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/lit/ - Literature

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18752464 No.18752464 [Reply] [Original]

Empedocles - no kids, an hero
Heraclitus - no kids
Silenus - no kids
Parmenides - no kids
Plato - gay nigga
Epicurus - no kids
Epictetus - no kids
Seneca - no kids, an hero
Bodhidharma - no kids
Zhuang - no kids
Abhinavagupta - no kids
Shankaracharya - no kids
Mani - no kids
Al-Kindi - no kids
Al-Farabi - no kids
Averroes - no kids
Avicenna - no kids
Aquinas - no kids
Spinoza - no kids
Kant - no kids
Leibniz - no kids
Hume - no kids
Kierkegaard - no kids
Fourier - no kids
Schopenhauer - no kids
Stirner - no kids
Mainländer - no kids, an hero
Nietzsche - no kids
Weininger - no kids, an hero
Michelstaedter - no kids, an hero
Spengler - no kids
Wittgenstein - gay nigga
Zapffe - no kids
Weil - no kids
Evola - no kids
Arendt - no kids
Beauvoir - no kids
Sartre - no kids
Debord - no kids, an hero
Caraco - no kids, an hero
Cioran - no kids
Althusser - no kids
Foucault - gay nigga
Kaczynski - no kids
John Gray - no kids

Losers and autists. Every single one of 'em. Are you man enough to pass on your genes /lit/?

>> No.18752472
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>procration is patrician

>> No.18752511

Yeah, pretty much. You might not like the lesser races, but they'll inherit the earth.

>> No.18752532

Inherit the yoke you mean

>> No.18752561

Is it possible any of them had bastards? Nietzsche was said to frequent brothels and it wouldn't surprise if that were true for many of the names on the list. Even granting many brothels likely performed non-impregnating sex acts.

>> No.18752574

OP - no kids, gay nigga, an hero

>> No.18752581
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>> No.18752617

>pic related
I always knew you guys were like family to me, because you literally are

>> No.18752620

If women were more likely to have offspring then there'd be an evolutionary advantage to having daughters. Yet babies are born 50/50 by gender which suggests not

>> No.18752630

Yeah that's what I was going to say. 16/17 didn't reproduce, but they still fucked.

>> No.18752641

You realize that you have to raise them, right?

>> No.18752643

And that if you are a known person, your enemies will go after your children to hurt you.

>> No.18752644


>> No.18752652

>babies are born 50/50 by gender
Surely there's some smart science-y guy here who can explain this - how do human bodies regulate this shit? How do women's bodies know if they should "create" a boy or a girl so that the total at the end could result in 50:50 ratio? Because some of them are giving birth only to one gender, yet at the end it's equal.

>> No.18752658
File: 11 KB, 340x296, 15B3850A-2FBD-48C6-9307-9F0DB4DB6730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re seriously a retard if you are convinced by sour grapes incels on 4chan to not have kids if you otherwise could.

Think for a moment why someone would so vociferously defend not having reproducing… just use your brain for a single minute, I’m begging you /lit/…

>> No.18752659

It isn't women who get to "pick", but he is right.

>> No.18752664

You can spawn your own shields?

>> No.18752668

It's not true:

>"In-line with ‘frail male’ predictions, we find that boys are less likely to be born during the environmentally challenging times of the Spanish Flu and Great Depression."

System won't let me link, but it's from a study posted in Nature.

>> No.18752673

The man generates 50/50 sperm with an X or a Y.

>> No.18752674
File: 28 KB, 310x455, famous philosophers talking about females.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science-y guy here who can explain this
It's called "In the beginning God created Man and then woman out of his rib."

>> No.18752678

>Yet babies are born 50/50 by gender
They actually aren't. It slightly favors males (by a pretty small margin)
>If women were more likely to have offspring then there'd be an evolutionary advantage to having daughters
Perhaps. But there isn't. And women absolutely are more likely to have offspring. Then, and now.

>> No.18752688

Just want to point out that the article is explained by males being more likely to die in childbirth and getting no culled by war, not because men in the past were incels

>> No.18752693

>And women absolutely are more likely to have offspring
That's because bearing children is practically woman's only use. Men don't need to father children to be useful.

