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18756791 No.18756791 [Reply] [Original]

God will never forgive me for what I’ve done. I’ve led so many people toward atheism and denigrated Christianity through my words in ways that cannot be forgiven. I’ve convinced probably a dozen people to stop being Christians. I cannot imagine I could ever be forgiven for the vitriol I’ve spewed toward Christians. Not trying to litigate the awful things I’ve said.

Is there still some role I can play despite being almost certainly damned?

>> No.18756795

Jesus will forgive you if you truly are sorry.

>> No.18756824

Paul witnessed and agreed with the death of Stephen, many Great Christians were once anti Christian and even killed Christians, genuinely repenting in your heart and then cleaving to Christ is all that you need to be forgiven by Jesus. Repent to him and sin no more.

>> No.18756920

repent to Allah not to a prophet who was simply a man and nothing more.

>> No.18756926

Jesus is God you sick goat fucker.

>> No.18756958

I ate meat my whole life and then I had to stop. The only way is forward. What caused your conversion?

>> No.18756970

What convinced you of the truth of Christianity.. please... tell me..

>> No.18756971

I still eat meat and use the quran to wipe after I shit.

>> No.18756972

>eating garbage to own the libs

>> No.18756980

KEK religious cucks are pure KEK

So what? I sometimes joke that I'm definitely going to hell if this whole God thing is real, but it probably isn't.

>> No.18756989

repent and ye shall be saved


>> No.18756998

you know, you do have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.18757004

>good righteous man dies
>people make an idol of him and say he was secretly god
and dont say it wasnt a secret because the gospels portray the disciples as being ignorant of jesus's divinity until he died which is when they realized fully that he was God lol

>> No.18757012

I've thrown one of those gift gospels in the trash only a few years ago. It was gifted to me by my religious stepbrother who's from a weird Catholic sect when I got my communion. I found it and threw it in the trash along with many music albums and other things from my past that I wanted to clean up. It probably wasn't very valuable but I've felt guilty since although I'm not a Christian and I don't want to convert.

>> No.18757014

Yes, proselytism. This is probably some roleplay anyway.

>> No.18757024
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>ask someone why they become christian
>they start listing off a bunch of rote apologetics that they obviously only read AFTER they converted

>> No.18757039

W…What’s so bad about that? Doesn’t it make sense? You look for defences of your beliefs and values? What am I missing here?

>> No.18757043
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>Reading before converting
Imagine not being touched by God

>> No.18757048

>Believing in epiphany
Anon, I...

>> No.18757061

what I mean is, why did they become Christian in the first place? usually not some kind of rational decision...

>> No.18757076

>Not believing in epiphany
Anon, I...

>> No.18757080
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Just lead them back, OP.

>> No.18757154

those hebrew tales are not real anon

>> No.18757174

God exists but the Bible is fake

>> No.18757197
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You will go to hell OP. Heretics are worse than non-believers. Shame on you!

>> No.18757257

There is no reliable evidence that Saul was a Pharisee or ever persecuted Christians
> Acts
Literal fanfiction

>> No.18757312


>> No.18757319

When I die, fuck it, I wanna go to hell
'Cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell

>> No.18757340

Yes, God would show as he is to yourself and you can be absolutely right that this is a thing he has with you. And all other people in other religions who experience the same thing are just getting in touch with demons. You God, on the other hand, is definitely not a demon.

>> No.18757346

Implying that being in "heaven" among unreasonable people wouldn't be hell anyway.

>> No.18757354

Eternally, mind you. Eternally stuck with such people.

>> No.18757365

I'm agnostic, but if anything atheism is the most based religion.

>> No.18757381

I didn't think I could ever be convinced so I sat with this guy for hours going through the proofs. No escape after that.

>> No.18757449

What do you guys think Heaven is like?

I like to imagine it as a type of super-Earth with landscapes more beautiful and varied than any on our planet, and with none of the bullshit that comes with this life.

From things like murders to simple stuff like nightmares or lack of sleep, or anxiety, restlessness, etc. Just wouldn't exist in Heaven or be possible to occur to you.

Though I think things like toiling, sweating, and some level of basic suffering should remain but only as a catalyst for progress. For example, spending time learning how to harvest delicious food and learning through multiple failures, first. Having all the time in the world to learn things you wish and help build Heaven up as you go along.

