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File: 94 KB, 900x900, C8F9F000-F509-4A02-883E-DC214254EEC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18749103 No.18749103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I miss him bros

>> No.18749107

He is the reason I browse this board

>> No.18749125

His music is actually kinda comfy. I listen to it often.

>> No.18749129

What music?

>> No.18749133

Where did he go again? Banned? Quit?

>> No.18749140

He escaped from his tard wrangler mother and escaped to Cairo

>> No.18749143

He has a Spotify and shit like that, pretty much all the music you hear in his videos. Personal fav is the green album Friendo, it's just his shitty singing and guitar but I find it v comfy, especially in winter

>> No.18749153

What’s his artist name on Spotify? Is it just Quentin?

>> No.18749170

does anyone have is patreon??

>> No.18749171

literally just the book club


>> No.18749190

Where'd he go bros...

>> No.18749298

Anyone feel like elaborating? Or sharing some links?

>> No.18749302

He died from aids

>> No.18749314

Any book recs for a similar jawline?

>> No.18749315

uhh his latest video said in the description that hes walking to cairo, but its been deleted all of the sudden......

>> No.18749333

Q getting lost and ending up in the tigray war would be kino

>> No.18749384

it said on his patreon that he just got to the mediterranean

>> No.18749396

wild but pretty cool. If there was ever a place to wander around more or less unmolested, it would be Med Yurope.

>> No.18749400

Literally who is this.

>> No.18749402

The book club - aka quentin

>> No.18749455

wtf this music is actually great

>> No.18749457

Watching some of his videos now. That really tedious extremely online "surrealistic" humour where it's all zooms and low res graphic popping up, like Million Dollar Extreme Channel 5 Eric Andre, etc. Humour for man tittied men with porn induced erectile dysfunction projecting depth into empty aesthetic randomness, obviously just watching it to feel vicariously empowered through the perceived charismatic frontman who represents some delusional escapist fantasy of big man masculinity. Fans are obviously somewhat sexually attracted to these men on some ambient unconscious level. I suspect this guy has disappeared because he realises he's ruined his future, and his life generally, by being ironically racist and facist on the internet, and how he can't go back and undo it, because he has been lionised by a bunch of terminally online losers who will forever archive and reupload his past mistakes back onto the internet.

>> No.18749472


>> No.18749521

Public self ridicule was his initiation to join the Mythic Dawn.
He's an Überschlampe now.

>> No.18749561

Sources tell me he have become a desert hermit in Egypt.

>> No.18749623

I really like your style anon. What is some advice you'd give regarding writing?

>> No.18749635

Styleanon you bitch ass wit my new shoes n a bad bitch lookin good in some nice pants

>> No.18749637

all correct except thinking that he is sane enough to want to go back and pariticipate in normal society again

>> No.18749644
File: 1.34 MB, 1334x750, 4ECF385E-ED3E-4A8A-9C83-A116261D0CF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck he actually deleted it

>> No.18749855

I have an almost complete archive of his videos

>> No.18749869

try reading this in one breath
3 2 1 go

>> No.18749890

Posts like this are ultimately expressions of self-hatred.

>> No.18749895

the sword of michael makes me cry

>> No.18749906

Wrong. I'm sexually attracted to Quentin in conscious level. I'm that mom who comments in all his videos.

>> No.18749930

I have some of it, including Éloge de la fessé which was deleted shortly after its upload
I originally downloaded it for making a private meme but I’ now glad I preserved it, so I can still hear the rant of Q about creation and anxiety while he’s walking in the french countryside

>> No.18749936

i suppose if one is handsome they can get away creating almost any shit without recieving scrutiny and criticism.

>> No.18749947

Do you have contacts? Can you please throw it off, I just miss this video

>> No.18749964

What was he saying in that video?

For me this stream ended the mystique of Q. He was playing a character all along, a thing so obvious that we all often forget. There was something in lines "of course I make make my video funny" in response to a comment that he isn't funny IRL. He also realized that most of his "fans" are retarded /pol/tards with double digit IQs.


>> No.18749975
File: 45 KB, 680x401, 945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait that's THE Quentin? The one in all the comics from years ago? No can't be

>> No.18749991

did it. Last sentence was hard

>> No.18750090


>> No.18750344

There, I uploaded it

>> No.18750444

Quentin's Bizarre Adventure

>> No.18750460

thanks bro

>> No.18750673

>I don't really like that whole dynamic of being a ... yeah I think It's just the Eceleb thing. And then, you know, you got some kind of character that you ... I mean don't really think I do have a character, it's more of an exaggeration of myself.
Quentin isn't that hard to figure out. He is a genuinely creative and intelligent individual who struggles with existential angst.

