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/lit/ - Literature

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18755986 No.18755986 [Reply] [Original]

Post a list of your top 5 or 10 books.

>> No.18756319

1. Iliad
2. Bible
3. Divine Comedy
4. Shakespeare
5. Odyssey
6. Paradise Lost
7. Canterbury Tales
8. Metamorphosis
9. Faust
10. Moby Dick
11. Aeneid

>> No.18756323

Ovid’s Metamorphosis, not Kafka. Fuck Kafka

>> No.18756350

I need to start using goodreads or something, because I can’t even remember 90% of the books I’ve read even when I really liked them.

>> No.18756405

What a wonderful image. Thank you for it, anon. My heart is warmed.

For me, 10 meaningful books (not necessarily the 'best'):

Ishiguro - Remains of the Day
Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Penn Warren - Or Else (Poems 1967-1971)
Houllebecq - Elementary Particles
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Melville - Moby Dick
Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!
O'Connor - Collected Stories
McPherson - Hue and Cry
Plutarch - Parallel Lives

>> No.18756454
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>> No.18756677

And since we don't know you, how do we interpret this list?
Tell us why they're meaningful.

>> No.18756691

I'm not sure I understand this pic but it is getting me mad anyway

Here's some of my favorite books

>In Search of Lost time- Proust
>Incubus- Berto
>Memoirs of Hadrian- Yourcenar
>Augustus- Williams
> The Garden of Finzi-Contini- Bassani

>> No.18756727

Moby Dick
The Adventures of Augie March
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
The Pickwick Papers
The Brothers Karamazov
A King Alone
The Collected Short Stories of Franz Kafka
Martin Eden
The Good Soldier Svejk/Journey to the End of the Night (can't choose between them)

>> No.18757624

only 1 book the Holy Qur'an

>> No.18757954

These probably aren't the greatest books but definitely my favorites, I've read about 200 books

Teatro grottesco
The dark eidolon and other fantasies
Infinite jest
The wind up bird chronicle
A farewell to arms
Great expectations
Collected works of HP Lovecraft
Great expectations
The idiot
The sea of fertility

>> No.18758033

1. Bible
2. The Master and Margarita
3. Kokoro
4. The Death of Ivan Illych
5. The Day Lasts More Than A Hundred Years

>> No.18758046

1) Ulysses
2) Dubliners
3) Molloy
4) Portrait of The Artist
5) The Evenings
6) Stoner
7) Sorrows of Young Werther
8) White Nights
9) Notes From Underground
10) Malone Dies

>> No.18758094

1. War and Peace
2. Dracula
3. LoTR
4. Confederacy of Dunces
5. Trinity
6. Pillars of the Earth
7. Moby Dick
8. The Great Shark Hunt
9. A Memory of Light
10. A Storm of Swords

I am going through more /lit/ books. In school I read a lot of contemporary fiction, and that really made me rebel against "classics" for the longest time. But I like the ones I've read.

>> No.18758118

>people roidin' up and reading redpilled 4chan lit are FREEEEEEEE
lmao was this image updated? I don't remember all this cope in it and the baby yoda is kinda recent

>> No.18758155

Post wrist

>> No.18758402

>favourite book is Shakespeare
This is such a basic list. Don't you have any opinions of your own? Or anything that makes you interesting?

>> No.18758457

quirky hipster lol

>> No.18758470

Taste does not make you interesting lol

>> No.18758482

seethe pseud, if you actually read these books you'd agree. go back to tranny porn and your marvel films

>> No.18758520

>literary works
Les Miserables
East of Eden
Death of a Naturalist
Outlaws of the Marsh
Our Town
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Pride and Prejudice
>genre fiction
Crown of Shadows
The Hobbit
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident
A Storm of Swords
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Sudanna, Sudanna
Jurassic Park

>> No.18758529

/lit/ /thread

>> No.18758540

I wouldn't be able to

>> No.18758602

You’d know that Ovid’s was Metamorphoses if you’d actually read it, retard.