I like to think that Heaven of 2000 years ago looked different than it does now, because the humans who entered it have since helped in continuing to shape it with God, through civilizational progress happening there.

>> No.18757503

You could sit for an hour going through the proofs for flat earth. There are people who spend their entire lives studying philosophical arguments for and against belief in God without ever finding resolution.

>> No.18758074

Just peace.

>> No.18758081

Heaven is reality for me :3


Butterfly has decided to wear a collar with my name on it today. I am in heaven :3

>> No.18758089

:3 has thicc autism.

>> No.18758102

You're mad because she's actually doing that. It's over man, she has expressed interest in me, she masturbated to me today, I'm in heaven.

Deal w it

>> No.18758103

All that matters is your repentance of those deeds. After that, the best you can do is pray for those you know you've turned away and continue to do your best.

No rudeness, mate

God, I wish. Have you ever walked through a beautiful setting with peace in your heart? Why only peace, and why only beauty? We will have both.

God's will be done, ultimately. I'm done with the nightmare logic of most co-religionists who make it out to be an abolition of the material; i.e., there will be a transfigured reality, but we won't care about its beauty because we have God. Even desiring beauty is "materialism" and tantamount to Islam's "72 virgins."

>> No.18758119

OP the only sin that the Bible states is unforgivable is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Everything else is forgivable, even blaspheming God the Father or Jesus.
You didn't do that, did you?

>> No.18758129


This is like Butterflys ass :3

>> No.18758150

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.18758177

Why are there so many christcucks on this board?

>> No.18758189

Because it's populated by Western people. You should go back to Africa/R*ddit

>> No.18758200

I would rather be seen as a mental retard than give in to this shit. Just saying, it doesn't make any sense and people live by it, which I'm definitely fine, but they aren't happy with just that and force it to other people (me included). Thanks for making hell on Earth and being a real demon. If you are in the wrong side, you are definitely fucked.

>> No.18758207

So, because you're underage then?

>> No.18758212

Don't bother. They have absolutely no way of answering this because deep down they know their beliefs are bullshit.

>> No.18758215

And this definitely soothes my mind. If God is a reasonable being, most people who say that adore him are so fucked. True rational cosmic justice, this is something I would love to see.

>> No.18758218

Go back

>> No.18758231

I'm not the one whose pope is a nigger lover :^)

>> No.18758241


>> No.18758244

>but they aren't happy with just that and force it to other people
Jesus didn't do such a thing. Your notion of 'hell' and 'demons' is childish and american. I wish you well.

>> No.18758261

No argument huh? Alright underage

>> No.18758263

What are you talking about? My notion of hell? People just torment me since forever because I don't feel like adoring their stuff. I'm using 'hell' and 'demons' as a metaphor, they are just people tormenting me, of coure they aren't fucking demons, I'm not some retarded bigot.

>> No.18758271

It's okay. You have a gift, and god gave you that. Just use it to convert Muslims to your cause.

>> No.18758283

>People just torment me since forever because I don't feel like adoring their stuff
Thus everyone with faith must be a 'demon'. Yes, you are not retarded and a very resonable person.

>> No.18758306

>God forgives murderers and rapists
>cannot forgive internet autheists spamming Epicurus trilemmas

>> No.18758313

Most of them are like that whenever they have an atheist on their family. You just don't know how it goes. Being an atheist raised in a religious family in a religious country. Don't act like a retard. And the fact that you are going out of your way to torment me, instead of just ignoring my posts just corroborate my point that religious people will feel like harassing atheists. And this is also a thing even among 'reasonable religious thinkers' who thought that atheists should be killed. Fuck you.

>> No.18758323

I know that inside their minds they are doing something good, but honestly religious people can't think outside of their own experience when it comes to such things. They are literally the most egotistical kind of people when it comes to it.

>> No.18758325

what kind of Gentile would be named "Saul" you retard

>> No.18758337

>Most of them are like that whenever they have an atheist on their family
Oh yes, you must know most of them. Also, you must know what I believe in or not. You truly are not a retad.
>And the fact that you are going out of your way to torment me, instead of just ignoring my posts just corroborate my point that religious people will feel like harassing atheists
Yes, yes, you didn't post on a thread about Christ just to call the ones with faith retards, surely.