>> No.18750790

He could have had a successful indie music career if he focused on that. I understand why he didn't though.
Same. I would have never even used this site if it weren't for him.

God bless him.

>> No.18751034

based. fuck ecelebs

>> No.18751073

Don't pretend he isn't racist.

>> No.18751286

does anyone got his last video that he deleted ?
I didn't downloaded this one

>> No.18751403


>> No.18751467

restricted link ?

>> No.18751596

unfunny pandering hack faggot. only newfags like him and unfortunately thats what this board never runs out of.

>> No.18751603

holy shit bros
he made it

>> No.18751629


>> No.18751703
File: 361 KB, 800x460, EluMj9hXgAE1G0l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18752045

upload the bataille one somewhere

>> No.18752556
File: 209 KB, 1036x1280, 1626398548172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God he did it

>> No.18752745

He just uploaded this video today. Did he do it because he saw this thread?

>> No.18752817

No way

>> No.18752967

Why do you feel the need to pretend to be someone else when posting your own video on here?

>> No.18753052


>> No.18753111

fuck off and stop shitting up the board shilling yourself

>> No.18753121

>Did he do it because he saw this thread?
he made this thread so he could share the video.

>> No.18753138

Big Daddy Quentin would never stoop so low. How do we know that you didn't make the thread and post the video with the intention of false flagging him?

>> No.18753148

you got the homo one?

>> No.18753156
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 465461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin Scobie jacked off another man on video and uploaded it to youtube. He may have deleted it but it is out there forever. Your life and career is over.

>> No.18753165

Why didn't you just upload it to TBC channel?

>> No.18753212
File: 59 KB, 199x241, le wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18753256

How could you post this unironically and act like you’re not filled with as much resentment as you’re embittered imaginary adversary who doesn’t exist and just happens to watch quentin videos

>> No.18753278

Does anyone have this video? Asking for a friend

>> No.18753332

I don't have it saved but I've seen it posted on a few discords. some anons here no doubt have it, maybe if they're kind enough they will post it for you, err i mean your friend

>> No.18753358

Riiiight. And the Chinese released Covid as part of the plan to get rid of Trump.

>> No.18753504


>> No.18753691

I like your videos, some are very poetic, mommy, like the one at Keats’ grave. Sorry about the passing of your husband. It’s not the same but my dad died unexpectedly a few weeks ago, and, me still only being in my early 20s, it’s been really tough. I can’t imagine losing a spouse.

>> No.18753719

For real though, does anyone have the video of him supposedly jacking some guy off?

>> No.18753731

People are exaggerating for lulz. He and a friend touched each others dicks in a non-sexual way; they were not erect or aroused by it. It was for a brief moment. This all sounds retarded and like serious cope but it is what it is. That's probably why he did it. All meta-humor really is is making an ass of yourself.

>> No.18753767

He wriggles another mans flaccid peen for 5 seconds, I’d hardly call it jacking off

>> No.18753779


>> No.18753785

I've laughed for 5 minutes straight at your vocaroo. I don't remember the last time I've lmao'd so hard. Jesus Christ anon. Holy hell my sides are eviscerated. An art piece I have just appreciated.

>> No.18753795

that's fucking gay

>> No.18753814

He went full Dionysus

>> No.18753944 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 1132x132, Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18753945

sword of michael

>> No.18753949

can someone explain 09a to me

>> No.18754027

edgy cia agent makes black magic cult

>> No.18754069

Yes, it's so specific he can only be describing himself.

>> No.18754083

Thank you sir

>> No.18754097

He would have been ten years old back then.

>> No.18754100


>> No.18754165

I mean... The other guy was just straight up jacking him off. His flaccid dick. If anyone's gay it's that guy.

>> No.18754305


>> No.18754502

he allowed a man to jack him off while also touching said mans dick. they're both fucking faggots

>> No.18754512

i disagree

>> No.18754521

ok Quentin

>> No.18754552
File: 2.87 MB, 750x1334, FA27111F-83B7-49F0-BB8D-6301C2372480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy for you, Q.

