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1874309 No.1874309 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know much about this? Or alternatively, does anyone have any recommendations on occult literature? I find the batshit insanity of a lot of it quite entertaining.

>> No.1874326

Grant Morrison's Guide to Masturbation Magic:


>> No.1874354

wtf is this?

>> No.1874360


sheer brilliance, that's what.

>> No.1874366

I haven't read that one OP but I have some other Ixaxaar stuff.

Qabala, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic is a good one I don't hesitate to recommend.

>> No.1874373

My problem with a lot of this stuff is how fucking expensive it is. I don't typically purchase a lot of books, so I don't know if this is a typical thing, but 50 euros for a book is a bit much.

>> No.1874382

The Qliphoth is the hipster version of Satanism. Think about it

>> No.1874388

I was gonna make my own thread, but this serves just as well.

So I'm listening to this obscure band called Mighty Sphincter. The album itself is an EP making it even more rare. Anyway, the intro track has the singer narrating this passage.

"I am the wind that speaks a song that man shall not forget to remember. My music haunts this world as we speak. I am the Voice of the underground, the shadow of those who stand in the blinding light. I am a tale told in sorrow ... a memory that has yet to be lived. Will you touch the sound that heals you? Or shun my voice in some vacuous space. Though I tell you, I am a persistent song that will be heard, and not forgotten. All of my Voice, a chorus of many. An overlay of tones and verses. A whisper and a cry. A murmur of indescribable Truth that you cannot help but to hear. For it comes not from without, but from within your very soul. Keepers of the Legend, our time has come to remember. LISTEN. Open your heart to me that I may release your soul."

So I Google a part of that verse and find out it's from something called The Book of Azrael. When I try and Google The Book of Azrael I get very little results. The most I can figure is that it's written by Leilah Wendell, but there's little information on her as well.

>> No.1874391
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.1874394

The Necronomicon.

>> No.1874427

Remember that you may be opening some part of yourself to an influx of information from "non-
ordinary", apparently "Other" sources.If you practice ceremonial magic and attempt to summon
godforms or spirits things will undoubtedly happen.Your foundations will be tested.There is
always the danger of obsession and madness.As magical work progresses, you will be forces
into confrontation with your deepest darkest fears and desires.It's easy to become scared,
paranoid, and stupid.Stay fluid, cling to no one self-image and maintain your sense of humor at
all times.Genuine laughter is the most effective banishing ritual available.

>> No.1874432

Yo OP. I'm just starting to get into this stuff after rediscovering comics and reading too much Grant Morrison and finding some chaos magick pdfs on the web..

I'm going to dig into Crowley, Israel Regardie and John Dee first.

I'm guessing this noob stuff. But hey, I'm a noob!

>> No.1874433

Oh dear Lord, this really is masturbation magic.

>> No.1874437

Did you know that The Invisibles wasn't selling well, Grant Morrison wrote in the letters and told everyone to masturbate so the sales would pick up?

The sales picked up.

>> No.1874438

Lol. Yeah. Morrison says magic always works.

>> No.1874442

The viral sigil also known as the BRAND or LOGO is not of recent development (see
"Christianity," "the Nazis" and any flag of any nation) but has become an inescapable global
phenomenon in recent years.It's easy to see the Nazi movement as the last gasp of Imperial
Age thinking; the visionary savages still thought world domination meant tramping over the
"enemy" and seizing his real estate.If only they'd had the foresight to see that global domination
has nothing to do with turf and everything to do with media they would have anticipated corporate
stealth-violence methods and combined them with their undoubted design sense; the rejected
artists who engineered the Third Reich might have created the 20th century's first global
superbrand and spared the lives of many potential consumers.The McDonald's Golden Arches,
the Nike swoosh and the Virgin autograph are all corporate viral sigils.

>> No.1874444

And The Apple.

Rainbow apple of knowledge, sin and Satan.

And the holy cross of microsoft. A window onto heaven.

>> No.1874466

Blah blah blah. Anybody genuinely interested in occult literature ought to be reading Giordano Bruno. And if you want some idea of the relevance of the occult today, try reading some of the works of the late Ioan P Couliano, or else read the biography of him: "Eros, Magic and the Death of Professor Culianu" by Ted Anton.

There's a reason why Bruno's "De Vinculis in Genere" is taught on the politics syllabus at Cambridge. It's basically the origin of everything you're saying about "branding" and "sigils". And Culianu actually attempted to use Bruno's techniques against the fascist regime in Romania in the 1980s. And was assassinated for it.

In other words, this is a documented case of the use of occult techniques in political circles. About 25 years ago. Read it. And read Bruno.

Seriously, even JAMES JOYCE said Bruno was the most important single influence on his own work.

>> No.1874581

Yeah, but Morrison writes comics a reaches a much more general audience. Also,
>DEMONS ARE... No more, no less than the way you feel inside after you've been dumped by a beloved or exposed by one's peers as a freak or any of the other negative value defaults we have access to as human beings.Hell is ONLY the Cringe Eternal and the Place of Our Self's Undoing.When Nietzche proclaimed "God is dead!" he forgot to add that Satan is also dead and we are Free from all that antique tat.
I like the idea of Hell being the "Cringe Eternal."