I'm an atheist, with a deep interest in theology (by way of hermeneutics in philosohphy). Your way of viewing faith is as dumb as the americans that express their beliefs. You should really try to grow out of your intuitive judgements, as they are the ones that make you seem retarded.

As an atheist, I think people like you should be killed.

>> No.18758344

lol you're a whiny faggot but you make a good point. the prime motivation of most religion-posters on 4chan is essentially (at its psychological roots) sadistic. in this respect they may not differ from any other breed of poster, but that is precisely the problem...

>> No.18758360

I just....idk man. The concept makes less and less sense to me the more I read and think about it. It's better than the eastern bullshit about everything being one or a universal consciousness but it doesn't actually make sense

>> No.18758366

I won't bother, you are probably some Christian butt hurt teenager who is larping as an atheist. You don't get it, and honestly never will. Christians are unironically retarded when it comes to feel empathy to anyone other then themselves. Your post just made my point.

No, if this was mainly a 4chan thing I would be ok with it. But it is not. The main issue is that religion puts an eternal element in people's lives, you don' t get that because you don't think it. Consider that you love your children and believe in the afterlife, not converting them and letting them be is to let them die. And this is somewhat obvious. Accepting this is akin to accepting the death of a family member.

>> No.18758374
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>> No.18758377

other than*

>> No.18758387

>I'm an atheist, with a deep interest in theology (by way of hermeneutics in philosohphy). Your way of viewing faith is as dumb as the americans that express their beliefs. You should really try to grow out of your intuitive judgements, as they are the ones that make you seem retarded.
What kind of atheist would be put off by any way some sect of Christianity express their beliefs instead of being interested in it? I'm an agnostic and your LARP is obvious. You can't bullshit a bullshitter.

>> No.18758399

The north-americans lack hermenetical value in the expression of their beliefs. There is a lack of knowledge they have that makes them develop stupid notions of the word of Christ and other aspects of the bible.
Even the french in the last century expressed a more interesting view of Christianity than any North American has ever done.

>> No.18758408

>Yes, God would show as he is to yourself and you can be absolutely right that this is a thing he has with you. And all other people in other religions who experience the same thing are just getting in touch with demons. You God, on the other hand, is definitely not a demon.
Exactly. Glad we could agree.

>> No.18758418

t. butt hurt Christian who dislikes Americans
IF you are really an atheist, say some blasphemy against Jesus.

>> No.18758425

Jesus can suck my dick and his mother Mary was a whore. (Jesus didn't even exist as we do, he's most likely a complex construct developed in many years, or atleast that's what a hermeneutical and historical study shows us)

>> No.18758429

And I still think >>18758366 should go and hang himself.

>> No.18758435


>> No.18758443

Fuck you, you are still a retard for thinking that some Christianity is better than another. Probably some butt hurt eyropoor who resents Americans.

>> No.18758463

You should post here once you're over 18. However, if you are, I truly feel sorry for you. Maybe you could find solace in Jesus.

>> No.18758479

You are still a retard for LARPing as an atheist. How many times are you going to ask for forgiveness after that? No atheist on their right mind would give a shit about such things, unless they are crypto-Christians, and those are easy to spot.

>> No.18758486

Because if someone is an atheist, Christians are all wrong.

>> No.18758494

>No atheist on their right mind would give a shit about such things
The narrow anglo mind.
Read some philosophy, I recommend to you Jean Grondin's 'Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics' as a way to understand that one can have an interest in Christianity (as one of the biggest events in western history alongside capitalism) even if one has no faith, as it has inevitably shaped language and thus reality.

>> No.18758514

That is not what I'm talking about. I'm studying the Bible because I live among Christians and will live until I die. My point is picking sides, I was raised in a Catholic family and honestly, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal or whatever. I don't pick sides, anon. Because I'm not a Christian, it is basically them all against me as soon they realize that I'm an atheist. You are either too stupid for your own good or just LARPing.

>> No.18758567

>it is basically them all against me as soon they realize that I'm an atheist
You sound like a schizo. Stop universalising your particular situation.

>> No.18758576

Life will teach you that. If anything, you are probably the one who is the underage and know shit about life.

>> No.18758578
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now we a schizo thread

>> No.18758591

>Life will teach you that
If you surround yourself with crazy americans, then sure. If you, as I have, surround yourself with people from different walks of life that are not batshit crazy, then you'll have a different view. But don't think you've seen the true or accurate way of treating faith.

