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/lit/ - Literature

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1875873 No.1875873 [Reply] [Original]

fantasy > scifi

>> No.1875877


>> No.1875883

Fantasy has been sucking Tolkien's dick since its inception. Sci fi has seen several large movements, including but not limited to, cyberpunk, steampunk, and Star Wars.

>> No.1875884
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>> No.1875886
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the average fantasy fan

>> No.1875892
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the average scifi fan

>> No.1875903


Quite possibly one of the worst samefags to come to /lit/

>> No.1875906

Wow, this is pathetic. Go back to /b/

>> No.1875910
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>wah, why don't you like my countless fn fiction novels about skinny nerd astronauts having sex with half fish, half women in space.

>> No.1875962

>Sci-fi isn't literature
>Implying all sci-fi is campy fiction of no merit
>Implying Asimov, Dick, Ballard, Clarke, etc are campy and without merit.


>> No.1875992

>Fantasy has been sucking Tolkien's dick since Tolkien's inception.
There's a fuckton of fantastic literature which predates Tolkien and is still recognisably "Fantasy shelf fantasy" to a modern audience.

Also, A Princess Of Mars is a ripoff of Gullivar Of Mars which was the same shtick with a magic carpet.

>> No.1875997

Of those, only Ballard has merit, but only just. I wouldn't even consider him sci-fi, in the same way Borges sure as hell isn't fantasy.

>> No.1875998

Sci-fi fans don't have real jetbacks though, only boring books that occasionally mention them.

not jelly at all tbh

>> No.1876011

sci-fi and fantasy are the same thing. One has magic wands, the other has laser guns. No difference.

>> No.1876020

Why do I get the impression you're a scifi=spaceships, fantasy=swords type?

>> No.1876033


Borges actually wrote a fair bit of genre fiction - he wrote some pretty good detective stories with Bioy Casares, and I think they wrote some sci-fi and fantasy together as well, but I haven't read it. They wrote a few sci-fi films together as well. Invasion is pretty good.

Casares went on to write The invention of Morel, apparently a big influence on Lost.

The moar you kno

>> No.1876871
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sf tries to address consequences of new technology (what would happen if telephones were portable and small enough to fit into your pocket)

fantasy tries to address consequences of the author's repressed homosexuality (DO ME, SAM, DO ME, and THEN I'LL THROW THE RING INTO MOUNT DOOM)