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18756170 No.18756170 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books with Silent Hill vibes?

>> No.18756175

Video gaymes are literally for children.

>> No.18757157


Just watched an Oriental woman play Silent Hill 2 on twitch and it's quite Hegelian. The Mary-Maria thing could have been written by Zizek.

>> No.18757164

Ghost Story by Peter Straub

>> No.18757237

Silen Hill was mostly based on Jacob's Ladder (movie) and The Mist (Stephen King),

Teatro Grottesco (Thomas Ligotti) or The Consumer (Michael Gira) have similar atmosphere.

>> No.18757242

There are few which could be considered art. I think Silent Hill falls into that category.

>> No.18757263

If only a few works from a certain medium can be "considered art" then none of them are art
It's either all or none

>> No.18757278
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>> No.18757281

This is a stupid take. You can say the medium is shit based on what it's all about, but if there's some excellence in it it's stupid not to recognize it.
Are you going to say that Kurosawa is garbage cinema because at this point the whole medium is saturated with garbage?

>> No.18757284
File: 14 KB, 275x362, House_of_leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House of Leaves

Love Silent Hill 2. I know videogames are for manchildren, but that's the one exception. The Game is art.

>> No.18757288
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Depends, which game vibes are you looking for in particular? SH2 and 4 are more psychological horror as opoosed to 1 and 3 which are more occultic.

>> No.18757300

Silent Hill 1-4
RE 1-4
Dead Space 1
Warcraft 3 ROC campaign
MGS series
Divine Divinity

>> No.18757302

>I know videogames are for manchildren
Why can't someone just enjoy a game now and again?

>> No.18757311

You're right I take that back.

Also Death Stranding had me CAPTIVATED like a novel would. Videogames are great it's just a lot of them suck.

>> No.18757316

Fred got fingered and Citizen kane are both art because film is an art. Ofc one of them is absolutely superior in every to the other but bad art is still art
Not to sound condescending or like a reddit trying-to-be-connoseur but i guess you're refering to the idea of art instead of art itself and in general

>> No.18757324

You have a lot of options, from ligotti to lovecraft to Blackwood to machen to even like, Bradbury. Here’s a link to a list of inspirations for silent hill.


>> No.18757476
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>What was Mary suffering from? Evil has masterfully subverted us and is hiding in plain sight: remember that Silent Hill is a place of phantasmagoria, it justifies and ostensibly explains itself by claiming that James has murdered his wife in the "real world", however, what if this is the very heart of its phantasmagoria? James murdered Mary in Silent Hill first, not as a temporal paradox, but as the super-temporal murder: James is a demon who manifests Silent Hill and lures Maria, the living, sexual one, from the "real world" into Silent Hill, where she is transmuted into Mary, the dead, castrated one. Mary is suffering from the murder itself, Maria is her superfluity, that which is "not of this world", that cannot be murdered and is now paradoxically released into the full quality of her vitality by being separated from the mortal Mary. The vulgar interpretation that James is a "real world" man trapped in Silent Hill becomes paradoxically true, Mary is consumed by James but the super-vital Maria consumes him, realigning their shared Phenomenal, Silent Hill, around her.

>> No.18757771
File: 60 KB, 1000x577, 158_14_kafka-reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hill was heavily inspired by Lynch, among what some of the other anons have suggested, and a lot of Lynch's work is inspired by Kafka. You really can't go wrong with Kafka.

>> No.18757847 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 800x1133, james honey about that long hallway mein gott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is Silent Hill then? Sexuality stripped of its romantic crypto-oriental definitions, man and woman as complementary and so on, and laid bare, an exegesis only possible from its inside, only possible once one has misstepped into it and made ripples around one's self that hit and outlined its monstrous nature: man and woman are not made for each other, they are mutually exclusive. The James-Mary-Maria chain being exemplary of this, it is nothing but near-intrusion from an awful distance, violent too all parties and wanted by neither. James does not want Maria, Maria does not want James, Mary does not want James, James, in fact, does not want Mary either, finally, does Maria want James? No. What does Maria want, why did she follow James into Silent Hill, into sex? Exactly. This is the mystery perfectly mirroring the question of what James actually wants, it is obviously not Maria, since he murdered her, and it is obviously not the residue of Mary. Perhaps both man and woman realize their predicament, that once they stepped into Silent Hill they can no longer leave, that Silent Hill will indefinitely expand and follow them wherever they might go, so they choose to commit not quite suicide but sexual suicide: that the James-Mary-Maria chain is totally consensual, that both of them want to die as sexes, the finality of Maria being a kind of "soul" aborting itself from the "body" of sex.

