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18761612 No.18761612 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books for learning social skills and manipulation tactics?

>> No.18761618

The Prince - Machiavelli.
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie.

>> No.18761619
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how to win friends & influence people by dale carnegie

>> No.18761620

the Bible.

>> No.18761649
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>> No.18761651

The Art of the Deal - Donald J. Trump

>> No.18761678

What you need is Kant. Critique of Practical Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. That, and this >>18761620.

These books are going to turn you into a transparent sycophant and everyone will immediately recognize you as creepy.

Donald Trump is a giant faggot and complete and utter nigger.

>> No.18761680

Nah, that Dale Carnegie is probably a great book for your regular sperg anon. I'm the anon who recommended the Bible. Don't be put off by its name, it is an ok book.

>> No.18761685

>These books are going to turn you into a transparent sycophant and everyone will immediately recognize you as creepy.
Only if you fuck up the execution

>> No.18761696
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I only recommended it cause it's a meme.
So it's really worth reading? I'm almost completely socially retarded, to the point where when I read pretty obvious body language accurately I feel good about myself.
Help me...

>> No.18761706

Read that, just download the book. It is not a long one and most of it is common sense. But since you are asking for advice on 4chan, you are probably fucked. That one will help you fix things out.

>> No.18761713

But isn't it just social advice for people who are already normies? I need social advice for spergs.

>> No.18761722

KEK no, he probably wrote that book for people who did manual labor and had to go to a bank or some shit.

>> No.18761727

They are basically anons with jobs.

>> No.18761728

Its good. But don't think you'll get any better at being sociable once you've read it. You still have to go outside and undergo the standard trial-and-error of figuring out the rhythm of socializing, through experience. All that the book will do is give you information on different techniques, but the only way on learning how to actually use the right techniques and in what way in a given situation and for a specific end goal is something you'll have to learn through experience.

>> No.18761738

Schopenhauer's Essays

Specifically The Hedgeheg Saga chronicles and The Art of Owning Libs

>> No.18761743


>> No.18761745

propaganda by edward bernays

>> No.18761757
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>> No.18761789

Don't get me wrong, reading will speed up the process of shedding your autism, but "the process" itself must still be done. Steroids won't give you bigger muscles if you don't work out. If you don't like it, then just read a human anatomy book and drive a knife through your favorite artery

>> No.18761795
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>If you don't like it, then just read a human anatomy book and drive a knife through your favorite artery
audibly keked, well played anon

>> No.18761802

Should I read this book when I've already seen Yuri Bezmenov's 1983 lecture?

>> No.18761803

Ovid's Amores

>> No.18761994

i know somebody who read this and implemented this shit in his real life. he is the most autistic person i have ever known and it is way too obvious when he tries to "manipulate" you into liking him. if you want to learn how to act around people, go outside. this book will turn you into a fucking assburger alien