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18741497 No.18741497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

From a Perennialist or Traditionalist perspective, does Baha'i contain anything worthwhile? I'm sold on Gnosticism, but I'd like to hear some personal opinions on the Baha'i tradition (if it can be called Tradition).

>> No.18741658

You can look into gnosticism beyond Christianity if you are seeking diversity. There are a number of cool gnostic religions spread out in space and time. Just taking a look on Wikipedia can help you find them, and from there, you can find their holy books and books about them.

>> No.18741680

retard read more

>> No.18742535

Based and helpful gnostic chad.

Traditionalism is typically m*nist and pro-cosmic, gnosticism is dualistic and acosmic.

>> No.18742543

>gnosticism beyond Christianity
Isn't gnosticism inherently tied to Christianity? The Nag Hammadi texts for example.
I don't know if I agree with monism, nondualism makes complete rational sense but muh problem of evil etc
I agree with this though, the world isn't real

>> No.18742573

>he's into picking & choosing
try Buddhism

>> No.18742580

>he's a dogmatic retard who thinks asking questions is sinful
Try chris— well I guess I don't have to tell you

>> No.18742639
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Bahai and capital T Tradition are probably closer to modern theosophy than either are to gnosticism. Both of those are from the "wut if all religion true?" family of positions that only an intellectually stunted person could have, or they are the result of making religion downstream of one's political interests, interests which are usually pointless if one does not wield any state power. Thus to base one's spiritual investigations on irrelevant or impotent political desires, as many here do, is the ultimate folly.
In buddhism it's basically (You) who are the demiurge and not an external bad actor. But why shouldn't people of diverse conditionings pick what works for them, so long as it works? That is, provided they aren't picking little superficial components from each set of doctrines they pretend to study and deciding it is a coherent whole, which is just an intensification of a shopping addiction.

>> No.18742652

>Isn't gnosticism inherently tied to Christianity?

No, it has antecedents in Orphism and Egypt, not to mention Christianity can also just be one of a variety of materials, like in Sethianism or Manichaeism.

>> No.18742893

Baha'i is completely counter-Traditional and would lead you astray from the Truth. Look into Shi'a Islam if you are looking for the gnostic element of Islam.

>One day the Commander of the Faithful took me by the hand in the mosque and led me out of it. When he had gone out into the desert, he breathed a deep sigh and said: “Kumayl, these hearts are containers (of knowledge); the best of them are those which best preserve (the knowledge). Therefore preserve what I say to you. There are three kinds of people: One who knows the Lord (for His own sake), one who acquires knowledge as a means of salvation and low class rabble, followers of every crower, who bend with every breeze. These men do not seek to be illuminated by the light of learning, nor do they resort to any sure authority. [...] Kumayl, those who amass wealth die even as they live while those who possess knowledge will continue to exist for as long as time lasts. Their individual entities will disappear but their images will remain in the hearts (of men). [...] Here, indeed is much knowledge,” and he pointed to his breast. “If I could come upon men who would carry it..."

>> No.18742905


>> No.18742920
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Yes. Baha'is are apostates and the ruling on apostates is very clear in Islam.

>> No.18742926

Who cares

>> No.18743676
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>> No.18743696

/lit/ - Religion