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18753410 No.18753410 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any self help books that will help me overcome my self loathing, anxieties, fear and longing of women, and basically all the mental anguishes incels suffer from?

>> No.18753417
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meditate nigga

>> No.18753418

If you are sad because TFW no GF then you do not know real misery and are but a dog.
fuck off

>> No.18753421

Kill yourself. Don't. Do whatever the fuck.
Just stop whining like a dog.

>> No.18753422

Prometheus Rising

>> No.18753423

Read some Tony Robbins (pbuh)

>> No.18753425

it’s not just tfw no gf
I feel like a loser. I don’t have any friends and I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I kind of just want to kill myself but I’m afraid of that too. I just hate myself so much, i feel like I’m unworthy of anyone’s time or attention

>> No.18753428

Stop over thinking and start acting

>> No.18753434
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>> No.18753436

Therapy or something.

>> No.18753440

Go fuck a whore. Seriously, get it off your chest. You don't think it will make you feel better but it will, trust me. If it was good enough for Roman patricians, it's good enough for you.

>> No.18753448

So this sounds stupid but the moment I stopped venting and got a job, a finished all my tasks, did small things everyday instead of worrying about the supposed big picture, somehow got people to meet and have a drink with during these weird times, and read what I want to read depending solely on my mood—taking from it everything I want to take, sowmtimes only reading ten pages, re reading and thinking about a poem, writing something down on philosophy, making an effort post on here trying to explain what I read to litlets. Ever since I‘ve done all that, and excuse the weird sentence structure, I‘ve felt much, much better about myself.
God I wish we didn’t have this corona situation, because then I‘d feel even better.
Sitting in your room is killing you. Introvert is a reddit word, and even the most introverted person needs serious and sincere human contact.

As someone wrote a few weeks ago: go outside.

>> No.18753454



>> No.18753456

>and even the most introverted person needs serious and sincere human contact.
I'm the living example of that not being the case.

>> No.18753459

>Are there any self help books

Remove this and you have the perfect thread for /r9k/. This is not a blogpost board, if you sincerely wanted self help book you would use google but instead you decide to shit up a LITERATURE board and the jannies will do nothing about it because of those few words you typed at the beginning. Go to /r9k/ if you want to tfwnogf post it is not literature.

>> No.18753462

Self improvement is masturbation.
Now self destruction...

>> No.18753477


>> No.18753483
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Get a goal and work towards it. Sometimes only time can heal the pain of no gf.

I am 26 virgin and I don’t even care about it anymore. Busy with other stuff.

>> No.18753484


>> No.18753501

I don’t have a book recommendation, but I would like to know what makes incels incels? Are you really even incels? I’m suspicious to say the least. That is to say we’re taking the term “involuntary celibate” literally. I mean, I would presume that a real incel is very unattractive in some way but I find it hard to believe you are that unattractive. Surely, very unattractive people do exist but they’re really not all that common. Most people will just be average, necessarily. They’re not very attractive. They’re not very unattractive. They’re just average, or maybe a deviation or two from it. So if that’s you then I suppose that sucks but there are things you can do to improve most likely. That much should be obvious. If you’re an involuntary celibate for another reason I’d like to know what it is. I mean, I find it just as hard if not harder to believe you’re so severely socially stunted that sex is an impossibility. I also don’t really get where the anguish over it comes form to be honest. If it’s not obvious, I’m not an incel. I don’t exactly have a high opinion of myself but I’ve somehow managed to not be an incel. Still, I think if I were an incel, im not sure if share that anguish? Is it simply the lack of sex? It’s really not that amazing. Is it the lack of procreation? Procreation is largely something that just happens, or it doesn’t. Or is ut something else? I mean, I understand the fundamental drive to want to have sex, and procreate. I get it. But I don’t get this anguish and seethe over not doing either.

>> No.18753513

it’s not feeling loved

>> No.18753514

Don't forget the Greeks. Every based, masculine civilization promoted whore mongering.

>> No.18753517

no, sorry lad just eat healty and do sport

>> No.18753518

so? that's something even sex havers struggle with. you can be in a sexual relationship and still feel unloved, you know.

>> No.18753528

Atomic Habits is okay, but mostly about executive function, actually getting things done. Ultimately, that's the only thing that'll get you out of this mess. You probably don't have much structure to your life, and if you're newly w/o gf or friends, you've probably lost what little structure your life had. So you really have to build things up from the bottom. It sounds like reddit-tier nonsense, and most of what's on the internet probably is, but you need to do things like:
>make a morning routine
>invest in school/your day job
>plan your meals
>get good at something

With structure comes routine, and with routine comes confidence. With confidence comes respect. The anxiety won't be as bad (it'll probably still be there), and you'll eventually be someone that a woman wants to be around.

>> No.18753533

but it’s feeling unloved on another level
the kind of feeling unloved you get when no girl has ever even considered you a romantic possibility
It makes you feel like something is fundamentally wrong with yourself

>> No.18753566

Ideally you love yourself, anon. Just saying, if you hate yourself, you are making it harder for other people.