>> No.18757854

None of this makes any sense

>> No.18757887
File: 157 KB, 800x1133, james honey about that long hallway mein gott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is Silent Hill then? Sexuality stripped of its romantic crypto-oriental definitions, man and woman as complementary and so on, and laid bare, an exegesis only possible from its inside, only possible once one has misstepped into it and made ripples around one's self that hit and outlined its monstrous nature: man and woman are not made for each other, they are mutually exclusive. The James-Mary-Maria chain being exemplary of this, it is nothing but near-intrusion from an awful distance, violent too all parties and wanted by neither. James does not want Maria, Mary does not want James, James, in fact, does not want Mary either, finally, does Maria want James? No. What does Maria want, why did she follow James into Silent Hill, into sex? Exactly. This is the mystery perfectly mirroring the question of what James actually wants, it is obviously not Maria, since he murdered her, and it is obviously not the residue of Mary. Perhaps both man and woman realize their predicament, that once they stepped into Silent Hill they can no longer leave, that Silent Hill will indefinitely expand and follow them wherever they might go, so they choose to commit not quite suicide but sexual suicide: that the James-Mary-Maria chain is totally consensual, that both of them want to die as sexes, the finality of Maria being a kind of "soul" aborting itself from the "body" of sex.

>> No.18757909
File: 114 KB, 900x560, kisspng-silent-hill-2-silent-hill-shattered-memories-pyra-mannequin-5abef33edca013.1829583015224635509037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of this makes any sense

>> No.18757916

So, books aren't art?

>> No.18757923

Writing is art

>> No.18757929

Joseph Anderson disagrees:

>> No.18758485


Reply, cowards.

>> No.18759095

Alice isn't dead

>> No.18759171

No it was based on Phantoms by Dean Koontz, stop making bullshit up

>> No.18759180

>Fred got fingered and Citizen kane are both art because film is an art. Ofc one of them is absolutely superior in every to the other but bad art is still art

I agree with this take except I wouldn't call Citizen Kane bad, just not quite as good

>> No.18759185

Awake in the Night Land - John C Wright

>> No.18759392

if you have your children playing videogames youve failed as a parent

>> No.18759481

Several of his works inspired Silent Hill no doubt, among countless horror fiction influences ranging from Poe to Blackwood to Bloch, but the rusty urban visuals of Jacob's Ladder and key elements of The Mist (monsters appearing in misty small town, religious fanaticism) are two major sources for SH series.

>> No.18759496

Both games and literature are both passive distractions, one isnt inherently better than the other

>> No.18759523

god i hate the word "take" so much please just use anything else PLEASE

>> No.18759575

if the evaluation of a medium happens prior to the consideration of its individual works then thats retarded since its the evolution of individual works which shape the supposed "artistic value" of a medium. imagine coming away with the opinion that all painting is terrible since youve only ever seen the fingerpaints of a pre-k class.

>> No.18759585

what makes them art again, the fact that they're both art lol? there's no critical determination of a medium being "artful" rather than not? moron

>> No.18760977


>> No.18761037

>youve failed as a parent
if you have an ESL for a father, then you have failed as a child in the parent lottery.

>> No.18761825

Anything can be a passive distraction, if you're consuming passively yourself.

In theory, they are both multifaceted sets of human expression and can both be valuable to your growth and development. If read/played/watched with thought and questions of your own that is. Mindlessly consuming, or just sticking to the comfortable media, which from you've learned everything you needed to already, is a passive distraction.

>> No.18762525

Some people write shitty and it doesn't answer my question to begin with.
Based on your definition games aren't art because some games are shit. does that imply that writing and books aren't art because some people write shitty?

>> No.18762550

Solaris- seriously

>> No.18762565


what was wrong with what he wrote there?

>> No.18762571

I would fuck it

>> No.18762597

I can copy paste one word ten thousand times and sell it as a book on Amazon. Your logic os retarded.

>> No.18762784

>god i hate the word "take" so much
that's a weird take

>> No.18762867

that could probably be considered art. I can shit in a tin and call it art, as long as I, the artist, believe it has meaning, whatever it may be, and another, external to my production, believes it to have meaning, even if wrong to my view, then it has meaning and so art.

>> No.18762907

you're so mature for your age! :)

>> No.18764240


>> No.18764278

The Secret of Ventriloquism. I didn't like it personally, but it definitely has Silent Hill vibes, and it has plenty of cool ideas. Very quick read too.

>> No.18764337

>inb4 screencap of anon's novel
you know the one

>> No.18765269

it's based on that fucking town in pennsylvania whose mine has been on fire for 50 years. faggot

god i fucking hate you people

>> No.18765309

this is a very big misconception, only the shit movie adaptation was inspired by that town. The games designers have documented their inspirations and King and Koontz are definitely the big ones

>> No.18766134

Well Silent Hill is a story about child abuse that takes the places where society pretends to care about children like elementary school and hospitals and turns them into nightmares. You are kinda right it is a story for children that belong in a better place than this. :P

>> No.18767133

my diary desu