>> No.18754561

Run marathons, space game, intergalactic Aryan empire, culling

>> No.18754682

there's something heroic about q's journey. Glad he made it.

>> No.18754727

I firmly believe anons like you could accomplish great things if you put your mind towards something constructive instead of shitposting.

>> No.18754753
File: 233 KB, 1188x638, midwit crt anti white racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't pretend he isn't racist.
Everyone who isn't a midwit is racist.

>> No.18754772

>For me this stream ended the mystique of Q. He was playing a character all along, a thing so obvious that we all often forget.
No, he was being 100% serious and unironic. You dumb fuck.

>> No.18754795

He's drifting across Europe. Not sure if Cairo was just a meme or not but maybe he's heading there. He did this in the US a couple years ago where he would just meet people and fans that would let him stay with them maybe picking up odd jobs to pay for his stay/meals

>> No.18754817
File: 294 KB, 444x553, 4124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seen the video, mad man actually did it wtf

>> No.18754837

he doesn't give a fuck dude. he literally jerked a guy off at his moms house in a video

>> No.18755134

You've done a number on us

>> No.18755143

Did anyone else see the mystery video a long time ago?
It was deleted almost instantly I think only a few people watched it, but it was him speaking in an an unidentifiable language, sounded like a made up Tolkienesque language, there was lots of lightening & storm aesthetics and had a very ritual feel to it

>> No.18755212

don't know about that but months ago I saw a live-stream that only lasted like ten or twenty minutes where he was basically shitposting about moving to eastern europe to escape surveillance and create a kind of commie/fascist party there

>> No.18755249

Belarus is the place to be to escape the NWO
And Lukashenko seems like an "old left" nationalist type too

>> No.18755295
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 33E5291F-1182-4785-B979-F5F500776DEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not gay to let another man jack you off, as long as you are flaccid

>> No.18755354

how does he not have an instagram?

>> No.18755406

he fucks a lot regardless, he doesn't need social

>> No.18755522

He's cute

>> No.18755539

woah cool shitty e-celeb thread. This board is for the discussion of literature. I doubt Q read half the books he 'reviewed', and understood less. It was all a ploy to release shitty music with no value outside of the character that Quentin is/portrays.

>> No.18755644
File: 627 KB, 1654x2069, image%3A269233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got these from years ago, guess this is considered an artifact by you fanboys

>> No.18755650
File: 305 KB, 1514x2339, image%3A269235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18755706

Maybe deleted by yt because of up-close breastfeeding footage

>> No.18755821

Who are these sent to?

>> No.18755854

poor guy, hes trying so hard, he just hates himself..

>> No.18755863
File: 25 KB, 474x350, OIP (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MDE was funny but the fanbase was lowkey one of the most toxic groups on the normienet

>> No.18755921
File: 130 KB, 1080x1350, Islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those qt ME girls he's probably been staying with on his journey

>> No.18755946

From Quentin to me. I wrote to him originally, that was his response.

>> No.18755960

She is perfect

>> No.18756011

Never seen or ever heard about that one
I feel like it would be a good thing to make a collective archive of his vidéo and shenanigans for those of us who have interest in it
I know that this is an eceleb bullshit but I can’t stop to relate on the existential angst and despair mixed with the extravagance that Q radiate with

>> No.18756173

The transparency of quentins existential battles are what make the content mean anything to me. I myself am yearning for a community that has this transparency. Anyone want to make a discord of brotherly love? Id rather ot wasnt focused ln this 1 e-celeb. Maybe just our own small community? Read books and chat and most importantly... with little irony. Would anyone join?

>> No.18756271

can’t wait until our resident canadian boomer discovers this guy. he’s gonna cream his khakis

>> No.18756327

Are you retaining your seed, boyo?

>> No.18756342

fuck he sounds desperate. hope he makes it

>> No.18756473 [DELETED] 

Il masque son amour,
puis joue les fou,
les troubadour.

S'il n'est pas sourd,
troquera mon sou,
pour son tambour.

ps. t'est lourd

>> No.18756582

There are great chance that it will end up like all the shitposting discord server he made after some of his video but why not try

>> No.18756703

Wanna store it for me? :^)

>> No.18757180

I expect that to be the last of his old youtube, because after this Egypt trip I imagine he would prefer real anonymity/privacy, there isnt an advantage to the youtube when it fulfilled its purpose