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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my dream guy is a guy that's fitlit, writes poetry, reads, listens to metal and understands my autism

oh and is a stem major/works in a stem field or at least makes decent money doing something else

where do i find him?

>> No.18574


are you a...girl?

>> No.18606

Are you a homosex?

>> No.18608

>writes poetry
>listens to metal
So you want someone with good taste and simultaneously shit taste?

>> No.18618

>listens to metal
Pick one and only one.

>> No.18633

Yes, I'm a girl. Bisexual so I would take a fitlit girlfriend as well if the opportunity came :)

but it won't so

>> No.18747

Metal is listened to by intelligent people. There are studies

>> No.18762

The likelihood of finding a person like that doing normie shit like clubbing is literally zero. I mean the level of autism needed to count every calorie ingested, going to the gym religiously and reading would leave you no time for normieness. You'd have to find him in his natural habitat and since he would most likely read at home like a neet, the gym would be the best place to encounter the omega chad.

>> No.18809
File: 230 KB, 753x999, apostle john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu my dream girl is one who's fitlit, Catholic marxist, watches anime, and listens to art music.
Unfortunately I know this can't happen, partly because there are no women like that, but mostly because I just described myself, and I realize how vain that is.
Guess I'll become a priest like the rest of the smart people.

>> No.18825

Since when was autism required to be fit? It's not that hard to count calories. I can't tell meatheads from one another at the gym.

>> No.18831
File: 102 KB, 746x500, 1485120287772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal is listened to by intelligent people. There are studies

>> No.18851

become a warrior monk like mad dog mattis
devote life to killing muzzies
life a fulfilled life

>> No.18864


You're not gonna find a poet working a high paid STEM job, whom works out, and listens to metal.

but I would write you bad poems to titillate the tastebuds of your wondrous mind, if you be a fair lady for my heart.

>> No.18885

not here faget

>> No.18889

what do you have to offer in return?

>> No.18909

I lift, but not stem
but read
Come here and rock
a little on my cock,
m'lady, witness here I
come, cover your eye
>decent money
Show decent ass first, then we talk

>> No.18925

Why can't people be well rounded? I am. There are fitlit engineers though, right? That's realistic.

>> No.18934
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, clarence0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're bunching every lifter together. I'm talking about people like pic related that spend an incredible amount of time to raise their lifts by a kilo, not normie otter mode retards.

>> No.18959

>Why can't people be well rounded? I am
>i am
Details please

>> No.19042

I see. I don't want someone that crazy about lifting.
i'm fitlit, im writing a ya novel, i want to go to med school, i like psychology and religion, listen to metal and dream pop and watch anime. im also into natural living and the occult.

>> No.19087

clarance is a god amongst men you whore
apologize right now

>> No.19166


Probably not. You may find facets of each in varying degrees but mostly a mind is cultivated to perform a singular task and sticks to that singular task. Someone whose worked hard for a degree in engineering is not going to challenge themselves to read the classics on top of a high earning, highly intensive job.To get gd at something takes time and we're increasingly creatures of leisure so NOT multi-faceted beings. But best of luck to all of ye.

>> No.19176


>> No.19211
File: 244 KB, 1280x942, rehost%2F2016%2F9%2F13%2Fbce06902-a75b-44d7-b11e-7b809f258161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.19219


What's your novella about?

>> No.19221

God doesn't real, your novel is going to suck, you'll never be a doctor

>> No.19231

fuck this is exactly me and i hate it

>> No.19260

but im doing well in school rn and my cocurriculars are solid. you're mean.
my book will be great.
god is real.

>> No.19297

We mean biologically, faggot

>> No.19349

here on fit we picture you lits as hambeasts unless proof is given.

>> No.19390
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>> No.19427


nom nom nom