>> No.18758622

Stendhal - The Red and the Black
Stendhal - The Red and the Black
Madame Bovary
Stendhal - The Red and the Black
Confessions of a Shopaholic

>> No.18758652


>> No.18758672

first post pseud post

>> No.18759425
File: 116 KB, 860x639, 654-6549883_transparent-apu-apustaja-png-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Bodhicaryavatara (if buddhist)
2. Ashtavakra Gita (if hinduist)
3. The Cloud of Unknowing (if christian)
4. Ḥikam al-ʿAtā‘iyya (if muslim)
5. Liezi (if taoist)
6. Pirkei Avot (if jewish)
7. Uttaradhyayana Sutra (if jain)
8. Difficulties and Solutions of First Principles (if platonist)
9. Outlines of Pyrrhonism (if skeptical)
10. Hávamál (if odinist)

>> No.18759476

Fuck man, that Optimum Nutrition whey is 3real5me. Here's my top 5 recent books
1) The Ingenious Manchegan Don Quixote
2) Parmacetti Hunt, the Tale of a Whale
3) Omeros the Homerous by Derek Walcott
4) Parliament of Birds by Attar
5) Aneas Runs Away by Virgil

>> No.18759488

What a shitty image. Is there anything more cringe than tryhard /fit/tards who think reading generic non-fiction makes them intelligent?

>> No.18759489

1) In Search of Lost Time
2) The Iliad
3) Great Expectations
4) Emma by Jane Austen
5) Charterhouse of Parma

>> No.18759497
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based on this anon and his little /lit/101 list, i'm becoming more and more certain Kafka is the ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.18759508

Is there anyone more retarded than (you) who thinks those books are complimentary, thus missing the point entirely? Dont respond btw, ik the answer

>> No.18759535

le ebin self improvement with generic nonsense xDDD
Is it really self improvement if you follow everyone else?

>> No.18759706
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Book of the New Sun
A Confederacy of Dunces
Sprawl Trilogy
Revelation Space
Bronze Age Mindset
Love in the Ruins
The Prince
Spring Torrents
Notes from Underground
the Hannibal series

>> No.18759851

The Sot-weed Factor
Barthelme's Sixty Stories
The Age of Wire and String
The Recognitions
Ratner's Star
Beckett's Trilogy
Lookout Cartridge

>> No.18759864

Boring basic bitch

>> No.18759944

You certainly have a type

>> No.18759997
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>Barthelme's Sixty Stories
How. I got a copy of this at a thrift store and it's the least interesting postmodern schlock one can possibly imagine.

>> No.18760104

I have a list and its embarassing but this is the one that came to mind and i have no idea why...
>The amulet of samarkand
Why did this stick in my mind from youth?

>> No.18760274


>> No.18760463
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>> No.18760509

Stop the cap bruh. This must be bait right. Right anon.

Shakespeare a doge
u must be getting ur info from the alphabet people and sjws who be hatin on the Speare

>> No.18761901

self improvement doesnt mean that you do the improvement without any help. it means that you improve yourself, you idiot

>> No.18761925

>Don Quixote
that is the extent of the fiction I like

>> No.18762017

fellow iliadchad triggers trannyhipsters

>> No.18763021

no particular order

the sound and the fury
coin locker babies
fear and trembling
young werther

>> No.18763515


>> No.18763647


>> No.18763676

Im currently reading Klara and the Sun by Ishiguro, I might have to read Remains of the Day after

>> No.18763772

1: Mysteries by Hamsun
2: The Red and Black by Stendhal
3: Don Quijote
4: The Magic Mountain by Mann
5: Hamlet
6: Dead Souls by Gogol
7: Parisian Spleen by Baudelaire
8: Lucky-Per by Pontoppidan
9: Brothers Karamazov
10: Pan by Hamsun

No particular order. Could probably replace one of the non-Hamsuns with Hunger by Hamsun. I love Hamsun.

>> No.18763804

>1: Mysteries by Hamsun
>8: Lucky-Per by Pontoppidan
>10: Pan by Hamsun
Unbelievably, unimaginably, indescribably B A S E D

>> No.18763928

hello plebbit

>> No.18764561

high school reading list

>> No.18765569

go suck his dick somewhere else

>> No.18766233

The Man Without Qualities
The Sleepwalkers
The Temptations of St Anthony
War and Peace
Don Quijote
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Tristram Shandy
In Search of Lost Time
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Castle

>> No.18766942

>Alessandro Baricco - Ocean Sea
>Bruno Schulz - The Street of Crocodiles
>John Fante - Ask The Dust
>Herman Hesse - Demian
>Michael Bulgakov- Morfin