>> No.18753576

That is where religious stuff comes in (Christianity, in particular). Because they have the ever loving Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

>> No.18753600
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Maybe you just have autism. I'm quite handsome and was good at athletics so I had lots of girls hit on me in school but I ignored all of them and missed my opportunities. Now I'm a mid 20s virgin shut in. It is what it is. I can almost guarantee that it isn't your looks that are the problem. Ugly guys get laid all the time.

>> No.18753625

self loathing is actually a form of narcissism because of the level of self-absorption that it takes

>> No.18753631

I don’t think it’s my appearance either. I’m not ugly just average I think. I posted my face on /soc/ before and was told I’m decently attractive but I think women can just kind of detect that I’m shy and insecure and desperate for affection when I interact with them which acts as a natural repellent. I suspect I’m a high functioning autistic or maybe just have severe anxiety disorders.

>> No.18753636

lol pathetic. I have been a hikikomori for 10 years and laugh at you.
You want slop and will eat slop.
muhh friends muhh gf LOL

>> No.18753637

paradoxically this only makes me feel more like a garbage person

>> No.18753656
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you should feel like a garbage person. just realize that life isn't going to get better because it's not a movie

read the denial of death, shopenhauer, ligotti, and lovecraft and embrace the horror of creation

only then is there hope for salvation

>> No.18753667

Yeah incels focus too much on looks. It doesn't matter how attractive you are, if you have autism/anxiety it's over until you fix that shit. No woman will fuck you until you mentally uncuck yourself. Maybe see a shrink or something.

>> No.18753674


>> No.18753686

I like "Psychocybernetics" because the idea basically is that the problem is not yourself, the problem is your image of yourself. So, most of the time, people aren't really ugly, they just think they're ugly. Once you realize that physically, you're fine, then you need to move unto fixing that self-image

You can try "Feel Good" for that, some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, basically confronting your own assumptions of how you perceive yourself and comparing them to reality.

Therapy never really helped me, but working on myself did. Realize that happiness is possible but requires work, to stop being a social outcast then you need to throw yourself into social situations. My suggestion if you're afraid of women is, just try to talk to more women! Don't start with the hotties, just find normal girls, I'm sure there's plenty of average-looking/ugly girls you can talk to, you can start with those. Or old ladies. Talk to the old ladies at the bus stop, just ask them "sorry, what time is it?" and then just add two or three sentences, about nothing, just like "Thank you, I lost my watch so I can't tell what time it is". Nobody wants to talk to old people, so they'll probably be very open to have a casual conversation.

Your anxiety probably comes from the wrong idea that women are better than you because they get to choose who they fuck. The truth is, most women are boring and dumb, and they have little to offer to the educated gentleman. Go outside, talk to them, figure it out.

>> No.18753696

Of course I forgot the links lol

Feeling Good


>> No.18753706
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Anon i'm repulsive to women
There's no way I can fix that
>captcha R4TNT

>> No.18753709

no anon, you are repulsive to yourself.

>> No.18753716

Define repulsive. Are you horribly disfigured? Do you have a compulsive need to needlessly insult them or to disagree with everything they say? Do you take showers?

>> No.18753720

Do you have any physical deformities? Unless your face is a mess of scars and wrinkled tissue, your only deformity is in the perceived image of yourself.

Unironically get an instagram account and try to take pictures of yourself. Try to find the angle that makes you look the most handsome. Most people with a little bit of posing can appear ridiculously sexy. It's there already, you just have never found it. It might feel stupid at first, but most models and actors aren't really that handsome, they are just confident.

>> No.18753729

>but most models and actors aren't really that handsome, they are just confident.
This is actually true. Imagine Brad Pitt or any other stock handsome famous guy behaving like an incel or posting incel shit in a dark room online and you'll see what I mean. So much of it is how you carry yourself and how you behave, it's actually scary. You need to believe it though.

>> No.18753733

>writes book about mastery of the mind
>has affair with his students

>> No.18753743

what is the biological imperative

>> No.18753760

OP wants to get laid anon…
He could also just read the Dhammapada, meditation is going to help regardless

>> No.18753761


And deleting all those damn blowjacks

>> No.18753798

I think OP can work on these two things as well:

1- The idea that you have nothing to lose, because tomorrow will bring another opportunity. I think that's were confidence comes from, not the belief that you're the best, but the belief that losing something today is not a big deal, because tomorrow you will have another chance. One girl didn't want to sleep with you? So what? How many girls live in your city? A million? If you had a million dollars, would you cry because you lost a single dollar bill? You can develop some form of faith, just write every day on your bathroom mirror: I have what I need, I am satisfied and my necessities are taken care of. Some form of gratitude affirmations might be useful here.