>> No.18758595


Yes, sure. Definitely not a thing. Get out of your room.

>> No.18758611

So you use shitty sources that say it doesen't happen everywhere and you still universalize them. Yes, you are not a retard. You might be the smartest person alive, as smart as Hitchens.

>> No.18758613

>If you, as I have, surround yourself with people from different walks of life that are not batshit crazy, then you'll have a different view.
Out of your bubble.

>> No.18758617

You're deep in your american bubble. atleast I recognize the existance of you crazy assholes.

>> No.18758621

Your bubble is the truth. Your bubble and nothing else.

>> No.18758630

Your bubble. Out of it lies the real world.

>> No.18758632

refer to >>18758617
Also refer to centuries of hermeneutical bibliography.
Oh sorry, do you anglos even know what 'Hermeneutics' is?

>> No.18758635
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North America is not a bubble. I repeat, North America is not and has never been a bubble.

>> No.18758639

>implying that the average joe gives a shit about that
Good luck reasoning with real people out of your bubble.

>> No.18758643

I'm not even living in the US. This is a thing in most western countries. Out of your bubble.

>> No.18758653

I don't care what the average joe thinks. That's why I laugh at the beliefs expressed by most North Americans and western people, (and you western 'new age' atheist that develop with that as a starting point)

>> No.18758657

Thanks for making my point.

>> No.18758664

Surley the average joe has a lot to say about hermeneutical understanding of the biblical writing. Surley. Now, as I had said before, go and hang. But before doing that, cry at your laughable 'persecution'

>> No.18758676

Out of your room, outside the bubble, boy.

>> No.18758693

Hope you get linched by a mob of illusion loving christians.
Oh and don't forget about your burger big boy!

>> No.18758695

You realize that the average joe is called average because they are most people out there, right? You are a retard.

>> No.18758700

Again, average is still not a universalizing category. There's a strong tradition of hermeneutical biblical thinking that differs in big ways from 'your average joe'

>> No.18758702

Yes, bubble boy, you will learn that. I don't care, if you are an atheist siding with religious people, you are definitely either a fucking retard or a crypto-Christian. You are definitely LARPing as an atheist. I know your sort, met some that were really smart, but it is not like I can't see through this bs.

>> No.18758720

The main reason I cannot believe in religion is simple, most of them are targeted at humans. I don't believe we humans are more special than any other living organism. We might be the "superior" one, but we're all apart of the same category. An ocean and a pond are inherently the same thing, a body of water. If it's so, where are their gods? Humans are the only ones that spread ideas with each other, ideas like nationality, culture, religion and so on. I feel like religion is just a natural result of this trait and it's meant to just bring us together.

>> No.18758725
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>atheist siding with religious people
So you truly don't understand what hermeneutics are, do you? You can universalize all the things you want, you can go by your intuitions as much as you like, you'll always end up in your sad state. Go fatten up and read some sci-fi.

>> No.18758742

The point is behavior, not religious autism. The fact that you keep pushing this into discussion makes my point even stronger. I'm not universalizing anything, stating the state of things. At least things outside your bubble, which I doubt it is truth. Where do you live?

>> No.18758751

Because if you weren't a retard and learned anything about people on 4chan. You would realize how fragile your bubble is.

>> No.18758773

what is that bubble you're speaking of? >>18758617 A bubble would exclude a recognition of what is outside of it. But a recognition was made. It seems that, by thinking you're 'stating the state of things', and by ignoring the 'religious autism' you're the one not recognizing things outside your so called 'state of things'. It would seem you're the one inside a deeply hateful bubble.

>> No.18758780

Pretending to be more of a retard now?

>> No.18758807

oh, so now you won't answer? Your notion of what a 'bubble' is is as dumb as you seem to be. I hope, as an atheist that has studied the bible under a hermeneutical perspective, that you are able to find Christ or his equal in other faiths. Otherwise, I hope you hang youself.

>> No.18758860

If you really believe a human and a fish are creatures along the same lines of distinction then truly only God can help you.

>> No.18758934


>> No.18759020

Yes, of course, bubble boy. I'm the dumb one, me and the ones on wikipedia are the retards. Hermeneutics is where is at for atheist. LARPing as an atheist, Christians are getting desperate.