>> No.18767021

Call of the crocodile

>> No.18767113

No particular order

Brautigan - So the Wind Won't Blow it all Away
McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Wallace - The Pale King
Schoenberg - Theory of Harmony
Hamsun - Growth of the Soil
Gass - On Being Blue
Calvino - If On a Winter's Night A Traveler
Russolo - The Art of Noises
Anderson - Winesburg, Ohio
Herreshoff - Sensible Cruising Designs

>> No.18767121

1.Neon Genesis Evangelion
2.Sword Art Online
3.Hunter x Hunter
4.A Feast For Crows
5.A Storm of Sowrds

>> No.18767220

1. 1984
2. War and Peace
3. On Liberty
4. All Quiet on the Western Front
5. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
6. Steppenwolf
7. Lolita
8. The Hobbit
9. The Ego and the Id
10. The Trial and Death of Socrates
11. The Age of Reason
12. Anna Karenina
13. A Christmas Carol
14. Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism
15. The Doors of Perception

>> No.18767438


1. John
2. Thomas
3. The Phenomenology of Spirit
4. Plato's Parmenides
5. Zizek's corpus

>> No.18767444 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 600x800, 1627896622367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Madness and Modernism by Louis Sass
>Lou Sass
>loose ass
>my sides

>> No.18767589

wow that 1st pic is literally me

>> No.18767632

I apply no stringent form or order of ranking.

Ovid's The Metamorphoses
The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
The Aeneid
Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.18767884

I demand you three draw a clock.

>> No.18768216

Including a little nonfiction:

In Search of Lost Time
Naked Lunch
The Selfish Gene
A Supposedly Fun Thing
Trilogy or just Molloy
The Mezzanine (Nicholson Baker)
The Waves
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18768237

1. Les Chants de Maldoror - Lautreamont
2. The Tunnel - Gass
3. Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers - Guyotat
4. The Will to Power - Nietzsche
5. The Consumer Society - Baudrillard
6. Society of The Spectacle - Debord
7. Flowers of Evil - Baudelaire
8. Complete Works - Rimbaud
9. Suicide - Leve
10. Autoportrait - Leve

>> No.18768272

1. The idiot
2. Hunger
3. Stoner
4. The Demons
5. Brothers Karamazov
6. Growth of the Soil
7. The Birds
8. And then there was none
9. 1984
10. Norwegian Wood

>> No.18768286
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That is alot of Hamsun my dude. I dont understand how you can like Pan more than Hunger, but each to their own.

>> No.18768293

>Richard Dawkins sitting on the bed in the 2nd frame
This guy will fall into the same vicious cycle.

>> No.18768319

1. Crime & Punishment
2. Great Gatsby
3. Brothers Karamazov
4. Anna Karenina
5. Journey to the End of the Night
6. Stoner
7. The Reader
8. The Cherry Orchard
9. Goebbels Diaries
10. Snow White and the seven dwarfes

Im btw a 30 y/o transwoman from Germany

>> No.18768335

I'm around 200 pages into The Tunnel and I can't take it anymore

>> No.18768391

1. Swann's Way/Within The Budding Grove (only read those two)
2. War and Peace
3. East of Eden
4. Light in August
5. Notes from Underground
6. Moby-Dick

seems like reddit tier self-improover garbarge list. Yeah they're good but have you honestly read all of these with proper care? Have you read all of "Shakespeare the book"? I might be the retard here are you might just be a God-tier Greek/Latin/Italian/English/German scholar, but seeing these works pop up again on a board populated by 13-year-olds makes me roll my eyes. I've read some of these, but for instance the Iliad, DC and Faust are still too high level for me to understand, need more study
>yes I'm 23 and therefore slowly growing out of retardation

>> No.18768409

The Iliad was an oral story told to and by malnourished peasants anon.

>> No.18768428

>I'm not sure I understand this pic but it is getting me mad anyway
You shouldn't be getting mad, anon. OP's image is showing a progression of stages in a typical anon's life.

First you have full immaturity and addition to pop culture (movie posters, comic books, bobble heads), social media (facebook on the computer, doomscrolling on the phone even when in bed), and gaming (steam on the computer), all with a bunch of trash consooming. It's not a happy place, but it's a place many of us have probably been to in one state or another.

In the second image, the anon has cleaned up his room and stopped consuming pop culture, but has replaced that with media that convinces him he is so much better than the typical person, and he has a smug sense of superiority (typical reddit stuff like Dawkins on the bed, BEE/They Live posters on the wall that are crossing the 4chan/reddit barrier, etc). Less consumption of pop culture, but still some mindless consumption of supplements and exercise equipment. It's better than the shit the anon had been through, but it's still not ultimately a happy place.