2- A disregard for other people's opinion, specially when it comes to your own self-image. You should be able to hear a hot girl tell you that "you're an ugly motherfucker" and you should still be able to feel nothing. Practice banter and flirting, there was this Tik Tok video of a pick up guy and he said that he would literally write hundreds of ripostes to girl's attacks, because girls will always test you with shit tests, from weak stuff like "I bet you tell that to all the girls you meet?" to "why would I date a loser like you?" if you never practice being in this kind of situation, you will get blocked, and you will stutter, and the girl will walk away. If you have practiced this in your mind, or in your house, in front of a mirror, you will have a counter and will be able to get back at the girl. It sounds dumb but why do you think actors rehearse? Because they don't want to make mistakes. Do you like making mistakes? No? So, rehearse. Write ten possible shit tests and ten possible replies. Then practice.

>> No.18753799

Get some sun, fix your diet and be more physically active as a start
Then probably start with the Greeks

>> No.18753878

Not gonna lie, this really made me kinda take everything I read with a grain of salt. Actually I readmit before the sexual misconduct thing happened and I was already dubious since he's been married and divorced twice nd was on his third wife. The the serial adultery thing happened while I was reading and it just was like "so this is enlightenment huh?"

>> No.18753890

Anon, people are full of shit, never forget that.

>> No.18753895

Books won't help you. See a therapist. Seriously.

>> No.18753898

90% of incels could have sex if they wanted to.
but they only want to fuck 9s and 10s and not on their own scale
and I've noticed most use mottos like "no fatties" even if they live in Houston.

>> No.18753903

>even if they live in Houston
Top lol

>> No.18753932

The Holy Bible.

>> No.18753954

no, these are things your mind and body are making you experience in order to push you towards some kind of real self improvement.


>> No.18753961
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shut the fuck up sex haver, dont try to compare yourself to me, dont ever reply to my posts ever again, dont ever think were in the same boat, were literally in opposite situations, you are a low iq below average normgroid who cant comprehend what a luxury it is to have relationships with other girls. youre nothing but a normal NT failed normie, you had sex, which means you have had at least a few girls in your life that you could interact with, you had girls like so you much even that they were willing to get to the highest form of intimacy, you having had sex means you had intimiate relationships and got the highest accomplishment you can have biologically. Sex and generally being intimate with a girl is a physiological necessity for humans and you being NT with your inability for introspection and empathy means you could never possibly comprehend the psychological torture that people like me endure, you wouldnt be able to live even a week without jamming a fork into the nearest outlet if you would know what it feels like to be forever alone, the mental problems from knowing that youre totally fucked and will never have a person that will understand you and be willing to be intimate with you will make you reevalute if a death penalty would really be a punishment in this situation

>> No.18753989

This but unironically

>> No.18754045

I can't imagine letting sex dominate your thoughts all the time like this.
I'm a kissless virgin and I think about it like four times a year.

>> No.18754065

if this isn't a meme, I will have you know that up until I was 24 I was a virgin and my journals were pretty much "I hate women so much, why won't they fuck me, I wish I was dead". I would get drunk and cut myself and cry.

I'm 34 now, i don't have as much sex as I would want to, but I have slept with a few women, I realized that women alone would not make me happy, I mean I can get pussy if I hire a hooker, but what I want from women is validation, validation that I am a valuable person because some girl decided "yes he can hump me"

so work on yourself, women and pussy will not make you a successful person. be yourself, by yourself, for yourself.

>> No.18754070

yeah but you're not an unhinged dangerous fuck either. 4chan is a poison to twerps like him. he's ready to go postal.
also, a real conversation killer

>> No.18754103

well, I can understand him because for me sex is always an annoying part of my personality that takes over my rational circuit. I suffer from extreme jealousy sometimes, for example when I girl is being affectionate to another guy, even if I don't really like her, my instincts tell me "look, she chose him. not you. So obviously you're a loser, a pariah, you can't even reach her standards. You will never get laid, you will die alone, nobody wants to fuck you."

This voice, it's so strong. It makes me upset, extremely angry. I use CBT to try to calm myself down. I tell myself "I don't even like the dumb girl!" but there is something inside, perhaps something chemical, that always succeeds at upsetting me.

>> No.18754120

I believe it depends on how you were brought up. In my case, I watched a lot of porn when I was a teenager, so I believe that strengthen the porn circuitry in my brain, so now basically every girl I meet is just a giant pussy without a personality. Before my porn phase, I was completely indifferent to girls. Boys would tell me "that girl likes you" and I would be "so? what the fuck am I supposed to do? I don't like her, she doesn't like the books I read, she's boring. I don't understand why you want me to spend time with her".

Man I hate porn. I could have been such a different person.

>> No.18754130

Cock and ball torture?

>> No.18754170

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.18754405

look up a YT channel called JulienHimself. he teaches a type of letting go meditation that deals with the healing the subconscious mind and releasing negative, self-destructive patterns. all of the stuff you described you can be freed from. it's gonna be ok OP.

>> No.18754870

If you want a legitimate answer I'm guessing incels are in their situation more because they have a confidence or anxiety related issue that impedes their social ability rather than plain physical unattractiveness.
Sex can be seen as a form of social validation and having sex could be the way they visualize success in that grim scenario.

>> No.18754876

This, but start with the sumerians

>> No.18755129

Good post

>> No.18756523

I wish I had something to blame, I've always liked and been attracted to girls and women as long as I can remember