>> No.18769631

The is that people can't comprehend what they have lost until it's over. People like you get screwed every single time and you never learn. They literally called you useful idiots and you still don't learn. Maybe it's just natural selection in the end.

>> No.18769644

The KMT were just as foreign to traditional China as the CCP. Dynasties had only just ended and the country was ready to be taken in a different direction.

>> No.18769651

The global majority does not care what a bunch of neoliberal hacks in the west think or want. Crash and burn and let the world return to its rightful owners.

>> No.18769652

There have been numerous periods in Chinese history where a barbarian dynasty takes over half or all of China and all the intellectuals and intelligentsia have to pack up Confucius, Laozi, and sometimee Buddha, and head south for a few centuries. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.18769665

Rome thought the same.

>> No.18769681

The Romans expended their military power trying reconquer Egypt and Syria from Persia and then the sectarian abrahamists in those places defected to the invaders because they were more tolerant than the Constantinopolitan abrahamists. East Asia doesn't have these sorts of issues, only good old-fashioned racial bigotry.

>> No.18769700

That's not true. If you bothered to research the topic you will see how prone to addiction they are and how they are the biggest whales. The negative effects of industrialization looks negligible compared to what is happening in the east. Even with dictators they can't stop it.

>> No.18769705

The op literally pointed out Chinas economic liberalization

>> No.18769784

Also the tiananmen square protest was because their fucking government gave not just one but two girls to all African males. You're either very young or very uneducated.

>> No.18771098

Totalitarianism on the increase, America produces a dystopian parody of democracy in Trump

>> No.18771128

>Liberalism is far more popular and influential than anything China is offering despite how degenerate the liberal world is. It seems way more obvious to me that Liberalism will implode and China will just be a bystander instead of taking the throne for themselves.
agreed, the strongman model is inherently weak and fragile, a rule by fear and self-repression. But the Taiwan conflict is imminent, Taiwan may be assimilated and annhilated in the perverse insistence of a failed state to destroy a successful state

>> No.18771160

>Liberal capitalism has dominated for 30 years
Oh NO! Not thirty years! How ever will we recover!?

>> No.18771171

He even disavowed "the end of history" himself

>> No.18771188

>Disavow literally the only thing that made you famous

>> No.18771200

We don't live in Antiquity anymore, FAGGOT.

>> No.18771207

>grrrrr you're just stupid, dumbo!
Wow, I cannot refute this logic. Fucking retard.

>> No.18771753

>you will see how prone to addiction they are and how they are the biggest whales.
you've outed yourself as a /v/irgin whose understanding of China is dictated wholly by popculture memes
transposing the history of the Opium War onto fucking Chinese pop culture of today, is probably the most cringe shit I have ever seen on this board and that's saying something

>> No.18771943
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I'm just amazed how the U.S. system is so dysfunctional that it makes it difficult for Americans watch their own national team at the Olympics unless you pay NBC $65 for the streaming service with their shitty commentary while China has two publicly-owned channels streaming it for free, on the internet:


And the articles in the U.S. media about it are behind paywalls. It really is shocking how fucked the society is. People lack national pride? It's just the pride in the $$$. That's all that matters.

And you know what? CT5 and CCTV5+ have very positive commentary even of other countries.

>> No.18771978
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I think that's pretty much how Lenin played it in Russia. Everyone else had just discredited themselves and everything else had just failed to solve the big problems, in particular: ending the war. So it didn't take much of a shove.

>> No.18772733

the war also showed that the elites of europe were willing to throw away millions of lives for a few inches of dirt. resorting to mass violence and terror to keep those people out of power became a much more attractive solution as a result.

>> No.18772745

Remember when Americans believed that playing video games was illegal in China and gamers were being sent to prison camps? Top fucking kek,

>> No.18772894
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>tiny island nation with 100 million people is the same as continent spanning nation with 1.4 billion people

>> No.18772898

Based, lmaoing at seething IQlets replying to you

>> No.18772968
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That shit would be hilarious even if it was true and not just some black ops disinfo or rumor that convinced those doofuses it was a true for a second. Xi Jinping has banned video games!!! And he's putting around on a lawnmower drinking a Chinese energy drink.

>> No.18773007

Dude, you're mentally disabled. The Chinese are addicted to phones and computers way worse than people on the west are. They spend obscene amount of money on mobile games.

>> No.18773030

My greatest fear is that once again we'll forget that diversity and degeneracy and women's rights all lead to downfall. I'm terrified that we'll forget again, and after centuries of regeneration under a healthy patriarchy we'll do it all over again. I believe we can break the cycle, we just have to actually remember this time around, so we don't fall into the same mistakes over and over again.

>> No.18773288

is based & truthpilled