Then in the third image, you have more improvement. The pop culture stuff to signal how the anon feels about the world is gone, and his window is open. The exercise equipment that he had bought is gone, and instead he has a water bottle for his runs to keep healthy. His literature has improved (Nietzsche is still a bit reddit tier, but it's far better than Dawkins; Schopenauer and the Bible suggest that the anon is moving into a more mature frame of mind as well). The anon has almost even entered into a pseudo-minimalist phase, but we finally see nature beginning to make a positive presence in his life. That said, he still wants to show off for others and get their approval, hence him working on an image of his space for a 'spaces/battlestation' thread.

And finally, in the fourth image, we arrive at contentment. Any cringe books are gone, the only one that remains is one that the anon is actually reading (it is open). Nice plants have been brought into the room and maintained/watered. Anon either has gotten a qt gf, or is now remembering a close family member. And the anon has finally left his room and gone outside to engage with the world. He's taken up gardening, which suggests that he now understands the cycle of life that we go through. He is engaged with the world and living healthy, doing the things that we know bring contentment and fulfillment because they have for thousands of years. And he isn't doing this just for show; he is doing it for himself.

It's a wonderful sequence. I hope that we can all move through something similar, or at least end up in such an ideal state.

>> No.18768444

I hope you do anon. Remains is a perfect short novel. And it is better than Klara (though I did think that Klara was quite good).

>> No.18769615

Who are you to cast judgment on doomer zoomers?

>> No.18769863
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The Orchard keeper
Outer dark
Child of God
Blood Meridian
All the pretty horses
The Crossing
Cities of the plain
No country for old men
The Road

>> No.18770658

kek I bet you curated this list carefully, thinking you were gonna be showered with (you)'s calling you based. Thankfully, /lit/ isn't too far gone to recognise a boring bugman for what he is. Reddit might be more your speed.

>> No.18770872

In no order

Yambo Ouologuem - Bound to Violence
T.S. Eliot - The Sacred Wood
Jean Lartéguy - The Centurions
Yukio Mishima - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Yukio Mishima - Death in Midsummer + other stories
Graham Greene - The Quiet American
Graham Greene - May We Borrow Your Husband + Other Comedies of the Sexual Life
George Orwell - The Road to Wigan Pier
Siegfried Kracauer - The Salaried Masses

>> No.18770906

How The West Was Lost - Alexander Boot
God And Man According To Tolstoy - A. Boot
Sniper One - Dan Mills
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Dark Winter - Andy McNab
The Man Who Was Thursday - GK Chesterton
The Immortalization Commission - John Gray
The Rebel - Albert Camus
Fuhrer Ex - Ingo Hasselbach
Jarhead - Anthony Swofford

>> No.18770924

Based Ligotti - what struck you in Teatro, over the rest of his?

>> No.18770981

Sure, why not. My list of heavy on Americans (though not exclusively them) as I am an American.

"Remains" is a wonderful book, my personal favorite. Funny and tragic, and really a perfect short novel. The ending where Stevens has an epiphany and then immediately represses it hit me very hard, and I left a job over it after seeing so much of myself in the book.

Whitman and Penn Warren are wonderful poets; as an American, Whitman is part and parcel of my culture, and Song of the Open Road is wonderful and terrifying in its underlying acknowledgment of our impermanence and mortality. Penn Warren speaks to related concerns and about how things are connected and disjointed all at once (the poem 'I Am Dreaming of a White Christmas' in that collection is amazing).

Houllebecq is I think the only contemporary writer that really gets the id of the times and the consequences of our 'liberated' society, and Atomised tells its story beautifully and painfully and accurately.

About Cervantes and Melville, I have little to add that you probably don't already know. Beautiful and complete and foundational works of literature.

For my money, Faulkner's Absalom is his best work and one of the single greatest works of post-bellum literature. It's America in a book and its synthesis of generational struggle and legacies and their ongoing import is the closet an American author has come to adapting the basic model of Greek tragedy to American concerns, and Faulkner does it in such a strikingly modern way.

O'Connor and McPherson are there for their short stories, which are wonderful. For O'Connor, there are so many, for McPherson I'm mostly including him for "Gold Coast" which is beautiful and sad and hopeful and human.