>> No.18752694

Noooo, my ancient incel archetyperino.

>> No.18752703

Why are chadspammers so insecure?

>> No.18752706

I'm not a smart science-y guy, but I'll try. Males are more likely to die, either because of hard labor, wars, fighting with other males of the group, hunting dangerous predators etc.
Since one male can easily impregnate several women, this translates to women being more or less guaranteed to pass on their genes. While males have to both survive, and reach a high enough position on the social totem pole to spread theirs.
Babies being born at near 50/50 by gender has no bearing on any of this.

>> No.18752711

>Men don't need to father children to be useful.
True. But they're just as much driven to spread their own genes as the women are, if not more so.

>> No.18752731
File: 46 KB, 512x399, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you were actually asking why it's 50/50. Pic related. Sperm is made up of equal parts y chromosome and x chromosome.

>> No.18752744

>Sperm is made up of equal parts y chromosome and x chromosome.
why tho?

>> No.18752748

The answer is that Y-DNA mutates more rapidly than MT-DNA, making it more difficult to trace paternal lineages than to trace maternal lineages. There are datasets that have found Y-DNA ancestors as old as our MT-DNA ancestors, but for some reason they are not reported in.

>> No.18752774
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Hitler had no kids and still there are people that act like him. Jesus had no kids and there still are people who act like him. Having kids isn't the only way to change the world.

>> No.18753320

This was the trivers-willard hypothesis where they said that women select to be more likely to have girls in stressful times (famines and whatnot) because girls have a higher guarantee of passing on genes than boys.

>> No.18753465
File: 66 KB, 512x463, unnamed-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.18753491

Boys come from the left ball, girls from the right.

>> No.18753495

Regardless they'll take your place
It is a law of nature

>> No.18753498

>Plato - gay nigga


>> No.18753500

Your choice of authors and you even ironically describing everyone who committed suicide as heroes really shows how much of a child and faggot you are.

Gay nigger, suicide based, skewed statistics: very much 2010s. Get out of here with your larpy edginess and sarcasm. We‘re all about the Physical and Sincere now.
Neue lives in Sincerity and Leidenschaft; Neue will be reason for everyone to make it; Neue Welt.

>> No.18753509

Really, it'll be the chinese.

>> No.18753606

>No kids
Probably because they were fucking a harem of girls in their arses/mouths and were too galaxy brained to procreate.

>> No.18753669

the chinese equivalent to 4chan was banned long ago. users got tired to accessing edgy websites using a vpn, and now they only communicate on government sanctioned forums.
imagine if our government banned 4chan... imagine the time I'd still have, the moments that wouldn't be lost on this place.

>> No.18754052

because male chromosomes are XY and meiosis goes XY XXYY X Y X Y. please take intro bio before commenting on the subject. a chromosome can only get created from one that currently exists

>> No.18754119

I unironically believe in multiple wives and girlfriends as partners. I've seen probably several thousand couples throughout the years and the overwhelming majority of 8-10/10 women are with men that are not nearly as attractive and this is true even accounting for socioeconomic asymmetry. Most women settle for average looking men. They despise being single and whatever fat and circumstance provide, they take and then oxytocin and love hormones obscure the reality of the situation and they pair bond. I see many women with ugly men and my instinct is to just fight them and take the women for myself. This is not a lustful impulse. It's not that I desire them as much as I desire uglies and average men to be deprived of them.

t. 10/10

If this was more primitive society, men like me would have several good looking women and ugly people would be with who they deserve, uglies, fatties, or nobody.

>> No.18754266

if you were as good as you claim, you could have multiple

>> No.18754324

It's not enough. I want to see average and sub average men barred from any relationship, courtship, or marriage with or of, highly attractive women.

>> No.18754349

According to Plato, for the mortal to reach higher to the immortal you either have physical children, or something far greater and which will outlive any physical lineage, the children of the mind: Ideas.

>> No.18754406

Plato had a wife and children

>> No.18754442

Marcus Aurelius - 14 kids
It's a shame none of 'em survived except worthless Commodus. Shows the supremacy of Stoicism.

>> No.18754746

Imagine having enough will power to quit