Plutarch is kind of a stand in for ancient history and philosophy in general, but the didactic lessons of the parallel lives are always good to mull over, and the anecdotes he includes are often charming.

>> No.18771036

How about a rundown on Greene, no one really talks about him and I have come across his name for years but know nothing about him/his work.

>> No.18771065

Americans are so embarrassing, Christ.

>> No.18771077

Stop crying about Americans

>> No.18771085

I am what I am; sorry if that makes you cringe.

>> No.18771120

All Quiet on the Western Front
Red Cavalry
The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.18771886

I'm going to do a top five
1. Jane Eyre (Charlote Bronte)
2. The Deficit Myth (Stephanie Kelton)
3. Tokyo Doesn't Love Us Anymore (Ray Loriga)
4. Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)
5. LIVEBLOG (Megan Boyle)

>> No.18772663

1. Wuthering Heights
2. Poems of Alexander Pope
3. Moby Dick
4. Love in the Time of Cholera
5. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.18772670

Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
Faerie Queen

>> No.18772697

>Melville - Moby Dick

Clarel 10/10
Weeds and Windlings
Timoleon and Other Ventures
Confidence Man
Billy Budd
Battle Aspects and Pieces of War
Israel Potter
Piazza Tales
John Marr and Other Sailors
Moby Dick 10/10
Mardi 9.5/10
White Jacket 9.5/10
Redburn 9.5/10
Omoo 9/10
Typee 9/10

>> No.18772821


>> No.18772837

Make sure you tackle The Unconsoled too

>> No.18772901

>the iliad
>the odyssey
>infinite jest
>gravity's rainbow

>> No.18773181


>> No.18773188

1. Frankenstein
2. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
3. No Longer Human
4. A Scanner Darkly
5. Blood Meridian
6. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
7. As I Lay Dying
8. Heart of Darkness
9. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
10. The Violent Bear it Away

>> No.18773299

I don't consider myself well read, but I'd say:
1. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, Genesis (read the entire Bible but I selected my favorite books instead of just saying "Bible")
2. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
3. Franny & Zooey
4. The Trial
5. 1984

>> No.18773345

The Count of Monte Cristo
Blood Meridian
The Lions of Al-Rassan
A Farewell to Arms
Book of the New Sun
Lord of the Rings

Obviously read a lot of fantasy, over the past year or so I've been trying to read more classic stuff like McCarthy, Hemingway, Moby Dick (which was good but not enough to make my list), etc.

Didn't want to repeat authors but you could put basically any Cormac McCarthy or Guy Gavriel Kay on there. I also love the original Robert E Howard Conan stories but those are all short stories.

>> No.18773364
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If this were a tinder profile it would say "I like hiking and tacos"

>> No.18773383
File: 15 KB, 300x284, thumb_crying-wojak-smiling-www-picswe-com-53591314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based image OP. Saved.
We're gonna make it boys.

>inb4 not by posting here you're not.

Shuddup! 'it gets better!' W-w-we're gonna make it! R-right?

>> No.18773403

>posts a wojak
>says 'we are gunna make it'
>is ignorant that there is no making it and only making
>a gradual process where the means are the end until you die
You literally will never make it with such ignorance you probably think you would be happy after you get what you want lmao.

>> No.18773556

This image genuinely made me cry. It's 1am and my room looks like the top panel. I want to make it so bad but it's like I'm innately unmotivated and messy and scatterbrained and every night I wind up staying up until like 3am browsing this site, or youtube, or some other garbage infinite-scroll-shadow-pattern ridden shithole. Thanks OP, you just convinced me to close my laptop and go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Anyone reading this, I encourage you to do the same. The internet was a mistake.

>> No.18773602
File: 288 KB, 800x599, 1627919645263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stranger
>blood meridian
>confederacy of dunces
>lord of the rings, hobbit

in no particular order des

>> No.18773863

Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote
Heart of Darkness

>> No.18773870


Beyond writing fiction, was a very well travelled journalist. Also worked for MI6 during the Second World War. Such things show in his books (it seems to me). Many of them have something to do with cold-war espionage and decolonization. Often set in third-world countries. Very English. Very much of his time, and in that I think he’s a good companion to someone like Jean Lartéguy (*The Centurions/Praetorians* and *The Quiet American* are of similar subject), albeit Lartéguys treatment is more """right-wing""" when he venerates the French paratroopers in Algeria and Vietnam (I don't find Greene’s writing overtly """left-wing""" but his communist sympathies are fairly public and can possibly be inferred from some of his books). *The Quiet American* is probably his most well known book, best I’ve read about Vietnam. A lot of protagonist angst. Often simple, sometimes not style. Good narration.

Also worth noting that Greene was a devout Catholic (about *The Heart of the Matter*, Christopher Hitchens wrote: “A ruined Irishman expiring among the empty flagons and exhaling an Ave Maria would be sympathetic. But a righteous, continent Huguenot, never.”) If you like “English” writers and are interested in the politics of the mid-twentieth century he’s worth checking out. Others of his are The Comedians, Getting to Know the General, and Dr. Fischer of Geneva.

>> No.18773893

It's a wonderful book.

>> No.18773897

This is a good list

>> No.18773908

first pic is literally me
>8+ hours infront of gayming pc daily
>4+ hours smartphone in bed
which books will fix my degen ass?

>> No.18774627
File: 60 KB, 888x894, 1627767978400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Infinite Jest
2. 1000 Plateaus
3. Difference And Repetition
4. My fucking book that I'm writing
5. There's no other books that I love. I read for cultural research not for enjoyment. I'm autistic. All books suck. Yet I still read them

>> No.18774633


>> No.18774700

Phone fag so can’t make thread please help a nufag out I want to read about eudaimonia from aristotle but don’t know how to go about it could someone help me please

>> No.18775139

Thanks anon, that is very kind of you to say!

>> No.18775259

Shakespeare is an author

>> No.18775294

Aeneid - Virgil
Scrisoarea I - Mihai Eminescu
Animal Farm - George Orwell
The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli
Metaphysics - Aristotel

>> No.18775306

1. The Bible
2. The Iliad
3. Being and Time
4. Plato's Republic
5. Gargantua and Pantagruel
6. Critique of Pure Reason
7. Aristotle's Metaphysics
8. Confessions
9. Spinoza's Ethics
10. Paradise Lost

>> No.18775317

If I didn’t stop at 10, I would’ve had both The End of the Affair and The Power and the Glory on my list.

>> No.18775362

Religion&Science with pseud shit and no Owen Gingerich or Ian Barbour. Crap reading list.

>> No.18775425

In no certain order:
The Bible
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Crime & Punishment
The Story of Civilization
Men of Mathematics
(Any) Kurt Vonnegut
The Selfish Gene
Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry

>> No.18775681

>Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Based and sand-pilled. I still think of the part early in the book where he's wandering through a ruined house and finally steps outside and his guide take e about how the outside is the best room of all because it is closest to God.

>> No.18775687

>...guide talks* about...

>> No.18775826
File: 170 KB, 600x599, 1624596569189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Canterbury Tales
2. Holy Sonnets
3. The Conference of the Birds
4. Metamorphoses
5. Invisible Cities
6. Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
7. Kusamakura
8. Terra Nostra
9. The Good Soldier Svejk
10. W, or the Memory of Childhood
A man with better taste than I.
Based Hasek enjoyer.
Good taste in horror lit anon.
>The Cloud of Unknowing instead of A Treatise on God as First Principle
>Ḥikam al-ʿAtā‘iyya instead of Qasīdat al-Burda
I forgive you since you recommended Outlines of Pyrrhonism though.
Probably the best taste in the thread, I kneel anon.

>> No.18776205

>Seven Pillars of Wisdom
I've seen this far more often on lists of highly regarded books on here, as a Middle-Easterner this has interested me very much. What has drawn you lot to this book recently? Have I just not noticed it until now?

>> No.18776575

Not him, but it's a very interesting book, and really pretty close to singular. Part travelogue, part history of Bedouin tribes, part organized military campaign, part guerilla campaign, part desert poetry, part autobiography of a very complicated man. And for the most part Lawrence's prose is very good and often beautiful. Being able to read actual literature that has literary merit written by someone like Lawrence who lived through the things he writes about is a treat. He remains English while being remarkably sympathetic to the Arabs. Definitely worth a read.

>> No.18777546
File: 47 KB, 128x128, a_68a7dc184cf8c71e312c383b28c61247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Revolt against the Modern World
2. Industrial Society and its Future
3. Bronze Age Mindset
4. Siege
5. Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.18778546

fuck you fiction fags.
1. 12 rules for life
2. unplugged alpha
3. reminisces of a stock operator
4. past master
5. how to bomb the us gov't

>> No.18778559

I don't know how to spoil

>> No.18778793
